MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 766 headquarters meeting

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"We will also prepare the special food of Sky Island, which will definitely satisfy you."

When Gamfor said this, he looked at Robin with a kind smile on his face.

Robin's face was full of longing, and he turned to look at Yin Lumi.

"it is good."

Yin Lumi nodded, and a large number of black silk threads shot out from under his feet to form a giant black eagle. A pair of huge wings spread out, setting off a gust of wind.

"Is this... the legendary devil fruit from Qinghai?"

Ganfur stared at the black eagle in front of Yin Lumi in amazement.

Yin Lumi didn't answer, he jumped on his back, and then shot out two black thorns from the black eagle's back, entangled Robin and Olvia, and brought them up.

Hei Si Mou, Yi Wo Zuo, and Walter jumped on Black Eagle's back one after another.

"The old man will go down with you, so as to avoid conflicts between God's team and everyone."


Ganfur called out to his mount, and the strange bird called "Pie~" and turned into a spotted horse and ran over. Ganfur jumped on the horse's back and held the rein tightly, and flew to the clouds.

Yin Lumi manipulated the giant black eagle to flap its wings to keep up, and the two passed through layer after layer of island clouds, and reached the sky above the shrine at the waist of the huge bean vine.

"Master God!"

"What kind of creature is that black flying bird?"

"There is someone on the back of the bird!"

"Not from Sky Island!"

Ganfur and Yin Lumi's party landed in the shrine. At this time, thousands of members of the **** team gathered in the shrine, discussing around Yin Lumi and the giant black eagle at their feet.

The members of the **** team here are only half of the total establishment, and the other half have to guard against the attack of the Sandia.

"The state of emergency has been lifted, everyone go do their own things."

Gamfur sat on horseback and gave orders to the thousands of members of the shrine.

"Hi Yin! My lord!"

The shrine team members responded unevenly, and dense voices lingered over the shrine.

Thousands of members of the shrine left one after another in groups, leaving only Gan Fuer, Yin Lumi and his party in the shrine, as well as the priests and the waiters who were in charge of the daily life and food of the "god".

"Go down and get ready. I'm going to entertain these archaeologists from Qinghai with delicious food from Sky Island."

"Hi Yin!"

Ganfur gave instructions to a priest, who nodded and turned to leave.

When evening comes, the sun puts away its dazzling light and turns into a golden disc. The sunset glow reflects on the clouds in the sky, shining golden, like a golden plain.

"Seven years ago, a group of people from Qinghai came to Sky Island."

"They are like you, they didn't sail from the top of the western sky, but flew up directly from under this sky."

In the shrine, Ganfort, Yin Lumi, Olvia, and Robin sat around a square low table. On the table were many steaming Sky Island delicacies, both meat and vegetarian.

Hei Si Mou and the others are waiting outside, they don't need to eat human food.

In the shrine, the waiters came over with fine wine from Sky Island and poured wine for the four of them.

"Gulu Gulu... hiccup~"

Robin picked up the wine glass and drank it like water, and after drinking it, he hiccupped extremely inelegantly, and his little face turned red.

"Hahaha... This is the fruit wine made from the fruits I grew myself, is it delicious?"

Gamfor looked at the flushed Robin and laughed.


Robin smiled with a flushed face, and Olvia smiled and rubbed her little head.

"The group of people you just mentioned are pirates."

Yin Lumi also raised his glass and took a sip, and said.

"Well, they are a group of very enthusiastic and heroic pirates, and the captain's name is Gol? d? Roger."

Ganfur held the wine glass, thought about it, and said.

"Sure enough, that person has been to Sky Island."

When Olvia heard this, she suddenly became pensive.

"Oh? You know Roger?"

Ganfort looked at Olvia in surprise.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on Rogers!"

Robin took out a piece of white meat from a shell with a tachymeter, put it into his mouth, and said while eating.

"One Piece?"

"Sure enough, people like them must be very famous down there."

Ganfur sighed with a face full of memories.

"already dead."

"Five years ago, he was executed by the world government."

Yin Lumi picked up a white scaleless fish and continued the conversation.

"He is such a passionate and heroic person, but he will be executed?" Ganfor was stunned, and then asked in doubt: "What kind of organization is the world government?"

"Gol? Roger is a pirate. There are countless people in the world who died because of him or indirectly by him. Countless people want to put him to death."

"Pirates are people who stand on the opposite side of the vast majority of people in the world. They don't abide by the law, disrupt order, stop production, burn, kill and plunder. They are a group of lawless people."

"The World Government is a governing body composed of an alliance of hundreds of countries, which has existed for eight hundred years. Their main responsibility is to maintain world order, eliminate pirates, and protect the safety of civilians."

Yin Lumi explained a little bit.

"Hundreds of countries, eight hundred organizations..."

"No wonder Roger will be executed, no one can face such a behemoth."

Ganfur was surprised when he heard the words, and then fell silent.

"However, listening to you, this world government is indeed a just organization that benefits the world."

Ganfort said.

"Justice exists, but it has been rotten for many years." Yin Lumi took a sip of fruit wine and said with a smile: "Now Qinghai is in an era of rampage, and opponents of the world government come and go."

"In this chaotic era of rampage, how long can the just world government last?"

When Yin Lumi said this, Olvia next to him stared at Yin Lumi thoughtfully.

That night, Ganfur arranged a place for Yin Lumi and his party to stay overnight.

Early the next morning, Olvia took Robin to say goodbye to Ganfur, and then followed Yin Lumi to leave the empty island and return to Qinghai below.

When Yin Lumi and his party left from Sky Island and returned to Gaya Island, the Navy Headquarters held a general-level meeting.

At this time, Marine Headquarters, Marlin Vandor.

"Nicole Robin?"

In the meeting room of the headquarters, a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters was sitting in the fourth row of seats, looking at the picture of the little **** the screen with doubts in his eyes.

"What? Nicole? Robin?"

On the third row of seats in front of the major general, Lieutenant Admiral Kuzan of the Navy Headquarters put his left hand on the armrest and his right hand on his chin, looking lazy and not awake.

Hearing the beeping sound of the major general behind him, he opened his heavy eyelids and looked at the screen.

"What, it's just that they look alike."

Kuzan looked at the girl with short silver hair in the photo, grumbled weakly, and his eyelids collapsed again.

"You wake me up!"

"This is Nicole Robin in disguise!"

"This is your responsibility!"


Sitting on Kuzan's right was Sakaski. Seeing Kuzan's lazy look, he couldn't help reminding him.

But Kuzan didn't care about him. He dug his right ear hole with his right thumb, tilted his head to the other side, and switched to his left hand to support his chin.

"It's just a nine-year-old kid. Is it necessary to call us all?"

"I'm guarding the g2 branch in the New World. It's very tiring to call the headquarters like this~"

Polusalino sat on the seat on Sakalski's right, holding a cup of steaming black tea in his hand, took a breath, glanced at the screen with raised eyelids, and took a slow sip .

"Kuzan, Polusalino!"

"You two, be serious with me!"

General Zhan Guo, who was sitting in the first row, couldn't stop frowning, and he slapped his palm on the table with a "Peng", and the atmosphere in the meeting room was solemn.

Kuzan and Polusalino became a little more serious now, but they still looked lazy and carefree.

Obviously, the majesty of the general is effective, but not very effective.

"Keep talking!"

Warring States looked at the brigadier general in front of the screen and said.


The brigadier general opened his mouth and replied.

"The information this time comes from the Carnival City branch in the first half."

"According to the report submitted by Lieutenant General Yin Geer, [Son of the Devil] Nicole Robin and her companions had a conflict with [September Hunter] Katerina Deppen in Carnival City over the sale of clothes and killed her. "

"This is a photo of Nicole Robin and her companions."

The Brigadier General tapped the remote control in his hand, and the picture of Nicole Robin on the screen shrank, and there were six more pictures.

From left to right, they are Olvia, Yin Lumi, Ghost Dance Tsuji, Black Death Mou, Yiwozuo, and Walter.

In particular, the photo of Hei Si Mou is divided into two parts, the one with the mask on the left, and the six-eyed version without the mask on the right.

In the meeting room, some rear admirals who were originally lacking in interest finally lifted their spirits when they saw the photos on the screen.

Kuzan and Polusalino stared intently at the screen, too.

"Ah la la~ That red-haired woman is... Nicole Olvia?"

Kuzan stared at the red-haired face on the screen that looked very similar to Nicole Robin, and immediately recognized it.

"Oh~ they look very distinctive~"

Polusalino’s eyes wandered over the photos of Yin Lumi, Hei Simou, Yiwozuo and others. Their eyes were either red or golden, especially Hei Simou, who actually had six eyes.

However, none of the admirals present were surprised at all. They have been traveling in the new world all year round. What strange appearances have they never seen?

"As you can see, this woman with long red hair is the mother of Nicole Robin, Nicole Olvia!"

"Compared to Nicole Robin, who was only nine years old, Nicole Olvia traveled the world in search of historical texts, and even escaped from the Navy headquarters after being captured, she is more dangerous to the world than her daughter Much higher."

"And these people!"

The commodore raised his voice and pointed to the remaining six photos on the screen.

"Although there is no definite evidence yet, these people are very likely to be the ones who rescued Nicole Robin in West Sea O'Hara!"

"However, the most important point is..."

"Nicole Olvia, who was supposed to die in the Demon Slaughter Order, unexpectedly reappeared on the Great Route!"

"Then, are those O'Hara scholars who should have died under the Demon Slaughter Order also active in a certain corner of this world?"

The brigadier general's words made the atmosphere in the meeting room extremely heavy.

Zhan Guo's face was even more gloomy.

The purpose of the O'Hara incident was to kill those archaeologists and destroy all materials and documents related to the historical text.

Now, knowing that the O'Hara scholars did not die under the fire of the Demon Slaying Order, and may still be active somewhere in this world, it shows that...

A year ago, the actions of the Navy and World Government were a complete failure!

The faces of the world government and the navy were severely trampled on the ground by a group of lawbreakers of unknown origin.

And they didn't notice it at all.