MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 794 capital of flowers

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At 6:00 am on September 30, 1504, the Blackwater Fleet arrived in Wano Country.


The turbulent current hits the reefs and cliffs, making a "boom".

"Boss, the terrain here is steep, and it is difficult for our fleet to pass through. The best case is to go up one by one, and the risk is very high."

A navigator reported to Yin Lu Mystery that there is currently only one hidden route leading to the inland sea from Wano country's sea area.

But this route is full of dangers. In addition to the turbulent currents, reefs and cliffs on the surface, there are undercurrents and hidden reefs under the current, which is a hell-level challenge for navigators.

Although the ships of the Blackwater Fleet are built with advanced technology in Balkimoa, they are strong and durable, but they cannot withstand frequent collisions with reefs and rocks.

"We didn't come here to fight the Hundred Beasts Pirates. Our goal is the text of history. Going in with great fanfare would make it inconvenient to move."

Yin Lumi looked at Olvia, Pride, Heishimu, Walter and others at the side, and at the three second lieutenants at the side, and ordered:

"After all, this is the headquarters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. Just in case, I will bring all the high-end combat power with me. The fleet will stay here to meet us. If there is any situation, let me know as soon as possible."

"Yes, boss!" x3

The three second lieutenants responded at the same time, and one of them was the second lieutenant Trank.

After Yin Lumi finished speaking, a large number of black shadows shot out from under his feet and condensed into a huge black eagle. He opened his arms to hug Olvia and Robin respectively, and jumped onto the black eagle's back.

"Others, come to me."

Praed's voice rang in everyone's ears, and when they turned their heads, a huge black eagle of the same size had gathered in front of Praed.

Everyone jumped onto the back of Pledge's black eagle one after another, black thorns shot out from the eagle's body, wrapped around everyone's body, and fixed them on the eagle's back.

"Ah, this is really violent, but the boss is more gentle."

Tong Mo looked at Yin Lumi with a fake smile on his face. Except for Yin Lumi who was standing, Robin and Olvia were both sitting on a black chair, their upper body protected by a protective rail, and A dome-shaped cabin is thoughtfully made.


Two black eagles flapped their wings slowly, and then soared into the sky, ignoring the violent wind and rain, passing through the night at high speed.




Wano country, the capital of flowers.

"Give way…"

"Welcome, would you like a signature flower udon?"

"Delicious and delicious, Huadu's unique grass dumplings and fancha, my lord, let's have some."

Yin Lumi and his group were walking on the streets of Huadu, surrounded by various local snacks and specialties, shouting endlessly.

Although the streets were densely populated with a large number of men, women and children in various kimonos, Yin Lumi and his party still attracted a lot of attention. Wherever they went, people would stop and watch.

"Where are they from?"

"Why don't they wear kimonos?"

"Their clothes are so beautiful."

Pedestrians on the street looked at the backs of Yin Lumi and his party, talking a lot.

In Wano country, a closed country that only wears kimonos, a group of people in modern clothes suddenly appeared, which is indeed very eye-catching.

"where are we going?"

Olvia took Robin's hand, followed Yin Lumi to the right, and asked.

"General's Mansion."

Yin Lumi looked up at the center of Huadu, where there was an independent mountain, covered with spectacular waterfalls, and a huge crescent-shaped welcoming pine on the top of the mountain guarded an antique palace. The City of Flowers where cherry blossoms dance around the city.

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Yin Lumi and his group walked quickly to the General's Mansion under the attention of passers-by.

Oni Island, the headquarters of the Beast Pirates...

"Governor Kaido!"

A pirate in black leather ran into the cave and shouted.

"Gulu Gulu..."

In a dark cave, a burly figure sat on the ground, holding a wine barrel in his right hand and pouring wine with his head up, his throat pulsating, making "gulu" swallowing sounds.

"Hi~ what's the matter?"

Kaido put down the barrel, hiccupped, and asked drunkenly.

"Governor Kaido, our people found Moonlight Moria in Jiuli!"

"He has assembled the pirate group and plans to fight against our Beast Pirates!"

The leather pirate looked up at Kaido and reported respectfully.

"Moonlight Moriah?"

"Hi~ I see."

Hearing this, Kaido raised his eyebrows indifferently, dropped the barrel in his hand, picked up another barrel from his side, and continued to drink with his head raised.

"Uh... there is one more thing." The leather pirate paused and continued to report: "General Orochi's people have a message that the Whitebeard Pirates are sailing towards our waters."

"Their target is a wanted man named Yin Lumi by the world government, and this wanted man is now in Wano Country."

The leather pirate spoke cautiously.


As soon as the words fell, a black figure flew out from the side of the leather pirate. Behind him, the black figure exploded with a "Peng", and the wine and sawdust splashed out and fell to the ground.

"That stinky old man with the white beard, he thinks his life is too long!?"

"How dare you step into the land of labor and management!?"

Kaido, who was sitting in the shadow, flew into a rage instantly, and the leather pirate stood there with his head bowed, trembling.

"Call me Jin and Quinn!"

Kaido yelled at the leather pirate.

"Hi...Hi Yin!"

The leather pirate responded tremblingly, and quickly turned around and ran out of the cave, fearing that if he was too slow, he would be left inside forever.

At this time, the Capital of Flowers, the General's Mansion...

Yin Lumi and his group stood outside the gate of the General's Mansion. There were colorful mansions in the General's Mansion, and the beautiful cherry blossoms that could be seen everywhere were fluttering in the air.

From time to time, there is a burst of sweet string music in the palace, the melody is beautiful and fascinating.


"Who are you!?"

At the gate of the General's Mansion, two warriors guarding the gate stopped Yin Lumi and his party and questioned them.

"Notify Heitan Orochi that someone is looking for him to get something."

Yin Lumi said calmly.


"You actually called the general by his name!"

The two warriors suddenly drew their swords because Yin Lumi called the general by his name. UU reading

"Peng!" x2

As soon as the two samurai drew out their samurai swords, they turned into two black shadows and shot out, crashing through the gate of the general's mansion. Big hole, lying on the ground motionless, lost breath.

"Someone has invaded the General's Mansion!"

"Protect the General!"

"Where are the royal family members!?"

Following the sound of the two warriors bumping into each other, the General's Mansion immediately became noisy and busy, and dozens of warriors gathered at the gate of the General's Mansion.

"Shuh!" x6

At the same time, six imperial court fans dressed up as ninjas appeared on the walls on both sides of the gate of the general's mansion, staring at Yin Lumi and his party.

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