MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 814 bigmom pirates

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Latest website: In the waters of Perigord, the Redforth sailed side by side with the Blackwater Fleet.

On the deck, Yin Lumi and Shanks sat on the floor, and on the deck in front of them were rum, red wine, fruit, barbecue and other food.

Beckman, **** Bu and other pirates are sitting or standing around Shanks.

Standing beside Yin Lumi were Praide, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wucan and others.

"Wow Cha..."

Beckman took out a pack of cigarettes and put them in his mouth. He pinched the match with his fingers and stroked the side scales lightly. A cluster of flames rose up and lit the cigarettes.


Take a deep breath and exhale a smoke ring.


Lackey Lu held a piece of ham in his hand, opened his mouth and tore off a piece of meat with a "tear" sound, filling his mouth with oil.

"Having been in the new world for half a year, I believe you have fully understood the pattern of the new world."

Shanks picked up a piece of bread, took a bite, and said:

"Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido. These are the three great pirate forces in the new world."

"Nova pirates such as Doflamingo, Crocodile, and Moonlight Moria are rapidly expanding their sphere of influence, including me."

Shanks paused, picked up a bottle of rum and took a sip, looking at Yin Lumi.

"Although you are a criminal organization, in my opinion, your actions are no different from pirates."

"A criminal organization does not hide itself like the Revolutionary Army and develop secretly. Instead, it runs around like pirates, and even penetrates into the New World and breaks into the territory of the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

"You did it on purpose."

"Knowing that my identity is sensitive, I still want to kill the pirates under Whitebeard's command, divert the water to the east, and let the Beasts Pirates come into contact with the Whitebeard Pirates, and use this to mobilize Big Mom and the navy."

"Actually..." Shanks looked deeply, "Do you want to have a share in the new world?"

Yin Lumi held a glass of red wine in his hand, swaying expressionlessly, and a pair of scarlet vertical boys stared at the red hair quietly, to see what else he could say.

"In today's battle, your fame and status will be tied with Whitebeard's, and you will have the capital to be king in this sea."

"But in fact, your power is far inferior to any of the three parties of Whitebeard, Beast, and Big Mom."

"On this point, I am the same."

"So, you plan to form an alliance with me?" Yin Lumi asked with a calm expression.

"That's right, let's form an alliance! Let's work together to defeat one!" Shanks' eyes narrowed, "To destroy the balance between the three parties, and make the other two forces fight. We will take the opportunity to absorb forces to expand the territory and stabilize our strength, forming a new balance. "

"When the time is right, we will join hands to conquer this sea, and finally the winner will be decided between you and me."

Shanks raised the corners of his mouth, and there was a smile on his face, making it difficult to tell whether he was serious or joking.

"I am not interested."

Yin Lumi brought the wine glass close to his lips, took a sip, glanced at Shanks and the others, and said:

"Aren't you pirates?"

"If you really want to be king in this sea, why not use the way of pirates to **** it?"

Shanks was obviously taken aback when he heard this, but **** Bu and the others behind him raised the corners of their mouths and laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha...the captain was rejected."

"I said before, why do you want to do that kind of thing? People will look down on you."

Jesus Bu and others raised their heads and laughed, and the atmosphere became cheerful.

"Hahaha..." Shanks also raised his head and laughed suddenly, "You're right, what the pirates want is to grab it!"


Beckman exhaled a smoke ring, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh~ Actually, I just came here to give it a try, and I didn't expect it to be successful."

Shanks drank himself a sip of rum and laughed.


Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and landed beside Yin Lumi, with a pair of black wings folded on his body.

"In the sea area directly in front of us, there is a pirate fleet approaching. There are forty-three three-masted sailing ships and a giant three-masted sailing ship. The number of people is about 20,000. According to the flag on the ship, it is the Big Mom Pirates."

Lieutenant Trank reported to Yin Lu Mihui.

Lieutenant Trank's words made the atmosphere of the scene somber.

Pledge turned and retreated, Kiwu Tsuji and others followed behind Pledge, and went down to deploy the battle plan.

"It seems that we have to form an alliance for the time being." Shanks raised his head, drank all the rum in the bottle, got up and smiled, "You just fought with Whitebeard, can you continue?" ?”

Yin Lumi drank the red wine in the goblet, got up slowly, with a calm face.

"Since you have just gone through a fierce battle, let us share the main force of the next battle."

Shanks rested his left hand on the hilt of his sword, smiling confidently. The pirates behind him stood up one by one, took out their knives and guns, and looked eager to try.

"Captain! Bigmom Pirates are found in the sea ahead!"

At this time, the watchman on the Redforth finally found the trail of the Big Mom Pirates and shouted loudly.

The pirate flag of the bigmom pirate group is a skull with pink feathers, a bicorne hat on the head, and a pair of flaming red lips painted on the mouth.

A few minutes later, Yin Lumi, Shanks and others finally met the bigmom pirates.

"Boom card!"

A flash of lightning pierced the sky. I don't know if it's Big Mom's ability "Thundercloud Zeus" that affected the weather, or the sky is frightened by the upcoming battle. The sky that was originally calm was filled with dark clouds in just a few minutes ,Thunder and lightning.


The wind was blowing and the rain was pouring.

"Tap Tat Tat..."

On the deck behind Yin Lumi, thousands of Blackwater soldiers gathered quickly, staring bloodthirstyly at the large pirate ships in the sea ahead.

"According to the plan, the evil wolf is ambushing not far away, ready to attack the Big Mom Pirates from behind at any time, creating an opportunity to retreat."

Praide came to Yin Lumi's side, and UU Reading reported.

At this time, in the fleet of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Lingling was waiting quietly in the cake castle on a giant three-masted sailing ship whose shape was shaped like a cake.

Below the throne stood a burly man in black leather and a man with a long tongue holding a huge lollipop.

"Mom, it's bad!"

"A huge human appeared behind the fleet, swimming towards our fleet!"

At this time, a pirate ran into the castle in a panic and reported to her.

"Huge?" bigmom frowned, "Is it a giant?"

"No... no, no, it's a huge human who is much bigger than the giants!" The pirate opened his arms, trying to draw the size of the giant, "Just the upper body exposed to the sea is bigger than the ordinary giants!" It will be several times bigger!"


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