MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 100 Are you really only 13?

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   Chapter 100 Are you really only 13 years old?

   "1. Based on the principle of the birth of mind power, only the creator of the book Numao can develop a powerful mind power that fits the content of the book."

   "2. Based on the contents of the book Numao, the first human being transformed by his ability is called Numao, and the humans transformed by Numao are collectively called Numao."

"3. Using the first and second viewpoints as a reference, the conditions of the first Numano are suspected to be the signing ceremony held by the author Davidson. In view of the scale and influence of this ability, the conditions for activating the ability must be harsh. At least 5 or more."

"4, it is only speculation, the conditions for activating the ability are: ① agree with the book of Numano, ② agree with Davidson, the author of Numano, ③ get the book with Davidson's autograph, ④ have physical contact with the author Davidson, ⑤ satisfy more than one number After the conditions, the ability can only be activated after death, and considering the effect of the ability, the possibility of inducing suicide can be ruled out.”

   "5, the first Swamp Man born to meet the activation conditions will transform more Swamp Man by creating 'death'."

   "6, same as above, starting from the second Swamp Man who was transformed, the number can only be increased by creating 'death', that is, killing people with one's own hands."

   "7, the transformed Marshman is equivalent to a data copy, and will retain what the original owner has."

   "8. The transformation phenomenon of Marsh people has a very high concealment. If the murderer is used as a reference, it is initially determined that the ability condition will be triggered when there is no third party present, and death will begin."

"9. To sum up, the condition for the Swamp people to spread is to create death. Taking the Deltaana restaurant incident as an example, it can be basically concluded that even the non-Marsh people's original intention to create death can be used as a condition for activating the ability. The slain are transformed into swamp people."

   This is the information and opinion that Moyu simply wrote in the notebook.

   Most of the content is related to death.

   Because this is the characteristic of Numao's ability, and it is also the opening content of Numao's book.

   At the beginning of the book, the protagonist was accidentally struck by lightning while passing through the swamp and died, and then the swamp that was struck by lightning at the same time perfectly replicated the protagonist with swamp mud.

  The story unfolds from this moment, that is.


   is the beginning of the whole book.

  Pyorn read the contents listed by Moyuro, and found that Moyue's views and inferences were even more comprehensive than theirs.

   Just after listening to some of the information provided by myself, and then combining the experience of two encounters with the Marsh people, can I draw so many opinions and inferences in such a short period of time?

  This old does he look?

  Hey, it doesn't match the performance at all.

  What did you eat to grow up? !

  Pyeon's heart was shaking.

   Moyou looked at Pyeon who stopped talking after saying "you, you, you", but just opened his mouth, and reminded:

   "Don't worry about whether the things I have listed are useful or not, just help me see what needs to be added."


  Pjorn was silent.

  The information that the Association has tested through various actions during this period is not as comprehensive as the content on paper.

   So she wanted to say...there should be nothing more to add.

   But after all, he couldn't open his mouth. He pretended to slowly pick up the pen and wrote something on the paper.

   She filled in some details of the contents listed by Moyuro, so that she would not appear too stupid.


After writing   , Pjorn handed back the little pink notebook.

  Moyou took the book and looked down.

   After a while.

   He looked at Pyorn suspiciously.

   It doesn't seem to add any new information...

  Pyeon's heart was slightly empty, pretending to think of something suddenly, he took out the rabbit ear mobile phone and changed the subject:

   "Almost forgot to save the contact number, Kester, what's your number?"


  Moyu paused silently, then reported the number.

  Pyeon heard the words, dialed the number, waited for Moyou's phone to ring, and hung up the phone after confirming that it was correct.

   "Well, it's saved."

   Saved the number, and Pyeon immediately suggested: "The investigation of this incident is almost done, and then go directly to the association. As for this place, it will be properly managed by the local official agency."

"it is good."

  Moyu didn't say much, took out his mobile phone, opened the communication record, and saved Pyorn's number in the contact list, with the name note: Bunny Girl.

   After the two left the Deltaana restaurant.

  Pjorn is a resolute person, and he directly booked the latest flight to Schwadani.


  Moyu informed Lizi about this, and sent a text message to Qiduo, that is, he and Pyeon got on the spaceship to Shivadani City.

   Three days ago, I flew to Laxiang City from Shivadani City. As a result, I encountered two groups of Swamp people on the first day, and even had an intersection with Ilmi.

   After being in a coma for two days, he was called to the door by Pyorn as soon as he woke up, and now he is going to fly back to the city of Shivadani, where the Hunter's Association is located.

  This is…

   Some words are hard to say.

   "Why do you keep staring at me?"

On the    spaceship, Moyu noticed the strangeness of Pjorn.

   After boarding the spaceship, although he kept his head down and played with his mobile phone, he always glanced at him from time to time.

   This kind of behavior is not in line with the design of heavy mobile phone control.

   "It's nothing, I just think you're pretty good. Well, at least you're more reliable than a guy linked to 'Tiger'."

  Pyeon was also open, and directly stated the reason for staring at Moyu.

  Moyo heard the slander of someone in Pyeon's words.

   This is really a step on one hand.

   As for the guy who was linked to the tiger in Pyeon's words, Moyu knew who it was by just thinking about it.

   "Is there no news of Davidson's movement in the association so far?"

  Moyu didn't pick up Pyeon's words, but instead asked this question related to the whole Numao incident.

   He was still thinking, if there are people in the hunter association who have the ability to find people, then maybe he can use the ability to find people and directly locate the wanted criminal he wants to hunt.

   "Davidson showed up in Spicy Fragrance a few days ago, where he was last seen, and has since disappeared."

   "Signing session?"


   "Yeah, that's enough to show... he's aware of his exposure."

   "I have no objection to this."

  Pyorn put away his phone and sighed softly, "If Davidson could be caught, there wouldn't be so much trouble."

   "You seem a little too optimistic."

  Moyu adjusted his sitting position slightly, and turned his head to look at the sky outside the window.


  Pyeon looked at Moyu's profile.

Moyou calmly said: "If I'm not mistaken, one of Swamp Man's ability constraints will most likely force Davidson to maintain a state of 'absolute'. In addition, you can easily conclude... as long as Davidson is killed, Can it be deactivated?"


  Pyeon's eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes looking at Moyu's profile.


   She didn't think so much.

   I just thought it was enough to find Davidson and kill him.

   "Let's not talk about whether Davidson's ability can be released after his death, nor does it rule out the possibility that after the ability is released, the transformed swamp people will die. The most critical question is, with Davidson's type of personality..."

  Moyu slowly made a more terrifying guess.

   "After death, there is a high probability that thoughts will remain, and then the thoughts that remain will become stronger due to death. Presumably that is the real disaster."


  Pjorn was silent.

This guy…

   "Kester, are you really only thirteen?"


   I have to accompany my relatives to do something in the city tomorrow morning. I have to get up very early, so I don’t have time to code. There are only two chapters today, sorry!



   (end of this chapter)