MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 101 Who is Kester?

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   Chapter 101 Who is Kester?

   Over the sea of ​​clouds, the spaceship flew at a constant speed.

  Pjorn was amazed at Moyuna's performance beyond his age.

   Not only his ability to speculate almost directly at the center of the problem, but also his deep understanding of the "system of thoughts" surprised Pyorn.

  Moyu ignored the age question raised by Pyeon and turned to: "Pyeon, the remarks just now are only my personal speculation and judgment, and can only be used as a reference."

   There is room for everything.

   This is Moyu's habit.

   So even if he just expresses his remarks and opinions, he will give reminders and expresses as much as possible.

  Why do you have such a habit?

   This is related to his family education in his previous life.

   "When facing anything, try to imagine the worst possible situation, because reality can't give you any warning."

  Strict elders always instill this concept in Moyu through various reasons.

   Over time, Moyu became good at thinking.

   "Nonsense, is it possible that I will still use your speculation as a basis? Do I look so casual?"

  Pyeon stared at Moyu's profile, and said solemnly: "It's just... the possibility of leaving behind thoughts after death, just imagining it is super troublesome."


  Moyu stared at the blue sky and didn't pick up the topic.

   Swamp people…

   Judging from the information currently available, there is no problem in treating them as normal human beings.

   The premise is that the eliminators can unplug the trigger-operated system ability switch placed in their bodies.

   Or start with Davidson and remove the ability.

   The only problem is—

  The Marsh people who have retained their soul, memory, and body can still be regarded as the original human after eliminating the potential danger?

   That is, am I still me?

  This theme runs through the entire Numao, once it is staged in the real world, can it be easily accepted by others?

   Reading this, Moyou couldn't help thinking of the chimeric ant chapter in the original book.

  Kin's apprentice Kate.

   Died at the hands of Catwoman in the chapter of Chimeric Ant, but returned to the world as a Chimeric Ant with her intact soul.

   And everyone thought he was still Kate…

  Moyu's thoughts drifted away.

   Two days later.

The    spaceship lands at Schwadani Municipal Airport.

   "Walk around."

  Pjorn hurried out of the airport after disembarking from the spaceship.

   Walking briskly, he was still holding his phone with his head down.

   just doesn't look like you're playing a game, but typing.

   Moyou just asked a question out of curiosity, and the answer he got was: Dou Mian asked me to return to the association quickly, but my investigation report has not been finished yet.


   There is a scene in which Pyeon has to use his mobile phone to rush to the investigation report while he is on the road.

   You must know that this trip took two days and two nights to fly, and the free time was long enough.

   And every time Moyo sees Pyeon, he can see the bunny-eared phone in Pyeon's hand.

  Emotionally hugged the phone for two days, but never thought of writing an investigation report. This meeting was just cramming.

   Moyo had nothing to say about this, and followed behind Pyeon.

  The two left the airport one after the other, and a pink car with cartoon drawings was parked on the side of the spacious road.

   "Sister Rabbit, this way!"

   A man with a punk head got out of the car and waved his hands at Pyeon and Moyu who had just stepped out of the airport.

   Moyu noticed the man's actions and couldn't help but tilt his head to look at Yoen.

  Sister Rabbit…

   Is he calling Pyeon?

   And Pyeon also heard the shouting, and followed the sound and looked over.

   When he saw the punk-headed man, Pyeon twitched his eyebrows and sighed heavily.

   "Kinimei, didn't I tell you to come over in an hour?!"

   "Hi, doesn't this happen to be nearby?"

  Kinimei trotted over, seemingly unaware of Pyeon's mood at the moment, hehe smiled and said:

   "I didn't expect Sister Rabbit's spaceship to arrive an hour earlier. Fortunately, I came first, otherwise I'd have to let Sister Rabbit wait for an hour in vain."


  Pjorn was in a complicated mood.

   She weakly said to Moyou to get in the car, then opened the door and got in first.

   Moyu looked at Pyeon with a slightly strange look in his eyes.

   This is to create enough time to rush the report, so did you temporarily find a scapegoat?

   It's just that this pot-bearer doesn't seem to cooperate very well.

   After a while.

  The pink car leaves the airport.

   After getting into the car, Pjorn has been typing over there with his cell phone.

   "What's the name of this big brother?"

   And Ginimei glanced at Moyu through the rearview mirror of the car, and took the initiative to say hello.

   He is obviously a year older than Moyou, yet he calls him Big Brother Moyou so naturally.

   Just because he thinks that Moyu can walk with Pyeon is enough to show that Moyu is not an ordinary person.

   Take a step back.

   He thinks that Moyou is so handsome, and he is most likely the little boyfriend that Pyeon likes.

   So no matter what, calling Big Brother is absolutely not wrong.


   How could Moyou know what this spiritual guy was thinking, so he gave his name casually.

   "I'm Ginime, Miss Rabbit's tool person."

  Kinimei smiled proudly.


   Moyou was slightly stunned.

   It was the first time he met such a proud tool man.

   "Kinimei, drive quietly."

  Pyorn's tone was unkind.

  Kinimei suddenly looked serious: "Okay, Sister Rabbit."

   On the way, the inside of the car was very quiet.

  Pyeon's rush to report didn't seem to be going well, and he kept frowning.

  Moyu just pretended he didn't see it and stayed out of it.

   When the car was only ten minutes away from the Hunter Association, Pyorn's slightly arched body suddenly softened, and he was pressed against the seat.

   "Ah, give up give up."

   she shouted and looked at Moyu.


  Moyu raised his eyebrows.

  Pyeon stretched out his hand and said seriously, "That piece of paper... take a picture for me."


   Moyou instantly realized Pyeon's intentions, drooping his eyelids, and said helplessly: "The speculations and information I wrote, shouldn't you have left them behind?"

   "How come, isn't this coming to the association soon, and my hands are sore, I don't want to type anymore."

  Pyeon's peach buttocks moved towards Moyu.

   "Just a moment, soon!"


   Moyu twitched the corner of his mouth.

sore hands?

  You are an internet addicted girl who can play games for a whole day with a mobile phone.

   Moyu shook his head slightly, and took out the paper torn from the pink book.

   "Thank you."

  Pyorn's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the paper, then took a photo, quickly typed and added some content, and finally sent it to the bean noodles person together with the content of the investigation report that had been rushed out earlier.

   at this moment.

   The bean noodles man in the office of the Hunter Association Building is trying to deal with the numerous business piled up on the desk.

   The president, Nitro, who was supposed to be sitting in the position of the bean noodles man to handle business, stood on the side with his toes, and then played acrobatics with a glass of orange juice on his forehead.

   The bean noodles man on the left was so busy that he was sweating, and Nitro on the right was so free that he could even play with a glass of orange juice.

  Those who don't know, think that Doumen is the president of the Hunter Association.

   At this time, the mailbox of the bean noodles man received an investigation report from Pyeon.

   He stopped what he was doing and manipulated the mouse to click on the pop-up message.

  Pyorn's report with several photos jumped into his eyes.

  The Bean Noodle Man watched line by line, and the emerald green Bean face slowly showed a surprised look.



   Nitro heard the words and squinted at the bean noodles man.

   The latter stared at the computer screen and said solemnly: "I just read the investigation report on the incident at the Deltaana restaurant just sent by Pyorn. It seems that Pyorn has made a lot of new discoveries."

   "Hey, old man, take a look."

  Nitro walked over to the bean-faced man and bent over to look at the computer monitor.

   After carefully reading the contents of the email, Nitro stroked his beard and smiled: "Is it a thought after death... You really need to be careful."

   He read all the content.

   Compared with the information and speculations written in it, what interested him more was the analysis of the contents of Numao's book, and he believed that Davidson would probably leave behind speculations after his death.

   "President, there are several new discoveries in the information sorted out by Pyeon, and they all have corresponding basis. Do you want to directly update and replace the existing information?"

   "Don't worry, wait for two days to come to your own conclusion."

  Nitro put the orange juice that he had been playing with for a long time without spilling the slightest bit and put it in front of the bean noodles man, as if he wanted to invite the bean noodles man to drink it.

  The man with bean noodles looked at the glass of orange juice and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

   In about two days, a group of approved felons will be transported to Shivadani City.

   At that time, we will be able to carry out various experiments with these felons, so as to obtain more information and examine many existing speculations.

   That's why Nitro said to wait two days.

  The bean noodle man moved the orange juice aside, and said with some emotion: "Pjorn's investigation report this time is very comprehensive. To be honest, I am a little surprised."


  Nitro turned away from the desk and smiled: "Look at the lower right corner of the investigation report, there are two names there."


   Hearing Nitro's words, the bean noodles man was stunned for a moment.

   His eyes turned back to the computer screen, and under Nitro's reminder, he focused on the lower right corner.


  The bean noodles man finally saw the signature and wrote two names.

   "Kester, Pjorn."

  Because the characters are very small, the bean noodles people didn't notice these two names at all after reading the report.

   Now see…

  The bean noodles man's smooth forehead suddenly wrinkled a fold.

   "Pyeon she..."

   There was a dazed look in his eyes.

   So who is Kester?

   Knowing all the members well, he can be sure that there is no such person in the association.

   In addition, Pyeon acted alone, so why would the name of Kester appear in the investigation report?

   And why is it signed with Kester in the front and Peyon in the back?


  Nitro smiled playfully.

   Unusual developments can always arouse a little interest in him.

at this time.

  Moyu, who was sitting in the pink car, didn't know that Pyeon wrote the speculation he casually said on the spacecraft into the investigation report.

   It’s okay to write it in…

   even wrote his name in the signature.

   In fact, the reason why Pyorn included Moyu's later speculations in the report was simply to make the report's word count appear a little longer.

  After a while.

The   pink car drove under the Hunter Guild Building.

   "Sister Rabbit, here we are."

  The tool guy Ginimei stopped the car and looked at Pyorn and Moyo through the rearview mirror.

   When I was driving just now…

  Pyorn's voluntary move towards Moyu was noticed by Ginimei.

   Sure enough, calling Big Brother at the airport was the right choice.

  Kinimei shouted happily in his heart.

  Pyorn just nodded at Ginime, then opened the door to get out of the car, and stretched a little.

   Complete the investigation report in a timely manner, so that she will feel that nothing has been done.

  Moyu got out of the car after him and walked to Pyeon.

   Just as he was about to look at the Hunter Association, suddenly, a rather oppressive gaze fell on him.

   In an instant,

  Like a mountain!

  Moyou's pupils shrank, and he opened his sperm hole like a conditioned reflex, releasing his breath to cover his whole body.

   But when he used "Ken", the sudden sight disappeared in an instant without leaving a trace.


  Moyu looked up at the top of the Hunter Association Building, frowning.

   That unusual gaze... was looking down at him from above.

   "Kester, what are you doing?"

  Pyeon looked suspiciously at Moyu beside him.

   Just now, she suddenly felt Moyu release his mind power.

   Even though she was at the gate of the Hunter Association, her basic qualities as a minder made her react subconsciously and quickly probed the surrounding situation.

   But nothing happened.

   Now, seeing Moyu slightly restrained his mind power, he was suddenly puzzled.

   "Just now... there was a sudden look of sight, which gave me a very uncomfortable feeling."

  Moyou retracted his gaze and explained with a frown.

  Pyeon heard Moyu's explanation, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

   "No, no, no, there shouldn't be any of your enemies here, right?"

   She opened her eyes wide and pointed to the gate of the Hunter Association.

  Moyu just shook his head and frowned, thinking about the source of that gaze.

   He thought of the former Qing Rin team that was separated from the Hunter Association, but quickly rejected this speculation.

   If the remaining party of the Qing Rin team has mastered their identity, it is impossible that they have not acted for so long.

   Besides, there is no need to take a special look at yourself.

   That’s right…

   That sudden look at him seemed like a deliberate move.

   Although I feel very uncomfortable, there is no obvious hostility.

  Thinking of this, Moyu's figure suddenly flashed across his mind.

   "Will it be Nitro?"

   "But he shouldn't know me, right?"

   "Could it be that Chito revealed it?"

   Moyu thought to himself.

   How could he have thought—

   does have a revealer.

   And still beside him.

  Hunter Association Building, inside the president's office.

  Nitro stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, kicking the ball with great interest.

  Behind the desk.

  The bean noodles man looked at the president and sighed helplessly.


   It was so dark that I could not see my fingers.

  Dead silence, gloomy and cold.

   Only vaguely heard breathing from the depths.

   "It took only a month to be noticed..."

   "Earlier than expected."

   "But, does it work?"

   Infiltrating laughter echoed in the depths of darkness.

   This is Davidson's laugh.

   After knowing that he was exposed, he disappeared.



   A footstep sounded and echoed in the darkness.

  Davidson's eyes narrowed.

   "Tsk tsk, actually hiding under the swamp."

   Accompanying the footsteps came a slightly hoarse male voice.

  Davidson followed the sound and saw nothing.


   Although he was found to be hiding, he acted very calm, as if he was not worried about the threat from this male voice.

   "If you can be so calm, then I don't need to talk too much."

   The footsteps are getting closer.

  The hoarse male voice continued: "Swamp man... It's a wonderful ability, maybe we can chat for a good night."


   Two in one.



   (end of this chapter)