MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 320 This is... the antenna of the knight?

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  Chapter 320 This is... the antenna of the knight?

  Bisji knew that Moyou's shadow was always nearby, and knew that Moyou needed this shadow to get out of the battle.

  But she was not sure whether Moyou, who stayed in Xuegong, still had the energy to manipulate the shadow to do things.

  So when she dealt with Feitan and the other three, she didn't count on the help of the shadow. It can be said that she ruled out the existence of the shadow from the very beginning.

   It's just that she still has the concept of "the shadow is nearby" in her head, so when Feitan sneaks up on her, she can immediately detect the movement of the shadow's imminent attack, thus forcibly suppressing the idea of ​​defense.

  At that moment—

  Bisji's practice of giving up defense is to let Feitan focus on attacking, so as to neglect to guard against attacks from other places.

   This is a kind of absolute trust shown between electric light and flint.

  She believes that Moyou's shadow clone can seize the opportunity created by her risking herself at just the right moment.

  Facts also proved.

  Moyu did not live up to her trust.

   "Hmm, almost forgot."

  Bisji looked at the silent shadow clone, belatedly remembering that the shadow clone does not have the ability to speak.

  Of course, whether it is necessary or not, Bisji will not disclose this information at will.

  Before Feitan and the others regrouped, Bi Siji turned to look at Xiaodi.

  In the short two-second offensive and defensive battle just now, she noticed Xiaodi's outstanding performance.

  Whether it was filling up in time to block Feitan's attack before, or taking the position in advance to prevent Pealing Lev just now, Bi Siji was secretly surprised.

  In her opinion, Xiaodi's reading skills and physical fitness are actually not outstanding.

  But the calm judgment like a robot, and excellent tactical accomplishment, are enough to show that Xiaodi already has the basic conditions to become a person with strong mind ability.

  As Maggie was kicked out, the strength of the line of thought decayed.

  Xiao Di broke free from the shackles of the thread without much effort, and didn't pay too much attention to Bi Siji's gaze, but looked at Moyou who suddenly appeared.

  There is a little luster in the eyes behind the lens.

   These guys are strong.

  Through the confrontation with Maqi just now, Xiaodi, after reflecting on his mistakes, came to the conclusion that the opponent is very strong.

  Whether it’s Feitan, who is extremely fast, or Shelaev, who has a strange ability, and Maqi, who seems to be able to guess her strategy and quickly counterattack.

  Xiao Di can intuitively see the bright spots on these people.


   The stronger one is Moyu.

  Xiao Di saw the shadow mimicking the entity, and then stepped on the best timing to attack Feitan.

  Although I don't know what the situation on Moyou's side is, it probably won't be easy.

  Ke Moyu can still take care of this side...

   Moreover, he grasped the best timing and dealt a heavy blow to Fei Tan.

  Xiao Di quietly stared at Moyou's shadow clone.

  Her judgments and observations about any one person have nothing to do with likes or dislikes.

  Even if the object she observes is someone she hates, she will look directly at the advantages of the other person instead of deliberately belittling them.

   It was on this stand of absolute neutrality that this girl, who was usually a bit dumb, intuitively recognized Moyou's strength at this moment.

  Moyou who was on the other side of the Snow Palace could not help but feel a little surprised when he noticed Xiaodi's gaze that seemed to contain admiration through the shadow avatar.

  But he didn't think too much, and manipulated the shadow clone to raise his finger to point to the passage created by Shu Bao.

   The meaning is obvious, it is to let Xiao Di quickly enter the channel and leave.

  Xiao Di understood the meaning of the shadow clone, shook his head and said, "I can stay and help."


  Bisji rejected Xiaodi's wishes without hesitation.

  Xiao Di was slightly taken aback, but still had no intention of leaving.

  She knew that Bisiji was stronger than her, but even so, she didn't think that Bisiji could deal with the three of them alone.

  Maybe adding Moyou's shadow clone can be done, but that will only put more pressure on Moyou.


  Xiao Di thinks it is necessary for him to stay and help.

  Bisji looked at Xiao Di's unmoved reaction, and probably could guess what the other party was thinking.

  However, it is impossible for her to tell the details of the "transformation" in order to persuade Xiaodi, but calmly said:

  "If you think you have the ability to escape their pursuit, then you stay."


  Xiao Di lowered his eyes when he heard the words, and thought about it seriously.

   "I can't get rid of it."

  Afterwards, she answered very frankly.

   “Self-knowledge is a good thing.”

  Bisji nodded, then raised his finger to the passage created by Shubao.

"hurry up."


  Being persuaded by Bi Siji's reasoning, Xiao Di pursed his lips, a little unwilling.

  But she already understood the meaning from Bisji's words, so she obediently got into the tunnel.

  Following the green light, her figure disappeared into the passage.

  Bisji watched Xiao Di leave, and sighed: "This little really cute."

  The shadow clone stood there silently, only nodding in agreement with Bisji's statement.

  Xiaodi's character and his style of acting that can quickly make the right choice are really pleasing in the team. Most importantly, Xiaodi belongs to the type that doesn't need others to worry about.


  Shu Bao yelled at Bi Siji and the shadow clone, as if telling them to go in quickly.

  Because he was a little bit overwhelmed.

   "It's ready, Mouse Boy."

  Considering the pressure that Moyou had to face, Bisji naturally couldn't just walk away like this.

   Now that Men Qi and Xiao Di can be sent away, it is the best situation.

  Shu Bao looked at Bi Siji and the shadow clone with some doubts.

  In his cognition, if he can go, of course he will go together, why should he stay?

  Bisji did not explain to Shu Bao, but looked at Moyou's shadow clone.

   "Don't worry, I can handle it here."


  The shadow clone hesitated for a moment, then nodded silently, quickly changed back to a flat shadow, and quietly blended into the night under the effect of the "hidden" ability.

  Moyu will remove the presence of the shadow, but just in case, he will not let the shadow be too far away.

  Bisji watched the shadow merge into the night, and immediately picked up the somewhat dazed Shu Bao, and said softly: "Okay, let's change back."


  Shu Bao blinked, a burst of white light glowed from his chubby body, and turned back into a bead necklace in an instant.

  After only using his ability for a while, his "battery" has been almost exhausted.

  This is also the constraint that he needs to bear to become an independent individual. Not only is the strength of his ability weakened, but the consumption of using his ability will also become relatively heavy.

  Bisji put the bead necklace around his neck and tucked it into his undershirt.

   "If the situation permits, I will help you recharge your battery."

  Bisji said softly, and immediately looked at Feitan and the others.

   Except for Feitan whose left arm was broken by a punch from Moyouying's clone, the other Maqi and Shelaev were fine.

   This group of people...

   He has a high level of defense in battle.

   Judging from the style, it should be from Yeluzi.

  When I first embarked on this road, I must have suffered a lot, and then I stumbled all the way to find out, and finally got the capital to gain a firm foothold on this road.

   It is this difficult growth process that allows this group of people to have a fighting intuition that is different from ordinary people.

   "No more worries."

  Bisji looked calm.

   It is absolutely impossible for her to kill Feitan, Maqi, and Shelaev in the form of a girl.

   But if she is here to contain the three of them, with her rich combat experience and superb reading skills, she can still do it.

   But it also depends on how the other party chooses.

  Fei Tan got up from the ground, and quickly glanced at the left arm that was powerlessly hanging by his side.

  The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

  He meant to be a squirrel, but instead he became a praying mantis.

   Such a result made him uncontrollably angry.

   "Gu Yabu..."

   Feitan lowered his head slightly, and squeezed out a series of obscure syllables from between his teeth.

   Others could not understand the meaning of this sentence, but they could hear the anger contained in the tone.

  Compared to Feitan's very unstable mood at the moment, Shelaev and Maqi remained calm, but failed to stop Menqi and Xiaodi, making them realize that the situation was getting worse.

   What both of them care about the most...

   Or the appearance of Moyu.

   "Two shadow clones..."

  March frowned lightly.

  Before chasing after him, he clearly saw Moyou summoning a shadow clone at Xuegong to stand ready.

  Maqi didn't think that his companions couldn't even stop a shadow under the premise of taking advantage of the number of people, so this shadow came here and attacked Feitan.

   Besides, there is still the leader there.

  The only explanation is that the man who injured Franklin and the knight can actually manipulate two shadow clones.

  If this guess is correct, then...

  March's pupils shrank slightly.

  She suddenly thought, that man still has the strength to intervene in the battle here?

  Are you kidding me...

  With the head of the team and Wojin and the others present, can't they still hold that man down?


   Did something happen?

  March suddenly had an ominous premonition, and thus came up with the idea of ​​returning to Xuegong to check the situation.

   Snow Palace.

  On the flat ground in front of the gate.

  Franklin and Finks don't know what's going on with March, but...

  While they were angry when they saw Moyou smiling, they vaguely felt that Moyou seemed to have relaxed a lot.

   Totally underestimated...

  Finks' eyes were gloomy, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.


  Finks kicked his feet and rushed straight to Moyu in the dust that shattered and splashed.

  He just made a move, and Franklin also responded. Instead of attacking Moyou with a single-handed machine gun, he made the same choice as Finx and rushed straight to Moyou.

   Teamed up to attack but couldn't catch Moyou.

   Successive defeats made Finks and Franklin realize that they must change tactics.


  Although there was no communication, Finks and Franklin thought of this at the same time when they launched their attacks.

  Another tactic to make good use of the number advantage is to let the target's endurance drop rapidly.

  They always focused on offense before, so they suffered successive losses in Moyou's "defensive counterattack".

   In fact, there is no need to worry so much.

  Compared to launching a fierce attack and exposing flaws, not giving Moyu any chance to counterattack is the best way to implement the advantages.

   "There is no need to be obsessed with attacking the main body. Since he can use the ability of 'swapping positions' to avoid damage every time, he can simply attack the shadow clone directly."

  When Finx was running, the released thought power tightly covered the whole body, and Moyou's figure was reflected in the eyes full of killing intent.

   "The shadow clone has no weapons, and is not as defensive as the main body, so it is easier to defeat, and every defeat can force him to consume energy..."

  The change in thinking seemed to allow Finx to see how to effectively deal with Moyu.

  Moyu watched Finks and Franklin attacking from both sides, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

   "Did you give up the long-range attack... It seems that it came out of the horns."

  Franklin's tactical change made Moyou feel a little tricky.

  Originally, it was only the attack frequency of the five-fingered muzzle. Moyou’s response pressure was actually not great, and he could completely avoid the threat of bullets from Franklin under the situation of "two-line operation".

  But when Franklin gave up the bomb attack and chose close combat instead...

   Then Moyou will no longer be able to use the characteristics of the shadow to pull Franklin, so he will have to face double pressure in melee combat.

  A person who releases the ability of thinking chooses close combat, but it can bring more pressure to Moyou.

   It’s a bit counterintuitive to say it, but this is the diversity of the ability to fight…

   Sometimes sticking to one's own advantages and not being willing to make changes is actually not the only correct answer.

  Excellent mental ability users can always formulate corresponding countermeasures according to the situation in battle.

  If it is only aimed at Moyou's shadow clone, then Franklin's melee combat ability is actually more suppressive than his one-handed machine gun.

   "As a result, my 'time' is running out."

  Moyou's thoughts turned, and he raised his left hand, mobilizing the shadow to flow onto his palm, forming a hollow shadow ball floating with bright thoughts.

  「Auto Mode」

  With a thought, Moyou materialized the little devil's antenna in the shadow ball, and immediately threw it to another direction.

  Finks saw the shadow ball thrown away by Moyu, turned around instantly, and chased after the shadow ball.

  Franklin saw Finx's actions in his eyes, so he acquiesced to let Finx deal with the shadow clone, while he attacked Moyu himself.

  Moyou calmly watched Franklin rushing over, and took the initiative to withdraw the black knife with a wave of his hand.

  This action seems to say: Ni's suppression is not as good as Finx.

  Franklin's eyes changed, and he was not affected by Moyou's move to remove the black knife, and rushed to Moyou.

   And the other side.

  The shadow ball thrown by Moyu materialized in mid-air into a shadow clone, and fell steadily to the ground.

  Finks swung his arms and rushed towards the newly mimicked shadow clone.

"Back to the days"

  Finks' right arm began to gather attention-grabbing aura as it turned, dyeing that arm golden.

  Using a unique move to deal with a mind clone...

   It is a manifestation of Funks' change of mind.

  Even if it takes 20% or even 30% of the energy consumption to destroy Moyuna's shadow clone, which may only have 10% of the energy, it doesn't matter.

  Because he is not fighting alone.

  With such thoughts in mind, Finks flashed in front of the shadow avatar, and on his right fist was condensed a mass of terrifying energy that was stirring an electric arc. At first glance, it looked like Ruo Xiaojie's guessing punch.

   "Your ability is indeed very flexible, but relatively, your shadow clone is not a threat at all, at most it is a tool for you to implement tactics..."

  Finks saw the right timing, and punched the shadow clone with a powerful punch.

   The crazily surging energy emitted a rather dazzling golden light, and arcs of electricity flickered in it, implying a power that should not be underestimated.


   Just when Finx was about to release the accumulated energy to the shadow clone, an unexpected scene happened.

  I saw that the shadow clone didn't mean to dodge at all, but took the initiative to pounce on Finks.

   It looks like he is actively sending himself to death.

  Finks was slightly taken aback, but he didn't intend to change his moves.

  The power accumulated by Huitian is enough to destroy everything in front of him.

  The violent energy accompanied by the forward fist, bombarded the shadow clone.

  The powerful power caused the shadow clone's head and upper body to vanish into nothingness in an instant.

  But while the golden light illuminated the surroundings, an antenna landed steadily on the instep of the shadow clone's right foot.


  Shadow Clone straightened his instep and kicked forward.

  The antenna with the little devil's wings suddenly flew towards Finks' calf.


   The tip of the imp's antenna pierced Finks' calf.


  Finks felt a slight tingling from his calf, but he didn't pay much attention at first.

  Because of the confrontation so far, the threat that Moyou can bring is nothing more than the tactical combination of penetrating release attacks and shadow exchange positions.

  If it's just a shadow clone, it's basically nothing to be afraid of.

   Having read this, after confirming that the shadow clone collapsed, Finx looked down at the calf that just felt the tingling.

   What caught his eyes was something he was very familiar with.

   "This is... the antenna of the knight?"

  Seeing the iconic little devil antenna pierced on his calf, Finx couldn't help being stunned, not understanding what was going on.

  Why is the knight's operating system ability antenna here?


  This antenna, was the shadow clone stabbing my leg before it collapsed?

  When the doubt was first born, Finx suddenly could not feel the existence of the body, as if he had suddenly lost any control and touch over the body.

  And above the antenna of the little devil he was looking at, there was a mass of jet-black thoughts floating out.

   "The knight's ability... activated?"

  Finks suddenly realized something.

"How is this possible!!"

  Finks' pupils shrank sharply, only feeling that his cognition had been hit by an unprecedented shock, and then showed a shocked expression.

   Next second.

  The emotions in his eyes and even his face suddenly disappeared.

  The compulsive ability of the operating system suppressed his consciousness and soul at this moment.

  「Auto mode on!」

  Finks' body suddenly burst into a surge of turbulent energy.


  He begins to turn his arms.

  The terrifying aura soaring into the sky immediately aroused the vigilance of everyone present.

  Franklin quickly glanced at Finks, and immediately noticed the little devil's antenna inserted in Finks' calf.

"What exactly is going on?"

  Franklin's heart was shocked, and his cognition was completely subverted.


   I've been a little lethargic for the past two days, and today is a 5,000-word chapter.

   Last month's monthly pass entered the top 100, so I got an activity fund of 10,000 points.

   I originally wanted to use this fund for unconditional welfare activities, but I applied twice, but was rejected by the audit side, saying that the activity fund can only be used for activities such as monthly tickets.

   No way, I can only make it a monthly ticket activity.

   At present, the event post is in the book review area, you can participate by replying to the event post and voting.

   One ticket is 200 coins.

   In addition, in the book review area, there are also posts about fan title activities, and the titles are awarded according to the number of fans and the order of replies.



  (end of this chapter)