MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-~ Free Spoiler: The Red-Eyed Devil

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  Free episode of the red-eyed devil

   Small towns adjacent to mountains and forests have never been too prosperous.

  For adult men in small towns, small taverns are one of the few recreational places.

   You don’t need very good wine, what many drinkers want is an atmosphere.

  In a small town, a certain tavern.

  It was evening, and the tavern was full of people.

   There was a pungent smell of alcohol and sweat in the air, and white smoke slowly flowed along the ceiling.

   "Hi, have you heard, some time ago someone saw a ghost with red eyes in the southern forest."

  A rosacea-nosed man hiccupped, and looked at his companion across the wine table with drunken eyes.

  The companion was also drunk, and his face was flushed.

  Hearing the words of the rosacea-nosed man, he stammered: "Listen, I have heard several people say it."

   "Hi, in my opinion, it's just bullshit..."

  The rosacea-nosed man suddenly sneered, and said in a stinging tone:

   "There are no ghosts in this world. Now these bastards... hiccup, in order to seize resources, they can do any stupid thing."

   "You, don't you believe it?"

  The companion lay on the table and murmured.

  The rosacea-nosed man stared and said, "Only fools believe it."

   "I have."

  Suddenly a deep male voice came from the adjacent table.

  The rosacea-nosed man and his drunken companion couldn't help but look at the neighboring table.

  The person who interrupted was a man with a cropped cut and a striped tattoo on half of his face.

  He didn't pay attention to Rosacea's scrutinizing gaze, his eyes lowered to look at the beer on his cheek in the glass.

   "But that's not a ghost, it's a red-eyed demon..."


  The big man with rosacea nose couldn't help laughing out loud.

  The tattooed man still didn't look at the rosacea man, and said to himself: "The red-eyed demon is dangerous and will bring misfortune and death."

   "Disease in the brain."

  The man with rosacea restrained his laughter, and glanced at the tattooed man disdainfully.

  The tavern was still buzzing with people.

   No one cares about the drunken chatter.

  The night is getting darker.

  The lights in the town went out one by one.

  Above the night sky, the full moon quietly disappeared behind the black clouds.

  The increasingly dark night enveloped the town, only the street lamps with weak power were still struggling in the night.

   "Damn it... this month's drink bill is overrun, hiccup... there's nothing to do without alcohol, tomorrow... see where there's work... hiccup, catch a wanted criminal... just hiccup."

  The rosy-nosed man leaned on the wall, and walked towards the alleyway in front of him.

  The sound of heavy and chaotic footsteps became the only prominent movement in the alleyway.

  The rosacea-nosed man has hazy eyes and belches frequently.

  He hurried home to sleep, but he didn't notice the sound of other footsteps in the alleyway at all.

  A pair of eyes as bright as blood slowly came out from the darkness in another direction.

  In those eyes, there seemed to be countless red luminescent particles flickering, and against the backdrop of the night in the alleyway, it revealed a thrilling beauty.


  Even the beautiful red luster can't cover up the grayness of the owner of the eyes.

   The extreme silence is also the release of another extreme emotion.

  The rosacea-nosed man suddenly stopped, and finally heard other footsteps in the alleyway.


  He hiccupped uncontrollably, and then slowly followed the prestige.

  In the darkness at the end of his vision, a pair of bright red eyes were staring at him.


  The pupils of the rosacea-nosed man gradually shrank, and a look of horror quickly appeared on his face covered with large pores.

   "Red, red-eyed demon...!"

  The fear that suddenly emerged from his heart made him involuntarily call out the tattooed man's name for red eyes.

  Hearing Rosacea's call, there was no wave in those shiny red eyes.

   "You, are you a bounty hunter?"

  A lifeless voice resounded in the darkness, making it difficult to distinguish male and female for a moment.

"No, I am not!"

  The rosacea-nosed man became a little sober, and decisively denied it.

  If it wasn't for the swinging of the legs and the lack of strength...

  He didn't have the heart to answer the question, he would definitely run away without looking back.

  The owner of the red eyes didn't speak any more, but stared at the rosacea-nosed man with eyes full of ashes.


  The rosacea-nosed man who was numb from the stares faltered and said: "Part-time job, I'm just a part-time job..."

   "Do you know the Phantom Troupe?"

  The owner of the red eyes stared at the rosacea-nosed man.

   "Know, I know!"

  The rosacea-nosed man couldn't help but take a step back.

  The owner of the red eyes is a step forward.

"tell me."

   "I said, I'll say it right away..."

  The big man with rosacea nose went limp, and he sat on the ground weakly against the wall.

   "The Phantom Troupe is a gang of A-level wanted criminals, people in the industry call them spiders..."

  Facing that creepy gaze, the rosacea-nosed man poured out the information he knew.

   It also involves Moyou's feat of breaking three spider legs.

   This matter is already a common topic in the industry, but all bounty hunters with more seniority know the name of Moyou.

   But strangely...

  Since this super newcomer became the youngest star hunter in history, he suddenly disappeared.

   It has been more than a year, and there is no news at all.

   This made many bounty hunters start to speculate whether the supernova was retaliated by the Phantom Brigade, or was killed by criminals who specialize in hunting bounty hunters.

   Otherwise, how could he suddenly disappear when his reputation is soaring.

  The rosacea-nosed man told all the information he knew.

   When it comes to Moyou, it is even more embellished a lot.

  After all, no matter what the red-eyed demon intends to do, all he can do is to divert firepower as much as possible.

   "That's all I know..."

  The rosacea-nosed man faltered.

  The owner of the red eyes was silent for a while, then turned and left.

  The rosacea-nosed man suddenly collapsed to the ground.

  Outside the roadway.

  The black clouds dissipated at some point, the full moon revealed its figure, and the bright moonlight shrouded the earth.

  A blond boy was walking on a quiet street like a walking corpse.

   "Spider...Bounty Hunter...Moyu..."

  If someone got closer, they would definitely be able to hear the blond boy's repeated whispers.

--Dividing line--

   Extra Story: An excerpt from an informal food contest

  The four-yearly food competition is held in the city of Shivadani.

  This blockbuster event has always been sought after by celebrities and rich people from all walks of life, and it is also an excellent opportunity for gourmet hunters to gain a lot of fame.

   No gourmet hunter can ignore the existence of this event.

  Same as the previous ones, this year's food competition will be held in Shivadani City, and the Hunter Association will be solely responsible for the order and security of the scene.

   President Nitro of the Hunter Association and Lin Nie, the oldest two-star gourmet hunter, participated in the competition as judges.

  Every food competition will attract food hunters.

  But only gourmet hunters who pass the harsh selection competition can enter the final big stage.

  Men Qi and Xiao Di passed the selection competition without any risk, and entered the main competition with another 68 food hunters.

  Young and beautiful, full of youthful vigor, and excellent cooking skills.

  These characteristics made the youngest Menqi and Xiaodi once the focus of the game.

   "Oh, Lin Nie."

  Nitero looked at Men Qi who was concentrating on the fire, stroked his beard and said leisurely: "The old man still vaguely remembers that you were also..."


  Lin Nie tapped on the table with his fingers.

  Although he didn’t open his mouth, he conveyed the meaning, making Netero consciously shut up.

  The other judges all glanced at Nitro and Lin Nie, and then at Men Qi and Xiao Di in the arena.

  One of them, a middle-aged woman with serious clothes, black-rimmed glasses, and a stern face, snorted imperceptibly.

  Inside the arena.

  Xiao Di looked at a purple-blue suckling pig on the chopping board, and asked tentatively, "Is it really only the large intestine..."


  Men Qi was concise and to the point, gently stirring the sauce in the pot with the spoon.

   "What a waste."

  Xiao Di looked at the meat on the purple-blue suckling pig, and whispered to himself.

  Although this is a pig with toxins all over its body, as long as the toxins are sucked away, the meat on its body can still be eaten.

   Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Di picked up the kitchen knife and gave the purple-blue suckling pig a few knives.

   Then he swiftly took out the poisonous large intestine.

   "Do it now?"

  Xiao Di held the large intestine and looked at Men Qi.


  Men Qi nodded.

   Seeing this, the droplet walked into a large drying equipment that was not activated.

   Of course it is impossible for her to use her abilities in public.

  Men Qi glanced at the little drops that went into the drying equipment, and thought to himself: purple blue suckling pig, this is a well-known poison on the list, such an unprecedented ingredient, will definitely conquer those judges.

  Meng Qi, who has tasted the purple-blue suckling pig, is very confident about it.

   On the judging table.

  Besides Lin Nie and Nitro, the other five judges began to discuss the ingredients Men Qi chose.

  The general content is to question why Men Qi chose a highly poisonous ingredient that he knew could not be eaten.

  In the food industry, there is indeed a school of poisonous cuisine. There are only a handful of poisonous cuisine that can be served on the table, and poisonous ingredients that can be used.

  Purple blue suckling pig is not one of them, and it is also a deadly poison.

  The lady with black-rimmed glasses said coldly, "What is she doing here?"


  The other judges knew the character of the lady with black-rimmed glasses, so they didn't answer.

   Time flies and the cooking phase is over.

   It was Men Qi's dish that was brought to the table first, a plate of large sausage rolls dripping with red sauce-colored juice.

  When Men Qi brought this plate of food to the lady with black-rimmed glasses, the latter suddenly said: "Excessive arrogance is not a good thing, and poisonous cooking is not something that juniors like you can master."

   "It's not too late to say these things after trying the taste."

  Men Qi replied in a neutral tone.

  The lady with black-rimmed glasses picked up the knife and fork, pointed to the faint purple color in the large intestine, and asked coldly:

   "So, what's the matter with this toxin that hasn't been completely removed? I don't want to hear excuses such as carelessness, or, you want to say that you kept it on purpose?"

   "Yes, this is intentionally preserved, because the slight toxin can retain part of the flavor of the ingredients themselves."

  Men Qi looked at the lady with black-rimmed glasses without flinching.

  The gourmet competition has a mature inspection mechanism, so how can it be possible to put "unqualified dishes" on the table.

  As a reviewer, he must know the basics.

  The lady with black-rimmed glasses judged no more, cut off a small piece and chewed it in her mouth.


  After a few breaths, the lady with black-rimmed glasses froze, slowly took off her glasses, and looked at Men Qi in disbelief.

--Dividing line--

  「In the previous episode of the monthly pass, many book friends voted for the monthly pass but did not unlock it, so it is put here.」

   "Flowers in the mirror..."

  Under the bright moonlight, Moyou sat on the edge of the lake, quietly staring at the full moon reflected on the water.

  It has been more than half a month since I came to Meilin Ecological District.

  Apart from accompanying Men Qi to search for unknown ingredients every day, most of the rest of the time is still unremitting practice.

  Occasionally, like this moment, when the night is getting dark, I sit by the lake and think about the future direction of the ability.

  The "Speedy Foundation Stone" obtained before was used in the "Release Type" ability moves to supplement the lethality

  The ability materials in hand can also construct a system of "mirror flowers and water moons".

   It’s just based on the essence of the group of “Phantom Emotional Fragments”, if you want to develop the corresponding ability, you have to follow the process of triggering the ability of “mycelium parasitism”.

   This will undoubtedly limit Moyou's thinking space.

   "Mycelium parasitism, it's a bit harsh."

  Moyou stared at the full moon in the lake, and suddenly recalled the scene of countless black hyphae falling from the sky.

  At that time, it was this mycelium that fell from the sky that pulled everyone into the illusion space, and used people's spiritual energy as food to continuously increase the effect of their abilities.

  If the developed "Mirror Flower and Water Moon" needs to meet the triggering conditions of this ability, then one can imagine the difficulty of making the enemy fall for it.

  And considering the category of "parasitic", it is probably necessary to derive the beast system.

  Many conditions make the direction of the ability itself more complicated.

   However, complex abilities are not necessarily a bad thing.

   The more restrictions, the stronger the ability characteristics.

   While thinking about it, Moyou picked up a stone casually.

   "Speed ​​Gun"

  The condensed power of thought enveloped the stone, and turned to generate a huge propulsion force out of thin air.

   There was a scream, and the stone pierced through a circular air wave, shooting towards the full moon in the lake like an electric light in the night.


  The full moon in the water suddenly shattered, accompanied by a fleeting glare, and a large number of water splashed into the sky.

   "Unfortunately, I am a trait type."

  Looking at the large amount of water splashing down from mid-air, Moyou murmured to himself with some regret.

  The increase in speed of the release-type attack loaded with "Speedy Foundation Stone" can be described as terrifying.

  Based on the ability principle of "speed is power", the destructive power should not be underestimated.

   It's just that Moyou is limited by the division of mind attributes, so he can't give full play to the conversion rate of the release system.

   Otherwise, he felt that in the future, he might be able to blast half of the mountain with a cannonball like the reborn ant king.

"take it easy."

   Moyou looked at the full moon in the lake that was gradually returning to its original state.

  The changes brought about by the cornerstone of speed are not limited to the "gun" mode...

   It can be said that it makes up for his shortcoming of "insufficient lethality".

   It is quite a waste of thought...

   This is also impossible.

  Abilities that are not of this department will inevitably increase consumption when used.

   "Are you from the release department?"

  Xiao Di's voice suddenly came from behind.

  Hearing Xiaodi's voice, Moyou replied casually: "No, sorry, is it noisy..."

   While speaking, he turned his head to look at Xiao Di, but stopped abruptly in the middle of the conversation.

   Gein Xiaodi is only wearing close-fitting clothing at the moment, and his graceful and precocious figure is undoubtedly revealed.

  Under the moonlight, you can clearly see that there are several beads of sweat slowly sliding into the depths of the plump place.

  The large expanse of white and tender skin exposed to the air emitted a hazy shimmer.


  Moyou looked at Xiao Di, who was only wearing close-fitting clothing, with a look of astonishment on his face.

   "I'm sweating a lot, I want to go down and take a shower."

  Xiao Di raised his hand to wipe the sweat flowing from his neck to his chest, and explained.

"All right…"

   Moyou nodded stiffly.

   Does Tiandu still have the attribute of not caring about being looked down upon?

  Moyou thought silently in his heart.

  Xiao Di didn't ask Moyou about the Nian attribute anymore, and walked towards the full moon on the distant water while dribbling in the lake.

   Soon, the lake overflowed her waist.

   But she stopped abruptly, facing the bright moonlight, turned to look at Moyou, tilted her head slightly and asked:

   "Moyou, you also sweat a lot, do you want to wash together?"

  Amidst the silver-white light, the beautiful scenery is unobstructed.

   It was clearly a scene full of ambiguity, but the tone of the girl's invitation did not give rise to any evil thoughts.

   "No thanks."

   Moyou said so.


   Seeing Moyou's refusal, Xiaodi nodded, and immediately dived into the lake, cruising up and down like a fish.

   Moyou leaned on his chin and looked at Xiaodi who was swimming happily.

  It's hard to imagine that such a naturally dull girl can smash people's heads with a vacuum cleaner without changing her face.

  In the days to come, it is even possible to clean up thousands of fragmented corpses without any disturbance.

  The people who came out of Meteor Street...

   Are they all so special?

   Not right either.

  There are too many environments shrouded in darkness in this world, which is why all kinds of dangerous characters are born.

  Combined with the existence of the ability to have thoughts, the darkness generated by the environment will be magnified to the maximum extent by "thoughts".

  Now the droplet...

   At least in Moyou's view, he is a friend who can get along with him forever.

   Moyou thought silently.

   Not far behind him, a gaze slowly retracted.


  In the darkness, Men Qi snorted softly, then subconsciously raised her head to look at her chest, Xiao Di's strong capital suddenly appeared in her mind.


  Men Qi murmured to herself unwillingly.

  If Mo You could hear Men Qi's inner thoughts at the moment, then he would definitely make Men Qi feel at ease instantly.

  Because in a few more years—

  Men Qi's capital will not lose to Xiaodi at all.

  (end of this chapter)