MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 488 Peggy's depression

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What Nifebit said was straightforward, and Peggy was very depressed. Although she had such a powerful force, she didn't care about things. These situations had to be left to them to handle by themselves.

Naturally suppressed by superiors and subordinates, Peggy can only accept but not resist, and of course she can't think of resisting. Of course, if it is about the queen, it is possible.

In the original plot, the queen came out because of the king's broken belly, and her vitality was greatly damaged. Even her internal organs were damaged, and her life was dying.

In order to save the queen, even though the king has made it clear that the queen's life and death has nothing to do with him, Crudo still bites the bullet and wants to ask Neferbit to use its ability to help save the queen.

It's a pity that even though Korudo made a lot of determination to question Neferbite on the basis of his loyalty to the queen, Neferbite is naturally united with the king, and the king has been born smoothly, and the carrier of the queen has already passed away. It didn't work, so Neferbit rejected it without hesitation.

Only then did Crudo hold the white flag and surrender to President Nitero and the others, just to fight for human beings to be able to treat Her Majesty the Queen, hoping to save Her Majesty's life.

Even the life of the queen is insignificant in the eyes of Neferbit and other ants. Of course, the queen who gave birth to the king, let alone the disappearance of some division heads, will not attract their attention.

The security in the lair is still stricter. After all, the king has not yet been born. At this time, the queen's life is still very important, and Neferbit and others still attach great importance to it.

Since Neferbit and the others don't care, Peggy can only discuss with some division heads. Recently, they stay in the lair temporarily, and the food is enough. When it is not enough, they should come up with a solution.

"Keludo doesn't know where he is going, or there may be a better way." Peggy rarely said with emotion.

It never occurred to him that Corudo had long since disappeared into the world. After all, he was very intelligent, and he had always played the role of a military adviser among division commanders. Since he left in a hurry that day, there had been no news for more than a month.

No news has been received, Peggy and other ants are unwilling to believe that something will happen to it, after all, there is nothing to fight against them at that time.

In general, Lu Xiaoou's policy of blocking news has had an effect, delaying the news that the ants can get by a lot, and he doesn't know much about the strength of human beings, especially the understanding of special human beings, so this is the most important thing. Peggy They were not taken seriously and were the main cause of passive resistance.

Man-made money and dead birds die for food. If Peggy and the others knew that the strength of special human beings would increase their nutritional value according to the content of 'qi' in the human body, they would probably not be so calm.

Even Nephibit and others will not be so quiet. The queen needs nourishment, so that the king's body will become stronger. front.

Lu Xiaoou blocked the news at the beginning, which also saved them a lot of unnecessary trouble and sacrifice.

The next day soon came, and Haga was sent out early in the morning to investigate the situation and see the movements of the ants.

Soon Haga came back with the latest news.

"No, I checked carefully, and there is no trace of ants' activity at all. Just like Xiao Ou said, they seem to have changed their ways and didn't come out to hunt today." Haga said after taking a breath.

However, the eyes it looked at Lu Xiaoou were full of fear. You must know that since it surrendered, as long as it was said by Lu Xiaoou, it would be true. Even if it is the king of beasts, it still feels chills.

This ability to predict things like a **** is already beyond the reach of people, not to mention having such a high strength, it is simply impossible for ants to survive.

Fortunately, it chose early, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable. Haga rejoiced in his heart more than once that he was very decisive.

"Since this is the case, then we will follow the original plan and start ambush there from tomorrow to wait for the opportunity." President Netero said.

"Indeed, the current situation is very likely to be just like what Xiao Ou said, maybe we can face it head-on tomorrow." Nuo Bu said.

"The sooner you solve it, the sooner you can feel at ease," Kate said.

The tragedies in NGL are not only understood thoroughly by Lu Xiaoou and others who came in first, but Xiaojie and others who came in later also heard a lot, and saw some empty and **** villages, which can still be seen Those who have arrived, let alone those who cannot be seen.

Therefore, everyone hopes that this incident can be resolved as soon as possible, so as not to have any impact on the world.

As a first-class isolated creature, the Chimera Ant does not lose its prestige at all. If the ant king finally realized the true meaning of life, and human beings spared no expense in using the poison of roses on a large scale, poisoning the ant king, coupled with the restraint of wheat, It's really hard to say what the final outcome will be.

After all, President Netero was dead at that time, and there were only a few remnants of soldiers left. Even Jin was not there. Kate had been killed by Nifebit for protecting Xiaojie and the others. Nobu and Mo Laowu were also there. He was injured in the battle with the increasingly powerful division commanders. If everything hadn't come together, it is estimated that ants should rule mankind in the future and start a new era.

After Lu Xiaoou's operation, the strength of the ants did not increase much, but their team grew a lot. Everyone is still very confident about the decisive battle that will follow.

"Xiaoou, what should we do tomorrow?" Although Jin was also present, Xiaojie was used to asking Lu Xiaoou before making a decision.

"We will divide into two groups, one group will attack the lair, and the other group will restrain the new king and the guards and destroy them. When you attack the lair tomorrow, you must pay attention to safety." Lu Xiaoou said.

Although Xiaojie's strength has improved a lot compared to the original plot, they still can't confront the members of the Otherwise, it will probably be the same as in the original plot. Although Xiaojie killed Ni Flying bits, but also paid a heavy price.

If it weren't for Zhengqi Ya's younger sister Alluka's special ability to make wishes, and the ability is very powerful, Xiaojie, the son of the rich and strong old thief, would only have to linger on his last breath and slowly dissipate.

After all, that battle was really too tragic, and it was basically a life-for-life exchange. If it weren't for Xiaojie's halo as the protagonist, it would have been a dog for someone else.

"Okay, we got it." Xiaojie and the others didn't have any opinion on Lu Xiaoou's arrangement.

They have gained a full understanding of their own strength through the two-day battle with the division heads, and they should do everything according to their ability. This is the reason Lu Xiaoou gave them, and even the most stubborn Xiaojie will Under Lu Xiaoou's training, he has become more aware of current affairs and will no longer be stubborn, which may eventually lead to an irreversible ending.


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