MTL - I Accidentally Picked Up the Villain By Mistake After Wearing the Book-Chapter 5

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In the book, there is indeed a part of the demon poison in the original body. Later, in order to cure the demon poison, the male protagonist also ventured to the monster's lair to get the antidote for the original body. But it didn't talk about the plot of Seven Days of Death and No Antidote.

When I looked up, I saw the young man standing calmly in front of her, what is the meaning of finding an antidote for her, shouldn't she really ignore her?

She then stretched out her hand, grabbed the sleeve of the boy with one paw, and said weakly: "You have to save me, I can't die."

Rong Xiao looked indifferent, pulled his sleeves from her hands, and said, "I will send you back to Kunlun Mountain, and your father will think of a way to save you."

Father? Oh, the original cheap father Lu Qizhou.

Lu Qizhou is the head of the Kunlun Mountains and the father of Lu Yue and Lu Xueling, but since childhood, he hated and disliked Lu Yue as his daughter, with a dull and dull temperament and mediocre aptitude.

He will save Lu Yue? how is this possible.

In the later part of the book, the original body was solidly stabbed by his own father. Lu Qizhou did not take the original body in his eyes at all. Once he was sent back to Kunlun Mountain, he would definitely be A dead end.

Besides, the plot doesn't go that way.

If I don't go back, I won't go back if I die outside!"

"At the moment I only have the medicine to suppress the toxicity, and the effect is not very long. If I need to go back to Kunlun Mountain, maybe there is still a chance of life." After a pause, Rong Xiao said: "Kunlun Mountain There is a natural barrier, and if there is no fairy sticker to guide others, you can't go up the mountain, so you need to guide yourself."

"Don't!" Ning Yueyue suddenly felt that she was full of energy, she hugged Rong Xiao's arm and cried and said, "I will die when I go back, so the cheap dad won't save me. As for me, I have no one to love or love, so if I die, I will die. Kunlun Mountain is a cage, even if I die, I don't want to die in the cage..." She wiped the corners of her eyes without tears, and said pitifully: " Just let me die in nature, and let my bones go with the wind to be free."

Rong Xiao: "…"

For the first time in his life, he was helpless to a woman, how could this girl be a serious disciple of Kunlun Mountain, she should abide by etiquette and follow the rules.

But she was always talking and getting started.

It has long been forgotten that men and women do not kiss.

Rong Xiao wanted to push the person in front of her away, but she pulled on him so hard that she pushed him a few times, but he didn't push, he frowned and said, "Let go first."

"I don't!" Ning Yueyue howled dryly, "You can't abandon me!" There were tears in her eyes, and the tears would not fall, she bit her teeth, aggrieved Said: "You are the first person I met after going down the mountain. I have a natural intimacy with you! I just want to follow you and spend the last and last days by your side, and I don't want to be alone. die!"


Rong Xiao frowned lightly, he reached out and raised Ning Yueyue's head.

He felt obliged to use his spiritual power to find out if there was a tank of fish in the woman's head.

Rong Xiao asked suspiciously: "You really don't want to go back, even if you die?"

Ning Yueyue nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, raised her eyebrows slightly, and continued to pretend to be pitiful, "Just let me follow you? I want to stay by your side."

Rong Xiao didn't understand a little, the person in front of him seemed to take his life very much, otherwise he wouldn't have sent Lu Xueling to save her through voice transmission every day for the past few days. But why refuse to go back to Kunlun Mountains? Of course he wouldn't think it was as she said, that he wanted to stay by his side.

Unless she is sure she will not die, someone will save her.

Ning Yueyue tried her best to make a sweet voice, "Why don't you believe it?" She looked up and saw the expression on the young man's face, the corners of her eyes were bent, and she laughed happily, "What I said is Really, the first time I saw you..."

Rong Xiao frowned, unable to bear to interrupt Ning Yueyue's chatter, "I just ask you, do you really want to go back to Kunlun Mountain?"

Seeing Ning Yueyue nodding, Rong Xiao turned around and left.

"Hey, wait for me!" Ning Yueyue couldn't care less about her disgraced face, she hurriedly followed with her skirt up.

"Don't follow." Rong Xiao's tone was light, and Ning Yueyue sensitively heard a bit of disgust in his tone.

Ning Yueyue said aggrievedly: "I know I'm dragging you down, but you really can't let me follow you?" She burst into tears, "The monster will come back to kill me when I place an order. I've been caught with the demon poison again, and I won't run far, and I will die sooner or later." At this point, she nearly burst into tears: "But before I die, can you leave me alone, woo woo..."

Rong Xiao was silent for a while, then glanced at her, "I'll take a look around, if I can find a monster, maybe I can find an antidote for you." After the Nine Rings Formation, as long as you stay out of the circle, the monsters will not see you even if they come."

It turns out that these nine bells are the nine-ring array, and the nine-ring array is set up with the five elements and gossip. The formation of the formation is equivalent to a blindfold. People inside the circle can see the outside scene, but those outside the formation may see a few trees, a piece of flat ground, and so on. Ordinary monsters can't detect this formation, even if they know the anomaly here, if they can't decipher the five elements and gossip, they can't enter the real formation. What's more, the IQ of the monster this time is not very high, and it is more than enough to save his life.

I didn't expect the male protagonist to draw this array too. In the original book, there seems to be a sect that makes good use of this method. Which sect does it come from?

Ning Yueyue couldn't remember for a while, but that didn't stop her from blowing a rainbow fart.

She looked at Rong Xiao with adoring and respectful eyes, and praised: "You are really amazing! I don't know which little chicken drew that magic circle before. , I was attacked by the monsters in one fell swoop! It's really spicy! It's shameful to have such a skill, it is estimated that the urine of a child who is not even a three-year-old will work! It made me almost..."

Rong Xiao passed her reddish lips lightly, and interrupted her ramble, "I drew it."

He passed by here a few days ago, and when he noticed that the demonic energy was soaring into the sky, he drew a demon binding formation. The Demon Binding Formation is not a magic formation with the highest attack power. At that time, he just wanted to lead the monster into the formation, and then use the weapon to collect it. Who knows that the monster is too cunning, and did not enter this formation at all.

In the end, Ning Yueyue used it as a refuge by mistake.

Ning Yueyue, who was flattering and overturned, changed from a stunned expression to tears, she covered her chest and said "I'm about to die suddenly": "I... I may It's about to be poisoned... Why don't you find an antidote for me first?"

Rong Xiao: "…"

Really good.

He glanced at the girl in front of him again, turned and left.

Acting is so tiring.

As soon as the person left, Ning Yueyue felt paralyzed all over her body. If it weren't for the fact that the ground was too dirty to see, Ning Yueyue would have already lied down. But the skirt was already very dirty, she lifted up her dress, found a fairly clean chair and sat down.

Immediately, she took out the blood-colored beads strung with red threads from the jacket. The beads were still hot when they were attached to her neck, but they no longer radiated bright light. The blood beads are bright red like blood, and the beads are crystal clear. They look very good, but if they are too monotonous and ordinary in terms of ornamental value, they are ordinary fairy door utensils.

But Ning Yueyue knows that this string of blood beads is not ordinary, it is an ancient treasure Buddha sandalwood beads.

The Buddha and Sandalwood Mirror are ancient artifacts that flowed into the world together.

Buddha sandalwood mirror can open a lost road to the past and future. The spell caster uses his own cultivation base to enter the Buddha sandalwood mirror, only the soul can enter it, and the Buddha sandalwood mirror is an artifact that helps the soul to lead the past and the future. The soul falls into the thousands of worlds, and it is easy to get lost and be careless. There are also the consequences of being ashes in the Buddha's sandalwood mirror.

And Buddha sandalwood beads, it is said that it can stabilize the soul from being damaged when entering a world that does not belong to its own time and space, and Buddha sandalwood beads can also be widely used.

The popular point is that these 18 Buddha sandalwood beads can also hide body protection instruments. When they came, the elders of the Demon Realm bound a lot of body protection instruments in the Buddha sandalwood beads. Square Magic Box.

Ning Yueyue recited the incantation silently, the runes flowing around the Buddha sandalwood beads, a burst of light flashed, and the phantom of the magic box slowly floated in front of her.

Huh, Ning Yueyue breathed a sigh of relief.

The box is still there, she will not die.

She remembered that there were a lot of elixir in the magic box, what to prolong life, detoxify, suppress magic...

It's a mere evil spirit, don't panic.

Just now, the Buddha sandalwood beads seem to have provoked the dog's male lead's idea. Anyway, she couldn't use it now, so she withdrew the spell and stayed in place quietly waiting for the dog man to come back.

I didn't expect to fall asleep while waiting.

I dreamed of being in the Demon Domain.

She dreamed that she was lying on a beautiful and delicate cloud bed, surrounded by aura floating and shining. As if surrounded by gentle stars.

It's her, not like her.

, the whole soft beauty of the whole country.

Ning Yueyue heard a very soft female voice in her dream. The female voice seemed to be coming from a very distant place. Nian, haven't you put it down yet?"

Whose voice is this?

The person on the bed still closed his eyes, it should not be the sound of the original body.

This sentence was behind, Ning Yueyue noticed that the dream was like a stone being hit on the calm water, the picture began to sway, and the waves became mottled.

The female voice said again: "You fell into the devil's way, Tu Xianmen, turned the whole world of cultivating upside down, what do you want?"

Who is this female voice talking to?

Ning Yueyue searched for consciousness in the dream, trying to see the picture clearly, but in vain, the picture in the dream is always "self" lying on the beautiful and dreamy cloud bed with her eyes closed.

And the female voice continued.

"Eighteen sects of Xianmen, hundreds of mysterious gates, in addition to the human world, there are evil spirits running rampant everywhere, you are also a cultivator, you are kind to the human world, why are you Killing all of your fellow sects?"


It was gloomy and hoarse, and since then, the pressure suddenly grew, and the dream suddenly couldn't support it and began to stagger. The overlapping pictures shook Ning Yueyue with a splitting headache.

"Wake up."

A male voice broke through the dream clearly.

Ning Yueyue didn't have time to listen, she gritted her teeth and felt a sharp pain all over her body, curled up, her teeth kept shaking.

The cool fingertips touched the lips, Ning Yueyue felt that someone was going to force her lips apart, she pursed her lips tightly, and heard the low male voice as sweet as a spring breeze : "Let go."

Ning Yueyue was forced to open her lips, and a wind slid down the tip of her tongue to her throat.

As if warm clouds covered under the eyelashes, the picture in the dream finally stopped shaking, only to see the pure white light instantly flooding the whole dream. Ning Yueyue's consciousness returned a little, she opened her eyes abruptly, in her hazy vision, she bumped into a pair of dark and deep pupils, she blinked, the confusion in front of her dissipated, and there was a beautiful and amazing face of a young man appeared clearly in front of him.

Scare, the dog man is back.

Ning Yueyue wanted to take a breath, but when she closed her mouth, she suddenly felt that her teeth were biting into something soft.

"Let go."

The boy with red lips and white teeth in front of him let out a cold voice.

Ning Yueyue realized something was wrong.


The author has something to say:

Ning Yueyue: I have a friend who wants to be healthy, is there a cutie reading the text? ~