MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 32 Fried ice cream

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The old Yangtou went fishing again. This time, she did not choose Sunday, nor did she bring Lin to them. Instead, she went with her little grandmother and several familiar old men.

Since I gave the Xiqin restaurant to Lin Yiyi, the old Yangtou seems to be reluctant to always look around, but it was not long before she was persuaded by her grandmother to follow her to fight Tai Chi. When climbing the mountain, everything is still gathering and fishing. Life seems to be enriched at once, so I don’t care much about the Xiqin restaurant. It’s so comfortable and comfortable. It seems that I understand life. The meaning of it is that it is a good idea to give the restaurant to Lin Yiyi.

Although the restaurant has been transferred to Lin Yiyi, but in Lin Biao's heart, this is always the old Yangtou thing, so there is no meaning to change, as long as the restaurant is well managed, he will always have a body In the land, Lin Yiyi thinks so.

The business of Xiqin Restaurant has always been very good. The money is collected and collected. In the evening, Lin Yiyi was handed over to Lin Yiyi. Lin Yiyi opened another account to save the money and prepared to hand it over to the old one. Yang head.

He used to have no idea about money. Although he knows that money can buy a lot of things, he doesn't seem to have anything to do with his desires. He has learned since Shen Fu came, that there are so many places where you need to spend money.

When I went to the bank, he not only saved a large part of the money, but also consulted a nearby securities company and opened a house for himself. The stock was learned by Shen Fu because he was at the bank last time. When I saw the investment and financial management, I was later thrown away by the old Yangtou as a liar advertisement. However, Lin Yiyi still paid attention to it. He checked it online and the evaluation seemed to be mixed. Finally, he accidentally mentioned it in front of Shen Fu. Shen Fu seems to be a little surprised. He also laughed and asked him how he suddenly knew that he was making money. He wanted to earn a wife.

Lin Yiyi did not pay attention to Shen Fu’s laughter, but he remembered what he said.

"If you want to make money, to be honest, investing in these messy wealth management products is not as good as learning stocks, whether it is long-term or short-term, with my guidance, you must not lose." I don't know what Shen Fu did before, even After understanding this, after reading this, I looked at Lin Yiyi. "In fact, you are very smart. If you are studying finance, are these things not playing with applause?"

Lin Yiyi squinted and didn't quite understand what Shen Fu said.

Then in the end, Shen Fu also licked his head, like a certain canine, laughing eyes picked up.

"But it doesn't matter, although you are smart, you don't need to be so smart."

Lin Yiyi intuitively feels that this is not a compliment.

Lin Kaiyi, who started the account, did not say to Shen Fu. Although this thing was still popularized for him, he didn’t really want to see the identity of Shen Fu’s predecessors in front of him. He felt that he should also I can touch this thing □ □ not far from the ten, he especially wants to see what the expression of Shen Fu will be.

When I went back, I passed the ice cream shop. Now it’s almost late autumn, and the ice cream shop’s business is also greatly discounted. I can still buy it every time I pass by. This is the first dessert he has come to eat in this world. It is as much as the original roast chicken that was eaten by Song Yan in the first time.

He also knows until now that he is sweet and fat.

When I walked into the ice cream shop, the clerk inside was at him, and they all laughed.

"It's going to be cold this day, you still like ice cream."

Lin Yi nodded and slightly raised his mouth.

He has become a frequent visitor in this store. The three clerk in it are very familiar with him. At first, he still thinks that he is a cold. Whoever thinks it is a cute one, as soon as he sees something delicious, eyes Will shine.

All the ice cream in this store has been eaten all over the summer. The clerk has never been polite with him. Every time a new taste comes out, he will always tell him, basically as long as he likes it. It will be very popular with guests.

Even the boss of this store has known Lin Yiyi, and originally planned to dig him over here. After all, the handsome guy with ice cream is almost impossible for all girls to resist, but later I know Lin Yiyi’s Xiqin in the back alley. The idea was dispelled after the restaurant was working.

I didn’t wait for Lin’s intention to say what flavor of ice cream, one of the clerk’s girls said, “We have a new ice cream, and it’s really time for you to come.”

Lin Yiyi’s eyes blinked and it’s bright.

"Yeah, strawberry-flavored fried ice cream, suitable for this season, have to taste?"

Lin Yiyi nodded decisively.

The clerk took out a new style of ice cream, two golden balls, and a layer of bread crumbs wrapped in a crispy layer of rice.

This fresh way of eating made Lin Yiyi feel a little incompetent. Finally, he used a spoon to poke the ball, and the cold pink ice cream leaked out.

Lin Yiyi narrowed his eyes and enjoyed the tasting.

There is no one in the store now, and the three shop assistants are not standing in the counter. They are all around the table of Lin Yiyi. "How? How?"

Even if they didn't eat, it is a pleasure to see Lin Biao's intention to eat.

Crispy warm whole wheat bread crust, iced and sleek strawberry ice cream core, cold and hot collision, turned into a unique taste.

Lin Yi nodded, "very delicious."

The store owner pushed the door out from the other side. "It was on the table. He said that it was delicious. It must have been ran."

At the end of the walk, Lin Yiyi’s ice cream didn’t cost money, and he gave him two copies for free.

Back to the Xiqin restaurant, Shen Fu seems to be on the phone, frowning and saying that Lin Yiyi did not listen, went in and put the ice cream in front of Shen Fu and then recovered, and said to the phone, "Just like this, hanging It is."

Then it really hangs.

When I hang it, I change my face. I smile at the forest and look at it. "Buy me?"

Lin Yiyi leaned on him. "No, people sent it, didn't finish it."

Shen Fu: ...

Old Yangtou is not at home, the rest of Lin Yiyi can only be placed in the refrigerator first, not a meal, and no one, sitting with Shen Fu, holding the mobile phone to see the **** securities just downloaded.

Shen Fu didn't know what he was playing, sitting in a sleepy situation, watching Lin Yiyi sitting there straight, his mind suddenly turned a blind idea, "Let your legs lend me..."

When the words were not finished, they were interrupted by a louder voice. Shen Fu said... very unhappy.

Zhao Xuemei took the lead and pulled Yang Xiao into it.

I saw that Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi were not stunned. I looked around the store and asked, "What about others? People?"

Shen Fu’s smile was fixed in the corner of his mouth and turned into a strange arc. Hey, come again? It seems that he has not put his words in his heart.

Lin Yiyi stood up and asked with a blank expression. "You look for Grandpa? Why?"

Zhao Xuemei couldn’t care for their arrogance. He could listen to Lin Yiyi’s words. He said that he was angry and anxious. “I need to report to you when I am looking for him? What are you counting? Hurry up I said to others?" She was in a hurry and had no time to talk nonsense with them.

Lin Yiyi blinked his eyes. "I don't know."

Shen Fu: direct, not lying.

Zhao Xuemei didn't blow up yet, Yang Xiao first blew up, but unfortunately he hadn't walked to Lin Yiyi before, and he was scared back by Shen Fu, who took a step forward.

But when I think of that one million, I don’t care about it. I scream at my neck. "It’s none of your business. We just want to find my grandfather and talk to him."

Shen Fu’s hands clasped his chest. “It’s not like you have to talk like this.”

Yang Xiao is crying. "I really don't come to see you. I just want to know where my grandfather is. I really have something to tell him."

Yang Jianguo also chased him up and panicked. He saw this situation and thought that something happened. He went forward and said, "What is this?"

Yang Xiao grabbed his arm. "Dad, Grandpa is not here, you are going to find it."

Yang Jianguo is the only one in this family of three who still talks about it. Listening to Yang Xiao’s saying this is also known. It is certain that these two children know where his father is, but they are not willing to say.

"We, we are really in a hurry to find my dad, do you know where he is going? Can you tell us?"

It’s really amazing to find your own dad to ask for directions from the outside population.

Shen Fu did not speak, only looked at Lin Yiyi, Lin Yiyi looked at Yang Jianguo, "Grandpa went fishing with them, I don't know which lake to go."

It seems that they are running white today. Zhao Xuemei is full of hope and she can't help but temper. I know that Lao Yangtou is not here or sneer. "When are you still thinking about fishing? It’s so comfortable!”

Lin Yiyi’s face was once again ugly.

Yang Jianguo is also a fire. "You don't say a few words. It's all made by your son. What is your father?"

"Yes, it’s not your dad’s business. Anyway, if this million is not available, Xiao Xiao will not live if he has three long and two short. You will go to your dad with your dad, you will see it. Our mother is dead!!"

Zhao Xuemei said and cried, and Yang Xiao was very afraid of irritability. Now hope is shattered, and he is also dead.

Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi looked at each other and finally believed that there was something wrong with their family.