MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 4

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First look at the comments, the first comment is the one she replied yesterday. At this point, there have been more than 100 responses under that comment, and the number of praises has become more than 300. There is a reply from the "workplace little rookie", the reply is written like this: blogger, I did not expect that you are really fortune-telling. I went to ask him last night, now we are together. 【excitement】

Seeing this reply, Shen Chuchu finally rest assured. It seems that her first appearance with the gods stick did not smash her own brand. She went to see the comments below on Weibo one by one, and then found that many people are very curious about their marital status.

"If the blogger is really old, ask me to be a handsome husband [picture]"

"Choose me to choose me, tell me if my current boyfriend is my husband, if not, I will quickly break up with him. [Image]"

"Seeking my wife, I am 30 years old, still a bachelor. [Image]"


After reading these comments that uploaded photos for fortune telling, Shen Chuchu smiled. Although some people inside have questioned her identity, Shen Chuchu is not so concerned, because there are also many people who believe in her. Fortune telling such a thing, as long as people are dubious, it is a success!

After reading the comments, she went to see her forwarding. She always feels that her data has risen so much. It is not the reason for the reply of the small rookie in the workplace. There should be other reasons.

Sure enough, the first article she forwarded saw a big v.

The first entertainment record - red hair V: mysterious blogger, ask for a divination!

Although this person is called the first entertainment record, but the fans are only more than 90,000, the certification is the B city entertainment reporter.

After reading the microblog of this person, Shen Chuchu opened a private letter and looked at the shock and gratitude of the small rookie in the workplace. Shen Chuchu first told her about "human speech."

I am the old man: Do you know the first entertainment record - red hair?

In addition, she really couldn't think of why a small reporter who had always invented only the star gossip would forward her Weibo.

Little chopper in the workplace: You really are a **** stick! Even this is even known. But I don't know him, it's my classmate, it's not right. It should be said that my boyfriend Ding Jicheng knows him. My boyfriend saw your Weibo and thought you might need exposure, so thank you for forwarding your Weibo. I don't know if I will do bad things with good intentions. 【shy】

I am old: Thank you.

After chatting with the little rookie in the workplace, Shen Chuchu thought about it and went to open the marriage system of the little rookie in the workplace. After this look, she found that the content inside has changed!

First, the date of marriage changed, and it became June 30, 2018. It was almost half a year, and then the time of love became today. Finally, the first night time has also become March this year.

It turned out that after she helped someone in marriage, it would affect the marital situation of people!

In fact, she has been thinking about this issue before. If a person knows the future ahead of time and actively changes it, will the future change accordingly? Some people think that the ending is fixed, no matter how you make changes in advance, it is difficult to change the future trajectory. Some people think that it can be changed. After all, a butterfly in the Amazon River occasionally twitches several times to cause a tornado in Texas soon.

Before this, Shen Chuchu did not know whether the future could be changed or not. Today, the system gives a clear answer, that is, the future can change. Shen Chuchu did not know whether the change she made was good or bad, but looked at the marriage index has not changed, Shen Chuchu can finally be a little relieved. As long as the marriage index has not changed, it means that her change has not affected their marital happiness.

Because she completed a task yesterday, her attributes have changed.

Current rating: 0 (1/10)

Acting value: 19 (100)

Machine value: 0 (10)

In the bottom row, there is a yellow bold hint.

Congratulations to the host to complete the task yesterday, the completion is a pass, please continue to work hard. If you achieve excellence, you have the opportunity to increase your chances.

The acting value is still 19, and there is no improvement at all. Shen Chuchu feels that he still needs to continue to explore his own system.

When I finished my task today and just wanted to quit Weibo, Shen Chuchu looked at her more than 800 fans today, thought about it, and gave her a private message to the first entertainment record.

I am the old man: the man named the strong soldier who rescued last night will definitely wake up, and will be with the light-born female master who he rescued.

Shen Chuchu did not arbitrarily send this private letter, because she just opened the red hair microblogging, found that one of his microblogging is about this matter. Moreover, when forwarding, he also prayed for the safety of the soldiers.

She can't guarantee that the red hair will believe her, but she still wants to express her gratitude for the red hair. Because she knows that she can have so much reading, thanks to his forwarding.

The first entertainment record - red hair: God stick adults! [Star Eyes]

Looking at this title, Shen Chuchu almost squirted out of the water. Although she claimed to be a **** stick, she was really called, but she was embarrassed.

I am an old man: Don't tell others that I told you.

The first entertainment record - red hair: certainly will not tell others! ! The secret of the **** stick adult is guarded by me! 【excitement】

When I woke up in the morning, Shen Chuchu suddenly found that her completion degree had become 3, but she only counted two people. This really made her not understand, what happened to the extra person?

After logging in to Weibo, Shen Chuchu discovered the private letter of Red Hair.

The first entertainment record - red hair: fairy, you really feel like a god, the strong soldiers really woke up. I believe that he and the female master will soon be together.

Seeing this private letter sinking into the heart, I clicked on Weibo’s Weibo and found that the first Weibo was about this matter.

The first entertainment record - red hair V: I believe that good people have good news, strong soldiers will wake up soon. Moreover, how do I feel that these two people have such a husband and wife? 【naughty】

Therefore, although she only counted the marriage of two people, the degree of completion is 3, one of which is this.

After thinking clearly, Shen Chuchu will no longer be entangled.

On the microblog, the three-day build-up period passed, and Shen Chuchu felt that the timing was somewhat mature, so a message was posted on Weibo.

I am an old man: I want to know who your future husband (wife) is? Comments leave a photo, let me tell you who Ta is. It’s only a free day, and it’s all about chance. Others who want to count, please go to this address: marriage. First come, first served, Taobao is only a hundred times a day.

After the release, put this Weibo on top.

The word "marriage" is actually a hyperlink set by Shen Chuchu, which can be connected to the Taobao website of Shen Chuchu.

Next, Shen Chuchu no longer stares at Weibo, she only stares at her own Taobao to see if anyone is going to buy it. Her setting is 1,000 yuan. After all, I don’t know if there will be any counter-attack in the future. She still earns more when she can make money.

In fact, this can't be said that she is a pit person. After all, such a thing is a willingness to make a wish. If you want to know the future, you have to pay for it. If you don't want to know, don't buy it.

"Want to know who your future husband (wife) is, please choose a set meal, private photos, I will tell you everything you want to know. However, marriage days are doomed. Counting and not counting, relying on fate. Unconditional refund."

At twelve o'clock noon, Shen Chuchu finally ushered in her first customer. This person did not ask any questions, took a picture directly, and then sent the photo over.

Shen Chuchu stared at the photo for three seconds and then sent all the information about the person about marriage.

Then, Shen Chuchu received two orders, some people will ask a lot, Shen Chuchu will forcefully use his limited poetry to fool people. Some people have sent photos of some celebrities, such an order is not a refund.

She did not expect that the business was unexpectedly hot! It turns out that so many people in the society have marital problems, and so many people are caught in the whirlpool of feelings. They will buy high-priced information about marriage!

This day has not finished, Shen Chuchu's ten business has been completed. She felt that she was so lucky that she could get such a powerful system. It was too easy to make money, and she earned 10,000 yuan a day. She didn't even know that the price of the regret setting was too low, and she should regret that she limited the number.

In this case, she could return it to the 10,000 yuan she had lost to her in the hospital. For her who has never owed someone else money, this is really a big deal to solve the problem.

At this point, she has already counted the marriage of fifteen people. Open your own system panel and it has changed.

Current rating: 1 (5/20)

Acting value: 20 (100)

Machine value: 1 (10)

Tip: Congratulations on getting the chance value, and you will have good luck coming to your head soon!

Watching the upgrade finally, and the acting value returned to 20, Shen Chuchu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I saw that the edge value became 1, and when the following tips will have good luck, Shen Chuchu shines. Although I don't know what this good fortune is, it is always much stronger than bad luck.

Just thinking about it, Shen Chuchu’s mobile phone suddenly rang. Upon seeing the name of the broker, Shen Chuchu did not hesitate to pick it up.

"I will come to the company at ten o'clock tomorrow morning and have an advertisement for you."

After Shen Chuchu hung up the phone and thought of the value she had just seen on the system, she suddenly felt that happiness was coming too fast. Excited to roll in the bed several times.