MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 63 (catching insects)

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After that, Shen Chuchu felt that his mouth was too fast. She couldn't say that her kiss was hot pot because of the smell of hot pot around her nose. This is how it is your first kiss!

Han Xingyan heard this sentence and the action on his hand stopped.

"No, it's the taste that belongs to you."

"Oh." Shen Chuchu thought, but fortunately he did not say it was hot pot.

Apparently, Han Xingyan’s mood was very good. He touched his hair and said: “It’s not early, go to rest early.”

Shen Chuchu thought of the thing just now, his face nodded red and turned into his own home. After closing the door, there is only one person in the whole space, and the sound of the heartbeat seems to be more intense. Shen Chuchu had a second to doubt whether his heart would jump out like this.

After calming down, Shen Chuchu glanced through the video. When Han Xingyan was still standing in the same place, her mood was even better, and her smile on her face was deeper.

However, when I went to take a shower, Shen Chuchu suddenly thought of a question, "It’s still the original...", what does this sentence mean, don’t they think about them in the hotel, Shen Chu thought, are they Have you kissed it twice?

So, what happened that time?

Shen Chuchu tangled for one night, until Wang Qian came over, she did not want to understand. She can't go to the opposite side and knock on the door and ask people. "Last time at the hotel, did you kiss me?" How can you ask for an exit? If you don't ask, it looks like a feather, and it scratches the heart.

"Boss, do you want this thing? The boss..."

"Ah? Take it." Shen Chuchu returned to see what Wang Qian said in his hand.

Wang Qian looked at Shen Chuchu and always felt that she was somewhat different today. I have been in a daze, but I still touch my lips and touch my face from time to time. Looks, um, it looks a bit silly.

The two people were busy in a daze, and the doorbell suddenly rang. Wang Qian took a look through the video and turned to ask: "Boss, have you ordered breakfast?"

After the question, I still had some troubles. Just the boss said that she didn't need to bring her breakfast. She said that she had eaten too much last night. She was going to enter the crew immediately. She was too fat, so she didn't eat it in the morning. Did you change your mind on the way she came?

"Ah? Order breakfast, no. I don't have it in the morning." Shen Chuchu said a moment.

After listening to Wang Qian, he pointed out: "But outside is the food delivery staff of Su Ji."

Shen Chuchu frowned and said: "Then ask first."

"Sorry, have you sent the wrong message, we have not ordered," said Wang Qian.

The staff outside said with a smile: "Hello, is it Ms. Shen? This is the love breakfast that Mr. Han gives you."

Mr. Han? Wang Qian’s first reaction was to live in the opposite Han Hanyan. She turned to look at the sinking Chu: "The boss said that it was sent by Mr. Han."

When I took the breakfast and placed it on the table, Shen Chuchu was happy and bubbling while tangled. Is she so able to eat in Han Xingyan's heart? Two caged dumplings, one dish of fried dumplings, four fritters, a bowl of egg soup...

Although there was some tangling in my heart, Shen Chuchu smelled the smell of fragrant spray, or ignored Wang Qian’s eyes, and couldn’t help but reach out and took a small dumpling.

Just right, at this time, Han Hyun-yan’s phone call came over.

"Chu Chu, the company has something in the morning, so I came earlier. Has the breakfast been delivered, is it enough?"

Shen Chuchu originally thought that Han Xingyan couldn’t be considerate. As a result, after listening to the last few words, his face was black.

"Enough to eat!" These words are said to be biting their teeth. "Enough for me to eat for a day."

"Then eat less, eat together at noon, I booked a restaurant on Huaihai Road." Han Xingyan said with a smile, his pleasant mood, although separated by a mobile phone, still accurately passed to Shen Chuchu's heart.

I did not expect Shen Chuchu to say: "I will return to Hengdian to film in a while."

After that, Shen Chuchu thought that the other person's familiar tone really made her feel a bit uncomfortable, listening to his tone, as if two people are already male and female friends. When did she promise him, yesterday... I didn’t promise him yesterday. She is still tangled in small.

Han Xingyan did not expect to receive such an answer. After a few seconds of pause, he said helplessly: "Well, pay attention to safety. After that, I will report my life safely."

When Secretary Wang came in to send the documents, Han Xingyan had not hung up. I don't know why, Secretary Wang feels chilly. I really don't understand why he went back to the cold winter from the warm spring in the Kung Fu office where he went to get the documents. After dropping the file, he quickly left.

Thinking of the kiss last night, Shen Chuchu wanted to ask "Why do you want to report peace with you, what is our relationship?" However, she hesitated a few times, still did not ask, but said: "Well, good."

"When is the emperor?"

"It will take about half a month to go smoothly."

"Well, I will pick you up by then."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Chuchu felt that he was not quite normal, but he talked with Han Xingyan. In just a few minutes, the whole person seemed to be touched by the switch, and the whole body cells were alive. The corners of the mouth are also somewhat uncontrollable.

When Wang Qian didn't know how many times she curiously looked over, Shen Chuchu glanced at her and asked, "What's the matter, is there anything?"

Wang Qian didn't think she was caught, stunned, and then shook her head. Think about breakfast, think about the phone content she just heard.

Look at the appearance of your own boss at this time. In addition to love, she really can't think of other things.

When Shen Chuchu realized that he had finished eating the two cages of Xiaolongbao, he cried and cried and looked at the Xiaolongbao, which was half-baked in his hand. He said with a sad face: "What to do, I have eaten so much."

Wang Qian thought, I just wanted to remind you. It’s just that you just eat too much, I don’t have the heart.

Shen Chuchu tangled for a few seconds, or stuffed half of the buns into his mouth, and then ran to the electronic scale and said it. Very good, only a pound.

"I remember that the weight in the morning is the heaviest, and the night will be lighter than the morning. Is it right?" Shen Chuchu asked with some uncertainty. She has a play tonight, and maybe it will be lighter.

Wang Qian glanced at the look that Shen Chu looked forward to, or honestly said: "But I remember that the weight of the person in the morning is the lightest, and the night will be heavy."

Looking at Shen Chuchu's expression of death, Wang Qian thought, but fortunately did not say the words behind. She really wants to say that if she is on the mirror, the weight is not the focus, the point is that it looks fat and not fat. Some people are fat, but they are not fat on their faces, so it’s okay to take a costume drama. However, it is obvious that their boss is not this type of person. When she came in the morning, she found that her boss had a fat face and saw a lot of things last night.

Shen Chuchu took a deep breath and said: "I don't have dinner at noon or afternoon."

When he went out, Shen Chuchu specially selected a larger sunglasses to cover his own swollen face. After arriving at the airport, the people who recognized her this time were really much more up, and she actually felt that she was a little more fired than before.

"Wow, are you really sinking, I am lucky today."

Shen Chuchu looked at the girl with a ponytail looking very cute and smiled and took a photo with her.

"Chu Chu, are you going to film?" the girl asked excitedly.

Shen Chuchu nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, go to Hengdian to film."

After signing a name with several fans and taking a photo, Shen Chuchu went to board with Wang Qian.

In the afternoon, Shen Chuchu went to the studio. As a result, the director asked her at first glance: "Chu Chu, what have you eaten this month, how do you get fat like this?"

Shen Chuchu looked at the eyes of the surrounding staff, and he couldn’t do it. He whispered: "It’s not what you said can increase your weight."

The director was almost ridiculed by this answer, saying: "I said that you can increase your weight properly, but did not say that you let go of eating. I see you do not play this evening, go to a gym to lose weight. It’s impossible to play on the face like this. I will come over and see it tomorrow morning."

Shen Chuchu’s head is as fast as an ostrich. She would like to say that she really didn't really have much weight because she had eaten too much last night and her face was swollen. Thinking of the culprit who took her to the hot pot last night, Shen Chuchu accused him of unreasonable in his heart.

Han Xingyan was looking at the documents, and suddenly felt that the back was cold and he was sneezing. Secretary Wang asked intimately: "Boss, is the temperature of the air conditioner too low, do you want to increase it?"

Han Xingyan did not raise his head and said: "No."

Secretary Wang saw the boss feeling very good, could not help but said: "Well, maybe someone wants you. When I was a child, I often heard my mother say that someone is sneezing in a sneeze."

Han Xingyan listened to this sentence and looked up at Wang’s secretary. A very agreeable look said, “Well, it seems a bit reasonable.”

I was thinking, is it that Chu Chu thought about him? With this recognition, Han Xingyan’s mood was very good this afternoon. However, Shen Chuchu, who is far away from Hengdian, is in a bad mood. It’s really a bit more to eat and run for a day.

After a long day of sinking in the sun, after a shower at night, lying on the bed like a dead dog. Take out the phone and brush up on Weibo.

"Chen Meng third party"

When Shen Chuchu saw this hot search, he thought that Chen Mengxin had made a movie called "Third Party", so he curiously went in. Unexpectedly, after I went in, I found out that this was a movie, but a real thing in reality. There are more than one male lead in the story.