MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 90

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After returning from the company, in addition to the time of eating, Shen Chuchu has been watching the script.

This play is about a girl who was full of good hopes for love and marriage. After a period of emotional failure, she decided to live alone for a lifetime.

The script is very clever, the heroine experienced three failures of love, but each story does not make people feel blood, but people feel sad after reading.

Love may be something that you love me, I love you, such a simple thing. But marriage is not, we always have to face all kinds of small troubles. It is this biting little trouble that makes people retreat again and again in front of marriage.

This story seems to be faint, but after reading it can lead to people thinking.

When Han Xingyan came back from the company, he saw such a scene.

Shen Chuchu sat alone on the sofa with a script in his hand. I looked at the ceiling and didn't know what I was thinking. Han Xingyan felt a huge sense of loneliness.

Han Xingyan put down the things in his hands and walked over and took over Chu Chu. Kissing him on the top of his head, Wen Sheng asked: "What do you think?"

Shen Chuchu relied on Han Xingyan’s shoulder and said: “I didn’t think about anything, just watching a script, and my heart was heavy.”

"Oh? What kind of script is it, would you like to discuss it with me?" Han Xingyan said, touching Shen Chuchu's hair. His favorite thing now is to touch the sinking hair and smell the familiar taste, which will make him feel very at ease.

Shen Chuchu thought about the plot of the story, saying: "It’s about a girl who talked about love a few times, and every time I fell in love, I went to get married. As a result, every time I was in the marriage hall. Failed. Finally, this girl is going to live alone for a lifetime."

Han Xingyan touched the hand of Shen Chuchu's hair and said: "Only love, not married?"

Shen Chuchu shook his head and said: "Not counting. She originally wanted to get married, but every time she could not reach her inner expectations, she gradually gave up."

Han Xingyan nodded silently, a thoughtful look.

"In fact, after reading this script, I can feel the girl's longing for good love and the fear of dark marriage. So, I can understand why this girl has such a choice in the end."

After listening to this, Han Xingyan frowned and looked at Shen Chuchu sideways and said: "Are you going to shoot this script?"

Shen Chuchu sat up and smiled and said: "I really want to shoot. The question is whether people can guide me. I guess there is no drama. I heard that many female stars in the first line have received audition invitations. I can It was very satisfying to receive his audition invitation."

Han Xingyan nodded and said something he never said: "To tell the truth, I don't want you to pick up the show."

Shen Chuchu asked in confusion: "Why?"

Han Xingyan touched the hand of Shen Chuchu and said: "Because I don't want to see you as painful."

Shen Chuchu listened to this and took a look at Han Xieyan’s neck and kissed his cheek. “You can rest assured that you can’t choose. With my understanding of the script, the director will definitely tend to find a mature point. The female celebrity, the female star of about 30 or 40 years old will have a feeling. In my experience, I can't play the description of the script, and struggle for marriage."

Han Xingyan is mainly anti-customer, kissed the lips of Shen Chuchu and muttered: "That's good."

In the evening, Shen Chuchu watched the script for a while. When she had to go to bed after going to bed, she just wanted to take up the script and continue to study it. She was blocked by Han Xingyan.

"Chu Chu, it is already eleven o'clock, you can sleep. It is not good to sleep too late."

Shen Chuchu’s head is not too staring at the script: “It’s okay, I don’t have to go to the company tomorrow, I can get up late for a while.”

Han Xingyan took away the script of Shen Chuchu and thought, and then I will estimate that my mood will be depressed.

"I would rather get up early tomorrow, don't look so late now, sleep late is not good for the body." Said, went to kiss and kissed.

Shen Chuchu sees Han Xingyan as a concerned person, thinking, and making sense. It is the same to get up early. Therefore, he accepted his opinion with a smile.

Unexpectedly, she just turned off the lights and lie down, and found that the person next to him began to be untrue, and quickly turned over and pressed her under her body. Shen Chuchu just wanted to protest, and his lips were blocked. After being deprived of oxygen and fainting, she has long forgotten what she just wanted to ask.

When Shen Chuchu woke up at 8 o'clock the next morning, it was rare that Han Xingyan did not go to the company and was lying on the bed like her.

She just woke up, Han Xingyan kissed her forehead and smiled and said: "Chu Chu, get up and go to the company together?"

Shen Chuchu feels that her back is sore and does not want to go out. She wants to watch the script at home.

"I have a bed in my office. And if you look at the script, you can still talk to me."

Shen Chuchu didn't want to listen to him, but suddenly, after she thought of it, she immediately changed her mind.

"Then you can't do this anymore this night, I have a backache." Although my heart has already promised it, the request for it is still to be mentioned.

However, after Han Xunyan heard this, his face was a bit, and then he was reluctant: "Okay."

After listening to this, Shen Chuchu’s face was re-emerged with a bright smile, glaring at the neck of Han Xingyan: “You hug me up.”

For such a thing, Han Xingyan is naturally willing to serve.

Fortunately, the two people packed up faster, so it was only nine o'clock when they arrived at the company. However, since Shen Chuchu and Han Xingyan arrived at the company, Secretary Wang’s eyes looked at them both.

Han Xingyan still didn't notice anything, but Shen Chuchu noticed that she was red and didn't dare to read Secretary Wang.

After arriving at the office, Shen Chuchu went inside to read the script, and Han Xingyan worked outside. When he was resting in the middle, Han Xingyan went behind.

As a result, I just wanted to be intimate with my girlfriend and I heard Shen Chu said: "Exactly, you help me to play the game. I have a bad grasp of this place."

Han Xingyan looked down at the script in the hands of Shen Chuhu and asked: "Where?"

Shen Chuchu pointed at one place and said: "Here. I don't understand a bit. Under what circumstances does a man have such psychological activities. And why does he have such psychological activities? Because his mother is going to follow The woman broke up, did he not love the woman? But looking at the description, he still likes the woman."

Han Xingyan listened to Shen Chuchu's doubts and frowned.

"Han, what do you think? Do you think he likes the woman?" Shen Chuchu looked at Han Xingyan with his eyes.

Han Xingyan looked at his girlfriend’s long-awaited eyes and licked his lips. He said: "Not sure."

"Well? You are all men, don't you understand? Isn't the screenwriter actually a woman, don't understand the man's mind? It's not right, Zhou's script will not have such a big leak." Shen Chuchu squinted "Is it because our life experience is too shallow to understand?"

"Probably the trivial matter of life has been smoothed up. Many unsatisfactory things, many people have accumulated back together. And he is powerless to change, so he can only break up." Han Xingyan stared at the script "... ...this sentence is like the last straw that crushed the camel, let him make a difficult decision..." said.

Shen Chuchu listened to this but a rare silence for a while, then looked at Han Xingyan and asked: "You, if you are this man, will you do the same?"

Han Xingyan turned to look at Shen Chuchu, smiled and touched her hair and said: "I won't. Because I can change. And my mother is not such a person."

Shen Chuchu’s lips licked a few words. Just want to say something, I heard that Han Xingyan continued to say: “So, Chu Chu, you don’t have to worry, we will not encounter such a thing in the future.”

Shen Chuchu’s face suddenly became red, and he stuttered and said: “Who... who... who said that I want to marry you, you want to be beautiful. Well, go to work.”

Han Xingyan rarely saw Shen Chuchu as shy, seemingly helpless, like a dodgy look, bowed his head and kissed her, and went out to continue working.

At noon, Shen Chuchu and Han Xingyan once again saw Zhang Teng in the restaurant. This time, he was eating alone, and the situation looked even worse.

"Cousin, what to do, I am afraid that my mom will come to the company."

Han Xingyan looked at the appearance of Zhang Teng's wolf and said: "Small is not such a person. If you really do something like this, you must be sure that you are doing something to make her angry."

Zhang Teng felt that his heart had been inserted with a knife again. "I... I didn't do anything. But it was with my mother that I had to go through the card with Xin Meng for a few days."

Shen Chuchu heard this, and the spoon fell into the soup bowl. However, Shen Chuchu did not care about the mood.

Looking at the two pairs of eyes in front of her eyes, she looked at one of the pairs and asked: "You are getting married in the next few days?"

Zhang Teng nodded in pain and said: "Yeah, what can I do if I don't get married? Xin Meng said that they said at the other side of the house, they must marry in less than three months, or else they will not it is good."

Shen Chuchu: ...Is the child of Yin Xinmeng already good for three months?

Shen Chuchu was thinking about what to say to express his depressed mood. The hand below the table was gently photographed by Han Xingyan.

Shen Chuchu looked at the man around him, Han Xingyan pinched her palm and gave her a look that was a little bit sloppy.

"Zhang Teng, you will wait a few more days. If you really want to marry Yin Xinmeng, I will go to the end next week. I will help you to convince you."

I never thought that Zhang Teng listened to this word but looked at Han Xingyan with a shocked look.