MTL - I Am God!-Chapter 566 : The God of Harvest (thanks to the simple and shy little fresh meat for the reward)

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There was the leather booklet beside the bed, and Matafus couldn't help but move her eyes over it.

Watched it for a while, then took it back.

After that, I couldn't help it anymore, and looked at the leather booklet again.

"What is the new scripture written by the Abbess?"

The thought kept popping up in her mind.

She has been very curious about what Rab wrote since a long time ago, but she has been too embarrassed to come over and have a look many times.

"Arab's servant?"

"Arab's servant?"

After shouting a few times to the servant of the Rabbi, the other party fell into a deep sleep after drinking the potion, and did not respond.

But this also means that the potion is working well, and the other party is getting better.

Thinking that this would be shown to everyone, Matafus pursed her lips and quietly picked up the thick leather booklet with a little excitement, and then read it.

This booklet should only be the second half of the entire holy book, and the beginning is incomplete.

In the previous part of the scriptures, there are mainly some legendary experiences of Kurmis, the **** of harvest.

He has experienced the battle of the gods, he formed a bond with the ancient gods in the Demon King City, prevented the unprecedented birth of the King of Gluttony in the Moon Eclipse City, and stopped the terrible plan of the evil **** of original sin.

But in the second half of this part, another name is gradually incorporated.

That name is Anu.

This was the first time that Matafus knew Anu's story, which was completely different from the evil dragon in the dark fairy tale.

The evil dragon in the dark fairy tale is like an evil monster with facial makeup.

However, Anu in the new Harvest Scripture is a real person, a stubborn and stubborn person, and an idealist.

Anu appeared for the first time as an ordinary person in Moonlight City; he was about to be resold to a leather workshop as a slave, but was discovered and bought by Kurmis, and eventually became Kurmis' first followers.

The birth of the lizardman was due to an accident.

The original lizardmen were all a group of snake-human powers who were alienated and lost their original bodies under the eyes of distortion in order to create new powerful crops and brown ball vines.

They touched the power and taboos of the dominant gods, and they wanted to create new species, but they paid a heavy price for it.

Matafus had known for a long time that the village she was in was where the lizard people once lived, but this was the first time she knew how the lizard people appeared.

"Is this how the lizardman was born?"

"It turns out that the brown ball vine was made by such a group of people."

Matafus grew up eating food made from the fruit of the brown ball vine, so when she heard the truth, she was very shocked.

And the following story, she read all night.

When the outside of the window gradually turned white, Matafus finally turned to the last page.

When she saw the black dragon flying up and devouring all the plagues, Matav didn't even realize that tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

She didn't expect that she would be so sad when she read the scriptures.

That emotion is indescribable.

I don't know if it's moved, sad, or lost.

It was as if a big stone was stuck in his chest, and he couldn't get it out no matter how hard he vomited.

"The ending is almost finished." The old man opened his eyes at some point, and said to Matafus.

"I couldn't help but just watched it." Matafus was a little embarrassed.

Rab shook his head, his voice sounding much more normal.

"Write it out, just to let everyone know."

"The Feathered Serpent God wants everyone to know, and I want everyone to know."

Matafus asked Rab: "What kind of person is Anu?"

Matafus returned the leather booklet to the old man, and Rab took it and said slowly.

"The first time I met Master Anu was in Lime City."

"I met him on the street with everyone, just to see the legend of the big man."

The old man grinned and said to Matafus with a smile.

"You didn't see the demeanor of Master Anu at that time."

"He is like a hero who came out of an epic, full of vigor and majesty."

"He created the brown ball vine with the Feathered Serpent God and taught us how to plant it. He once followed King Osis to seal the terrible king of ghouls, and he is famous far and wide."

"He established the Harvest Temple and the Demon Knight System for the Feathered Serpent God, and he is a very powerful existence."

When the old man talked about Anu, he was very radiant, as if after so many years, he still couldn't forget the picture of Anu.

"And the second time I saw him."

"It was when he chose us to become apprentices of the magic knight and join the Temple of Harvest."

"He was wearing a wide cloak, holding a matte long sword in his hand, standing there like a sculpture, making the temple sacred and majestic."

"He told us."

"The Harvest Temple and we exist to dispel all hunger and disasters in this world, so that all people can obtain true happiness."

"Together with the gods, we will create an ideal world."

Matafus seemed to have really followed the old man's narration, and saw an existence like a mythical and epic figure.

At least in Rab's eyes, the opponent is an epic hero.

"For a long time, I often heard stories of Anu from afar. He became the governor of Moonlight Province, and used his wisdom to quell the ambitions of those great nobles to subvert the country time and time again."

"Subsequently, the plague of death demon disease broke out."

"That is really a terrible plague, no one can resist it, even the powerful."

"Everyone said that the plague was brought by the lizardmen and Lord Anu. For a while, everyone regarded them as the most evil existence."

"At that time, my mother was also sick, and the whole Lime City was like a purgatory on earth."

"I took my mother to look for a doctor, and in the end I ran into Lord Anu."

"That was the third time I saw him and the last time."

Rabo turned his head and looked at Matafus, whose eyes were wide open.

"He asked me, do I believe those rumors?"

Matafus asked: "What did you say?"

Rab: "I said, I don't believe it, I don't believe that the person who can stand in the temple and say that is an evil person."

Matafus let out a long sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a sense of relief in her heart.

Perhaps Anu at the time felt the same way.

Rab was also very fortunate that he was able to answer like this at that time and still believed in Lord Anu.

"Master Anu saved my mother and showed me the direction."

"In the end, I saw Master Anu turning into a black dragon and flying across the sky, and endless black mist and poisonous miasma flew up from the city, following him into the distance."

"And where the black wings flew, all the plagues disappeared."

"He devoured all the plagues and completely disappeared on this continent."

When talking about these past events, Rab was also extremely sad.

"Actually, I didn't know what happened at the time. It wasn't until later that I wanted to find out the truth about what happened. Then I gradually learned what Master Anu had done."

"It was also from that time that I wanted to compile this holy book."

Finally, Rab spoke seriously.

"Everyone should know that Lord Anu has given everything for the kingdom, and he is worthy of everyone."

"He has been fighting for the ideal in his eyes all his life, and he really wants to realize what is called a dream and aspiration."

Matafuss said, "That King Morabi is good or bad."

Rab, who admired Anu, shook his head slightly at this time.

"You don't know King Meurabi."

"If you know the story of King Meurabi, you may have another idea."

"He is the first mortal king, and he also devoted himself to this country."

"He inherited the will of King Osis, and has been fulfilling his promise all his life, without any slack."


"Whether it's King Meurabi or Lord Anu."

"They all only do what they think is right, and make the choice they think is right from their own perspective."

"King Meurabi and Lord Anu actually cherish each other, and they used to be solid arms that depended on each other."

"But when King Meurabi took the position of King Suinhor, and when Lord Anu became the leader of the Lizardmen, the relationship between them was destined to end."

"They ended because of the kingdom's crisis, and they also broke up when the crisis ended."

Rab pointed to a book on the shelf next to it that read "The Biography of King Meurabi".

"That is the biography of King Meurabi. It is a secret collection inside the royal family, and it can be regarded as a description of his true life."

"If you are interested, you can take a look."

Matafus pulled it over, and Rab took it and wiped the dust off it, then handed it to Matafus.

Indicates that this is a gift for her.

Matafuss accepted Rab's gift. She was also a book lover.

Matafus still couldn't help asking while holding the book.

"Could it be that they can't live in harmony?"

Rab stared at Matafus.

"I've fantasized about it before."

"Or so everyone thinks."

"Can't there be a better ending?"

Rab shook his head and said finally.

"Unfortunately, the world is not a fairy tale."

"A fairy tale is a beautiful dream, but the world is an ugly script."

"We always go to sleep hoping for the best, and wake up believing only the worst."

"We don't want to believe in real people, nor in this real world."

"We feel that the world is bad, and there must be malice between races and races, between people."

"And maybe because of this, the world really responded to us in this way and became what we believed it to be."

Matafus stood up and thanked Rab.

"Thank you for telling me this story. It may not be very beautiful, but it is really touching."

"Thank you for letting me know a story that even if the world deviates from my ideals and wishes, I still stick to the beautiful story in my heart."

When Matafus walked to the door, she still couldn't help but turned around and asked a question.

"Arab's servant."

"Do you know where Anu ended up going?"

Rab shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either.

"Since then, I have never seen Lord Anu again, nor have I heard any news about him."


"He finally left the giant island of Ruhe with the lizardman, and he must be somewhere now."

"Perhaps a Gensokyo where there are no more plots, betrayals and nightmares."

Matafus also hoped so, and even looked into the distance with some expectation.

"It must be like this!"

The movements on the Feathered Serpent Pyramid became more and more obvious.

Standing outside the village, watching the whole situation from a distance.

Matafus could see that the entire pyramid had turned into a huge mythical altar, and a faintly visible passage in the void was about to open.

That is a sign that the myth is about to appear. Once the real myth appears, it will automatically communicate with the dream world.

"It should be these days."

Although Matafus is only a third-tier authority, she can be regarded as well-informed.

She could see that the Feathered Serpent God had already made all the preparations for ascension to the gods, and even the pyramids had already begun to prepare for the kingdom of God.

Within two or three days, Feathered Serpent God Kurmis will begin to attack the **** position.

After she found out, she was going to tell Rab the news.

Unexpectedly, when Rab was found, the old man was not in the house, but under the pyramid.

It was still snowing, and there were no barriers on either side of this empty altar, but because it was located between the village and the pyramid, it formed a place like a passage canyon, with a unique style.

The whistling cold wind blew like the howling of a monster, making Matafus shiver from the cold.

But Rabo was unmoved, and raised the hammer on the ground in the cold wind, making rhythmic knocking sounds on the stone.




Rab engraved the words of the Snake Man on a huge stone slab that had been prepared a long time ago on the altar.

The pair of withered hands held the chisel and hammer, but they looked extraordinarily strong and stable.

After the scriptures were written, the last step was to carve the complete scriptures into the altar under the pyramid.

Matafus knew at a glance that Rab should also know that time was running out, so she came here so eagerly, wanting to finish the final work before the Feathered Serpent God became a god.

Braving the cold wind, Matafus came to the altar little by little.

She looked at Rab's back and said worriedly.

"Or, let me help you!"

Rabo turned his head and wiped the snow from his face.

There was a smile on the face that was a little dry and red from the cold, but there were words in his mouth that he refused Matavus' help.

"The sacred book of the God of Harvest, it would be a joke for the favored person of the God of Witch Doctor to engrave it under the temple of the Feathered Serpent God."

"This is my glory and grace, you can't **** it."

Having said that, Matafus immediately became embarrassed.


"It's so cold..."

Rab listened attentively, but didn't hear the words behind.

"But what?"

"It's too windy...I can't hear you."

Matafus didn't know what to say, but Rab could also see her thoughts from Matafus's face.

This is a guy with a simple mind, everything is written directly on his face.

The old man laughed and said very frankly.

"Afraid that I will die?"

"It's okay, this is the kingdom of God."

"When I die here, I happen to enter God's golden land directly, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Matafus looked at the old man and remembered what her great-grandfather had said.

"Be a brave person, and be able to follow your heart and move forward when you face all difficulties and turning points in life."

And this unremarkable old man in front of him is a first-order **** servant.

His whole life may have been like this.

Although he is not strong, he has been moving forward in accordance with his heart all his life.

He bravely pursued the person he yearned for, and became a magic knight, even if his talent was not strong enough.

He was not afraid of the plague, and took his mother to a distant place to find a doctor.

When everyone didn't believe in Anu, he chose to say affirmative words to Anu and obeyed his heart.

When everyone feared the authority of the royal family and dared not tell the truth, he wanted to write Anu's story into the new scripture.

That's why he was able to be so calm when he was old, when he was about to usher in the end of his life.

Only then can you be so persistent and chic, do what you think is right.

She couldn't help but said, "God Attendant Rab, you are really amazing."

Rab waved his hand: "It's too windy outside, you should go back first."

Matafus turned and left, but the persistent knocking sound still came from behind.

But she did not return to the room.

Matafus was also thinking about something she could do. She wanted to help Rab make a special witch medicine to fight the cold.

She went into the depths of the volcanic forest according to the method Arab taught her, looking for materials that could be used to make witchcraft.

In the process of going deep into the volcanic forest, she suddenly looked up and saw the volcano in the distance.

The black smoke and flames in the sky condensed together, and the surrounding space was distorted into pieces of colored blocks by the terrifying force field, like glass reflecting different lights.

"It's spectacular!"

Counting it, she has seen several forbidden places of death.

On the way back, this fantasy forest full of monsters and potion plants changed.

"The wind has died down."

"The snow has also melted!"

Matafus found that the original cold wind had subsided, and the ice and snow under her feet were melting a little bit.

An invisible force swept across the earth, and the whole world seemed to be replaced from winter to spring in an instant.

Everything is revived, spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

She suddenly understood something, and looked towards the lizardman village in the distance.

I saw that the Feathered Serpent Pyramid erupted with intense light.

That light was countless times brighter than Sheng Lie's before.

A bright and intense light shot from the top of the pyramid to the sky, penetrated the sea of ​​clouds and reached an invisible world.

The dream world is also the kingdom of the gods in ordinary people's mouth.

"It's a ceremony to become a god."

"It's about to start."

Carrying a basket in her hand, Matafus quickly headed towards the village and the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.

Immediately afterwards.

She no longer worried about disturbing other monsters, she just spread her wings and flew up.

While flying in the sky, Matafus saw a huge eye appearing in the sea of ​​clouds.

Those eyes are made of transparent spar, looking directly at the Feathered Serpent Pyramid below, exuding bright mythological fluctuations.

Matafus recognized what it was. She had seen this eye-shaped spar hanging on the neck of the blue goddess Anli.

"The eye of true knowledge."

The huge eyes and the light of the pyramid are connected together, as if opening a channel for the other party in the dream world and the kingdom of the gods, allowing him to have the authority of mythology at this moment.

Inside the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.

The golden jar was opened, and a special spell appeared in the sky.

Located between the Pyramid and the Eye of Knowledge.

That was Feather Serpent's unique Spirit Fusion Seal, and it was also a manifestation of the spiritual authority he got from Xiao.

The golden seed jar was created by Kurmis using his own spirituality and the fusion spell.

His spirit and flesh and blood turned into a seed pot, he endowed his spirit with the magic potion through the fusion spell, created a monster, and finally formed the profession of a magic knight.

At this moment, he was finally about to start recovering his strength.

As the Spirit Fusion Seal appeared in the sky, it was as if the door to the legendary "Golden Land" had been opened.

As Matafus flew in the direction of the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, she saw that the Spirit Fusion Seal had turned into a gate. Behind the gate was the fantasy potion plant world she had seen before, emitting a golden light. .

"The land of gold."

At this time, the three parts of Kurmis's wisdom consciousness, desire personality, and knowledge memory sealed in the seed jar are also awakening one by one.

First came memory recovery, followed by personality regression, and finally consciousness came completely.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow of an indescribably huge monster appeared in this world, curled up in the golden village.

Its length has no end in sight, and it has two wings that cover the sky and the sun.

There is a golden mane on its back, and its scales glisten with dazzling light.

The life body full of divinity opened its eyes, looked down at the world from the sea of ​​clouds, and spoke the first sentence.

"I am the Feathered Serpent Kurmys!"

"That is, the God of Harvest!"

With one sentence spread, the invisible power extends from the dream world to the world.

A huge ceremony centered on Kurmis turned into an invisible light and soared into the sky.

The magic knights and the harvest temples immediately made preparations, gathered in the temples, and prayed to the **** of harvest.

A tsunami-like sound came from the void, converging on Kurmis.

"The great harvest god..."

All the monsters and potion plants seemed to feel a strong will over their bodies for a moment.

The magic crystal of the whole world was drained in an instant, leaving only an empty shell.

A large number of monsters fell to the ground, and their vitality was temporarily sealed.

The magic knights felt the same way. All the power in their bodies was frozen, and the God of Harvest ascended to the throne, which was also a huge transformation of power for them.

And located all over the world.

Whether it is a volcanic jungle, or a potion that is secretly cultivated in various places.

At this moment, one by one shrank and turned into a seed again. No matter how well protected it was, it could not stop the call of the gods to them.

The terrifying power was extracted from the dream world and gathered on the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.

The dense shadows of monsters, as well as the shadows of potions, fell from the sky overwhelmingly.

Fall into that golden seed pot, fall into that "golden country."

Ten thousand beasts return home, and plants grow wildly.

Visible to the naked eye, the "Golden Land" is constantly expanding, wrapping the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.

Then, the village was also wrapped in it.

At this time, Matafus also flew under the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, surrounded by the shadows of potion plants that were like flowers falling that day, surrounded by thousands of spirits of monsters.

She wasn't afraid either, and walked straight into the depths, she shouted amidst the white light.

"Arab's servant."

In the end, it was completely submerged in white light.

And in the depths of the Kingdom of God, it seems that the sound of stone chiseling is still faintly heard.




Not only the Harvest Temples sensed it, but also a group of people in the south of another continent also sensed it.

Land of dragons.

A large number of lizardmen surrounded the ancestor totem pole, praying to the dragon **** to suppress the restlessness in their hearts.

They are not controlled by Kurmis though, as their powers are given by the totem pole, not the golden seed pot.

But that kind of power from the same source still made them feel the change in the distance.

This generation of lizardman elders walked out of the temple and looked in the direction of Ruhe giant island.

His eyes were complicated, but finally he sighed and said with a smile.

"Master Kurmis!"

"You are finally going to the kingdom of the gods."

(end of this chapter)