MTL - I Am God!-Chapter 568 : Famous painting "Dragonfly"

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Spring is coming.

Although he couldn't hear the sound, he seemed to be able to hear the rapid growth and climbing of the vines outside the window, because in just one night, it had already overflowed the window sill of Matavus.

The growth of life cannot hear the sound, but our hearts can hear the rhythmic sound and imagine the beautiful picture.

In a hotel room in Lime City, Matafuss was reading a book.

It was the "Biography of King Meurabi" given to her by the Arab priest.


The room was very quiet, only the sound of pages turning could be heard.

In the book, King Meurabi is a follower of King Osis. He is Suinhor's first mortal king, and he has been promoting the policies of Osis all his life.

It is also because of this that there is the Suinhall Kingdom today, rather than a divided city-state.

He suppressed the rebellion, divided the nobles, and killed a large number of opponents. In the end, Anu, his most loyal arm, was not spared.

In this biography, we can see how Morabi broke with Anu step by step. At first, there was a disagreement over whether the snake man could enter the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, and then the Harvest Temple grew stronger day by day.

In the end, it was because of the appearance of the totem pole.

The ability of totem poles to transform the power of lizardmen worries Morabi.

But this is not the fuse, the real key factor that overwhelms the last straw.

King Morabi is old.

He is going to die.

That's why the last scene happened. The former friends and companions fought each other desperately, one wanted to kill the other, and the other cut off the other's arm.

The biography is much longer than the canon, but a book always has a final page.

On that last page, there was written what King Meurabi had said.

"He was right, I'm sorry for him."

"I lied to him. I told him that snake people and lizard people can coexist."

"People change."


Matafus finished reading the biography of the mortal king Murabi according to what the Arab priest said.

When she finished, she didn't know how to describe Morabi, the king of mortals.

At least, not a simple bad word.

He is not a qualified friend, nor is he a person of high moral character, but a king who does not hesitate to sacrifice anyone in order to achieve his goals.

But in the end, he did what he promised King Osis, and also completed the transformation of the Suinhor city-state alliance into a complete country.

After reading the words on the last page, Matafus did not close the book for a long time.

"People change."

Perhaps, Morabi once imagined that they lived together in harmony and supported Suinhall together.

It's just that in the end, he didn't choose to believe in Anu.

"We go to sleep hoping for the best, and wake up planning for the worst."

Matafus didn't know why, but said what Rab said before.

"We believe in the beauty of human nature, but we know that beauty cannot stand the test. We believe that justice exists, but we don't believe that justice belongs to us."

"So we have the best dreams and tell the best stories."…

"But always doing despicable things, doing ugly things."

For the first time, Matafus felt the complexity of human beings.

There is right and wrong in one thing, but a person can be a hero and a villain at the same time.

It may have done bright things, but it also has a dark side.

She no longer easily judges a person's right and wrong, at least she will not simply comment on a person based on a story.

After reading the story of King Meurabi, Matafus in front of the window also picked up a leather booklet.

Imitating what Rab used to be, thinking about something in front of the window, and then writing it down bit by bit.

When under the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.

While waiting there, Matafus did not do nothing. She also quietly wrote a story according to Rab's dictation.

A story unique to the black dragon, a script written with Anu as the protagonist, is completely different from the side description in the scriptures.

Matafusi has seen the performances of the Fairy Troupe, and has translated and dubbed the characters of the Fairy Troupe many times. When she was in Moonlight City, she also wrote many drafts of the plot.

She never thought that these things could be used again.

And now.

She tried to write a script in the mode of puppet drama.

She originally planned to show Rab a look after the story was finished, but she didn't expect to miss it in the end.


After carefully reading the details after "The Legend of King Meurabi" again, Matafus felt that the Anu in her mind became clearer.

She writes like a god, combining the Anu in the eyes of Rab, the Anu in the eyes of Maurabi, and the Anu in her own eyes, and writes a brand new story.

When the story was completed, she prefaced with the words that the Feathered Serpent God Kurmis said to herself.

"A person's true inner good and evil are not influenced by appearance, and he is not good because of beauty, nor evil because of ugliness."

Then, give it a name.

"Dragon Heart."

Matafus held "Dragon Heart" and said with some nostalgia.

"Master Rabbi, this is the only thing I can do for you."

She took her booklet and walked out of the hotel.

She was going to find a rainbow tree and send off the script she had written for the first time.

Although there is a prayer hall for the tower keeper in Lime City, there is no Temple of Miracles, so there is no Rainbow Tree.

However, Lime City is not far from the volcanic forest. In such a vast forest, it is not difficult to find a rainbow tree.

Matafus wandered around in the volcanic forest, followed the method Rab taught him, and finally passed through a layer of colored light.

Looking up, I saw a rainbow tree with flowers of different colors.

This rainbow tree should be some years old.

It is tall and the tree hole is also very wide.

Matafus stepped forward, began to pray under the rainbow tree, and performed some kind of ritual.

However, this ceremony is not connected to the gods, but connected to the existence of a certain Creator God Kingdom.

"The messenger of the God of Creation, the leader of the fairy troupe, the big fairy Simila."

"Please accept my story!"...

"Although I may not write it well, this story must be a good one."

After Matafus finished praying, she put the leather book in her hand into the tree hole.

As soon as the vortex in the tree hole turned, the leather book disappeared into it.

Matafus had some expectations, but also some worries.

She didn't know whether the other party could receive it.

Will you read it after receiving it, and will you approve it after reading it.


She hopes that one day, when passing through a certain city.

To be able to dream of the legendary goblin troupe again, the beautiful voice and shadow like a dream elf stood on the stage and announced to everyone.

"Today we are going to perform—"

"Dragon Heart."


On the way back, you can see that the entire Lime City has held celebrations for many consecutive days.

The followers of the Harvest Temple and Feathered Serpent are rejoicing, because their **** has just performed a miracle and traveled to the kingdom of the gods.

When Matafus passed the street, she could see the servants of the Harvest Temple carrying a huge statue of Feathered Serpent made of plants, across the street to the distance.

And where the statue passed, the trees on the street actually glowed with vitality one by one.

This made the believers on both sides of the street become extremely fanatical one by one.

"Great Feathered Serpent God Kurmys, thank you for bringing the power of harvest."

"God of Harvest, under your protection, this year must be a year of good weather."

"Thank you for your gift..."

Everyone prostrated themselves on the ground, but still couldn't help looking at the tall **** statue out of the corner of their eyes.

In their eyes, the **** shone with golden light, bringing abundant harvest and food.

So beautiful, so divine.

Matafus also stood by the side of the road, remembering what the Feathered Serpent God Kurmis had said to herself.

"Once upon a time, they called me a monster."

"Later, they called me the Strange Feathered Serpent."

"At the end, they called me Feathered Serpent."

And from this moment on.

The image of the Feathered Serpent is truly and thoroughly linked and connected with the gods.

No one calls it a monster anymore, and no one thinks it's weird anymore.

Everyone shouted when they saw it.

"Ah, what a divine and beautiful gesture!"

"Only a **** can possess such a majestic form."

"The golden color represents a good harvest, the wings represent good weather, and the mane represents..."

Matafus waited for the statue of the Feathered Serpent to pass by, and was about to go back.

Unexpectedly, there seemed to be a voice coming from the statue.


"Come here~"

Matafus raised her head and took a look. Although she didn't see anything, she vaguely understood something.

So he walked forward with the statue, and finally entered the Temple of Harvest.

The people in the temple did not stop Matafus, allowing her to enter the deepest part.

Outside a sacred hall, there are a large number of demon knights and servants in yellow robes crawling on the ground.

The feeling of these magic knights is completely different from before. They and the magic crystals of their own contracted monsters have experienced the power of the Feathered Serpent God. In other words, from now on, they are truly God's servants. ....

They can contact their **** anytime and anywhere, as long as they chant the name of the **** and the **** is willing to respond to him.

They can borrow the power of gods from the kingdom of gods.

The Harvest Temple at this time is completely different from the previous Harvest Temple.

And this is just a change in the Temple of Harvest.

The changes in potions and monsters are even more dramatic.

Feathered Serpent has a mythical personality.

The potion in the whole world can grow freely, and the potion plant has truly become an extraordinary plant that can reproduce and inherit itself.

And the self-propagation and inheritance of potion plants also means that the Warcraft family has truly stepped onto the stage of history.

Not a flash in the pan, but a real ethnic group.

In places that ordinary people can't see, in every corner of the world, a large number of potion plants are multiplying and growing, and new monsters are constantly emerging.

Matafus looked at these magic knights, and finally saw the Patriarch of the Harvest Temple. The other party stretched out his hand and made an inviting gesture to let him enter the temple.

Matafus nodded and entered the hall.

I saw the statue of the Feathered Serpent made of plants just now.

A ray of light soared into the sky, shot into the dome of the palace, and merged into the painted painting.

A golden door opened.

Looking through the gate, one saw a strange world composed of extraordinary plants.

There, the huge Feathered Serpent God's body was suspended at the top of the Kingdom of God, coiled together and blended into the sea of ​​clouds.

"The land of gold."

Matafus again

She saw the kingdom of God that had ascended to the kingdom of the gods once more, and this time she saw sharply that there was a figure standing under the huge feathered snake body.

And the figure fell down and fell directly into the world.

It fell into the statue made of plants in front of Matafus.

After a while, the idol moved.

It was only then that Matafus saw that the feathered snakes made of plants were coiled together, with a dead snake-man egg in its arms.

At this moment, a shadow drilled into the dead egg.

Huge vitality poured into it, followed by the resurrection of the dead egg, and then broke the shell and gave birth.

A baby snakeman emerges from the egg, but does not take a few steps before becoming an adult.

The golden light condensed and turned into a yellow robe.

The snake man stepped forward little by little, and walked in front of Matafus, staring at her with golden pupils.

"I will fulfill my promise."

Of course Matafus knew that the one in front of her should be the appearance of Kurmis when she was a snake man.

But she raised her head and saw that the huge feathered snake body in the Kingdom of God was still there.

"There are two of you."

"Is this a clone?"

The other party replied: "No, I am reincarnated from the main body."

The Feathered Serpent God Kurmis raised his head and looked at the stalwart mythical life body.

"That's the body that appears from my mythical prop Golden Seed Jar. Unlike the Blue Goddess who uses her own ghost to transform into a mythical spirit, I use my spirit and body to make the Golden Seed Jar."

"I gave it my spiritual part and became the mythical spirit that harnessed it."

"You can think of it this way, it's only my body and my spirit that have become myths, and I'm still walking the path of myths."….

It was the first time that Matafus knew this secret.

But she was even more puzzled, why did she do this?

"Why, isn't it good to just become a myth?"

The Feathered Serpent God Kurmis did not hide anything, and at this point his plan can also be said to be a clear card.

"In order to compete for the fruit of the true **** with the four major handles."

"Only by stepping into the demigod position, can you be qualified to compete for the position of the four great masters."

"The personality brought by the mythical props is not enough to touch the four true **** fruits."

Kurmis even mentioned a name that even Matafus found deafening.

"Your Winged God's Chosen, Duma, is also taking this path. In a sense, we are competitors."

"This road is difficult to walk, this is only the first step."

Although Matafusi is a favored person of the witch doctor god, she also admires the name Duma very much. She never thought that the other party is also walking such a difficult road.

Matafus raised her head and looked at Kurmis.

"Four big handles...True God Fruit..."

She discovered some secrets again, something unknown to mortals.


Kingdom of Creation.

The sea of ​​sunflowers is connected with the kingdom of fairies, and this is the kingdom of dream creatures.

The Prayer Festival celebration has long since ended, but the new program added on top of the celebration, the puppet show performed by the goblin troupe has always been talked about in the kingdom of the creator.

Everyone discussed the wonderful performance, interesting stories, and ancient legends.

Looking forward to what the goblin troupe will perform next time.

"Simila said, next time is a new story."

"What did you say you would play?"

"Of course it's the sequel to Fairy Fighting the Great Demon King!"


Can there be a second part of this thing?

Of course, what was talked about was the episode after the performance.

A little goblin standing on the goblin big picture

In front of the gate of the library, he took out a blank canvas and said boldly.

"Starting today, I will become a great painter."

"I've already thought about it. My first painting is called "Dragonfly."

"Although I haven't started painting yet, this must be a work full of allegories and profound meanings. It is a great painting that symbolizes the courage of the goblins. It is a profound portrayal of our great epic victory. It is..."

Going on, it is not a moral and profound meaning.

That's already a thorough and direct promotion, and there's no need to call it a secretive name like Dragonfly, just call it "The Death of the Demon God".

However, the goblins discussed it for a long time, and in the end, no one dared to stand up and make trouble with this.

Those who can come out to draw "Dragonfly" are already warriors in the kingdom of fairies.

Although the name is not obvious enough, all fairies know what he is going to draw.

In an instant, the entire goblin library was boiling inside and out, and a large number of goblins rushed to the sky, dragging out rainbows in the air, and setting off brilliant fireworks.

"Whoa whoa!"


"Are you going to hang out?"

"Hang it in the most conspicuous place in the fairy library."...

The goblins were so happy that they asked the "Warrior" one by one.

"When can I come out?"

The "Warrior" stood in front of the large library and spoke out his precise plan with arrogance.

He has already thought of all the steps, and he will realize it little by little starting tomorrow.

"First of all, I plan to spend three hundred years learning how to draw."

"Then spend another three hundred years to create the most exquisite canvas in the world."

"It will take another three hundred years to prepare the most beautiful and bright pigments in the world."


The goblins rubbed their heads one by one with their arched corners of their clothes. This guy is as outrageous as a certain great writer. If he continues like this, he will not be able to finish painting for thousands of years.

At this time, a voice came from the crowd.

"Ah, so slow."

"In this case, you will be planted in a flowerpot by the Great Demon King before the final painting is finished."

Following the sound, I found a completely different guy emerged from the group of fairies.

He wears a golden wreath and has black hair.

She held her face, looking serious.

The "Warrior" on the stage looked guilty, but said.

"Who said, I'm not afraid of the Great Demon King!"

"We just had, won a great and glorious victory."

After finishing speaking, he muttered.

"Also, I didn't do anything, why did the Great Demon King arrest me?"

The guy in the audience is still seriously making suggestions at this moment.

She doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and she wants to see the famous painting "Dragonfly" sooner.

"So, hurry up!"

"Before you are planted in a flowerpot, draw the picture quickly."

"When the Great Demon King returns, it will be too late."

After hearing the suggestion, "Warrior" really thought about whether to modify his perfect plan.

However, this is a perfect plan that I have been thinking about for a long time, how can I modify it because of a small setback?

Wouldn't it be perfect then?

Imperfect plans, like...

The little goblin, who was thinking more and more, suddenly found a problem, and he looked at San Rafael below angrily.

"No, why should I be planted in a flowerpot!"

"Also, you actually called Sally-sama the Great Demon King, you are finished."

"I'll talk to Master Sally when she comes back."

"In this way, I will not be arrested. I have done meritorious service, and you will be the one who is arrested."

The little goblin on the stage was triumphant, and completed the identity change in the blink of an eye.

From a "warrior" against the devil, he became a loyal henchman under the devil's throne.

"You're screwed."

"Slightly slightly slightly~"

Under the stage, a certain fairy who was sitting on the suitcase as a bench, eating and drinking shamelessly, and also eating melons to watch the excitement, was having a dull expression at the moment.


And the fairies present immediately moved away from San Rafael in unison.

Most of the fairies had been planted in pots by Sally, but they hadn't seen fairies planted in pots yet.

Is that right?

Get a bigger pot.

Many goblins who are familiar with San Rafael gathered around and shared with San Rafael how to adapt after being planted in a flower pot, and how to please the big devil so that they can be released faster. ....

And even more considerate, he gave her a book directly.

San Rafael stared at the "A Thousand Ways to Plant in Flowerpots" in his hand, dumbfounded.

When she was about to die, the poor fairy tried to struggle to her death: "No, no, UU Reading, didn't you also call the Great Demon King?"

The goblins said indifferently: "It's okay, that's what all goblins say, but San Raphael is different from you."

All the fairies said in unison: "You are the first among the fairies to say that."

San Rafael hugged his head with a look on his face that I was going to be fucked.

On the other side, Simila's goblin domain.

Simila sat on a chair made of thimbles, and lay prone in front of a table propped up by clips.

There was a pen between her lips, and she pursed her lips in a thoughtful voice.



Facing the expectations of the outside world, Simila, the great goblin who is the protagonist at this moment, is extremely distressed.

Because the flow of time in the God of Creation and the outside world is completely different, a year outside is only one or two months to the goblin inside.

Therefore, Simila must prepare and think about the next performance during this period.

Last time, she boasted that Haikou will perform a new show next time.

But it is easy to say it, but it is difficult to wait for it to be realized.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the goblin to ask her to come up with a new story so quickly?

"I can't, "Fairy Fighting the Great Demon King 2" will really be staged, right?"

At this time, a paper airplane flew slowly from a distance and flew into Simila's domain.

Finally passed her window and stopped on the table.

"My letter?"

Simila untied the paper airplane in doubt, and after a burst of colored light, a leather booklet appeared.

After she opened it, she found a script written inside.

And whether it's the story, the background, or the lines, they all seem to be customized according to her previous acting habits.

This seems like an interesting story.

The story of a black dragon.

. .

blowing in history