MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 15 national loyalty

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"That's from the Li family, Lao Liu, you have to show your ability to press the bottom of the box!"

Zhou Yi opened the food box and found eight dishes with four cool and four hot dishes.

The wine jug is also a hundred years old. To be able to find such a delicious wine in one night, it must be the master of the prison.

"Of course."

Chef Liu curled his lips: "I have used all the skills of the eighteenth generation of my ancestors, lest I annoy the nobles."

There are also many unspoken rules in the small kitchen of Tian Prison, especially for the C-9 prison, Chef Liu must customize meals according to the prisoner's family title, official position, and distance.

It is absolutely impossible to generalize. If the family members of the state and the servants eat the same dishes, there will be troubles afterwards!

These dudes are very bored, and they have all kinds of competitions left. I can eat four colds and four hots and drink a hundred years of fine wine in Tianjing, and I have more face than your four hot dishes!

In the eyes of ordinary people, the reason why the nobles and dunks are jealous is that they are full and tired, but they have to follow the ranks of officials in Tianjing.

The most powerful family in the Chongming Dynasty was the Long family. Now, the treatment of Young Master Long has been transferred to the Li family.

Li Wudang pacified the internal troubles in the north and south of Fengyang. After a year of repairs, he commanded a million army to fight the Dayong Dynasty, vowing to regain the lost territory of the three states.

Now the power is more prosperous than the Long family of the Chongming Dynasty!

Zhou Yi first went to Prison C-9 with the food box, and met Zhu Xiaowei, who was on duty during the day.

Xiaowei Zhu repeatedly urged: "Old Zhou, be sure to serve with care, that master is a murderer, I don't dare to save you if you are mad!"

Zhou Yi said in surprise: "Lord Colonel, we'll deliver meals as soon as we..."

"Do you know why that master entered the prison?"

Xiaowei Zhu reminded in a low voice: "The soldiers plundered the business roads, and they pretended to attack the bandits, slaughtering a few villages and taking credit!"


Zhou Yi was silent for a long time and asked, "Who dares to expose such horrific things?"

The soldiers looted and killed the good!

Which one is not the big crime of punishing the nine clan, the nine clan of the Li family will inevitably include the general Li Wu. The orthodox commander of the millions of troops in the Northern Expedition, if this matter is handled improperly, it is a drastic change in the subversion of Qiankun!

Now that even Zhu Xiaowei knew about it, it was obvious that he couldn't hide it. It was equivalent to publicizing the crimes of the Li family.

Zhou Yi did not think that the imperial court, or that Emperor Hongchang had such courage!

Xiaowei Zhu said, "Who else could be, it's Mr. Zhang Xiangye!"

After Emperor Hongchang ascended the throne, he washed away the remnants of the dragon and all the four ministers were implicated. Now the first assistant is his hidden teacher, Zhang Zhengyang.

"No wonder."

Zhou Yi has never met Zhang Zhengyang, but from the rumors in the market, he only thinks that this person is the official of the country.

It is rumored that after Zhang Zhengyang became the first assistant, he wrote the book for the first time, which solved the difficult situation of Fengyang at home and abroad.

Securing the inside and then the outside, first north and then south!

Emperor Hongchang exempted all taxes for five years, which was also a strategy proposed by Zhang Zhengyang, in order to win the hearts and minds of the people under the control of the rebel army, and completely cut off the problem of the rebel army's defeat and revival.

Zhang Zhengyang was the only one who could be compared with Li Wu in the seven-year first assistant position.

C-9 Prison.

Zhou Yi opened the prison door, took out the dishes from the food box, and placed them on the table.

"Sir, it's time to eat."


The prisoner sat cross-legged on the inner room, without opening his eyes, and let out a light hum from the tip of his nose.

Zhou Yi bowed and stepped back, this person gave him the feeling that he was not pretending to be arrogant like an ordinary dandy Xungui to show his superiority, but he looked down on anyone from the bottom of his heart.

"Have no fear!"

After a few days.

Zhou Yi came to the boy's room to pick up food and found that Chef Liu was not there.

"What's the matter with this fellow?"

There has been a lot of rumors about the crime of prisoner Li Xiong in the market. A few days ago, there were many people who beat the imperial drum and complained of injustice, claiming to be relatives of those villages.

The court pretended to be deaf and dumb, just pretending it didn't hear.

In the end, it was Jingya's arrest, who invited those who complained to leave one by one, and put them in jail on the grounds of gathering a crowd to make trouble.

As soon as this happened, the Jingya became a place for the people to vent their anger, and the gates were covered with all kinds of filth every day.

In the imperial history book, there is a record of the governor of Shenjing, which lists many crimes such as mistreatment of the people, neglect of inspection and dereliction of duty, covering up criminals, and so on. Only half a word has nothing to do with the Li family.

The governor of Shenjing was helpless, wrote a letter to plead guilty, and then squatted in the sky prison.

In a short period of time, the Shenjing can be described as changing circumstances, and the center of all the storms is in the No. 9 prison.

Chef Liu didn't know what happened, so Zhou Yi hurriedly went to find Zhu Xiaowei and asked how to deliver the food today.

Zhu Xiaowei's face was full of righteous words: "The same is a prisoner of Tianjing, he eats what others eat, there is no need to treat him differently!"

Zhou Yi frowned slightly, then suddenly said, "Is there any news from the north?"

"You fellow..."

Xiaowei Zhu didn't hide it either. Anyway, he couldn't hide it in a few days: "Tomorrow at noon, all the members of the Li clan of Li Xiong will search their homes and ask them to be executed. It is estimated that Jinyiwei will send them away soon!"

Zhou Yi asked, "What did the general require?"

"It's true that things become strange, and people become sophisticated! Lao Zhou, you are so shrewd, how can you give food for a lifetime?"

Xiaowei Zhu said in a low voice, "I heard from the Prison Lord that the general personally wrote a blood letter to the petition, saying that the Li family should be linked to the nine clans. I ask your Majesty to forgive me, and I will only punish Li Xiong!"

"The general is upright!"

"The general is wise!"

Zhou Yi and Zhu Xiaowei looked at each other with horror in their eyes, only to feel that a hundred times more storms in Beijing would be swept up.

C-9 Prison.

Zhou Yi poured the gruel into the bowl, tapped the spoon on the fence, and shouted.

"time to eat!"

Li Xiong glanced at the swill, horror flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to calm: "It seems that my cousin, for the sake of his own fame, is going to send his uncle's family to die!"

In this era, the principle of ancestry is to pay attention to the concealment of relatives and relatives. Li Wu's approach is despised by the aristocratic family.

Zhou Yi said in surprise, "You already know?"

Li Xiong said coldly, "Looking at you flies and dogs, you can guess that the situation outside has changed."

"Tomorrow at noon, the whole family will be beheaded."

Zhou Yi said, "Your parents, wives, concubines, and children have all sacrificed their lives because of your greed!"

Li Xiong looked expressionless and glanced at Zhou Yi, as if mocking and contemptuous.

"Do you have a son? How old is he this year? Isn't he very cute? In the future, he may learn martial arts and join the army, or he may study for liberal arts exams. He will marry a virtuous wife, and you will have grandchildren. Or a daughter, who will marry in the future. Give…"

Zhou Yi described it in a slow and unhurried manner, a happy scene in which the family reunites with their children and grandchildren around their knees.

Li Xiong's expression gradually changed, and when he heard the last sentence, "Your teenage son, your head fell to the ground with a click, and a few feet of blood spurted out", his eyes were red with anger.

"...At the age of ten years, he probably doesn't understand anything. He will ask you why you beheaded. Will it hurt?"

Zhou Yi said with a smile, "I'll teach you a way to get your son drunk before execution, so as not to meet the executioner's blunt knife and cut the flesh inconveniently, it would be a hundred times more painful!"


Li Xiong roared: "What do you know? My cousin just wanted to keep his name in the history of the country, and people were staring at the relatives of the clan, and he was not even allowed to do business!"

"I fought with him for a few years, and there were several liters of blood on the battlefield. When I returned to the Shenjing, I had no money for a banquet, which made people laugh like a scumbag!"

"You can't be greedy for military salaries, and merchants can't do it, so you can only grab it!"

Li Xiong said coldly, "I'm fighting **** the front line. Those who sell weapons to Dayong are also guilty of treason. Why can't they be robbed?"

Zhou Yi wondered, "How do you explain killing Liang and taking merit?"

Li Xiong vented, and the resentment in his heart dissipated a lot, and his expression returned to calm: "The crime of looting merchants has to be borne by someone. Those people were unlucky and I chose them!"

"If you lead troops into Xungui's Mansion and kill the traitor who smuggled weapons on the spot, maybe General Li will save your life. But you don't dare, you can only slaughter the common people!"

Zhou Yi shook his head and said, "There seems to be no difference between such a bully and fear of toughness, and my arrogant idiot?"

Li Xiong slowly turned his head and finally looked straight at Zhou Yi.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

Zhou Yi shrugged and left with the bucket.

"When your family comes, I will arrange for you to be in prison with your children, and cherish the last night!"

Fengtian Temple.


The emperor screened the left and right servants, leaving only the first assistant Zhang Zhengyang in the hall.

"Teacher, this disturbance is too dangerous."

Emperor Hongchang walked down from the hall, carried two golden piers in person, and sat down with Zhang Zhengyang to look at each other.

"Your Majesty, this minister is also helpless."

Zhang Zhengyang bowed and saluted, sat down and said: "Civil officials have the heart to be disobedient, even if they go against the power like a dragon, they can be overthrown overnight. Military officials are like Li Wu. The one who conquers the world..."

Speaking of this, he paused, as if he was considering his words, and after a while he said, "It is already feasible to abolish the establishment!"

Emperor Hongchang frowned: "Teacher, Li Aiqing is externally involved in the affairs of the king, and is strict with the clansmen internally. How can the generation of Longni be compared with them?"

"This is what makes him terrifying and terrifying. Li Wu is just as greedy and tyrannical as a dragon rebel, but he is strict with the clansmen to buy the hearts of the people. Obviously, he has a big plan! This time Li Xiong committed the crime, and the old minister sent people to the public. Li Wu wrote the letter, and the court was forced to spare the Li Xiong family."

Zhang Zhengyang said, "How could the old minister have thought that Li Wu, even his own uncle and cousin, could be ruthless, and that such a ruthless and unrighteous person who kills and resolutely has the slightest loyalty?"

Emperor Hongchang wondered, "The crime that Li Xiong committed is unacceptable to the law of nature, what is the teacher's explanation for this?"

"This broke Li Wu's fame and golden body. He can command troops and horses, and he can fight in the north and south, but he must not be famous all over the world!"

Zhang Zhengyang said: "The people will never allow it. A person who shields his relatives and slaughter the people will rule the world. In this way, Your Majesty can rest easy."

Emperor Hongchang shook his head and said, "Teacher, the history books say that the world should be dominated by those who are strong and strong. Li Aiqing has a heart for rebellion, and with his prestige in the army, I am not sure..."

"History books are good, but they can't be trusted."

Zhang Zhengyang said: "After the chaos of the first emperor's dynasty, the people have only been stable for a few years, and they never want to cause turmoil. The people's hearts are like this. It can be said that it is a general trend.

Emperor Hongchang was silent for a long time, but still shook his head slowly.

"Li Aiqing was loyal to the country. He followed the edict and swept the north and the south, and only then did I become what I am today!"

"Li Qing is not my fault, and I am not my fault!"