MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 17 the emperor is old

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Zhou Yi was absent from work until the news of his death came out, and no one was embarrassed to return to work.

When he showed off his method of breaking the sword with two fingers, the guards applauded.

Liu Siyu praised: "Old Zhou is a nostalgic person, Xiaoyu doesn't have to go to escort, just deliver meals with Lao Zhou."

Xiaoyu's name is Yu Jie, a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old boy who hasn't caught the gloomy atmosphere of Tianjing for several months. Just as when Zhou Yi first came to the prison, he stood obediently behind the prison guards and said little.

Zhou Yi smiled: "I've been in the prison for a long time, and I'm used to the taste here."

"In the evening, Spring Breeze Building, to wash away the dust for Lao Zhou."

Xiaowei Zhu hugged Zhou Yi's shoulders and said in a low voice, "In recent days, the prison has not been peaceful. There are always people seeing ghosts at night. Old Zhou, you are a master now, keep an eye on it!"

"I can save it."

Zhou Yi was cautious before, but now that he is promoted to Innate Grandmaster, he can let go a little.

A day on duty without incident.

Night falls.

The jailer of the Heavenly Prison changed his clothes, and the two of them went straight to the Spring Breeze Building.

Zhou Yi asked, "Lao Feng, I heard you say that you have a tough wife, but now you're dashing?"

"Old Zhou still doesn't know?"

Zhu Xiaowei winked and said, "This fellow bought a pair of twins at Jamhang, and secretly raised them in Shenjing. I don't know who told me, and the wife of the county town came here and made a scene..."

"Originally, I was looking at that mother-in-law. I had some money at home, so I put up with it."

Feng Qiao said in embarrassment, "Now that money is a piece of shit, I found an excuse and let him go!"

The oil and water in Tian Prison is more than ten times and a hundred times higher than that in Wannian County Prison. Looking for an opportunity to **** a prisoner to exile, the money earned is more than the county prison for several years.

Zhou Yi didn't persuade his wife to abandon him. He made a simple statement and caused resentment for nothing. When he watched his colleagues smile on the surface, but in reality they looked contemptuous, he knew that Feng Qiao would not have a better life in the future.

After he made his fortune, he divorced his wife, who would dare to work with him?

"How about twins?"

"Young, very moist!"

Feng Qiao is not blind, so he can see that his colleagues despise him, but so what, as long as he doesn't care about his face and future, it really won't affect him.

After half a year, Chunfenglou has another oiran again.

When the prostitute saw Zhou Yi, he immediately smiled and said, "Master Zhou, you will not be here for a while."

A twenty-one-year-old guest, although Zhou Yi does not compete for the oiran and does not give rewards at will, the money that has been spent on Chunfenglou over the years is enough to buy a house in Beijing.

These loyal customers are the foundation of Chunfenglou's perennial standing!

Zhou Yi smiled and said, "Where do you sing today?"

"Of course it's Master Zhou's favorite!"

The old bustard called his buddy to give some instructions, then he took off the stage and sang half of the tune, and replaced it with the drunken spring breeze.

The new oiran is a broad-minded woman, with red lips slightly parted, she sings in a light voice of drunk spring breeze: "... gently push me, it hurts... my arms are folded, moving..."

Box on the second floor.

Zhou Yi and Zhu Xiaowei took the lead, and the other colleagues sat on the left and right.

The man served the dishes without any orders. Zhou Yi often ordered them. The wine was fifty-year-old pear white.

"Master Zhou, you can eat and drink as you like today, you don't need to settle the bill,"

The old bustard said a few more witty remarks, which made all the jailers laugh, and then Shi Shiran left.

Zhu Xiaowei said: "When you come to Chunfenglou, you have to call Lao Zhou. We come by ourselves, and every time we are sitting in the lobby, we have never enjoyed such careful and thoughtful care!"

"Master Zhu spends 10,000 taels of silver here, and he can also enjoy the treatment."

Zhou Yi made a rough calculation that the annual cost was a few hundred taels, and it would have exceeded 10,000 taels in twenty years.


Xiaowei Zhu murmured, "Old Zhou, if you learn from Lao Feng and buy a few to keep at home, you won't be able to spend so much money in your life!"

Colleagues also looked at each other in dismay. No matter how much oil and water in Tianlao, they couldn't make money like this.

Chunfenglou has 10,000 taels, and there is only a lot of forging body in the martial arts. Forging body soup is often a hundred years of medicinal materials, and there are priceless treasures in the market, plus other expenses, it is difficult to calculate.

What's more, Zhou Yi is only delivering meals, and he never goes there to **** prisoners. Where did he get so much money?

"There are many friends in the rivers and lakes, and there are always people who come to send money, and it's impossible not to accept it."

Zhou Yi didn't make much money in Tian Prison. In recent years, many prisoners saw him carrying wine and meat in, and they were so frightened that they promised gold and silver treasures to beg for mercy, but they never went to get them.

The money to be shared in the prison is only the extra meal money of the prisoners, and the part of the colleagues and Shangguan is excluded, which is far from enough to spend in the Spring Breeze Building.

"I see!"

The guards suddenly remembered that the old-faced Zhou Yi was a martial artist.

The first-class masters of the Dirty Refinement Realm can raise a small flag directly with Jin Yiwei, and they can also make a name for themselves in the rivers and lakes.

Zhu Xiaowei said: "In the future, the prisoners will pay for the extra meals, and they will all belong to Lao Zhou. You can discuss the amount of the small surplus."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu."

Zhou Yi did not explain that the bulk of his income was actually from thieves who broke into private houses.

Originally, they were just little thieves, but later they became known as the Old Demon of Blood Prison. Some people wanted to avenge their relatives and friends, and there were also young warriors who subdued demons.

Zhou Yi was too lazy to distinguish the good from the bad. As soon as he entered the arena, he was ready to die.

The soil in the yard was three feet high, and Zhou Yi was not surprised when a zombie came out one day.

"What happened in Shenjing in the past six months?"

"Hehe, Lao Zhou, you missed the big show!"

Xiaowei Zhu said with a smile: "A few days ago, when the Great General returned to the DPRK, there were crowds of people watching in the Shenjing. In front of the envoy Dayong, His Majesty chopped off the head of his prince and offered it to the Taimiao Temple."

"Then why did you negotiate again?"

After Zhou Yi left the customs, he heard a few words, which seemed to be negotiating peace with Dayong and returning the five cities.

"Soldiers are fierce and dangerous, and no one can guarantee that they will always win. It's better to take it as soon as possible."

Zhu Xiaowei's voice changed: "Anyway, the big gentlemen in the court, for this reason, the Ministry of War issued nine military orders in succession to recall General Li from the northern border!"

Zhou Yi shook his head slightly: "Master Zhu thinks, can General Li continue to win?"

Zhu Xiaowei affirmed: "Of course! General Li is a famous general who has appeared once in a thousand years.

Zhou Yi looked at his colleagues and asked, "Do you think so too?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"General Li is a good person and has promoted several generals who failed to achieve their goals. Now they are all generals on the Megatron side."

"General Li is still an innate master, and it is possible to take people's heads in the ten thousand army formation, even if Dayong is destroyed!"

Colleagues responded one after another, and they all thought that Zhu Xiaowei was right.

"Then let me ask you..."

Zhou Yi said quietly, "How old is Your Majesty now?"

Zhu Xiaowei calculated silently in his heart, the first emperor was twelve years old when he ascended the throne, the Chongming dynasty was forty-six years, and he ascended the throne for twelve years. This year, he was seventy-two years old.

Although the emperor enjoyed all the glory and wealth, it was not easy for him to live to the age of seventy, except for the pure-hearted and ignorant of government affairs like Emperor Chongming.

Emperor Hongchang is old!

Although the prison guards are the lowest level of officials, they can't even be judged by their grades, but they guard criminals on weekdays, and they have to hear about the struggles of the imperial court, and they naturally understand the dangers.

Zhou Yi asked: "General Li regained lost territory, defeated the enemy country, and opened up territory. What kind of rewards are there for this kind of meritorious deeds?"

Immediately, a colleague replied: "Give Jiuxi, fake yellow yue, do not follow the court, praise and worship, and seal the king!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Xiaowei Zhu coughed twice, cut off the conversation bluntly, and shouted to the guy beside him.

"Tell the girls to come over, come to Chunfenglou, how can you drink?"

The topic suddenly came to this point, and the originally lively and gratifying Chunfenglou suddenly lost its meaning.

After drinking a few more rounds of wine, they dispersed and went home.

C-9 Prison.

Zhou Yi sat cross-legged in the inner room, using the Heaven Swallowing Devil Technique inside, and practicing useless formulas outside.

The spiritual energy in the prison is gloomy and cold, and it gathers in the meridians to refine and refine, and it becomes more and more icy and cold, which is incompatible with the warm and moist essence in the dantian.

"Cultivation also needs to be relaxed one by one. Let's take a break for the past few days, and first find the little thief in the heavenly prison."

Zhou Yi was lying on the bed, his ears pressed against the masonry bed, and the innate essence circulated along the meridians.

All of a sudden.

Snoring, groaning, scolding, footsteps, drinking, the jailer drinking and guessing, snakes and rats crawling around, noisy chattering, all kinds of voices mixed together, like countless ants crawling in the ears.

The art of listening to the ground!

A certain unnamed tomb robber changed this method for a roast chicken before his death.

Tomb robbers tap the ground, and then perform the art of listening to the ground, they can judge whether there is space several meters deep underground, and then use other methods to infer whether it is a tomb or a hole in the ground.

Zhou Yi uses the innate realm to display, and the entire Tianjing is in the monitoring category.

By distinguishing and distinguishing, useless sounds are shielded.

No matter how brilliant Qinggong is in the world, there will be wind noises and vibrations in the blink of an eye. If someone is not proficient in Qinggong, it will be difficult to distinguish them from the noisy and chaotic voices.

Zhou Yi has learned various styles of Qing Gong from many prisoners.

There are thieves who are famous all over the rivers and lakes on the top, and there are thieves who sneak around the walls under UU Reading

As long as someone performs light work in prison, they can't escape the art of listening to the ground.

The first half of the night was safe and sound.

at dawn.

The guards on duty were exhausted, either lying on the table dozing off, or finding a corner to rest.

Amidst the whistling of the night wind, a shadow entered the prison.

The guard on duty at the gate raised his head in a daze, but saw no one, and continued to lean against the wall to get sleepy.

The oil lamp in the corridor of the cell flickered on and off, and the shadow was reflected on the wall, shaking with the light, like a struggling ghost.

The shadow is like entering no one's realm, reaching the depths of the prison.

Prison No. 2.

It was empty and no prisoners were staying. Shadow used the key to open the iron lock, and went in well-known.

The shadows searched around, not letting go of any gaps.


The iron gate automatically closed without wind, shutting the shadow in the cell.


There was a crisp exclamation from the shadows, subconsciously trying to open the prison door, only to see a real sword stab at it.


The sword qi slashed on the prison door, and the fence made of stainless steel snapped.

"Senior, forgive me!"

The shadows were so frightened that they retreated again and again, and the gray-black mist that enveloped the whole body quickly dissipated, revealing the appearance of the person inside.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

A series of signature devilish smiles and an old and rich voice sounded directly in Yu Jie's ear.

"Boy, what are you doing here in the prison?"

The voice disappeared without a trace, and the source and direction could not be identified.

Yu Jie was sweating on his forehead, and he kept bowing and saluting all around him, thinking that he had encountered an old monster that never existed in the world.

"The grandson of the junior Yu Shitou, who came to Tianjing to inherit the inheritance from his ancestors, has no intention of offending!"