MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 18 The art of talisman

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"Yu Shishi, what kind of ghost name is this?"

Zhou Yi recalled all the criminals in the prison and was sure there was no such person.

There are many strongmen who came from the bottom and climbed up all the way in the rivers and lakes, but after gaining power, they will change their domineering names.

The gang leader Li Ergou and the sword **** Zhang Tiezhu, if it was spread out, wouldn't the people in the rivers and lakes die of laughter.

So many masters have similar names and frequently use words such as Xiao, Ba, Hao, Lie, etc., it is very likely that they were named by the same person who was invited.

"This seat is also well-informed. I have never heard of this person. How dare you lie?"

The sword energy encircled the top of Yu Jie's head, and turned it in a slight circle, strands of hair fell on the ground, and the skull was opened slightly half an inch.

"Senior, rest your anger, this junior will never cheat..."

Yu Jie was so frightened that he gritted his teeth and said, "Yu Shitou is the real name of the ancestor, and he has another nickname outside, called Huang Tianwang!"

"Huang Tianwang..."

Zhou Yi's voice was vague, as if he was recalling the past: "The old man once had a relationship with him. I heard him talk about the Canghuang Rebellion. The Jiangnan family was behind it, and in the end, the two heavenly kings became abandoned sons!"

"Senior is right. Back then, King Cang Tian had the help of his ancestor's talisman, and even Li Wu couldn't ask for it."

Yu Jie said angrily, "The Jiangnan family originally supported the ancestors, but later turned to the imperial court in private, deceiving the ancestors and Cangtian King to drink strange poison, otherwise the innate masters would not be captured alive!"

"I see."

Zhou Yi suddenly realized that after breaking through the innate realm with magic power, he only knew that the king of heaven was tyrannical.

Li Wu was able to capture him alive. He thought it was an extraordinary talent, but the truth turned out to be a strange poison.

The great general who is famous all over the world, everyone says that he is bright and upright, and he has never thought about it and used his tactics.

This made Zhou Yi feel quite proud, as if he had poured cold water on him.

Innate masters are invincible, but they are not immortal. The enemy will trap, poison, and vicious methods such as nightmare.

Accidentally fell into a trick, and followed in the footsteps of the King of Heaven!

"How do you prove that you are the descendant of Huang Tianwang?"

"This talisman is called the Shadow Talisman. It is a secret talisman passed down by the ancestors. The shadow guard who once Weizheng Jiangnan originated from this."

Yu Jie took out a talisman from his bosom, and painted it with cinnabar as a ghost-painted talisman: "When the imperial army broke through the Heavenly King's Mansion, the younger generation relied on this talisman to hide and escaped by chance."

Zhou Yi asked, "What's the use of this talisman?"

Yu Jie said: "The shadow talisman can summon the mist to protect the body, blending into the night, as if invisible."

Zhou Yi ordered: "Show it out, let this seat rise up and see!"

When he sensed the danger of Tian Prison, Zhou Yi hurriedly took refuge, and he never saw Huang Tianwang again.

Originally, it was thought that it was popular among the people that Huang Tianwang used Fushui to cure diseases and practice medicine, which was a strategy to gather faith and facilitate rebellion.

Now it seems that there are some mysterious methods.

The art of talisman has been separated from ordinary martial arts, and it is more like a monk's method, which makes Zhou Yi full of expectations.

Yu Jie didn't dare to refuse, and in the talisman filled with qi, he saw the shadow talisman spontaneously combust and turned into fly ash.

A cloud of black mist rose out of thin air in the cell, wrapping half a foot around Yu Jie's body. From a distance, the dark lacquer and the night were almost merged into one.

Zhou Yi asked, "Can there be other talismans?"

"A few years ago, after avoiding the pursuit of Jin Yiwei, the younger generation has exhausted the attacking talisman, leaving only a few shadow talismans and divine walking talismans."

Yu Jie took out another talisman, and the texture depicted was different from the shadow talisman.

Zhou Yiyin was in the dark, staring at Yu Jie for a moment, not sure if this kid had attacked the talisman.

The innate master reluctantly embarked on the road of cultivation, and may not be able to block the spirit talisman.

"Did Huang Tianwang not pass on the art of talisman to you?"

Yu Jie pondered for a moment, then said, "I have passed it on a little bit, but the younger generation is too stupid to comprehend."

Zhou Yi did not hide his intentions, and his tone was fierce and domineering: "I am very interested in the art of talisman, so I will exchange your life for it, how about it?"

Yu Jie believes that Zhou Yi is an old monster of all corners of the world. Such people have a perverse and violent temperament, and dare not refuse anything.

With a piercing sound, he tore the cuffs open, and took out the blue book book hidden inside: "The talismans taught by the ancestors, the juniors are all recorded here, and the seniors can use them to comprehend."

Zhou Yi asked again, "Why did you come to this prison because of your inheritance?"

"Senior didn't know anything. The ancestors only passed on the introductory runes, and after sudden changes, they failed to leave a complete inheritance."

Yu Jie explained: "Even if it is an entry-level talisman technique, the younger generation still can't get the hang of it for several years, so he can only pin his hopes on finding the follow-up content, and maybe he can learn the talisman technique."

"Jie Jie Jie!"

A series of strange laughter entered Yu Jie's ears, and Zhou Yi's voice revealed cold killing intent.

"You kid said so much, are you planning to use the method of driving away tigers and swallowing wolves, and borrowing the hand of this seat to find the magic inheritance?"

Yu Jie obediently admitted: "The younger generation has already searched for places where their ancestors might have left their inheritance, but now there are only two places left, the Heavenly Prison and the Imperial Prison."

"The prison..."

Zhou Yi had already searched the Heavenly Prison, so it is very likely that Huang Tianwang's talisman technique would remain in the Jinyiweizhao Prison.

The imperial prison is full of dangers, even worse than the heavenly prison!

"It is rumored in the world that King Huang Tianwang was taught the Dharma by a different person and cultivated the art of talisman. Is it true or false?"

"Don't dare to hide it from senior!"

Yu Jie felt the murderous intention gradually dissipated, he was relieved, and answered truthfully.

"People in the world know that it is the pretense of the ancestors talking to the outside world. In the past years of drought, the Emperor Dog continued to increase taxes, and the ancestors entered the Taoist temple to eat."

"How do you know that Guan has no rice and grain, and the ancestors did not want to starve to death. On the surface, he was a wandering Taoist priest, and secretly made a living by robbing tombs."

"The method of talisman is to excavate it from a tomb in Daishan. After the ancestors cultivated, they practiced medicine with the talisman and received many disciples..."

Needless to say later, Huang Tianwang's disciples are all over the south of the Yangtze River, and many of them are children of aristocratic families.

Zhou Yi stared at Yu Jie for a moment, but in the end he didn't kill him and ordered.

"Put the book down, you can leave now."

"Thank you, senior!"

Yu Jie had a happy expression on his face, bowed and saluted all around, carefully placed the book on the ground, and quickly left the prison.

Zhou Yi did not go to get the book, but secretly followed Yu Jie to a single-family house in Deshengfang.

Yu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, quickly cleaned up the gold and silver, and went straight to the west gate of Shenjing.

The soldier on duty seemed to be familiar with Yu Jie, and after receiving a few banknotes, he used a hanging basket to send him out.

"This kid has a future!"

Zhou Yi stood on the city wall and watched Yu Jie disappear.

Back to the prison.

Prison No. 2.

The blue book was quietly placed on the ground, no one touched it.

Zhou Yi took the stick and turned it over page by page, without triggering the attacking talisman, and then found a mouse to gnaw on a few pages, making sure that there was no strange poison that could be hit by touching it.

Xiantian Zhenyuan wrapped his hands, picked up the book and read it page by page.

"The way to make talisman paper and talisman pens. Cinnabar is mixed with animal blood... When drawing talismans, one must be calm... The inner energy must be collected at the tip of the pen... All in one go, it cannot be interrupted..."

The content recorded in the book is not the art of formal talismans, but more like Yu Jie's class notes, which are mixed with many feelings that are not right or wrong.

Zhou Yi turned to the last few pages, which were four complete strokes of talismans.

"Amulet for clearing dust, amulet for Anzhai, amulet for curing illness, and amulet for lightness!"