MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 377 1 world invincible

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The sound of the ox whistle came, followed by congratulatory sounds from Sun Changsheng and Yang Xuan.

"Congratulations third brother/brother!,

Then there are the true gods of heaven, all bowing in salute, not only admiring their strength, but also stemming from the thousands of years of celestial masters, they can resist the temptation of power.

"Congratulations to the Celestial Master"

After that came the disciples of Butian Sect and Qingyun Temple, all of whom were beaming with joy, bowing or prostrating.

"Congratulations to the ancestors"

Afterwards, there were many righteous gods and monks, all of whom were well-known in the world of cultivating immortals, and the congratulations were uneven.

"Congratulations to Master Tian/Elder Tang/Patriarch Butian..."

"Ha ha ha ha"

Zhou Yi looked up to the sky and screamed, and couldn't help but feel happy. For 16,000 years, even if the scalper was promoted to the demon saint, he never really let go of his caution.

"One year later, Pindao held a banquet in Tianshan Mountain to celebrate. No matter whether the person who came was a **** or a fairy, a Taoist or a Buddha, a monk or an ordinary person, everyone was welcome to attend the banquet."

"Precious nectar and jade liquid, fairy delicacy and spiritual fruit, open to supply"

"Pindao has ten thousand years of aging wine, one hundred thousand altars, you can drink it in one feast, and there are ten thousand years of spiritual fruits, one million pieces, you can eat it all in one meal...

One pile, one piece, all of them are rare spiritual objects.

With the accumulation of 16,000 years, one person is comparable to a sect, and the treasures accumulated are far from being comparable to sects.

The sound of Zhouyi spread thousands of miles, and many common people near Tianshan Mountain heard the sound.

Say it.

As the light escaped, he strode into the Xuantie Temple, raised his head, and looked like a tiger.

The gods and monks who were onlookers scattered and left to spread the news of the feast of the heavenly masters. Everyone must be drawn in, and this legendary banquet must not be missed.

Xuan Tie Guan.

Zhou Yi calmed down, and five rays of light fell in front of his eyes.

It was the scalper, Sun Changsheng, Yang Xuan, Qinglian, and the smiling and dancing spirit ginseng doll.

"Please sit down."

Zhou Yi waved down five futons and said, "Poverty Dao's success today is all thanks to you brothers, and there will be rich rewards in the future."

Since coming to this world, Zhou Yi seldom made promises with living people, and most of them were entrusted by the dead.

The promise of an immortal person is really too heavy, and it represents endless years in the future, and there will be countless troubles for immortality.

Qinglian said, "Master taught me and educated me, my disciples have no face to ask for such kindness and virtue.

"Qinglian, with your cultivation, you will be able to comprehend heaven's ba

Zhouyi explained, "The source of your reincarnation and practice is the transaction you made between the master and the world, or you took it without warning. This master-student status, the poor Taoist is ashamed to accept it!"

Qinglian Fushou said, "My disciple inherited the memory of his previous life. Many true immortals conquered this world, and hundreds of them fell. If it weren't for the master, it would be very difficult for the disciple to be reincarnated. This kindness far surpasses that of master and apprentice."

Qinglian was a true immortal in the fairy world in her previous life, theoretically the enemy of this world, but her reincarnation only inherits her memories, which is equivalent to obtaining the classics and insights from her previous life, and her origin is still the innate spirit of this world.

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, did not continue to argue, and said, "After the celebration, Pindao will start mending the sky, and must ascend before that.

After mending the sky, the boundary wall was complete.

No matter how difficult it is for the creatures in this world to make further progress, Zhou Yi can be said to have broken the road to immortality.

Fortunately, it is in accordance with the law of heaven, otherwise all living beings will resent, maybe Zhou Yi will be struck by lightning every day.


The scalper shook his head, it had no intention of ascension, even if it was born to go to the fairy world, it was still a heavenly arrogance, and it still planned to stay in this world for the rest of its life.

Accompanying the immortal until the lifespan is exhausted, the worst is nothing more than the soul flying away.

Sun Changsheng scratched his ears and said, "Third brother, brother, I have to ascend. If there is a chance in the future, I will come back to visit."

"You are always welcome.

Zhou Yi said, "Second brother went to the Immortal Realm, so he must go to the Devil's Cult, and help to follow the movement of the Three Immortals. If there is any abnormality, you can cast a spell to send a message

Butian Sect has the method of the patriarch to show spirits, and Sun Changsheng has already cultivated it. As long as a large amount of spiritual objects are consumed, a message can be passed on.

Sun Changsheng agreed

Said, "That's natural. My grandson has nothing to do with the fairy world. This world raised me and raised me. It's such a great favor that I have to repay it.

Zhou Yi looked at Yang Xuan, "Does the fourth brother want to ascend?"

Yang Xuan shook his head and said, "Witches were born in this realm, and they would be disgusted if they went to the upper realm for nothing, not to mention, I can't let go of those millions of descendants.

Zhou Yi's face twitched, he watched Yang Xuan create a Ke clan by himself, and said, "This world is difficult to break through in a short time, and the fourth brother Shouyuan may not be able to survive."

"Then sit down.

Yang Xuan said in a deep voice: "I embarked on the road back then

Just to accompany his parents, he got the inheritance of the Wu Clan by mistake, and has been with his parents for thousands of years.

"You can do what you want, so what if you sit down?" "The fourth brother is right.

Zhou Yi nodded in admiration, and looked at his disciple Qinglian, "Disciple, fly to the fairy world, you can join the Butian Sect, and say that you are a descendant of a celestial master, and you will be taken care of.

Qinglian said, "I would like to obey the master's order, the disciples will always pay attention to Butianjiao, if there is any change, send a message in advance.

Zhou Yi glanced at the spirit ginseng doll, and saw that it kept winking, opened its mouth eager to speak, and raised its brows, "You don't want to ascend to be with the second brother."

"Sir, I don't want to go to the fairy world.

Lingshen doll reminded, "I'm going to make up Jianmu today, isn't it immature?"

"Well, I don't even know if I'm poor.

Zhou Yi pointed to the sky, "You have to ask God

Lord, did I forget you, or wait for the plant in the cave to grow slowly.

Lingshen Doll suddenly sighed, and kept praying to God, hoping that there would be a piece of Jianmu left when the sky was mended.

The matter of ascension was agreed, and the celebration was handed over to Headmaster Butian.

Zhou Yi looked at several human immortals and demon saints, and said with a smile, "There are few opponents in the world of poor people breaking through the human immortals. Why don't you fight a little bit before ascending?"

Before being immortal, Zhou Yiqin learned supernatural powers and spells, but rarely fought.

After being immortal, Zhou Yi suddenly looked back, there are few invincible opponents in this world, in the future, those who ascend to ascend, those who sit and transform, and those who do not fight or fight will become invincible in the world.

After 16,000 years of painstaking practice, but no one even tried it, I suddenly felt like wasting time for nothing

"Good good good"

Sun Changsheng likes to be lively the most, he turned several somersaults in a row, and his figure fell on the sky.

Yang Xuan said, "Then the second brother will come first, the loser goes down, the winner goes up.

"very good

Zhou Yi's figure flashed, and he landed a hundred miles away from Sun Changsheng, opening his mouth to spit out a divine wind.

Colorless, formless, endless

Where the strong wind swept, the void shattered and the entire sky turned into pitch black chaos, as if someone had torn off a large piece of the sky.

"Good magic"

Sun Changsheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his smile gradually faded. The strength of the third younger brother's newly promoted celestial being far exceeded expectations.

The magic stick suddenly appeared in his hand, and blasted towards the innate **** wind, only to feel the endless power sweeping in, and Sun Changsheng was blown hundreds of miles away in the sky.

"Little ones, give me a helping hand." Sun Changsheng grabbed a handful of monkey hair and blew it out to turn into forty-eight thousand apes, each holding a red stick.

Under the blessing of inexhaustible mana, Sun Changsheng's magic stick stretched ten thousand feet, several times higher than Tianshan Mountain, swept across the sky and shattered the divine wind.

"This kind of gang fight doesn't really talk about martial arts.

Zhou Yi felt that all of the 48,000 apes had the realm of transforming spirits, not to mention the same root and origin as Sun Changsheng, even if they form a formation alone, they can join hands to trap immortals.

"The poor are also good at overcoming the few with more,

Zhou Yi once again displayed the innate divine wind, but it was no longer invisible and substanceless, and the violent wind suddenly turned into colorful colors.

A ray of color is a supernatural power, and a ray of light is a technique.

Sun Changsheng's eyes were solemn, his body swelled against the wind and turned into a giant god, with his feet on the Tianshan Mountains and the blue sky above his head, he held the magic stick horizontally against the colorful light.

boom rumble-

The continuous sound of thunder resounded in the sky, and Zhou Yi and Sun Changsheng confronted each other, directly competing for mana.

after a long time.

Sun Changsheng's figure flickered, he landed thousands of miles away, his figure recovered to four feet, he put the magic stick in his ear, and said repeatedly, "My old grandson lost, and the third brother is also really good

"Thank you, brother, for letting me go"

Zhou Yi bowed his hands to thank him, he really tried his best to compete for mana, and he couldn't win the result even after ten or twenty years.

Human immortal mana is almost inexhaustible. After consumption, the exercises and spiritual consciousness can be used, and the spiritual energy within ten thousand miles can be easily absorbed into the body, which can be recovered faster than any panacea.


The scalper shook his head slightly, voluntarily admitting defeat. Yang Xuan said helplessly, "Third brother has such strength, I don't want to be ashamed.

Qinglian said, "Master's supernatural powers are beyond comparison to real immortals. This disciple is extremely ashamed."

Zhou Yi put away the colorful divine light and flew back to Xuanyuan from the sky.

iron view.

"Poverty is to live longer, to master all the techniques and studies, and naturally turn them into myriad magic lights. True immortals have devoted themselves to comprehend for thousands of years, and they can also cultivate. There is nothing mysterious about it.

Qinglian was stunned and didn't know what to say for a while. True Immortals have a long lifespan, but they are not immortal. Most of the 20,000 years of lifespan are used for cultivation, how can thousands of years be used to comprehend spells?

The sun and the moon rotate, spring goes and winter comes. one year later.

The Immortal Ceremony opens.

The Butian Sect put away the sect-protecting formation, and the Tianshan Mountain manifested in the world, and all the monks and mortals who came here could come in for the banquet.

There are pavilions all over the mountain, and banquets are placed on each pavilion, stretching for thousands of miles.

at this time.

Immortals are no longer aloof, mingling with mortals, sitting on the table drinking and talking.

When the spirit of wine came up, one complained about the strict rules of heaven, and the other scolded corrupt officials. It seemed that the words were wrong, but in fact there was no difference in heart.

main hall.

Zhou Yiduan sat on the head, smiling.

Huang Niu and other immortals are on the right, the contemporary Emperor Shengyang is on the left, and the remaining true gods are listed according to their official positions.

The atmosphere in the hall was quite warm, and there was almost no gap between drinking and drinking.

For thousands of years, due to the suppression of luck in the Book of Changes, the power of the Heavenly Court has been as stable as a mountain. Even though the True God of Shengyang, who was born in the imperial dynasty, ascended the throne thousands of years ago, it did not cause any waves.

Heavenly Court has experienced many catastrophes, and has been constantly changing through experience and lessons.

The sky is becoming more and more complete, and the rules have matured. At this time, the operation of the heavenly court has become closer to the way of heaven. Whoever is the emperor of heaven has little influence. If you really change the dog to sit on it, you can also maintain the order in Shenzhou.

On the contrary, as the rules matured, the gods began to have no intention of power. After all, there is not much difference with him or without him.

Simply be a star king, free and unrestrained, and still have a superior reputation, which is much more comfortable than being a tireless steward.

Zhou Yi had a conversation with Sheng Yang, raised his glass and said.

"My lords, have a drink"

"Drink Sheng"

The gods raised their glasses and said in unison, "May the heavenly master live as long as the sky,

Zhou Yi had a smile on his face, but he didn't really nod his head in agreement. Even God couldn't live longer than him.

The banquet lasted for three years.

The monks who participated in the banquet came and went, returning to the cave to refine the spiritual energy in their bodies, but there were other monks coming, so it was not deserted.

Ordinary people eat and drink enough, and some people pack it away. The disciples of Butian Sect had already prepared, and took out the prepared gift box, which contained a piece of spiritual wine and spiritual fruit, which was beautifully decorated.

Such a bold manner made Butianjiao's reputation in the mortal world reach its peak in a short time

ten years later. Tianshan peak.

Zhou Yi sat cross-legged with a sad face. A few days ago, Sun Changsheng and Qinglian joined hands to break through the sky and ascend to the fairy world.

"Let's go, I don't know if we will see you in the future

Immortal world is not this world, even Butian Sect can't be called invincible, fighting among real immortals, it is very likely that it will affect the returning immortals, that is to say, their lives are in danger.

Perhaps, when we meet again, Zhou Yi is facing tombstones and tombs.

There was a long silence.

Zhou Yi raised his head and looked at Jianmu, without any hesitation on his face, the magic formula condensed into jade dew.

Yulu dripped down one after another.

a few days later


Jianmu finally broke through ten thousand feet, like a purple sky pillar, standing between the sky and the earth.

Moment of maturity.

Jianmu exudes radiant divine light, manifesting a mysterious and inexplicable aura, like Buddha, like Tao, like witch, like God, all-encompassing and like chaos and nothingness.

Zhou Yi was infected by the breath, and countless magical powers flashed in front of his eyes.

The works of the sages who still have doubts are instantly understood and even extended to many scriptures.

In recent years, the optimization of Wanfa Shenguang, the natural best sequence of enlightenment, the yin and yang and the five elements complement each other, making the power of Wanfa Shenguang even higher.

The most powerful congenital divine wind, which is listed separately, has already been fully realized at the level of destruction, and UU Reading has introduced the old and brought forth the new to realize the method of spring breeze recovery.

Zhou Yi breathed lightly, and the top of the snow-capped mountain grew green grass and trees in an instant.

"This is the manifestation of heaven"

Trying to comprehend the Yulu Jue, but the power did not increase at all, but the consumption of life yuan was reduced, which was considered tasteless to Zhou Yi.

Comprehension of the Nether Curse, the power of one to one offsets the life essence, which is also tasteless.

Comprehend the mind-distracting mantra, there is a mysterious guidance in the dark, and this mantra is combined with the reincarnation scriptures and the gate of the gods to form a new magical power.

"God, this directionality is too much." Zhou Yi shrugged helplessly. Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world, and the manifestation of the breath of heaven is for the promotion of the world in the future.

At this time.

Jianmu has changed from a tall tree to a purple air that traverses the sky.

The purple air is dense and floating, rising to the sky and finally blocked in the sky leak, the bright purple color slowly fades until it is indistinguishable from the surrounding sky

The sky leak was repaired, and the barriers of the world were restored to integrity.

Zhou Yi waved his hand to the void, without any change, and then urged Wanfa Shenguang to brush it, but there were only ripples.

"No matter how difficult it is for a human immortal to break through the void, it is impossible to talk about ascension.


The immeasurable merits fell on Zhou Yi's head, and they offset and consumed each other with karma.

The power of mending the sky is unprecedented, and the karma of Zhouyi is also unparalleled in the world. It may be a coincidence, or it may be calculated by God, and the result is that the merits are exhausted and the karma is eliminated.

Zhou Yi looked up and saw that the world was clear and innocent.

"Finally there's nothing on my head"