MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 14 Failed

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The girls were excited and noisy until 12:00 in the morning, before they stopped and went to bed.

This is because Lin Xinghai said, "Rest early and work in the best mental state tomorrow."

However, what makes Lin Xinghai painful is...

The next day, at 5 o'clock in the morning, the girls got up and dressed up.

For this, they were very willing, and each bought a bucket of hot water.

The sparse sound of changing and washing made Lin Xinghai unable to sleep at all.

These women covered the balcony with a few pieces of cloth, and it turned out to be a bathroom.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that two or three of them went in to take a bath together, and there would be some conversations from time to time.

"Wow! Yours is so big."

"But yours is whiter!"

"I think you should compare who is more resilient."

"What the hell, these women really think I don't exist!" Lin Xinghai gritted his teeth and said, but in the end he could only cover his head with a quilt.

He felt that if this continued, he would either be forced to become Liu Xiahui, or...

At 6 o'clock, Liu Miaomiao, who had finished washing up, came to the bed and patted his shoulder lightly, "Get up!"

"Doesn't it need to be so early!" Lin Xinghai muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Didn't you say that Captain Luo will come to us early today? Of course, it must be early, so as not to make the other party wait, you have to work harder!" Liu Miaomiao's tone was a little coquettish, and she pretended to be pitiful. The appearance made Lin Xinghai have no temper at all.

After getting up, Lin Xinghai found that on the balcony, a towel, toothbrush and mouth were prepared for him, and toothpaste was even carefully squeezed on the toothbrush.

Refuge is not equipped with these things, you have to spend points to buy them yourself.

On the balcony, there are only two copies of towels and toothbrushes.

One is his, as for the other, obviously, the rest of the girls shared it to save money.

Looking at this scene, Lin Xinghai had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, but he was not hypocritical, he picked up his toothbrush and washed up.

After cleaning, he happened to see a logistics drone flying into the dormitory from the balcony, with 6 lunch boxes hanging below it.

"Axing! Breakfast." Liu Miaomiao shouted.

"Come on." Lin Xinghai agreed, put away the toiletries, and walked in.

Taking the lunch box from Liu Miaomiao's hand, Lin Xinghai found that he was given a high-level nutritional meal with 6 points, while the others were given a low-level nutritional meal with 1 point.

"You..." Lin Xinghai really doesn't know what to say now

"Why, are you moved by us? How are you going to repay us?" Wang Yao leaned over and teased.

"Eat your breakfast!" Lin Xinghai's emotion in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he said angrily.


When the time approached 7:00, Roger came to Room 301.

He glanced at the few people who were obviously dressed up, and nodded with satisfaction, "Since you are ready, let's go to the city hall now! You have to behave well later."


"Don't worry! Captain Roger."

"We won't shame you and Ah Xing."

Several women expressed their opinions.

The group quickly left the residence.

Less than 10 minutes before they left, Huaifei Axe brought the Four Great Kings of the Axe Gang and some elites to the street below the dormitory.

"Okay, everything will go according to plan later. Ashi, you two will lead those five beauties to the factory on the grounds of recruiting employees. Is it okay?" , said the young man in a suit.

These two thugs, but he picked them out carefully, and then packed them all night.

At this time, no matter who sees them, they will feel that the two people in front of them are running business.

"Help, don't worry, the two of us have gone through a night of assault training to ensure that we will not reveal any flaws. In addition, the other party is eager to find a job, as long as I offer a high enough salary here, they will definitely be tempted." Zhou Shi said quickly.

"Well, very good, Xiao Wang, how are you preparing at the factory?" Huaifei Axe turned to look at Wang Damao again and asked.

"We rented the right to use the factory for half a day, and let all the employees take a holiday and replaced them with our helpers. As long as the five beautiful women step into the factory, they can be controlled silently. I promise not to cause any trouble. Anyone pay attention." Wang Damao also said immediately.

Huaifei Axe nodded, and finally looked at the Four Great King Kong beside him, "After the five beauties are led away, you should rush in as quickly as possible to deal with the mercenary, you must not be caught He escaped, can he complete the mission?"

"Don't worry, boss, my speed is as high as 28 points, and it is impossible for him to escape." One of the gangsters who was playing with the dagger in his hand said with a smile.

The other people also had confident smiles on their faces, completely ignoring a white pig.

The four great diamonds joined forces, and as long as the other party has not become a genetic optimizer, it cannot be their opponent.

"Very good. After completing the task, leave the scene quickly. In the follow-up investigation by the security team, I will arrange for a stand-in to help you turn yourself in."

Soon everyone acted according to the plan. The two gangsters in suits and leather shoes tidied up their collars and walked towards the dormitory with a kind smile on their faces.

Only 5 minutes later, the two of them came back with ugly faces.

"What's wrong?" Huai Fei Axe hesitated in his heart and asked quickly.

"There is no one in Room 301. I asked about the other rooms and said that those beauties went out 10 minutes ago." Zhou Shi said with a bitter face.

Huaifei Axe: "..."

At this moment, UU is reading www. Everyone on felt like they were punching cotton, and they felt uncomfortable.

They had been preparing for a whole night, but now the other party only went out 10 minutes earlier to avoid the trap they laid.

"Help Master, what should I do now?" Wang Damao asked weakly after the atmosphere in the field froze for a few minutes.

"Execute plan B! After they return to the dormitory, we rush in to grab someone and kill the mercenary by the way. As for the aftermath, it's troublesome, but I can handle it with some connections and connections." Huai Fei Axe endured the suffocation in his heart and said.

Lin Xinghai and the others who were heading to the Government Affairs Hall, of course, did not know that they had just escaped a crisis.

Of course, if you think about it differently, you can say that you missed the opportunity to borrow Roger's hand to solve the trouble.

After arriving at the Government Affairs Hall, under Roger's recommendation, Liu Miaomiao and others met, and the director of the personnel department was successful.

"Lao Luo, I thought you were teasing me last night! I didn't expect that there were really 5 beauties, so this is easy to handle." After seeing Liu Miaomiao, Lecheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

The next step is to submit an application according to the process, and then conduct a written test and interview.

Of course, these processes are just a cutscene, as long as the performance is not too bad, then all can pass.

What's more, Liu Miaomiao and several others are excellent enough, not only good-looking, but also eloquent.

Don't say "going through the back door" like this, even if the recruitment is really open, it is estimated that a few of them can be killed from the thousands of troops.

It took about half an hour to finally go through the entire onboarding process. From this moment, Liu Miaomiao and several others were the staff of the Political Affairs Office.