MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 3 Strength improvement

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Lin Xinghai's arms trembled, not because of fear, nor because of nervousness, but because of excitement.

He is also a systematic person.

At this time, a translucent light and shadow screen appeared in front of him, with the option of whether to absorb the power of blood energy.

Does this still need to be considered?

He immediately chose yes!

The next moment, Lin Xinghai felt a strange feeling in his arm, as if some kind of energy entered his body through his arm.

At the same time, he also discovered that the wound that was oozing blood on the back of the zombie's head had dried up directly.

Not only the wound, but the zombie's skin turned pale, as if the blood in the body had been drained.

"This!" Lin Xinghai was taken aback. He pinched the flesh and blood at the wound with his hand, but he really couldn't squeeze out a drop of blood.

"This power of blood is not the blood in the mourning corpse!" He had a guess in his heart, and at the same time looked around calmly.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to his situation here. After all, the zombie wounds have appeared for a while, and it is normal to stop bleeding now.

And the skin of the zombie itself is pale, so it is a little bit whiter, and if you don't stare carefully, you won't be able to notice it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for absorbing 1 point of blood energy, enabling the attribute panel function, and starting the main quest."

As the system prompt sounded, the dialog box in front of Lin Xinghai became an attribute panel.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Constitution: 7 points

Strength: 7 points

Speed: 9 o'clock

Blood Power: 1 point

Degree of genetic optimization: 9%

"Could it be that I'm a speed player?" Looking at his attribute panel, Lin Xinghai muttered.

But there was no one for him to refer to, and he didn't know his basic attributes, whether it was good or bad.

So after glancing at the properties panel, I looked at the taskbar below.

Main quest: Ask the host to collect 10 blood energy.

Explanation: The power of blood is the foundation of improving strength, the more the better.

Bonus: Turn on scouting.

Mission Progress: 1/10.

After reading the task, Lin Xinghai couldn't help showing joy. If he wanted to complete such a task normally, it would not be easy.

But now here, zombie corpses are everywhere!

When he thought of it, he did it, he stood up quietly, and then walked towards a zombie corpse not far away.

This time he studied it, and if he touched other positions of the zombies, the system would not respond.

Only when you touch a bleeding wound will a system prompt pop up.

"It seems to be certain, even if the power of blood is not equal to blood, it must be derived from blood."

Open the property panel, task progress: 2/10.

Lin Xinghai was immediately full of energy, and soon touched 5 zombies. At this time, the progress of the task had reached 7/10.

As long as you touch 3 more zombies, the main quest will be completed.

But what he didn't know was that Roger had been watching him secretly.

The content of this "Lesson 1", in addition to giving the members of the shelter a disgrace, is also an assessment of the courage of these people.

For an organization like the mercenary group that needs to fight against zombies, the courage assessment is even more important.

Roger originally intended to recruit Lin Xinghai, so of course he had to take a good look at the courage of the other party.

Therefore, when Lin Xinghai took the initiative to line up to touch the zombies, Roger couldn't help but nodded secretly.

However, when Lin Xinghai took the initiative to touch the second zombie, the expression on his face became subtle.

But Roger didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

Next, Lin Xinghai went to touch the zombies around him one after another. He touched one more zombie corpse, and the expression on Roger's face became even more wonderful, "This person won't have a necrophilia!"

And when Lin Xinghai touched the 7th zombie body, Roger finally couldn't help walking over, "What are you doing?"

Seeing Roger standing in front of him suddenly, Lin Xinghai was shocked.

However, he also expected that his abnormal behavior would likely be noticed by people with a heart, so he said the reason he thought about without changing his face.

"I'm a little surprised. These zombies were obviously killed by bullets pierced through their heads, but why did they cut the back of their heads afterwards?"

The strange expression on Roger's face suddenly turned into surprise. For the first time touching a zombie, it would be good to be able to maintain a normal mind.

But Lin Xinghai not only discovered something unusual, but also took the initiative to seek answers.

At this moment, the importance of Lin Xinghai in Roger's heart instantly increased to a new level.

"Very good! If you want to survive in the apocalypse, insight like yours is essential. As for why you cut the back of the zombie's head, I can also tell you the reason, that is..."

"Don't tell me." Lin Xinghai quickly interrupted: "There is a beginning and an end, I want to find the answer myself."

What a joke, you tell me the answer, what reason do I find to continue touching the corpse?

Roger lags slightly, showing a look of approval, "You are really better than I thought."

Seeing that this level was over, Lin Xinghai breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly walked to the next corpse.

Soon, he touched three more zombies. When the task progress reached 10/10, the system sound sounded again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the main task, the exploration function has been opened. In addition, 10 exploration times will be rewarded."

Lin Xinghai quickly opened the attribute panel and found that behind the character attributes, there was an additional exploration technique.

Exploration: Consume the power of blood energy to explore the target's attributes. The higher the target's strength, the more blood energy is consumed. Remarks: The first 10 explorations do not consume blood energy.

In addition to one more exploration technique, the main quest has also changed.

Main quest: Kill 100 zombies.

Explanation: The trick is only temporary, to obtain the power of blood, you also need to rely on your own strength.

Reward: None.

Seeing this quest reward, a black line suddenly appeared on Lin Xinghai's forehead. What the **** is the reward "None"?

Since there is no reward, why does he have to complete this task?

However, he found it painfully that this task had to be done, because he would definitely face the zombies.

And if this task is not completed, the subsequent mainline tasks will not be updated, which is the most pitiful.

Feeling depressed, I suddenly found that there was another change in the attribute panel. UU Reading

Genetic optimization degree: 9%+

Yes! There is a + sign after 9%.

Lin Xinghai immediately clicked on it.

"Does it consume 1 point of blood energy to improve the degree of genetic optimization?"

Lin Xinghai jumped in his heart and quickly chose yes!

In the next instant, a warm current appeared out of thin air, filling his body and limbs, making him extremely comfortable.

But he didn't have time to enjoy this feeling, and immediately looked at the attribute panel.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Constitution: 8 points

Strength: 7 points

Speed: 10 points

Blood Power: 9 points

Degree of genetic optimization: 10%+

Lin Xinghai's face suddenly showed a happy expression, the genetic optimization level increased by 1%, and the physique and speed increased by 1 point.

"This power of blood is really the foundation for improving strength!"

After finding a way to improve his strength, Lin Xinghai did not hesitate to add the remaining blood energy to genetic optimization.

The warm current that appeared this time was even more terrifying, as if there was a fire burning in his body, but he could also clearly feel that his body was strengthening at a terrifying speed.

The property panel in front of me has changed again.

Host: Lin Xinghai

Constitution: 15 points

Strength: 13 points

Speed: 19 points

Blood Power: 0 points

Degree of genetic optimization: 19%+

The power of blood qi was cleared, and the genetic optimization level was increased from the initial 9% to 19%. At the same time, various attributes have also been greatly improved.

Looking at the three attributes and the different levels of improvement, Lin Xinghai had a thoughtful look on his face.