MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 7 protection fee

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In the end, Liu Miaomiao persuaded others to make Lin Xinghai their roommate.

The reason why these people can reach an agreement is entirely because Wang Yao asked, "What if your old classmate can't help but want to do something bad to us?"

As Liu Miaomiao blushed and said, "He really wants to do something, then the first one should come to me." After this sentence, all disputes came to an end.

Looking at the five women who came back, Lin Xinghai couldn't help but ask: "By the way, you haven't consulted my opinion yet, how can you be sure that I will promise to be your roommate?"

"Yo! Could it be that you also like to live with a few rough guys?" Liu Miaomiao raised her eyebrows and said.

Lin Xinghai was suddenly choked up, unless he had a problem with his sexual orientation, he really couldn't make that choice.

"Cough!" Lin Xinghai coughed lightly, and after covering up his embarrassment, he quickly said in a serious tone, "Liu Miaomiao, I have something very important to tell you."

"What's wrong?" Liu Miaomiao suddenly became nervous.

"It's like this. After I woke up from the dormant cabin, it seemed that I lost my memory, um! Partial amnesia." Lin Xinghai said bluntly.

This was a more reasonable reason he thought of, whether others believed it or not, he believed it anyway.

Sure enough, Liu Miaomiao was surprised, "Is the sleep system malfunctioning? This is very rare!"

Hearing Liu Miaomiao say this, Lin Xinghai was instantly overjoyed, he was right, there really was such a thing, and he was about to continue the conversation.

However, Liu Miaomiao continued, "But it's okay, just spend some points to go to the medical cabin and inject the brain cell repair solution. It will be solved. Do you want me to accompany you?"

Lin Xinghai wanted to scold MMP, is technology developing so fast?

"No, I feel like my memory is recovering little by little. There's no need to waste precious points. I'm just letting you know about this." Lin Xinghai said.

"Really?" Liu Miaomiao was a little suspicious.

"It's absolutely true!" Lin Xinghai said solemnly.

Next, everyone did not continue to struggle with this issue, and Liu Miaomiao introduced the other four daughters.

The most popular one is called Wang Yao, and Lin Xinghai already knows it. As for the remaining three, they are named Qin Zixue, Yang Yi, and Shen Yimei.

After a few people introduced each other, it was almost time, and the next step was the dormitory allocation.

However, before the dormitory is allocated, everyone has to re-verify the information, which is retrieved from the Vault 83 database.

After the diagnosis is correct, the information will be entered into the ID card.

In addition to the function of an ID card, this ID card is equivalent to a bank card in the shelter, and each ID card has 10 initial points.

1 point can buy a low-level nutritious meal, that is to say, if you eat frugally, this is equivalent to three days of meals.

Afterwards, they need to find their own way out.

However, the Star Shield Refuge is in the expansion stage, and there is a considerable shortage of labor, so I am not worried about finding a job.

After Lin Xinghai and others received their ID cards, they were uniformly assigned to Room 301 in Building D.

It is worth mentioning that when several people applied for the same dormitory, the registrar's expression was not ordinary.

However, he did not deliberately find fault, and after confirming that the women were all willing, he arranged it directly.

"Oh my God, this is too simple!" Pushing open the door of the 301 dormitory, the girls couldn't help exclaiming after turning around.

The entire dormitory has only 3 iron-framed beds, which are bunk beds. As for the electrical appliances, there is only one energy-saving light bulb, not even an electric fan.

In addition, there is no bathroom in the dormitory, not even a faucet. There are only two public toilets and a faucet on the entire floor.

Moreover, the faucet also needs to swipe the ID card to get the water, and 3 points points a bucket of water.

This is also the reason why Lin Xinghai saw so many people not taking a bath on the road. This water is not ordinary.

Fortunately, the top of the shelter is not so cruel, at least they are provided with necessities such as bedding.

After a few women simply tidied up their beds, they complained about what to do in the future?

"According to the description on this piece of paper, we must find a job within two days, but the positions listed above are too few suitable for our women." Liu Miaomiao took the paper handed out by Ji Yuan, Said sadly.

"The above is not a mixture factory or a garment factory. I don't want to go to those positions. On the way here, I saw many shops that seem to be recruiting salesmen. Why don't we go and have a look?" Wang Yao also said at this time. arrive.

"Don't you pay attention to the salary? I don't want to have enough points for bathing." Qin Zixue was the one who spoke this time. She should be the cleanest among them.

Several women were talking about their opinions, while Lin Xinghai watched quietly, UU reading www.uukanshu. com At this moment, he was very fortunate that he had joined the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group.

Suddenly, Shen Yimei, who was standing at the door of the room, let out a light sigh, "Did something happen outside? Why is it so noisy?"

As she said that, she opened the door and walked out.

Lin Xinghai's face could not help but show curiosity at this time.

Because his ears are the best in the field, in addition to the quarrel, he also heard the sound of fighting.

Soon, Shen Yimei came back with a hint of panic on her face.

"Yimei, what's wrong?" Liu Miaomiao asked immediately.

"Some people charge protection fees. They are a group of guys who call themselves the Axe Gang. They are very good at fighting. I saw a thin young man who knocked down a strong man weighing more than 200 pounds with one punch." Shen Yimei said in a trembling voice.

"What! What about the security team? They just sit back and ignore it?" Liu Miaomiao said in surprise.

Lin Xinghai came to the window, glanced at the street below, and said, "The security team has left, and the population in the lower area is so dense, it is estimated that they are powerless to manage."

He also heard Roger mention these things. There are indeed many groups of small gangsters in the lower district.

Therefore, the lower-level area carried out several major rectifications, and these gangsters were arrested and sent to labor camps, but they were released after serving their sentences.

In addition, under normal circumstances, they are more "measured" in what they do, and they never kill people, and they do not persecute ordinary people too much.

Therefore, in most cases, it is not caught by members of the security team, and there is nothing to do with them afterwards.

Over time, the current situation has been formed.

Lin Xinghai didn't expect to encounter such a thing on the first day he came to the Star Shield Refuge.