MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 881 hair equipment (below)

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Hearing that Lin Xinghai actually said that there was something better, everyone's breathing, including Yan Feijie, the arrogant figure, couldn't help but quicken.

No way, the things that Lin Xinghai took out were really better than the other.

If the latest version of the ripper rifle and the weapons made of tertiary alloys are nothing, they can still buy the Tianjiao of the East China Sea Academy with gritted teeth.

But they really can't get the latest carbon nanocombat suits, because it's too scarce now, and it doesn't require money, but connections.

However, even this kind of thing is only standard here in Lin Xinghai, so who can't look forward to the ones that haven't been brought out yet?

Lin Xinghai didn't even have the slightest intention to sell the official, so he directly waved to the little fat man.

The little fat man immediately took a large box from the logistics staff on the side, trotted up to the table and handed it to Lin Xinghai.

Lin Xinghai pressed on the box, and the metal box opened automatically and quickly unfolded, turning into a shelf, so that everyone in the audience could clearly see the contents inside.

He first picked up a pair of combat boots and said: "This is the latest combat boot. Besides being sturdy and durable, it also has many small functions, such as run-up and jump-assistance, and it has metal suction cups, which can make you stand upright on the wall like a gecko. walk."

"Of course these are secondary. The most important thing is its escape function. There is a pair of jets in these shoes, which can fly and escape from the battlefield at critical moments."

Hearing Lin Xinghai say this, these people off the field couldn't help breathing heavily.

Due to the cataclysm, the creatures on land are almost extinct, so there are no bird zombies.

In this case, when you face the corpse tide, having the ability to fly is definitely the biggest life-saving trump card.

Such a pair of combat boots, combined with carbon nanocombat uniforms, can undoubtedly double or even triple their life-saving ability on the battlefield.

And the lower the strength, the greater the degree of life-saving improvement.

Before everyone could get excited and cheer, Lin Xinghai picked up the helmet on the side.

"This is also the latest model of combat helmet. I won't talk about various auxiliary functions. Its biggest feature is its outer shell, which is made of grade 4 alloy, plus various buffer layers and force relief devices in the middle, even if Your head was hit by the third-level death claw head on, and you won't die on the spot."

This time everyone off the field couldn't bear it any longer, and they all started talking excitedly.

Even Yan Feijie, the talented students of the East China Sea Academy, were thoroughly moved.

No way, the equipment that Lin Xinghai took out was too luxurious, and in one set of equipment, there were actually three pieces that had such good life-saving effects.

You know, what are these geniuses most afraid of?

It just fell early before it grew up!

And now they have three sets of life-saving sets, they are really not afraid, even if they encounter a mutant zombie of the third level, they dare to go up front.

After all, there is such a full body protection, especially if the head is so tightly protected, so there is no need to worry about being killed in one blow.

As long as they are not attacked for a split second, they will have great confidence that they will escape successfully after being lost.

Under such circumstances, how could they not be excited and excited?

Of course, such emotions were quickly transferred, because Lin Xinghai quickly picked up the last weapon.

It was a silver-white gun full of technology.

Most of the people in the field only showed curiosity when they saw the firearm raised by Lin Xinghai.

But like Yan Feijie, after recognizing the firearm at this time, his breathing became heavier involuntarily.

Lin Xinghai said directly: "This is the latest Gauss rifle developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and manufactured in batches."

"Its power is at least 5 times that of the Ripper Rifle. Combined with ordinary armor-piercing bullets, it can pose a certain threat to the first- and second-level mutant zombies with weak defense."

"If a depleted uranium armor-piercing bullet is used, even a level-3 mutant zombie will be killed if it hits the head."

The commotion below could no longer be suppressed.

"My God! What luxury equipment is this!"

"It's so arrogant and inhumane! A piece of equipment like this is enough to be envied by other teams. Now it's a 6-piece set. It's estimated that other teams will cry when they see it."

"I also understand that this is a good thing, but which brother can tell you exactly how much these equipments cost together! By the way, Lao Wu, don't you say you know a lot about equipment? Tell me! "

"I understand normal equipment very well, but the equipment that the general took out, except for the new tearer rifles and those standard cold weapons, can't be measured by money, because there is no market for price. Of course, if you have to ask me to estimate a price, I feel at least 2 million to 3 million points."

"This... so exaggerated? An ordinary modified mecha is only 200,000 to 300,000 points. Does that mean that such a set of equipment is worth more than 10 mechas? How is this possible."

"What's impossible? I'll drive a mecha for you, and you won't be able to escape even if you are beaten to death by a three-level mutant zombie. But wearing this equipment is different. There is a high possibility of escaping, and there is even a chance to fight back with a Gauss rifle. Of course, the premise is that your reflexes can keep up with level three mutant zombies, or you can have **** luck.”

The discussion off the field reached Lin Xinghai's ears, and he just listened with a smile on his face.

At this time, these soldiers off the field, UU read, have no resistance at all to immediately go to the coastal defense line, and some are just excited and looking forward to it.

This time, Lin Xinghai did not stop the noise of the crowd, but let them vent their emotions and discuss until the chatter gradually stopped, and then everyone's eyes focused on Lin Xinghai again.

Because they all clearly remembered that Lin Xinghai just said that these three new pieces of equipment would not be sent directly, but they were asked to show their value.

So what they want to know now is how to get these equipment.

Lin Xinghai naturally knew what the people in front of him were thinking. After he put the equipment back into the box slowly, he said, "Actually, according to my original idea, none of these new equipment will be sent directly, but now that I will immediately The battle is about to start, in order to help you improve your combat power as soon as possible, the basic three-piece suit will be distributed first."

"In fact, the recruits who join the team in the future want these equipment, even if it is the latest tearer rifle, they need to use their internal military skills to exchange."
