MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 894 Soldiers come to block (below)

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Chu Chu Chu!

Boom boom boom!

The battlefield that had been calm for half an hour, when the corpse tide came, it instantly turned into a beast that devoured life.

Heavy machine gun fire, mortar bombing.

The ferocious firepower caused serious injuries and even death to many fish zombies, but this time, there were too many fish zombies.

Coupled with the strong defense of fish and zombies, there is still a steady stream of people who can break through the fire blockade and go straight to the direction of the position.

At this time, at position 113, Captain Sun hurriedly issued an order, "Quickly contact the artillery team behind and give us another round of fire support."

"The machine gun crew fought me desperately, don't think about the bullet problem, even if you can't kill these fish zombies, you must beat them to serious injuries, and the rest of the people will all use armor-piercing bullets to fill my guns."

He has been on this line of defense for two days, and he has never seen such a large-scale corpse tide attack.

And he is also very clear that such an attack cannot be tolerated.

Because of the density of these zombies, as long as one rushes into the defense line, it is possible to be rushed in one after another.

With the strength on their side, there is definitely no way to push it back, and it will be a matter of minutes when the position is forced.

Of course, the scale of this corpse wave was huge and crazy, but when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, every time he swept to the No. 114 position in front of the right, the anxiety and anxiety in his heart would be reduced by more than half.

All the lost positions are basically the ones at the front of the defense line. These positions have a characteristic, that is, they will bear more pressure when they are attacked by the corpse tide.

For example, most of the corpse tide at this time was attracted by position 114. Otherwise, they would definitely not be able to defend here with more than half of the soldiers killed or injured.

Captain Sun also discovered that the hunting efficiency at position 114 was at least three times higher than theirs, and a pile of corpses was easily piled up in front of the position for a while.

And this scene will further attract the attention of more fish zombies, thereby reducing their pressure.

"Brothers must grit their teeth and hold on. With the help of reinforcements this time, we will definitely be able to defend." Captain Sun encouraged the other fellow writers loudly.

The rest of the team members were not blind either. They had already noticed the situation at position 114, and they felt a little more at ease at this time.

To put it badly, there is such a powerful ally, even if this position is really broken, they will have a place to escape.

Under this circumstance, their originally nervous and restless morale was gradually revived.

Position No. 114, here is constantly being attacked by corpses, but the members of the Thunder Squad who are sticking here do not feel much pressure.

Even easier than when they regained their positions.

After all, anyway, this is a position, which means that they are now playing a defensive battle.

The trenches and the various obstacles that were erected temporarily could not stop the entry of these fish zombies, but they could greatly affect their speed.

With this kind of assistance, they can deal with it much more calmly.

Of course, since this position has been breached, there will definitely be loopholes in the overall defense, and the defensive weapons originally placed here have also been removed.

However, this is not a big problem for them, because the armored vehicle is a moving point of fire, and as for the defensive loopholes in the position, they can directly find someone to fill it.

"Captain Pang, it's still very easy to defend now, why don't you stop the two automatic machine guns?" a team member said.

Of the 10 automatic machine guns on the armored vehicle, only 5 have been activated now, but even so, the ammunition consumed is quite a lot.

In the final calculation of the Thunder Point, in addition to calculating how many fish zombies they killed, they also calculated the consumption of ammunition.

In other words, if you want to get more Thunder Points, you must use the least consumption to cause the greatest damage to the enemy.

Hearing this question, Pang Lun frowned slightly in thought.

He was originally just an ordinary member of the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group, and his genetic rating was only D-level, which was not even comparable to many mercenaries.

The only thing worth mentioning may be that he was the first group of old people, when the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group was still a first-level mercenary group.

Of course, if it weren't for this, he only had a D-level genetic rating and couldn't join the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group that grew up later.

Therefore, with a mediocre talent, after being lucky enough to join the mercenary group, he soon received the dividends after the development of the mercenary group.

But even so, he was still very reluctant when he hit the second gene lock, and even failed once.

Even if the second attempt is a fluke, he has no hope of hitting the third gene lock, but he has not tried it yet, and he is not reconciled.

It took him a long time to finally accumulate the genetic level to 85%, the Star Shield base was established, and then he encountered a wave of corpses, and then Lin Xinghai came back and formed the Thunder Legion.

Then he felt that the trajectory of his life had completely changed.

Thanks to Lin Xinghai's nostalgia, these old people like the two major mercenary groups can get more support. For example, he has directly obtained 10 free intermediate-level genetic medicines.

And he could apply for a large loan, so he just gritted his teeth and used all the loan to buy intermediate-level genetic medicine.

In just a few short days, with the help of drugs, the genetic optimization degree was finally increased to 89%, and then last night with the help of Lin Xinghai, the third gene lock was broken.

Because he is an old man, after breaking the three genetic locks, he was directly promoted to the team leader.

Every time I think about this, Pang Lun is a little dazed, feeling that he is lucky.

But because of this he is more cautious in his actions.

Because he knows very well that as long as he doesn't make mistakes and walks steadily, even if his talent is mediocre, with the help of General Lin, he can go far.

So after thinking for a while, he shook his head, "I know you want to earn more Thunder Points, but if we weaken the firepower suppression now, our pressure will increase."

"General Lin has just sent a message that abyss creatures will appear in this wave of corpses. Now we must conserve our physical strength as much as possible to deal with the crisis that may arise in the future."

Pang Lun's analysis made sense, so the others didn't say much.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon the battle lasted for more than 10 minutes.

It was at this time that Pang Lun, who had been observing the battlefield, shouted, "Everyone pay attention, the abyss creatures are here."
