MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 895 The terrifying power of the Thunder Legion (Part 1)

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Resisting abyss creatures is not the same concept as resisting fish zombies.

The reason why abyss creatures are difficult to deal with is that in addition to their stronger individuals, the biggest difference is that they have wisdom and know how to cooperate when attacking.

It's like at this time, with Pang Lun's reminder, the first thing that appeared in front of them was not the madness of the abyss creatures rushing in, but their "fire suppression".

Petrified spider silks the thickness of chopsticks shot out from behind the lions like arrows and fell into the position.

"Pay attention to dodge! Xiao Liu, prepare the fusion agent to ensure that the firepower of the armored vehicle will not be interrupted." Pang Lun made an arrangement again.

Because these spider silks not only have good attack power, but also have extremely strong adhesion. After being stuck by them, it will be extremely difficult to move.

Fortunately, it is not the first time that humans have dealt with these petrified spiders. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has already researched and developed something to deal with.

At this time, the members of the Thunder Squad who dared to stand swaggeringly, quickly hid behind the positional bunker at this time.

Although the construction of this position is not perfect, there is also a wall on the outermost periphery that is not high, but absolutely solid.

They can use the specially built shooting port of the wall to attack, which can minimize the threat from petrified spiders.

Of course, the most troublesome thing to deal with these petrified spider silks is not these ordinary soldiers, but the armored vehicles that have nothing to block them.

The armored vehicle at this time must not have an accident, because it is the largest firepower point, and it is also the key to the Thunder Team to ensure that it is not overwhelmed by the corpse tide.

However, compared to ordinary machine gun positions, the biggest advantage of the armored vehicle is that it can move.

Therefore, the armored vehicle at this time is firing fiercely while moving as fast as possible, thereby reducing the chance of being hit by petrified spider silk.

Of course, if such a huge body is placed here, it is impossible not to be hit, but most of the spider silk will fall on the outer armor, and these are completely ignored.

However, when petrified spider silk fell on the machine gun and affected its turning, the soldier called Xiao Liu would immediately rush up and take out a bottle of "fuse agent" and spray it at the spider silk.

Then the sticky effect of those spider silks disappears and they fall directly to the ground.

But even if it can be solved, it cannot be denied that the appearance of the petrified spider has indeed brought a lot of trouble to the Thunder team.

And under the cover of petrified spiders, those abyss ghouls are also approaching rapidly.

There are many advantages of abyss ghouls. They are fast, quick to respond, and the cuticle on the body surface is far more defensive than fish zombies.

Even they are quite smart. When they move forward, they will use fish zombies to cover their bodies.

You can even pick them up as shields when necessary.

It can be said that their level of trouble is not much worse than some first-level mutant zombies.

Fortunately, abyss ghouls are not zombies. They do not have the quick recovery ability of zombies, and they do not have the characteristics of not dying as long as their heads are not pierced.

In other words, you don't need to hit them in the head, as long as you hit a few more shots, the injuries on their bodies are heavy enough, and they are dead.

Of course, this sounds simple, but in fact it is not, especially when they are covered by fish and zombies, it is equivalent to having a huge shield, plus their reaction speed, even if the marksmanship is excellent. Soldiers, the hit rate is also quite low.

However, the members of the Thunder Squad did not panic at all. They just tried to speed up the frequency of their shooting. If they couldn't hit the abyss ghoul, they would pour the bullets on the fish zombies in front of them.

Coupled with the armored vehicle, the ferocious firepower of the 10 automatic machine guns intertwined a terrifying firepower network directly in front of the position.

Even if the abyss ghoul is agile, it is still somewhat incompetent under the intensive firepower.

They tried to attack several times, and they were quickly injured under the intensive firepower. Then they encountered the focus of the rest of the Xinghai team. Those who did not retreat immediately were almost killed.

For a while, these abyss ghouls couldn't rush in, and their numbers gathered more and more over time.

"It's almost time!" Pang Lun murmured in a low voice.

Then turn on the wrist-mounted computer, call up the map of this area on it, and quickly mark the areas one by one.

"Captain, are you using firepower to bomb so soon? In fact, the pressure is not too big now. We can hold on for a while and wait for more of these abyss creatures to gather before we start." A team member next to him said.

"Well, we can indeed wait here, but the allies next to us can't wait! I'm afraid they will collapse. You all have high-energy bombs ready, and we will directly clean up the abyss creatures in this area." The action didn't stop.

After selecting more than a dozen areas, the command was quickly sent out.

The armored vehicle, which had been moving all the time, stopped at this moment, and the side deck opened, revealing the muzzles of the black holes.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

One after another howitzer flew out directly and landed in a distant area.

The rest of the team members quickly took out high-energy bombs from their combat backpacks and threw them towards the place where the abyss creatures were hidden among the corpses in front of them.

"Hold on, you must hold on, old horse, how long will it take for the machine gun to be repaired?" Captain Sun asked loudly in position 113.

As the abyss creatures rushed up, the situation in their position could be said to have taken a turn for the worse.

Because the three heavy machine guns here could not move, two of them were directly damaged by the petrified spider's long-range attack and were misfired.

Now they only have one heavy machine gun, and their firepower can be said to be seriously insufficient.

"There are still two parts to be replaced, at least three minutes. Can't the captain call for fire support?" The soldier called Lao Ma asked while quickly replacing the parts in his hands.

"I've already called for fire but now they have too many places to support. Rather than relying on them, it is better to expect you to fix the heavy machine gun quickly." Captain Sun said through gritted teeth.

"Captain, the three abyss ghouls are coming over here." A soldier who was suddenly in charge of the right wing shouted.

Captain Sun hurriedly looked over there, and his face changed immediately. The three abyss ghouls had indeed broken through the blockade, and there were not too many injuries on their bodies.

If they were rushed in by these three abyss ghouls, they would have to divide at least 6 team members to deal with it.

But if they do this, they, who are already stretched thin, are expected to collapse directly.

Just when his anxious teeth were bleeding.

Boom boom boom boom!

A large area in front of the position was instantly covered by dense artillery fire.