MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 902 The new generation of the new generation (Part 1)

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Chapter 903: The New Generation (Part 1)

Looking at the mecha that rushed back, many people who wanted to continue complaining before closed their mouths at this time.

Complaining is complaining, their lives are still in each other's hands, who dares to say that the other party is not?

Although Captain Sun felt a little inexplicable at this time, he still greeted him with a smile on his face.

Before he could speak, another voice came from the mecha's loudspeaker, "My name is Da Luo, I'm here to replace Xiao Gao.

After speaking, the mecha immediately rushed to the front line.

At this scene, everyone in the No. 113 position was once again taken aback.

And at this time, they also gradually came to the aftertaste.

"They actually have two drivers, no wonder they dare to rush out at this time." Someone said.

"No, there are probably more than two. Have you forgotten what Captain Sun said before? The support team that came here seems to be all soldiers who have broken the three genetic locks. They are all qualified to drive mechas!" Another soldier made a hypothesis.

"How is this possible? If you want to become a qualified mecha master, you need to go through a long period of training. Otherwise, a mecha is so expensive that anyone who comes here can drive it. What if it breaks? You want Knowing how good or bad the mecha masters are, the combat power they exert is absolutely different." Someone suddenly retorted.

"What you said is right, but have you noticed that the guy who drives the mecha doesn't seem to understand the skills very well. He simply uses the weapon to go up recklessly." The person next to him reminded in a low voice.

The soldier who just retorted: "..."

No matter what the soldiers at position 113 thought, the Thunder Corps's training this time was very thorough.

In the Thunder Legion, it is true that most people don't know how to drive mechas, and they haven't even touched this thing before.

But it doesn't matter at all. After all, driving the mecha is done with a brain nerve transmitter. As long as the brainwave matching is completed, the perception will completely spread to every corner of the mecha, and controlling the mecha is like controlling the body. .

So as long as the brain wave matching degree reaches 100%, then your lower limit is placed here, and it will not be too bad.

And it's still the same sentence, these mechas that the little fat man bought are definitely the top of the ordinary mechas, which also includes the auxiliary combat system.

You don't know how to fight, as long as you know how to cooperate with the AI ​​system, the combat power you can exert will not be bad.

In addition, there are teaching modules and memory modules, so that you can quickly learn some high-end mecha skills, and as long as you can use it once, the memory module can capture all your usage details and help you use it next time.

So this big Luo who just piloted the mecha, from the very beginning, only used weapons recklessly. After only a few minutes, he already knew how to dodge in time, seize the opponent's weakness to attack, and so on.

From time to time, he can also display one or two mech skills, such as squatting recoil, supercharged sprint and the like.

If the opponent is driving an ordinary mecha, then during the actual combat training, it will inevitably pay a price. After all, abyss creatures have the ability to damage ordinary mechas.

But for mechas made of tertiary alloys, there is no need to worry about it at all, and they will be completely crushed.


The battle was going on, and Lin Xinghai, who was at the headquarters and looked at the overall situation, was not in a hurry at all. He just wanted to use this corpse tide to train his troops.

It's just that Lin Xinghai is not in a hurry, but it doesn't mean that the mutant zombies are not in a hurry.

The corpse tide attacked frantically for an hour and only took a few positions.

Those mutant zombies finally couldn't sit still and were ready to end in person.

When the mutant zombies began to move forward, a harsh alarm sounded at the base camp behind the position.

This is to remind everyone that the real danger is coming.

At position 113, everyone who could have taken a rest, all of them have entered the highest level of combat readiness at this time.

The members who were originally excited to kill with the mecha, at this time, after explaining a sentence, they also quickly returned to position 114.

In the face of the normal corpse tide, they can train troops, but to deal with these mutant zombies, they must have members who really know how to drive mechas.

Therefore, Xiao Gao, who started driving the mecha, reappeared in front of the soldiers at position 113.

In addition, he brought back hundreds of high-explosive shells and a simple launcher.

"This is temporarily lent to you. If you can't provide timely artillery support, you can only rely on yourself." Xiao Gao's voice came from the loudspeaker.

Captain Sun was overjoyed, and quickly asked people to pull these things to the shelling position of the position. At the same time, he asked: "Next, can you handle these mutant zombies? Or is there anything we need to cooperate with?"

Xiaogao replied without hesitation: "We will try our best to help you block all the mutant zombies, but in this case, those abyss creatures and fish zombies, I am afraid you have to deal with it yourself."

Hearing this answer, Captain Sun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't deal with mutant zombies, he could still fight.

At this time, in the headquarters of the Thunder Legion, Ma Tai looked solemn.

"The number of zombies attacked in this batch has reached 582, and the number of third-level zombies in it has reached 98. Are you sure you can handle it?" Ma Tai looked at the latest statistics~www.novelbuddy .com~ asked.

"I can only say that the second line of defense is here. There is definitely no problem, but I feel that those mutant zombies will not be so stupid. They will really stick to the second line of defense." Lin Xinghai replied.

Seeing Lin Xinghai's affirmative answer, Ma Tai breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't worry, we have already made arrangements for other lines of defense, the second line of defense will definitely be the most violent, as long as you can survive. , that's fine."

With the end of the dialogue between the two sides, the headquarters became quiet here, only the voice of gathering intelligence from time to time.

At this time, the 10 assault teams that were located at the back of the battlefield, who had made contributions before, have gathered again.

But at this time, their configuration is completely different. Before, they only drove armored vehicles, but now they are all driving mechas.

Of course, I can't say all the members, because in each team, there will be 1~2 people who don't drive mechas, but they have Gauss rifles in their hands.

These are the people with the best marksmanship in the squad. Gauss rifles equipped with depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets can definitely bring surprises to those mutant zombies.

Standing at the front of the team at this time was the little fat man.

Although he was merely the head of logistics, no one doubted his position in the army.

(End of this chapter)