MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 921 Changes in storage space (below)

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However, Lin Xinghai had already anticipated that he would consume more than others.

If it is said that the first few realms simply improve physical fitness, then at this stage of the gods and demons, what is done is reborn.

Completely transformed from a human to a stage of a demon.

It is precisely because of this that the strength of the strong in the gods and demons will be so terrifying, and the improvement at this stage will be so huge.

And Lin Xinghai's consumption will be so huge, and it is inseparable from the fact that he has cultivated the full version of the Thunder God Body.

After all, the thunder **** body itself is the top **** and demon body, and it must be very expensive to convert oneself into a thunder **** body.

Coupled with Lin Xinghai's complete inheritance, this consumption is even more terrifying.

Of course, Lin Xinghai believes that the consumption is huge, and the final harvest must also be huge.

After feeling his own state, Lin Xinghai did not wait until night before heading to the next line of defense.

Instead, let the Thunder Legion set off immediately and go to the C6 defense line next door.

Usually, it is because he is not in a hurry to wait until the evening, but now he urgently needs to collect the primordial crystals in the abyss creatures, so the situation is naturally different.

At the same time, he also contacted the military branch and applied to go to the Yangtze River theater one day later.

Every team going to the Yangtze River theater needs to be reviewed, mainly to determine the strength. Because the strength is not up to the standard, going there will only be a hindrance.

As for the qualified ones, of course, there are as many as there are.

After all, whether it is the Yellow River Theater or the Yangtze River Theater, troops have always been in a state of shortage.

Fighting in such a dangerous place, the treatment cannot be bad.

Military merit has bonuses, and all materials are allowed to be exchanged first. In addition, there are many additional benefits.

If it wasn't to improve his strength, Lin Xinghai would have wanted to go.

"I hope to go there and buy some good fortune liquid." Lin Xinghai said with a sigh.

If you want to break through to the middle stage of the gods and demons, in addition to the pills, you also need to complete the cultivation of the gods and demons in the first stage of the gods and demons.

This requires a lot of good fortune stock solution, if not, using ordinary body refining pills to cultivate, I really don't know when it will be.

After all, the elixir for improving the body of gods and demons is different from the elixir for improving cultivation.

Such medicinal pills are not only scarce, but the highest level is only the Body Shaper, which is a drop in the bucket for Ye Feng, who also thinks about it.

In the blink of an eye, another day passed. During this day, they fought 10 defense lines and collected up to 200,000 abyss biological crystals.

He directly gave Lin Xinghai 20 million points of blood energy.

"That's enough." Lin Xinghai nodded in satisfaction after checking the huge amount of blood energy on the system panel.

He intends to use 7.9 million blood energy points to increase the storage space to 100 cubic meters.

The remaining 12.1 million blood energy powers are kept for backup.

After all, the power of blood is too important to him. All system abilities basically require the power of blood. If the power of blood is not enough, he is really uneasy.

As soon as he thought of it, Lin Xinghai opened the storage space, and then clicked Upgrade on the system panel.

Soon 100,000 points of blood energy were deducted, and the storage space changed from 21 cubic meters to 22 cubic meters.

As Lin Xinghai clicked the upgrade button again and again, the storage space was also rapidly expanding.

It soon exceeded 30 cubic meters, then 40, 50...80, 90. As the storage space continued to expand, Lin Xinghai could really feel that the space inside was constantly changing.

And this change is not an increase in volume, but a qualitative change.

And this change is getting more and more violent. Finally, when the storage space reaches 100 cubic meters, the entire storage space shakes.

"Ding! Since the storage space has been increased to 100 cubic meters, the space is more stable and can store not too strong living things."

Hearing the system prompt that popped up suddenly, Lin Xinghai was stunned for a moment.

"Can you store living creatures?" He was a little overjoyed, because in this case, the role of this storage space would be even greater.

If he needs to sneak action, he can bring some masters with him, which can definitely surprise the enemy.

Another example, hiding in space?

Just thinking of this, Lin Xinghai couldn't hold back his curiosity.

Of course, he didn't go in rashly, but first stored the air around him to ensure that he would not suffocate after entering, so he moved himself in with a thought.

Lin Xinghai's figure disappeared directly in place.

In the next instant, he entered a vast white space, surrounded by irregular clouds and mist, surging.

Lin Xinghai could feel that this space was still quite fragile, and with a little effort, the entire space could collapse.

This may be why the system prompts that you cannot store too strong living creatures, because you are worried about damaging the storage space.

Of course, the storage space collapses, and the creatures inside are estimated to have no good results. The biggest possibility is to send them into the space turbulence.

Lin Xinghai watched for a while, then closed his eyes and felt it.

What he felt was not this storage space. After all, he could see the end at a glance, and there was nothing to feel good about.

Now he is trying to "see" the outside world through this space.

It turns out that he can observe things in the outside, and this storage space should exist in a place like the space mezzanine. As long as he hides here, not only can others not see it, even Don't even think about attacking.

However, the attack here refers to the normal attack. If it has space-based abilities, such as space cutting and space shock, it will be another matter.

In addition, he is not sure whether the strong in the rule realm can break through this space.

Of course, he can also feel that this space will expand and become more stable with continuous upgrades.

If you keep expanding, maybe in the future, this place will become an extremely reliable "sanctuary".

One day, the war between humans and the abyss has failed, and this can be used as the last retreat.

At least Lin Xinghai felt that hiding in this space was much more reliable than going to space for the "Seed Execution Planning Department".

Of course, it is really good to hide here, but it is not without problems, that is, this space seems to be bound to him, and after he enters, the space will not move.

In the end, where he disappeared, he will still appear in the original place.

With a thought, Lin Xinghai moved away from the storage space and returned to the original position of the armored vehicle.

"It seems that when using the storage space to avoid pursuit, it must not be used in front of the enemy." Lin Xinghai sighed lightly.

Of course, the biggest role of this storage space is to use it when sneaking into the enemy's lair.

For example, when encountering a patrol, hide in advance and wait for the other party to leave before coming out.