MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 946 shocking secret

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What Huo Feiteng issued was not an emergency order, and even made it clear that it would not be too late to pass when Lin Xinghai was free.

But now, why is Lin Xinghai willing to wait here? After briefly explaining a few words, he immediately followed Hua Rong and returned to the East China Sea base.

Hua Rong and Lin Xinghai spent only half an hour together.

But now his attitude towards Lin Xinghai was two levels higher than before, and it was directly based on how he treated the marshal.

"General Li, please, there are steps here, please be careful." Hua Rong greeted the road ahead with enthusiasm, and Lin Xinghai felt a little uncomfortable.

However, both of them are strong, and the speed is naturally not slow, and it didn't take long for them to come to the headquarters.

The guards stationed here seem to have been notified long ago. After seeing Lin Xinghai, they all saluted, and the inspection process was simply omitted.

"Marshal Huo has not been seen for a long time." When Lin Xinghai came to the rest room of the headquarters and saw Huo Feiteng, he exhaled a long breath and said hello with a smile.

"Haha, come and sit here, this Pu'er has just been soaked, try it if it suits your taste." Huo Feiteng greeted.

Lin Xinghai picked up the teacup and took a sip, and couldn't help but praised the good tea.

In fact, he didn't know much about tea, but no matter how bad the tea, if the marshal Huo Feiteng personally brewed it for him, the taste would be completely different.

"I'm ashamed to say that, you have made such a great contribution, and I can only use this to entertain you, but I will make up for it later. After the battle is over, I will give you a celebration banquet." Huo Feiteng said with a smile.

"This is what I should do, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. Of course, the celebration party can be held, don't use me as the protagonist, I'm afraid of socializing." Lin Xinghai said bluntly.

"Haha, no wonder you had that expression when you first came in. I'm just like you, and I don't like socializing either." Huo Feiteng laughed even more.

After a while, he said solemnly: "The growth of your strength is really beyond my expectations, but you came just right. With you in charge, the power grid plan we will implement will be much easier."

"What's the power grid plan? And isn't it with you? How did it become me?" Lin Xinghai asked.

"Tell me about the power grid plan first!"

Huo Feiteng took out a document and handed it to Lin Xinghai, and said, "You should know that we are building a dam in the back to block the fish and zombies along the river, but no matter how much you work overtime, this The dam is at least a month or so away from completion."

"To tell the truth, with such casualties, our military probably won't last for a month. That's why we have this grid plan."

"We plan to pull up a power grid on this ten-kilometer river. This power grid will be forged from grade four alloys. At both ends of the river, a nuclear power plant will be built for continuous power supply."

"At that time, the maximum voltage of this power grid can reach the level of 10 million volts. At that time, let alone these fish zombies, even the mutant zombies of the first, second and third levels can be directly electrocuted."

"At that time, we only need to guard the two nuclear power plants, and then drive away the fourth-level mutant zombies to stabilize this line of defense, and the difficulty of defense will be directly reduced by more than ten times."

Lin Xinghai listened to Huo Feiteng's remarks, and gradually there was an emotion called shock in his heart.

He knew very well that if the plan was successful, the power grid would probably be worth hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

"Very good plan." Lin Xinghai gave his own evaluation directly after reading the document in his hand.

"Yeah! No matter how good the plan is, it must be carried out. Before, the probability of successful execution was only 60% at most, but now that you are here, I believe that the power grid plan will be successful." Huo Feiteng said with a smile.

"Huh? With you here, I shouldn't need me, right?" Lin Xinghai's doubts became stronger and stronger.

He had seen it with his own eyes, how terrifying the power of Fang Lao, a strongman in the realm of rules.

Even if Huo Feiteng's strength is not as good as that of Fang Lao, it is impossible for him to be in the same rule realm. At least killing those fourth-level mutant zombies should be like playing.

"How can you not need it? If it is as strong as you think, then why wait for you to come, I have already shot and killed all those fourth-level mutant zombies." Huo Feiteng smiled bitterly.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xinghai asked quickly.

He felt that the matter was probably more serious than he had guessed.

Huo Feiteng sighed lightly, and then said after being silent for a while, "Because I, or we, the powerhouses in the realm of gods and demons, may have something wrong."


! "

These words were like a thunderclap on the ground, and Lin Xinghai stood up from his chair in shock.

If this kind of word spreads outside, it will definitely lead to a big earthquake.

Listening to Huo Feiteng's words, it is likely to be a problem of the cultivation realm, just like the quenching body realm.

This kind of thing, if serious, can even affect him.

After all, the ability of the system is actually limited. He can help Lin Xinghai to forcefully break the mirror, but if it is not the problem of broken mirror, then he has to find a way to solve it by It is not a matter of cultivation. The problem should be regarded as a combat problem. "

Huo Feiteng organized the language, and then said slowly: "The power of the rules is very strong. If you use the power of rules to deal with the fourth-level mutant zombies, you can kill them with one move."

"But the problem now is that after we use the power of the rules, it will not automatically recover."

"To use an inappropriate analogy: For example, when you fight, when you perform a move, not only the power of blood in your body will decrease, but also the total amount of power of blood will also decrease."

"Simply put, if you fight, your cultivation will go backwards."

Lin Xinghai was stunned when he heard this, "How could this happen?"

"I also want to know why. I spent a day of condensing the power of rules, and it was consumed with a slap, and then I had to start from scratch, instead of automatically recovering like the power of blood." Huo Feiteng also felt quite It hurts.

If it weren't for this reason, he would have shot and killed all those fourth-level mutant zombies.

Otherwise, do you really consider his name as a dead person?

"Then do you have any guesses?" Lin Xinghai asked with a frown. Facing this situation, he really felt helpless.

"My guess is that the way we fight is wrong. It's like smashing the power of blood and energy. It consumes a lot of power and has little power. There must be some 'moves' that can make the power of rules perfectly used."

"But the problem is that we can't find this 'movement', or how to use it." Having said this, Huo Feiteng looked at Lin Xinghai with a burning gaze.

Lin Xinghai instantly understood the meaning of the other party. He had obtained the complete inheritance of the Thunder Divine Body. When he reached the corresponding realm, he would be able to unseal the content of the corresponding inheritance, and he might know it at that time.