MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 957 limit speed

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Seeing that Lin Xinghai rushed out like this, everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

This is too fierce!

You must know that there are more than 1,300 mutant zombies there. If so many mutant zombies are replaced by them, even if they are all first-order, they must be careful.

After all, more than one will kill an elephant, not to mention that these mutant zombies are not ants.

Even if they have reached the realm of gods and demons, they will still be injured if they are attacked by a first-level "death claw".

If it is attacked by the venom of the "spirator", the body will also be corroded and a large hole will be formed.

This is the power of mutant zombies, and their strange abilities cannot be completely ignored at the same level.

Of course, the higher the level, the less damage they will receive from being attacked. For example, the fourth-level "spirator" venom is very deadly to them, but if it is changed to the first and second level, it can only be regarded as a minor injury.

Even so, in the face of a large number of mutant zombies, it is definitely not a wise choice to rush out directly.

What's more, Lin Xinghai didn't face all the first- and second-level mutant zombies, but there were more than 300 third-level mutant zombies and 23 fourth-level mutant zombies.

In the case of more and less attacks, if they seize the opportunity to attack once, I am afraid that they will suffer a lot of trauma.

"Don't be in a daze, everyone, let's act fast, and finish it early can also reduce the pressure on General Lin as much as possible." The veteran leader, Shi Jinlu, said immediately.

Hearing the other party's words, everyone no longer had any reservations, and they all took action with all their strength, and suddenly they placed the power grid a little faster.

In the face of these ordinary fish zombies, they really have no pressure to deal with as the gods and demons.

Especially those with water system abilities, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are like a duck to water.

Using their abilities alone can cover a range of nearly 1,000 meters. They are the main force against fish zombies.

As for the others, it doesn't matter even if their abilities are not useful. When they reach their realm, they can easily kill a large number of fish and zombies with a random range of martial arts.

Of course, although their hands were quick and easy, most of their attention was still on Lin Xinghai.

At this moment, the wings of wind and thunder fluttered behind Lin Xinghai, and instead of using the hugely consuming thunder flash, he charged forward in an upright manner.

But the more he behaved like this, the more disturbed the group of mutant zombies that were rapidly approaching.

Especially the 23 fourth-level mutant zombies stopped at this time, but they continued to command, and the rest of the mutant zombies moved forward.

There is a very strict subordinate relationship between mutant zombies.

High-level mutant zombies can command these low-level mutant zombies to die on the battlefield.

At least until they were killed and collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xinghai was not surprised at all, he directly released his divine body of thunder and instantly transformed into a 10-meter-high giant.

The next moment, he rushed into the zombie group.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, Lin Xinghai's hands and legs turned into terrifying weapons.

His palm turned into a palm knife, and with a simple straight stab, the head of a "dead claw" was pierced.

Immediately after a vertical split, the head of the "iron armored corpse" on the side was split into two halves.

At this time, Lin Xinghai's pure strength has 73,000 points, and after adding the magic body he casts, he can add an additional 45,000 points.

In other words, his attack power at this time has reached a terrifying level of 118,000.

Such terrifying power is simply not something that these first- and second-level mutant zombies can block.

Even if it was a third-level iron-clad corpse, Lin Xinghai could blow its head with one punch.

This is the crushing of absolute power.

If Lin Xinghai was simply terrifying, then there was no way to achieve this kind of suppression.

After all, if you can't resist it, you can entangle, delay, and even look for opportunities to fight back.

However, when Lin Xinghai possessed such terrifying power, he also possessed a speed that was difficult for the opponent to reach, it would become extremely terrifying.

These mutant zombies don't even talk about entanglement and counterattack, and even dodging is difficult to do, and they will easily be hit in the head by Lin Xinghai with a punch or kick, killing them instantly.

At this moment, Lin Xinghai was like a tiger entering a flock. In just two or three seconds, he killed all the dozens of mutant zombies around him.

Moreover, Lin Xinghai became more and more enjoyable. At the beginning, he was not familiar with this kind of close combat due to his lack of boxing and leg skills.

But as he gradually incorporated the wind and thunder spear technique into the boxing technique and the leg technique, the power instantly increased several levels.

In less than a minute, the number of mutant zombies that died in his hands had exceeded 200, which was close to one-sixth of the number.

And there are more than 50 third-level mutant zombies, and even a fourth-level "hunter" who wants to come and attack.

In this terrifying scene, the fourth-level mutant zombies hiding behind were frightened, and they were more and more afraid to go forward.

Lin Xinghai cast a glance, those fourth-level mutant zombies, he is not in a hurry.

Now he is only displaying the **** and demon body and the wings of wind and thunder, and this kind of consumption is very small for him.

In this case, it is impossible for the other party to consume him to death. He just swallows a pill and replenishes the power of blood energy faster than digestion.

And this kind of situation is also the most favorable for him. These mutant zombies are coming to besiege him, but it is more convenient for him to kill.

So Lin Xinghai slowly spent with the other party.

But those fourth-level mutant zombies are not fools.

After another minute, Lin Xinghai killed another 200 mutant zombies.

Those fourth-level mutant zombies finally couldn't sit still and changed their tactics.

With a roar of a 4th-level mutant zombie at the head, the mutant zombies surrounding Lin Xinghai instantly dispersed and rushed towards the power grid behind him.

"Looking for death!" Lin Xinghai snorted coldly, this was the last scene he didn't want to see.

However, Lin Xinghai was already mentally prepared for this.

At this time, he finally broke out with all his strength, and the **** and demon body instantly entered an overclocked state.

Lin Xinghai's figure instantly soared to 20 meters high, and at the same time the added attributes doubled.

That is to say, after casting the demon body, the increased speed attribute has soared from the original 45,000 points to 90,000 points.

Coupled with Lin Xinghai's original speed of 73,000, its speed soared to 163,000.

At the same time, the Leibu of the Perfect Realm launched, directly increasing Lin Xinghai's speed by 200,000 points.

The last is Lin Xinghai's Wings of Wind and Thunder, with a superimposed 30,000 points of speed.

Let his speed at this moment skyrocket directly to 393,000.

In fact, Lin Xinghai can also activate the Thunder Rune to increase the speed by 1000 points, but this increase is too small to be considered for the time being.

Of course, this is also because of the speed of 393,000 points, which is enough.

On this basis, with the time acceleration ability, his speed can instantly become 3.93 million.

This is the first time he has fully exerted his ultimate speed after entering the realm of gods and demons.