MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 967 go all out

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Hearing Lin Xinghai say this, Huo Feiteng was obviously stunned.

After being promoted to the realm of rules, he was quite aware of the gap between the realm of gods and demons and the realm of rules.

It is no exaggeration to say that he really made a shot with all his strength, even if he came to the peak of the gods and demons, he could slap him to death.

"Are you sure?" Huo Feiteng said strangely.

"Naturally, after going to the abyss plane, it's hard to guarantee that you won't be able to face the powerhouse of the rule realm. Now that I have the opportunity, of course I want to see the power of the rule realm first." Lin Xinghai said seriously.

"In that case, let's go outside!" Huo Feiteng nodded, he naturally had no reason to refuse such a request.

Soon, Shuangfang came to the top of the Yangtze River.

You can let them do whatever they want here, and you don't have to worry about affecting innocent people. After all, even if it does, it would be bad luck for fish and zombies.

At this time, Lin Xinghai came out, so the training room naturally stopped. After the gods and demons came out, they saw the two of them walking towards the Yangtze River together. They immediately thought of something and followed them quickly.

After all, the battle situation is stable now, and Lin Xinghai basically won't make a move. The last time he made a move was the huge movement that he made with all his strength after he broke through the realm.

And now half a month has passed. In the past half month, Lin Xinghai has collected a huge amount of elixir of the gods and demons. As long as he is not a fool, he must have made a huge improvement.

So in this case, the reason why Huo Feiteng and Lin Xinghai appeared together can be understood after a little thought.

"They are expected to learn from each other and walk around. This is a rare opportunity to watch!" A middle-aged officer said immediately.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen the rules, so what does it look like to go all out! I'm afraid I'll be lucky this time." The young man beside him said quickly.

"It's hard to say whether I can see it this time. I heard that the rule realm and our **** and demon realm are not at the same level at all. When Marshal Huo Feiteng shot and killed those fourth-level mutant zombies, it was easy, and there was no need to use all his strength." The officer shook his head and said.

The young man immediately retorted: "I don't agree with your point of view. We have also seen the scene when General Lin took action. Do you think it is still at the level of the gods and demons?"

"And I specifically inquired about it. Half a month ago, General Lin only broke through to the middle stage of the gods and demons. With his terrifying promotion speed, how strong do you think the opponent can be now?"

Not only the two of them were talking, but more than 90% of the gods and demons who were strong in the realm of gods and demons put down their work at this time and followed the two towards the Yangtze River.

At this time, the two parties involved had already come to the sky above the Yangtze River.

Needless to say, Huo Feiteng can truly fly in the air when he arrives at the regulation realm.

Lin Xinghai was not bad either. He released his perception and used the object control technique to control his body to fly.

"As soon as I researched this secret technique, it's really not bad." Looking at Lin Xinghai, who was also flying in the air, Huo Feiteng couldn't help but sigh.

"It's just a small road, although the speed of flight is very slow, there is not much actual combat capability." Lin Xinghai shook his head and said. …

Even if you have his 160,000 points of perception, in the case of flying in the sky, you can only burst out at a speed of 16,000 points.

For him, it is no different from Turtle Speed. Even if he uses the time acceleration ability to increase the speed to 160,000 points, he will not be able to participate in this level of battle at all.

As for the powerhouses in the realm of rules, it is completely different. Their flight can completely explode their own speed, and there is not much difference between the air and the land. Of course, doing so will consume the power of the rules.

So soon both of them landed on the water and walked on the water. Huo Feiteng wanted to reduce the consumption of the power of rules, while Lin Xinghai wanted to explode the speed.

"This section of the river is wide enough, let's go here! It shouldn't spread to both sides of the river." Huo Feiteng said after walking for a while.

"Okay!" Lin Xinghai agreed, and the **** and demon body showed up. In the blink of an eye, the body was raised to 10 meters, and then it was overclocked and turned into a 20-meter-high giant.

Seeing this scene, Huo Feiteng couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Although he had already obtained this information before, he didn't follow him to see it that time. Now, this is his first time. A perfect divine body.

That powerful sense of oppression made him feel a sense of danger.

To be honest, he had to admit that if he hadn't broken through to the rules, he probably wouldn't even be qualified to fight in front of Lin Xinghai.

After displaying the perfect thunder **** body, the space in Lin Xinghai's huge palm fluctuated slightly, and then a 20-meter-long alloy giant spear appeared in his hand.

This is the special Thor gun that he asked Fatty to use all the technical strength of Hongyu Group to customize for him.

This Thor gun is not only the legendary alloy used, but also many mixed materials that can amplify the properties of lightning.

Its effect is very simple, but it is also very powerful, that is, any attack with lightning attributes, it can amplify the power by 50%.

It is no exaggeration to say that the cost of such a long gun alone is no less than half a legendary mecha.

There are three specially made Thor spears, which are 2 meters long, 10 meters long and 20 meters long, which are convenient for him to use in three different forms of gods and demons. These three Thor spears are usually used by him. into the storage space.

This is also the first time he has taken it out for practical use.

On the other side, Huo Feiteng looked at the spear that appeared out of thin air in Lin Xinghai's hand, and finally showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Is it a space ability? Or another special ability?"

Huo Feiteng thought in his heart, but he didn't ask. After all, everyone has secrets. More importantly, with Lin Xinghai's current strength, no one dares to take him as a junior.

"Marshal Huo be careful, I'm going to shoot." Lin Xinghai reminded.

"Haha, don't worry, you can do whatever you want." Although Huo Feiteng was a little surprised by Lin Xinghai's method of taking things out of thin air, he didn't care about the opponent's attack.

At this moment, Lin Xinghai didn't say much, and directly displayed his strongest ultimate move: the Thunder Spear.

The thunderbolts with the thickness of the arms were poured into the Thor spear in his hand. After the blessing of the Thor spear, these thunderbolts instantly became the thickness of the thighs, and surrounded the surface of the Thor spear, gradually forming an illusory spear.

As the illusory long hair gradually solidified, a terrifying wave of destruction emanated from it.

But when Huo Feiteng felt this fluctuation, his Tong Kong couldn't help shrinking suddenly.

"How is this energy level possible!


You must know that the Thunder God Spear needs at least 9000 points of blood energy to be injected into it, and it is very terrifying to display it normally.

However, how could such martial arts be able to be normal when displayed in Lin Xinghai's hands.

First of all, UU Reading Others injected the power of blood, and he injected the power of lightning, which directly doubled the power of the Thunder Spear. In addition, his Thunder controlled his physique, and he could add extra power. The power of this move is increased by 2 times, which is 4 times the damage.

In addition, the Thunder Spear is a heaven-level martial arts, and it is a heaven-level martial arts that has been cultivated to the Dacheng realm. The bonus of this level of martial arts is comparable to other martial arts.

It can be multiplied by 3 times the power on the basis of 4 times.

It exploded with 12 times the original power.

The power of 9,000 points of blood energy can be directly released into the power equivalent to 108,000 blood energy.

And this is not the end, the Thunder God Spear can also increase the power of this move by 50% on this basis, and directly let the Thunder God Spear explode the power of 162,000 blood energy.

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