MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 968 Suppressing the strong

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162,000 blood energy. What is this concept?

You must know that in the past, a peak of the gods and demons, the total amount of blood energy in the body was only about 100,000.

Even if they have rebuilt the quenching body realm now, the total amount of blood energy generally does not exceed 150,000 points.

In other words, the attack power of Lin Xinghai's attack is completely comparable to the power of a **** and demon realm peak, using a life-threatening blow to condense all the blood energy in the body, the power caused by it.

Of course, if this is not intuitive enough, then you can also convert it.

Generally speaking, the power of 1 point of blood energy can be roughly equivalent to 5 points of strength.

In other words, this is equivalent to a thunder spear with 162,000 blood energy, and it can also be regarded as a full blow with 810,000 power.

In addition, on this basis, superimposed on the overclocking state, the 200,000 points of power of the Thunder God body, and its own basic power of 93,000.

The power contained in Lin Xinghai's attack directly reached a terrifying power level of 1.103 million.

With the stab of his gun, it seemed that this space could not bear this terrifying energy, and there were signs of shaking and breaking.

On the other side, he originally wanted to let the other party see how powerful Huo Feiteng, who is a powerhouse in the realm of rules, was. The moment Lin Xinghai displayed the Thunder Spear, his expression changed instantly.

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As a powerhouse in the realm of rules, he can very keenly capture the terrifying energy contained in this move.

And when Lin Xinghai stabbed with a spear, his body strength and the thunder spear perfectly fused, his face was completely unbelievable.

"how can that be?"

He roared with filial piety in his heart, but he did not dare to drag it out in the slightest.

At this moment, the power of rules in his body burst out instantly.

The power of rules intertwined in front of him, directly forming a palm, and slapped Lin Xinghai's shot with all his strength.

Before the two sides collided, the field formed by the two attacks began to collide.

There were invisible thunder and lightning intertwined in the void, but it was quickly destroyed by another more mysterious and vast force.

In the blink of an eye, the two people who were originally hundreds of meters away collided with each other.

Lin Xinghai could feel that when the Thunder God Spear in his hand stabbed the opponent's condensed palm, his mind seemed to freeze for a moment, and his entire body became dull.

He knew that this was the slowness ability that Huo Feiteng had originally mastered, which could make people's thinking dull.

Now it is estimated that it has been integrated into the power of rules, which makes this move even more terrifying. You must know that his perception power has reached 160,000 points, and the forging method has doubled his perception power, which is quite at 320,000 points.

With such a terrifying level of perception, at the same level, it is completely immune to any attack on the spiritual level.

But at this moment, he was hit, and he knew very well that this should only be an attribute attached to the power of rules.

Of course, this effect was only delayed for a moment, and then it was cracked by Lin Xinghai.

After all, his perception is strong and it is easy to carry it over, not to mention his time acceleration ability, which just restrains the opponent's slowness ability.

The next moment, the real collision began.

The power of one shot and one shot really exploded.

The center of the collision collapsed in space, and then a wave of destruction spread out from the collision point as the center.

In an instant, the river water below the two instantly evaporated into a circular pit with a diameter of 100 meters.

Then the terrifying shock wave spread and directly cut off this section of the Yangtze River. Huge waves of 100 meters high were directly set off on both sides of the river. Even the silt at the bottom of the river was covered by the shock wave and turned into terrifying weapons. Blazing away in all directions.

As for the fish zombies in the original Yangtze River, they died in an instant, and even their bodies were broken by the shock wave, and they were finally crushed into flesh.

The eyes of the gods and demons who were watching from a distance were about to protrude in shock.

Such attack power can only be described as terrifying.

Those who are strong in the gods and demons, let alone meet such a move, even if they are a little closer, they may die if they are affected by this impact.

Of course, the one who was most shocked at this time was Huo Feiteng himself.

After breaking through to the realm of rules, he felt that this realm and the realm of gods and demons were basically two levels.

Because when he uses the power of rules to explode with all his strength, not to mention the power of rules attributes attached, he can reach a full power of 1 million points in a simple power attack.

With such attack power, even the fourth-order iron armored corpse that is best at defense can be slapped to death.

After all, if the power level exceeds a certain level, it is completely crushed.

Don't even say 1 million points of strength, even if he only exerts 300,000 points of strength, he can easily kill any powerhouse in the gods and demons.

After all, as long as the attack power exceeds the opponent's defense, the part that overflows is the "true attack", not to mention the strength of more than a few hundred thousand points, even if it exceeds tens of thousands of points, it can kill the opponent.

It is precisely because he knew how terrifying the powers of the rule realm were, when he heard that Lin Xinghai was going to the abyss plane, his first reaction was that the other party was going to die.

But this time...

He burst out with all his strength, but he was actually repelled, and he glanced at his right hand, still trembling constantly, and there was even blood seeping out of the capillary blood holes above.

If he hadn't reacted in time at the critical moment and used the power of rules to protect his palm, I'm afraid this right hand would be in a half-crippled state at this moment.

But even so, he was hurt.

As for Lin Xinghai on the other side, in this head-to-head contest, the force of the collision completely exceeded the load on his body. Blood was also seeping from the palm of his hand holding the spear.

It's just that he didn't care at all, and directly activated the system's advanced healing ability, and the injury disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And he himself, burst into extreme speed directly.

Basic speed + martial arts + **** and demon body (overclocking) + wings of wind and thunder, which directly made his speed reach 523,000.

Under the acceleration of the time ability, it directly became a terrifying level of 5.23 million.

If Lin Xinghai just barely beat Huo Feiteng in terms of strength, then in terms of speed, he was completely crushed.

Huo Feiteng saw that the thunder broke out under Lin Xinghai's feet and disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

In this scene, UU reading made Huo Feiteng Tong Kong shrink abruptly, because at this speed, he couldn't keep up at all.

With the blessing of the power of rules, he can explode with a speed of 1 million, and he was absolutely terrifying at such a speed before.

But now, the gap between the two sides is too big, and he can only be beaten passively.

Of course, as a strong person in the realm of rules, his perception of danger is extremely keen, and almost the moment Lin Xinghai disappeared, he instantly slapped his palm towards his right back.

The power of the rules once again condensed a palm, which directly collided with the wind and thunder spear that Lin Xinghai used again.

The terrifying shock wave appeared again, but the aftermath of this collision had not disappeared.

Lin Xinghai's figure flashed, and he attacked again.

"Stop! Stop fighting." Huo Feiteng shouted quickly.