MTL - I Am the Cutest in the Universe-Chapter 23

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Not long after, the four of Boger followed the instructions in the live broadcast room of Star Network and found Tu Mianmian in the place where the different planting bombs grew.

At that time, Tu Mianmian had already transformed and started eating and broadcasting on the scene. He and Dandancao eat one and feed the other, which is very harmonious.

Fridge, Robbins, and Xu Lu were jumping around Tu Mianmian, wanting to rub the camera a little more, and they looked very sandy.

Borg raised a smile and greeted: "The Duchess."

Tu Mianmian turned around and stared at Boger for a while: "?"

"We have a task that cannot be completed, and would like to seek your help." Bogue understood the question in Tu Mianmian's eyes.

He stepped forward very wisely, and opened the task card saved on Guangnao to Tu Mianmian: "You have a look first."

Bogue's optical brain is displaying a task that is judged to be S-rank.

Robbins glared at the four Bogers one by one without being tired, "You have drawn two tasks in total, one is replaced by us, and the other is directly coming to ask for help? "

Robbins looked down at Boger with his nostrils: "Can't you even complete a task?"

Borg smiled and said nothing.

Tu Mianmian poked at the dandan grass beside him, indicating that he had enough to eat, and he no longer needed to feed vegetables.

He looked at the content of the task and the introduction of the target mutant plant on Bogguang's brain, and tugged at Du Lulu's vine, "Eh? This mutant plant looks like you! Your relative?"

There are so many vines!

Du Lulu came over to take a look, and quickly waved the vines: Not my relatives!

—but I can beat it!

Tu Mianmian became a little interested and agreed to Boger's request: "Then I'll go look for you."

Maybe you can see xenografts fighting.

"Mianmian, be careful there is a conspiracy." Fritch came over and reminded in a low voice.

Xu Lu also agreed: "What if Boger dug a hole and waited for us to jump?"

"It doesn't matter." Tu Mianmian thought about it and said, "Strength decides everything."

He said confidently: "Anyway, Du Lulu said it can beat that xenograft."

With the big brother of the alien planting world, Du Lulu, Tu Mianmian is not afraid at all!

[Goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose! Figure Mianmian fights Du Lulu to deceive people]

[I think Boger looks weird, the purpose of coming to Mianmian is too far-fetched]

[Maybe he just wanted to rub the camera? Maybe asking Mianmian for help is just an excuse to rub the camera? ]

[Now I feel the disadvantage of not giving other guests shots, because when we can't see it, we don't know what will happen there, what conspiracy orz]

[Shock! He has a high affinity for different plants, and he actually did such a thing to a mutant plant... For details, please look forward to today's remarks broadcast at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. ]

After a while, Tu Mianmian and Boger and his party came to the S-level mission point - the growth place of the different plant calming vines.

From a distance, before getting close, you can see a large open space ahead, and only a calming vine is planted in the center of the open space.

From the area of ​​the site occupied by Calm Vine, it can be seen that this is a big boss in the heterophyte world.

In the face of this big guy, there is no need for Du Lulu to come forward as a thug. Because after sensing that someone was approaching, it stretched out a long thin vine and spread far in front of Tu Mianmian.

The tip of the vine took off the petals and carefully inserted them on Tu Mianmian's head.

The fragrance of the flowers is more intense after picking, and even the people next to them can smell the cold fragrance, and suddenly feel refreshed and refreshed.

Robbins is well-informed, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes, "This is a calm flower..."

Sedative flowers have the effect of nourishing and repairing spiritual power. When the mental force is manic, it also has a calming and calming effect.

Sedative Vine and Calming Flower are named after this.

Sedation flower has only one output channel such as the zoo and plantation garden, and the number is still pitiful. The outside world has always been priceless and in short supply.

As soon as Calm Vine and Tu Mian Mianfu met, they gave him one, which is really enviable.

Tu Mianmian took the calming flower off the top of her head, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it, a cold aroma rushed to her heart, I don't know if it was his illusion, it seemed that the magic power was strong a few points.

Viewed in the sun, the color is as white as jade, and there seems to be a faint shimmer on the petals.

Tu Mianmian asked the people around her: "How long will a plucked calming flower last?"

"One month." Robbins told him: "As time goes on, the effect of the calming flower will gradually weaken, until it eventually withers and has no effect."

Figure Mianmian suddenly realized. He quickly put a small white calming flower in his space button, looking like he treasured it very much.

After putting it away, she found that everyone was staring at him, Tu Mianmian smiled embarrassedly, "Sivir should be of use, I want to leave the calming flower to Sivir."

Everyone: "…"

Oh my god, today is a great day. Not only smelled the aroma of calming flowers, but also ate the dog food of the Duchess.

"Jealousy makes me unrecognizable!" Robbins exclaimed.

In front of everyone, the calming vines, which had been very quiet after the flowers were presented, suddenly moved, and the vines wrapped around the corner of Tu Mianmian's clothes and tugged.

It probably felt that Tu Mianmian stayed in place for too long, and it couldn't wait.

After the vine finished pulling the corner of his clothes, he rolled up Tu Mianmian's wrist and pulled him forward with a slight force, showing a hint of impatient waiting.

Everyone hurriedly came to Calm Fujimoto.

See the picture Mianmian came over, the calming vine trembled all over, and in an instant all its own vines bloomed with colorful calming flowers.

This is not the end, Calm Teng took out something from behind and handed it directly to Tu Mianmian.

That's a big bunch of flowers.

A large bouquet of calming flowers in different colors.

In the interstellar era when the popularity of greenery is extremely low, a bouquet of flowers is already a very expensive luxury. Even in the central star, which is actively doing greenery, the price of the bouquet is not low.

Not to mention, a bouquet of priceless calming flowers.

Under everyone's attention, Tu Mianmian took over the bunch of flowers.

The scene was silent.

There was silence in the live room.

After a while, Robbins regained his voice, "Jealousy no longer makes me unrecognizable."

He was extremely calm, and let out a long sob: "Jealousy made me directly disfigured."

[Give me first aid! Central Star First Aid! I can't fu **** anymore! ]

[This is the taste of money, the taste of stars]

[Sedative vine is naked. Naked to show off wealth! Does Mianmian count as "being smashed in the face by the stars"? ]

[Go out! I'm going out! I'm going to pick up the petals on the ground to eat! It's all money! ]

[The dog men of the central star showed me clearly! You don't have a plant that understands romance! Give me a good study! ]

When the flowers on the Calming Vine vines die, a large pile of Calming Flower seeds are left behind.

These seeds can be artificially cultivated. Although the cultivated calming flowers are not as good as the blooming flowers of calming vines, they are just enough to supply the urgent needs of the market.

Collecting seeds is exactly the content of the S-level mission.

After Tu Mianmian handed over the seeds to the robot, she glanced calmly in a direction behind Calm Vine from the corner of her eye.

Surrounded by the scent of calming flowers at first, I didn't notice it. Now that he was accustomed to the breath of calming flowers, Tu Mianmian felt a unique energy.

It is a weak energy that is on the verge of dying out.

It resonates faintly with Tu Mianmian's demon power, attracting Tu Mianmian to pass.

Borg saw the mission robot leave, turned on his brain and walked to Tu Mianmian: "Thank you Duchess for helping us complete the mission."

He lighted up the task page on the light brain, and it was showing the words that the task was completed.

"No thanks." Tu Mianmian came back to her senses.

He waved his hand indifferently, the red scarf on his chest was particularly bright, "It's just a little effort."

"Not to mention." Tu Mianmian smiled and put a large bunch of calming flowers in the space button, "It's worth it for me to come!"

Borg: "…"

I feel stuck.

Besides, Robbins, Fritsch and Xu Lu saw that the mission was completed, and they all stepped forward, surrounded Tu Mianmian and prepared to leave. Busy is also finished, it is useless to stay.

Seeing this, Boger became a little anxious.

He wanted to frame Tu Mianmian, but he couldn't do it under the eyes of the live camera, otherwise he wouldn't be able to ask for it if the audience saw it.

But now Tu Mianmian is about to leave, this is the closest place to the restricted area. Next time I find a chance to trick Tu Mianmian over, it will seem too deliberate.

Bogue's teammates saw Boger's thoughts at a glance, and turned around and began to retain Tu Mianmian: "The Duchess helped us, although it was a big effort for you, we should also express something. "

"Why don't I invite you to have afternoon tea." Boger responded and said: "It's also the time for afternoon tea."

Afternoon tea must have an intermission. During the intermission, the guests can move freely, and the live camera will also stop shooting.

It's a good time to make things easier for Boger.

The teammates who planned with Boger suddenly sang and sang together. Surprisingly, Tu Mianmian took their advice well.

"Okay." Tu Mianmian nodded neatly and agreed, "Then take a break."

Tu Mianmian didn't know Boger's plan, but he had his own plan in his heart. He now longs to be free to move about, to go and find out about the place that attracts him.

See Figure Mianmian approval, Boger was overjoyed, and immediately invited the robot to announce the intermission. The live camera announced that filming was suspended.

Immediately everyone dispersed, each going about their own business.

Borg was about to look for Tu Mianmian to start, but turned around to look, but he didn't see Tu Mianmian's figure.

He was startled and immediately searched left and right. Just at a corner leading to the restricted area, I found the back figure of Tu Mianmian turning away.

Bogue's heart jumped, and great joy and doubts rushed into his heart at the same time.

Glad that she didn't need to instigate herself, Tu Mianmian rushed into the restricted area. The doubt also lies in why Tu Mianmian went to the restricted area alone,

He didn't have time to think about it, and immediately followed.


Boog didn't see Tu Mianmian until he reached the restricted area.

The defensive cover of the restricted area glowed with a faint shimmer, blocking Tu Mianmian from the outside.

Bogue's eyes flickered slightly.

From the moment he made the decision to make trouble, he was all set. Before that, he had already received the instruction to open the defensive cover of the restricted area.

As shown in the figure, Mianmian was blocked, and Boger immediately turned on the light brain and entered the pass command.

"...?" In front of the protective cover, Tu Mianmian was slightly puzzled.

He hesitated for a moment, then turned on his optical brain and switched to hidden video recording mode, then walked in without looking back, and went straight to the flower in the center of the defense hood.

The rainbow flower in the center of the restricted area is one person tall, with a thick rhizome and a bud-like flower at the top.

However, the state of the iridescent flowers does not look optimistic, the flower buds are wilting, and there is an extreme lack of nutrients. A section of the rhizome is dry, and it seems that with a light touch, it can break in the middle and declare death.

The closer you get, the more intense Tu Mianmian feels. He received the emotion of "craving" in Rainbow Flower.

After hesitating for a while, he mobilized the demon power to condense in his hand. He stretched out his fingers slowly forward, wanting to touch the rainbow flower.

When the fingertips were about to touch the rhizome of the rainbow flower, there was a sudden force behind him, causing Tu Mian to move forward uncontrollably.

Picture: "!"

He suddenly hit the rhizome of the rainbow flower, and when he looked back, he saw only the figure of Boger running away.

The rainbow-colored flower was shaky, and the piercing alarm sounded instantly through the sky.

Tu Mianmian's face suddenly turned pale.

The moment he touched the rainbow flower, there seemed to be a strange spiritual magnetic field forming, and he established a connection with the rainbow flower.

The demon power on Tu Mianmian was uncontrollably sent to the rainbow flower.

The sluggish rainbow-colored flowers were irrigated with all the magic power. The flower plants absorbed enough nutrients, the roots and stems were green, and the flower buds were delicate and dripping.

It is probably that the rainbow flower has absorbed enough demon power. After stopping the delivery, Tu Mianmian’s demon power is almost exhausted.

The rainbow-colored flower buds on the top of the head slowly bloomed, and between the layers of petals, a small thumb man crawled out.

The elf flapped its wings and flew out of the flower, and circled around Tu Mianmian twice.

The author has something to say:The elf saw Mianmian for the first time after she was born, and shouted happily: Mom!

The Duke: ?

#For help, what should I do when I come back from the war and find that I want to be a father, urgent, wait online#

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-2300:49:07~2019-12-2416:44:28

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Doudoubobo tea;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!