MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 177 Mary Sue, who hunted the world (18)

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At this moment, everyone's thoughts were unified, and they all acquiesced to Bai Zhi's words, and no one "corrected" her free entry and exit.

No way, do I have to remind her to hunt and kill the world, no, after the tens of millions of players in the Baizhi world go out, will they definitely not come back?

What if as soon as they reminded her, she immediately decided not to let these people out?

Therefore, they all chose to remain silent.

Although these players need to "pay off their debts", it is much better than just staying inside to hunt each other, and Bai Zhi has just said that they just stay for work and infrastructure.

- This is already the best of all the results.

And whether it is the king, the players or the citizens outside, although everyone scolded Bei Baizhi, although they often felt that she was too much...

But deep down, they also felt a little sorry for her.

After all of them leave Baizhi World, she will always be left alone here!

The agreement is formally reached.

Bai Zhi dragged her broom and smiled faintly: "Okay, since the negotiation is over, now I will arrange for them to start working and pay off the debt. The world of Bai Zhi is an independent world, and I will not monitor everyone in the future."

After a pause, she said, "The list of hunting points is published on the leaderboard, and the debt repayment situation can be viewed both in the world of Baizhi and outside of the world of Baizhi."

Before the screen went black, only her last laughing sentence remained—

"Everyone, goodbye."

Everyone seemed a little silent.


I'm sorry Bei Baizhi, after everyone comes out, no one will enter this world again, so... I probably won't meet again.

They should never see this unfortunate, powerful and devilish woman in the future.

After the king and Wu Yan saw the black screen, they were also very silent.

Next to him, the secretary said softly, "We can't see her, so she shouldn't be able to monitor us in the future, right?"

Wu Yan nodded: "Well, yes, Mr. Qin said that the reason why she can see us is because of watching the video, the two worlds are connected, we can see her who is conscious of the world, and she who is conscious of the world's master can also watch it. us."

So now disconnected, then they can no longer monitor each other.

They don't have to shut up what they want to say.

The king sighed deeply: "We are sorry for her, we lied to her just now, and she will be the only one in the world from now on..."

Wu Yan felt a little guilty, "She thought that everyone could come and go freely, and they would enter the world of Baizhi again, so she agreed to let them out so easily. But for the safety of the players, we couldn't let them in, and they themselves I will be worried about my own safety and will never go in again…”

He took a deep breath and said rationally: "We are sorry for her, I will continue to let the consciousness department find a way to see if she can be picked up in the future. But it is really unsafe to let people stay in the world she controls. We have to think from the perspective of the general public.”

The king nodded. "I know."

After a pause, he said, "Are those people from Liu Sun still alive?"

Wu Yan nodded, and then he seemed to think of something, and lowered his voice: "You mean to send them to the world of Baizhi?"

"Yes, these people have made so many mistakes, and Bei Baizhi is really lonely in it alone, so I will send them to let her toss. Anyway, they are sorry for her, I hope she can calm her anger." The king said softly.

Wu Yan nodded in agreement.

At this point, the secretary said—

"Your Majesty the King, Lord Shoufu, just now Lao Qin sent a message saying that he hopes to communicate with Bei Baizhi to see if we can study the world of consciousness together. If she wants, she can open the link between Baizhi World and the Institute of Consciousness, and in the future she can Doing research in Baizhi World and communicating with their researchers. Qin Lao said that her ability is very outstanding, and it would be an honor for the empire to join the consciousness department. "

The king felt a little regretful: "Of course we know that her ability is not bad. It is a sin to hunt the world. If Bei Baizhi is not cast as an NPC, she will definitely become a powerful expert in the empire in the future."

After a pause, he said helplessly: "But... look at her temper, when she knows that no one will go in, and we won't let anyone in, she will definitely get angry, how can it be studied for the Imperial Consciousness Department contribute?"

Bei Baizhi's temper is by no means ordinary. They have been in contact for so long, and they still know her well.

After she found out that she was the only one left, it was definitely impossible to have a good attitude towards them!

Wu Yan nodded: "Yes, but let's get in touch later. If she finds it boring, maybe she is willing to join the research of the consciousness department?"

The king shook his head, and his voice was firm: "Her character is impossible. If it wasn't for her incompetence in the world of Baizhi, and she couldn't get out, we might have to worry about whether she would take revenge."

Wu Yan was startled.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of Bai Zhi's neck-wiping video, and the response she gave him when he peeped at her...

She is so smart, does she really think those people will go back?

— Or...she has other plans.

Wu Yan shook his head, feeling that he had really demonized Bei Baizhi.

She can't come out, and the players will never go back after they come out, so what's there to worry about?

Beside, the secretary reminded: "Your Majesty, there are still many people outside the palace that have not dispersed. Just say a few words and let them disperse back."

The king nodded, and Wu Yan quickly put aside all his thoughts and spoke to the king.

After a few words of reassurance from the king, the citizens outside the palace dispersed.

They have waited for the answer, and it is the result of the negotiation that they have seen with their own eyes, and the resentment in their hearts has dissipated a lot.

Now they just need to wait for their relatives to return from Baizhi World to pay off their debts.

They came and came, and now they are dispersing.

Just walking and talking-

"Does she really want to let them out?"

"Looking at her attitude, it should be."

"Hey, I can't see inside now, I'm still a little worried about them."

"Don't worry, the earliest people should be able to come out in two days. We'll find out when someone comes out."

"Bei Baizhi still wants everyone to come out and then go in? What a joke, no one will enter her world again in the future!"

"Yes, even in other worlds of consciousness, I dare not let the children in easily."

"Yes, it's pity that she will stay in there all the time."

"She is also unlucky to encounter such a thing, alas."

"If I were her, I would probably choose to let them kill me and that world together. Otherwise, it would be too miserable to stay in it all the time. It seems that the NPC will not die..."

"I like her quite a bit, she has a good temper and good taste, but I won't see her in the future."

"Do you want to see it? Go to Baizhi World!"

"Go, go, I won't go, that world is controlled by her, just a thought, I may never come out, I'm not stupid!"

"Hey, the king and the others actually lied to her just now. She thought that after everyone could choose freely, she would definitely go back, but in fact... the empire will definitely prohibit it, and it is absolutely impossible to go again."

These people talked, with sympathy and emotion, went home each, and waited for their relatives and friends to come back.

Of course, some people are still cursing.

Their relatives or friends are very high in the rankings. The current rankings are not the higher the better. The higher the current rankings, the more murders and the more murderous they are!

So they have the longest time to pay off their debts.

Whenever someone insulted Bei Baizhi because of this, someone would scold them next to them.

- Killing so many people, it's still torture, it deserves it!

—After all, among the people at the top of the rankings who tortured and killed, there may be their relatives and friends!

Angelica World.

After the connection was disconnected, only Bei Baizhi and Yi Chen were left outside the wooden house.

"Ms. Bei Baizhi..." Yi Chen looked at Baizhi and opened his mouth.

They really never thought it was actually a player!

Yi Chen suddenly thought that the first time he came to her, he still wanted to fight the boss!

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Others are obviously a little embarrassed, looking at Bai Zhi for a while, they are a little dazed, and they don't know what to do.

For now, they need to pay off the debt...

After paying off the debt, they can leave this world!

Bai Zhi's eyes with gold-rimmed glasses swept over them, she didn't say anything, she just put down the broom, and raised her hand to pat.

"Clap!" With the applause, there were gradually voices around.

Yi Chen and others looked over.



NPC again!

It was exactly the same as when they were surrounded by NPCs when they surrounded Bei Baizhi!

But obviously, there are not many NPCs coming this time, and it can even be said that there are very few.

Bai Zhi didn't know what she was thinking, she closed her eyes.

Soon, another person suddenly appeared beside her!

No, it should be said to be another NPC.

As if she had just been created, she was wearing professional clothes, holding a folder, and after landing, she simply saluted Bai Zhi—

"Hello master, Angelica World Steward is very happy to serve you and thank you for your creation."

Bai Zhi nodded, and the housekeeper stood up.

Yi Chen and others were already stunned, and they all looked at Bai Zhi and the new housekeeper stupidly.

At this time, Bai Zhi pointed at Yi Chen: "In the next period of time, you will cooperate with the housekeeper to allocate and manage the infrastructure tasks of Bai Zhi's world. If you do well, you will reduce the debt as appropriate."

Yi Chen was startled.

Bai Zhi yawned lazily: "Okay, housekeeper, you can arrange it, you Bai Zhi world workers, work."

After speaking, she dragged her broom and went back into the yard.

Lie down on her recliner again and continued to bask in the sun.

Everyone: "..." This **** familiar scene.

The butler looked at them with a stern face: "Okay, now I'm going to start assigning work."

three months later.

Yi Chen, as a worker in the Baizhi World who has chosen the profession of immortal cultivator, is stepping on the flying sword at the moment, and together with a group of other immortal cultivator workers, he is building the city of immortality in the east.

The original hunting world also had divided areas and towns, but because more people were mainly teams, and they always hunted each other, they did not live together, and the towns were very perfunctory.

It's different now, the housekeeper has almost re-planned the entire Angelica world.

Their entire Angelica world is centered on Bei Angelica's wooden house, and has been divided into four directions: southeast, northwest, and northwest.

To the east is the Xiuxian City in the East District, which includes Taoist, magic, and alien beasts.

To the south is the Magic City of the Southern District, where magicians, witches, and vampires live.

To the west is the West District Science and Technology City, mainly for mecha masters and others.

To the north is the Weiming City in the North District, where ordinary people and other people who do not belong to the Southeast and West City live.

The central area is the area where Bei Baizhi lives, and the area is not small.

It can be said that the current Angelica world is divided into five areas.

They were also assigned to different areas for construction according to their respective attributes.

The housekeeper came to inspect from time to time, and also arranged a lot of NPCs to assist them in their construction.

In the past, there were only tens of millions of people in the entire hunting world. Now, the city they built in the East District alone can live in hundreds of millions of people. The entire East District is much bigger than the former hunting world!

Yi Chen must admit that Bei Baizhi is a very, very powerful person.

She can actually make the world of Baizhi so big that Yi Chen can't fly all day and night with his sword, not to mention the whole world of Baizhi!

They haven't seen the other districts, but the East District they are building is really beautiful.

It's like a real fairyland on earth, with towering peaks, all the houses are courtyards, hidden in the clouds, when they fly in it, they really have a feeling that they have become immortals.

These are the achievements of their infrastructure!

It is estimated that other areas will not be bad, each with its own style.

It's a pity that the building is so beautiful, and they won't stay in it, so it doesn't have any effect.

Yi Chen and the others are stepping on flying swords at the moment, building a large city at the foot of the mountain.

Someone next to him whispered: "It's so beautiful, in fact, living here for a lifetime... is also an enjoyment..."

"Then you stay?"

"Then don't! I'm just talking about it. The world of consciousness is fake. It's just that we built these things with our own hands, so we have a sense of reality."

"Right, don't be nostalgic. When we go out, we can let the consciousness department come out in a fairyland like this. Although it's not as big as Bei Baizhi's, we don't have to work on our own, and there's no potential safety hazard."

"Hahaha, yes, I can go out after five more days of work."

"You are so happy!"

"Hey, you won't be able to stay for long. Look at that kid. It's really miserable. Bei Baizhi has sent a notice to him and killed him. Later, when we went to arrest him, he killed him again."

"Ah? How many years will he have to work?"

"Hey, three years."

"Mom, it's so miserable!"

"It's even worse. The professional who tortured and murdered others will have to work for eight years."

"Eight years?"

"Yes, it was originally four years. Later, he quit, provoked the housekeeper, killed an NPC in front of the housekeeper, and it doubled to eight years, tsk tsk."

"It's too miserable, it's too miserable, then it's not a difficult month for me!"

At this time, an NPC wearing the "Baizhi World" overalls came over and said to a player: "Your work time is up, you can leave."

Immediately, there was a sound of envy all around.

Even if they are building a fairyland, they are still working hard!

Although NPCs are the main force, they are also very hard working.

Every day is exhausted into a dead dog, but it is miserable, almost everyone wants to go out quickly.

Now that someone can go out again, everyone doesn't know how envious they are, especially those who have to work for many years.

Yi Chen worked hard.

At this time, the NPC came over and said to Yi Chen: "Hello, fellow Daoist Yi Chen, because you help the housekeeper to do your best and work twice as much as others, you can pay off your debts in advance and leave the world of Baizhi. ."

The NPC smiled and asked, "Are you going to visit relatives in the real world now? Or continue to earn Baizhi World Points?"

"Go back!" Yi Chen hardly hesitated.

The NPC was not angry at all, and was still very polite: "Okay, then come with me."

Yi Chen quickly left in the envious gaze of others.

This is the third month, and many people have already left, but no one has ever left and returned.

Yi Chen doesn't believe that no one is curious. Those who have bad brains will definitely want to come back to see them. At least Zheng Qiu of their team said that they will come to see them when they go back.

- They can come and go freely now anyway.

Yi Chen and the others stopped him at the time, but his attitude didn't look like he was going to give up, so he felt that he might have to come back.

But in fact, Zheng Qiu did not come back, indicating that the empire should not allow them to come in again.

In this case, is Bei Baizhi still not in a hurry?

With some curiosity, Yi Chen followed behind the NPC with many players who left today. They got on a flying boat and moved towards the central area.

Along the way, Yi Chen saw a lot of flying boats flying in the sky from a distance.

Also, although a lot of people have left, there are still a lot of people left, and there are still many people leaving every day.

The spaceship carried them to the central area.

He has been working for two months, only the first month is working with the housekeeper, and the next two months are infrastructure construction, so he has not seen the central area for a long time.

It has not yet been officially completed, but it has already begun to take shape. Just looking at the building, it is a very prosperous city, no worse than the capital of the empire.

And because it's new, it looks even more likeable.

- Only the world of consciousness can be built like this in a few months.

If this is the real world, it will take decades at least.

Unfortunately, except for some NPCs, there are basically no people, and it is not prosperous at all.

They walked outside a building in the center. This building looked like a beautiful gymnasium from the outside, but the sign hanging on it was - Baizhi World Service Center.

Yi Chen followed.

Other spaceships also landed outside the city, all from other areas. They formed a large team and walked into the Baizhi World Service Center together.

Under the guidance of the NPC, they formed a long queue.

Soon it was Yi Chen's turn, and the NPC handed him a contract that read - Baizhi World Workers Contract.

Yi Chen was startled.

Immediately, he thought that three months ago, during the peace talks, Bei Baizhi said that they would all be workers in the Baizhi world in the future.

Did she even come up with an employment contract?

But is it useful?

They went out, do they still belong to her?

He looked at the contract. The content was very simple. It was a general employment contract. Baizhi World gave him access rights. He obeyed the rules of Baizhi World and became a qualified Baizhi World worker.

"Sign it," the NPC said.

Yi Chen: "What if you don't sign?"

The NPC calmly said, "Then there is no right of entry."

That is, he can't get out.

Yi Chen: "…"

He signed the word silently, and the NPC handed him a sign: "This is your identity certificate in Baizhi World. Your information is entered in it, and it is also a pass. Take good care of it, and you need points for re-application."

After speaking, Yi Chen was taken by another NPC to something like a space capsule next to him.

Someone lay in and disappeared.

Although Yi Chen felt that he would not come in again, he still asked, "Is it so troublesome?"

"It's just that you need to enter your consciousness this time. In the future, you can hold the token and you can come in when you want to come in, and you can go out when you want to go out, but wherever you go out, you come in wherever you want."

Yi Chen: "..." Really **** advanced.

It is much better than the consciousness department.

But sorry, none of them will come in again.

When Yi Chen lay down, he was not afraid of accidents. After all, they were in Bei Baizhi's world, and she had some way of torturing them.

After Yi Chen lay down, he heard a sentence—

"Drip - Consciousness input is successful, Baizhi World worker Yi Chen, transmission is successful."

Opening his eyes again, Yi Chen had already appeared at the hunting world landing point in their city.

Yi Chen is from the imperial capital, so he returned to the imperial capital.

Looking at the past, familiar scenes, familiar people.

The staff who sent him into the hunting world smiled and said, "You came out? Do you need psychological counseling? Also, can you give me the access card? The king arranged it, and the world of Baizhi will not enter in the future. "

Yi Chen took a deep breath and handed the access card to the staff carelessly.

He found a basket full of access cards at her feet.

Obviously, Yi Chen's guess was right, and the empire wouldn't let them in again.

There, being ruled by another person, is full of unstable factors after all.

But that doesn't matter.

- He finally came back.

He finally got rid of the Angelica world!

"Hahaha!" Yi Chen suddenly laughed out loud.

Others are not surprised, the people who came out of the Baizhi world are somewhat abnormal.

Yi Chen laughed hard, sat on the ground, and said while laughing—

"Haha! Bei Baizhi!"

"I, Yi Chen, finally got rid of you!"

"I will never enter that again in this life-"

The voice came to an abrupt end, as he was tapped on the shoulder, and then a familiar voice sounded—

"Hi, why did you call me?"

Yi Chen froze.

He saw that everyone in the entire hall froze, they all stopped their movements, they walked with one foot raised, and the water they were drinking fell to the ground.

I also saw that they were all looking at him behind him with a look of "gods".

Yi Chen turned back stiffly.

"Long time no see, laborer."

—Bei Baizhi, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, bent over and smiled.

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts