MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 194 Super Species is White Dough Dough (12)

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The research in the past few days has not yielded results. Even if the dumpling is cut open, the secret of this species has not been completely discovered.

Anwei tossed almost all the dumplings, but due to the lack of parameters, he still couldn't understand how they became pink and how they became powerful...

And now, the spaceship has arrived in the imperial capital again, and all the dumplings must be handed in.

Anwei, who has not yet researched the results, is in a bad mood.

He can only take a part of the "sample" from these dumplings, and then go back and continue his research.

This time, Eliza Xiaobai has determined the number of dumplings, and none of them must be returned to her.

But in the future, there will definitely still be a chance to secretly catch a dumpling for research, preferably one that can be turned into a pink dumpling...

Thinking like this, An Wei turned around and left without looking at the dumplings at all.

The people from the Star Government had a headache when they heard the words. They looked at the dying dumplings inside and sighed deeply.

They didn't dare to offend An Wei, so they found a few doctors to simply bandage the dumpling, then put all the dumplings together in a cage and sent it to the Federal Palace of State.

- As long as it is alive.

For them, who would really take another species to heart?

If there is no threat from Eliza Xiaobai, the species of dumplings will always be the pets of the federal people and the research materials of the laboratory.

The first batch of dumplings caught, how many are still alive?

The Star Government sent this batch of dumplings to the Federal Palace of State. Of course, they still concealed a little or two. The dying dumplings were packed in a big cage and crowded among the group of dumplings.

The people in charge of these dumplings from the Federal Palace of State did not look too closely. After counting enough, they just stuffed some green grass and left the dumplings in the hall, and went on to check the dumplings sent from other regions.

The dumpling was seriously injured, and the person who bandaged it was not very attentive. The purpose of the bandage was just to keep the blood from flowing out, and it didn't matter if it didn't get dirty.

So that even if the dumpling was in a coma at the moment, it was still wet with pain.

He was already too thin, but because of the pain and dehydration, he was shriveled again, and the round white dough was shriveled to an alarming degree.

There are so many dumplings, it is impossible for them to be spread in the hall, and after all, this is the Federal Palace of State, which is a very important place.

The person in charge stuffed the dumplings into countless cages. One cage contained too many dumplings, and when they were piled together, some dumplings would inevitably be placed on top of other dumplings.

Inside the big cage, the injured dumpling was lying in the cage, surrounded by an open area separated by other dumplings.

Because the cage was not big and had to be vacated, the other dumplings were packed even tighter.

They were crowded together, squeezed a little out of shape, against other dumplings, but they didn't care, their eyes looked at the lying dumpling, surrounded him, and they cried and said distressedly—

"What to do? He looks so uncomfortable..."

"Hey, little melon, little melon hug."

"It's so uncomfortable, how did he become like this? What should I do now?"

"Hey, what to do, his hand..."


There was probably a familiar voice around, the dumpling slowly opened his eyes, his black bean eyes opened a slit, and he opened his mouth weakly, but he couldn't say a word.

The other dumplings surrounded him, not daring to rub him, they could only touch him very lightly, and then cried—

"Xiaogua, do you hurt?"

"Wuwu, Xiaogua, hold on, don't die..."

"Xiaogua, would you like something to eat?"

"Yes, eat something, little melon, come and eat a piece of grass."

"Hey, Xiaogua, Xiaogua, I don't want you to die..."

They handed the tenderest green grass to Xiaogua's mouth. He opened his mouth with difficulty, but he didn't have the strength to chew it. He looked at the dumplings crying around him... Heidou's eyes were filled with tears.

Xiaogua knew that he might be dying.

But he doesn't want to die here, he wants to go back to Lexing, he wants to go home.

He opened his mouth silently: "Xiao Zhi..."

You Danzi felt that his condition was not good, and went to the cage to look outside, crying at the walking humans—

"Please, save Xiaogua."

"I beg you!"

"You guys save Xiaogua, I'll be obedient in the future, woo woo!"

"Save the little melon..."

However, those passing by could not understand Tuanzi.

They were busy checking the dumplings sent from all over the world and counting them, so they had no time to manage these dumplings.

Seeing them all screaming, someone shouted—

"It's so annoying! Shut up now!"

"If you yell again, I'll hit you!"

"Noisy, why is it so annoying?!"

One of them was soft-hearted, went to bring a box of green grass over, and put a handful of green grass in the big cage.

"Hurry up, don't yell, you can go home soon." The man touched one of the dumplings that was looking at her, and was about to go back to work.

Eliza Xiaobai is coming soon, they must count all the dumplings as soon as possible, but the other party requires no less than one.

"Save Xiaogua—" Those dumplings were anxious, and immediately wanted to grab the man.

It's a pity that they are too small, and their hands are short and round, so they can't hold it at all!

The man left soon after.

These dumplings looked back at Xiaogua and continued to plead desperately, but with grass in their cages, no one would care about them anymore.

"Please, save Xiaogua, we will be obedient in the future, don't run away, woo woo..."

Bai Zhi's spaceship arrived at the Federal Capital.

Soon, news from the Federal Empire was sent. They wanted her to land in the west and park the spaceship in a spaceship station in the west. The news contained detailed positioning.

- That spaceship station is not at all close to the Federal Palace of State.

Bai Zhi glanced at it, ignored it at all, and drove the spaceship directly to the Federal Palace of State.

The Federation's spaceships are planned. Except for some custom-made official spaceships that belong to the federal royal family and are used by high-level officials, other spaceships cannot be close to the Federal Palace and the Palace of State at all.

Any other spacecraft approaching, the radar will immediately detect, and then the relevant departments will instantly sound the alarm.

- When necessary, it will even directly attack the approaching ship.

Therefore, in order to avoid being attacked, there are no unofficial ships near the Royal Palace and the Federal Palace of State.

The top officials of the federation thought that Bai Zhi had stopped in the west, and they even sent a special car to pick her up at the spaceship station in the west.

But soon, the king and others received news—

"Eliza Xiaobai's spaceship has reached the top of the Federal Palace of State and is preparing to land!"

Everyone was surprised.

She actually went to the Federal Palace of State? !

Why didn't the relevant departments find out? Does the radar have no alerts either? !

"What the **** is going on here!" asked the king with a dark face.

At this time, he brought a large group of people in a hurry, and the destination was the Federal Palace of State.

Next to him, the secretary wiped the cold sweat from his forehead—

"I'm very sorry, Your Majesty. I asked Minister Larry just now. Minister Larry said that Eliza Xiaobai's spaceship should be equipped with a very powerful jamming system, so the supervision system of the imperial capital failed to detect her!"

"It's interference again? Didn't find it again?! Isn't their radar being upgraded?! Why is it still useless? Does the federation feed them? Does it have to be Eliza? Xiaobai has already called before they can Found?!" The king was furious.

"Your Majesty, please calm down, Minister Larry asked, do you need to attack Eliza Xiaobai's spaceship?"

Before the king could speak, Bailikun immediately vetoed: "Absolutely not! Eliza? Xiaobai dares to appear like this. It's hard to say that she has no other backers. We still have to give priority to negotiation!"

Bailikun had a calm face.

They can be considered to have dealt with Eliza Xiaobai, who is by no means a simple guy. The Academy of Sciences also stated that her IQ is definitely much higher than that of ordinary people.

Before she was about to leave the Federation, she quietly dropped bombs on the major research institutes and the Federal Palace of State. This time she appeared on the Federal Palace of State, and it was impossible to guarantee that there would be no follow-up!

According to her character, she must be well prepared.

He was very worried that they attacked her, which would lead to very bad results. If he completely tore his face, according to her character of "wanting to destroy the Federation because she didn't like the name", there would be no change.

So, they can't attack her!

The king took a deep breath and nodded, apparently agreeing with Bailikun.

The spaceship has already reached the top of the State Council. This is an established fact. They can no longer care about other things. The first problem they face now is the meeting with Eliza Xiaobai.

But the king was still furious.

As long as he thinks that he lives in the palace, other people's spaceships are on top of their heads and no one notices, he feels short of breath, and his eyes turn black.

This is so dangerous!

What if the spaceship that flew to where he lived dropped a bomb?

Can he run away? !

The king was dizzy and nearly fell to the ground.

Beside him, Bailikun and others supported him: "Father!"

He took out a medicine bottle from his pocket and fed the king two medicines. The king took a deep breath and regained his senses.

Bailikun worried: "Father, you go to rest first, I will talk to Eliza Xiaobai."

"No, I'll go myself." The king waved his hand, stood up straight, and continued walking.

Bailikun and the others could only rush to keep up.

The king is compelled to go.

Eliza? Xiaobai is really scary!

About this group, they have discussed countless times recently, but the more they think about it, the more terrifying she is. She is more threatening than the Zerg!

She can fly spaceships, and they can't defuse the bombs she's researching.

As long as she quietly landed on the Federation's territory and commanded a few robots to run around with bombs, it would be enough to drive the Federation crazy!

The Federation attaches great importance to this matter. While sending people to continue to find ways to defuse the bomb and study the bomb, it also arranged for the Federal Research Institute to urgently research the radar that can detect the bomb made by Eliza Xiaobai.

The scientific research institute just reported that they have new research results, the radar is being upgraded, and the robot bomb can be monitored in the future, and it will never be disturbed!

But before the king was happy for a few hours, Eliza Xiaobai appeared on top of the Federal Palace of State.

Their upgraded radar is useless!

Originally, Eliza Xiaobai had driven them very crazy, but now that he found out that the other party might still appear over his head at any time, the king couldn't calm down even more.

—He has to have an interview with Eliza Xiaobai in person.

That guy's threat is too great!

Soon, the king and his party arrived outside the hall of the Federal Palace of State.

Before they dared not approach the Federal Palace of State, because there was still a risk of explosion.

But now, Eliza Xiaobai herself is here, don't worry about the bomb going off, these people dare to approach.

Eliza Xiaobai's spaceship is still the one that left the Federation before, but compared with before, there are some less obvious changes.

The spaceship was right in front of them, slowly descending from the sky, and stopped directly on the square of the Federal Palace of State. Even because the spaceship was too large, the edge overwhelmed the gardening flowers of the Federal Palace of State.

Zuo Xuan looked at this scene and his eyebrows were raised in anger.

This dough really doesn't take their federation to heart!



The faces of the king and others are also not good-looking. The king of this square has never used to park the spaceship. This is the first time that a spaceship has been parked here, and it is Eliza Xiaobai's spaceship!

In the sky, the drone began to circle again.

The federal media has already received the news, and they have been dispatched to broadcast the news in real time to the whole of the Federation.

Bailikun raised his head and glanced, the depths of his eyes flashed cold.

When the Baili Royal Family was in charge of the Federation, in order to gain the recognition of the majority of citizens, they promised the rights of the mass media from the very beginning.

However, with the prosperity of the Baili royal family and the development of generations, the royal family has become very dissatisfied with the mass media.

Bailikun thought that when he became the king of the Federation, he must try his best to weaken the mass media, so that these ubiquitous drones and media would all see the face of their royal family!

At that time, there will be no more casual reports of things that embarrass the royal family.

No matter how dissatisfied he was at the moment, the drone dutifully sent the video to the federal network.

"Damn it, is that Eliza Xiaobai's spaceship?"

"Yes, it's her."

"It actually stopped in the small square of the Federal Palace of State. It shouldn't be able to stop there, right?"

"The king and the others have a good temper. Not only do they have to keep their promise to return the dumplings to her, but they also let her drive the spaceship to the Federal Palace of State... What a face."

"I don't think it's not a face, right? The federal royal family can't be this character. It stands to reason that they should have attacked Eliza? Xiaobai's respect!

"I now believe that it is true that the bomb has not been defused on the Internet. It must be Eliza Xiaobai who threatened the Federation. That's why the Federation abides by the promise, so she can park the spacecraft here."

"Damn, if the bomb hadn't been defused, how dangerous would it be for me to live here!"

"Don't be afraid of the front, there are really bombs, it is impossible for the federation not to organize the evacuation, let's continue to see the follow-up."

"I still can't help but sigh—Eliza? Xiaobai is so **** awesome!"

"I also think that I thought I would never see her again, but I didn't expect to see her again so soon. It's really awesome that a group of people is so rampant in the human area."

People on the Internet are discussing, and everyone at the entrance of the Federal Palace of State is looking at the spaceship.

After the spacecraft came to a standstill, the hatch opened.

Without putting down the stairs at the cabin door, a teenager fluttered his wings directly from the cabin door and flew down.

"Swish!" The army immediately dispatched, protecting the king and other high-level officials behind him.

The corner of the boy's mouth moved coldly, obviously mocking, and he landed on the ground opposite the king and the higher-ups, and stopped ten meters away from them.

On his shoulders stood the familiar white dough.

Round body, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, carrying a small silver-white schoolbag, and a thin belt tied around his waist.

It is clearly a cute appearance, but he has a serious face.

One black and one white, the ultimate contrast, a very strange combination.

Commonwealth Online —

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Xiaobai is even cuter!"

"I really think Xiaobai is very cute and cute, and I like her serious expression very much..."

"Hahaha, so cute, I miss rua!"

"??? Are the people in front crazy? Is this Xiao Bai? This is Her Majesty Queen Eliza!"

"Yeah, thinking about her behavior, you actually think such a terrifying guy is cute?!"

"Grumpy cute thing? Devil cute thing?"

"Haha, the devil's cute thing is too appropriate, but I still think she is very cute, with a small body and great strength."

There are gags on the Internet, but outside the Federal Palace of State, no one is in the mood to laugh.

Bailikun stepped forward and pulled out an elegant fake smile: "Her Majesty Queen Eliza, hello, I am Bailikun of the Baili royal family, this is my father, the king of the federal empire, this is the prime minister. …”

After a brief introduction, the expression on his face became lighter: "Her Majesty Queen Eliza, why don't you tell me in advance when you are coming, we have arranged a place for you and sent someone to pick you up, this is not suitable for parking. The place."

This seems to be okay, but in fact it has already brought condemnation.

Baizhi Heidou looked at him, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses became colder and sharper in the dim light of the setting sun, making Bailikun unable to control his back.

She quickly retracted her gaze and looked at the Federal Palace of State: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm going to pick up all the dumplings now."

The old king's voice sounded: "Friend, shouldn't you deal with the problems we are facing first?"

- This is to remind her to defuse the bomb.

He didn't want to call her Her Majesty, so he just called her "friend".

But Bailikun heard the words, but he stunned in his heart, subconsciously glanced at the drone in the sky, and then looked at Bai Zhi.

Before he could speak, a mechanical female voice sounded—

"When I take away the dumplings and compensation, I also take away the robot bomb."

The voice fell, and the robot that made the Federation helpless has come over, and also walked to Bai Zhi's side, standing obediently.

The king's face darkened instantly.

The guy they can't take down no matter what, she is convenient, she directs her to come over, and she can take it away together when the time comes!

She didn't even speak, could she actually control the robot? !

And this robot actually walked up to them before they knew it!

If there is an explosion, will they survive?

The king's face was ugly.

Bailikun cursed in his heart, his eyes full of annoyance.

His father should not have mentioned this just now!

It seems that the father is really old and dizzy, and he didn't even think that there are media drones in the sky!

They don't organize people to evacuate, they just don't want citizens to know that they can't do anything about Eliza Xiaobai's bomb!

- But now, it seems that the entire empire needs to know that they haven't defused the bomb yet.

He quickly remedied: "Her Majesty Queen Eliza, although we know that you will definitely not let the robot blow up, after all, the dumplings are all in the Palace of State, and you have promised not to blow up. But such a dangerous thing, don't let it blow up. It's better to appear in the Federal Empire, so as not to accidentally injure a federal citizen!"

At this moment, the Internet has long been crazy-

"Fuck it, it's true!"

"Isn't the federation taking our life as our life? It didn't organize an evacuation?!"

"In recent years, the authority of the royal family has grown stronger. When we first managed the federation, we promised that the Baili family would be our steward and take care of the federation for the people, but now, they regard the federation as their own? Take the lives of the citizens!"

"You don't have to go online like this. Didn't you hear what Bailikun said, it won't explode, so there's no need to evacuate."

"You can't say that, they made it clear that they don't take our lives as their lives!"

"Yeah, what if it blows up?"

"What they don't dare is that they are sure that there will be no accident, so that there will be no big trouble, so as not to affect it badly."

"Affect the fart? Can you guarantee that they will all live in the palace during this time?!"

"I also think that the royal family is getting more and more excessive now. If it goes on like the future, federal citizens will have no status..."

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and the king's expression stiffened for a moment when he heard Bailikun's words.

Being king for too long, it's easy not to take all federal citizens to heart...

"I..." The king opened his mouth.

Bai Zhi interrupted: "I don't want to listen to your nonsense. I'm here to pick up the dumplings. When I take away the dumplings, I will naturally take away the robots. I want to see the dumplings now."

The king and Bailikun looked at each other and said, "They are in the hall. The statistics have been done, and all the troupes in the federation are here."

Bailitian raised his feet and walked inside with Baizhi.

The others looked at each other and raised their heels.

The door of the hall was half-closed, and when Bai Zhi approached, the staff had completely opened the door of the hall.

The closer she got, the tighter Bai Zhi's brows became.

"Hurry up," she urged.

Vaguely, she heard a bad voice.

Bailitian nodded, his wings fluttered, and he flew into the hall.

The whole hall was filled with dumplings, and they were all placed in cages. There were a few people watching, and there were familiar smells approaching from outside, and many dumplings looked up.

The dumplings with gold-rimmed glasses appeared in the sight of these dumplings.

-Bailitian was naturally ignored by them.

As soon as they saw her, many dumplings immediately threw themselves on the cage, and their voices were pleasantly surprised—

"Xiao Zhi! It's Xiao Zhi!"

"It's really Xiao Zhi!"

"Xiaozhi, look at Xiaogua, Xiaogua is going to die woohoo!"

"Yes, save Xiaogua quickly!"

"Xiao Zhi, do you have a way to save Xiaogua? Xiaogua is about to die!"

Those dumplings were chattering, their voices were anxious, and even more tears fell.

The dumplings are a happy race. They rarely cry, and they are almost always skinless and always laughing.

But in a strange place, the companions around are leaving... They are often in tears.

Now it's even more sad for Xiaogua.

Bai Zhi jumped off Bai Li Tian's shoulders, the dumplings had no feet and could only rely on jumping, so she usually didn't move forward by herself, but now she jumped down by herself and jumped outside the cage they pointed to.

There was no emotion on her face, but 444 knew that this was a precursor to her anger.

- The more calm, the more angry she is.

The box turned into a manipulator and immediately opened the cage, and the other dumplings quickly jumped out to make way for her.

Most of the dumplings left the cage, the cage was empty, and Bai Zhi could clearly see the shriveled little dumpling lying inside.

She had never seen such a shriveled group.

These guys are chubby, skinless and faceless. They love to rub her with their chubby bodies. She can't believe what the shriveled dumpling looks like...

This is the first time I have seen Angelica.

Bailitian was already approaching, his hand was long, he gently stretched it in, and carefully held out the bruised dumpling that was missing a hand.

Angelica took it with a robotic arm.

"Xiaogua?" Her voice was soft.

The dumpling opened a crack with difficulty, and when he saw Bai Zhi, he twitched the corner of his mouth.

Bai Zhi: "I'm here to pick you up."

Xiaogua moved and tried harder to rub her withered body, but this time, Bai Zhi didn't hide.

However, he still couldn't get it, his injury was too serious to complete this action at all.

Disappointment in his eyes, tender and soft, weak—

"Xiao Zhi, I'm very good, I didn't annoy humans, I'll wait until you come to pick me up..."

This is the same batch of dumplings that were taken away by Baizhi.

At the beginning, when they were on the spaceship, Bai Zhi said that no matter what the situation or where she was, as long as she saved her life, she would definitely come to pick them up.

Therefore, whether it is in the hands of human beings, or being punched and kicked by human children, or being cut open by someone in a very painful white room...

The little melon persisted.

He was waiting for Xiao Zhi to take her home, back to the green grass and sunny place.

He was very good and good, so he really waited.

Pumpkin is very happy.

Bai Zhi looked at Bailitian: "Go back to the spaceship, hurry up."

The more urgent the situation, the less she said, just as the more angry she was, the calmer she seemed.

Bailitian hugged Baizhi, his wings shook, and he passed by the king and others like an afterimage, and quickly returned to the spaceship.

- There is Angelica's laboratory there.

Mr. Ai Rui is an expert in biology, and his experimental equipment can save lives.

Because of the need to complete the gene unlocking, some of the experimental equipment that Bai Zhi removed from the laboratory were also used for treatment.

"Hold on, I won't let you die. I said I will bring you back to Lexing, and I will definitely bring you back, not one less." Bai Zhi put Xiaogua on the test bed.

This white bed gave Xiaogua bad memories, but because he was Xiaozhi, he was very good.

Xiaogua was also very good before, but even if he is obedient, there will still be people who don't need reasons or reasons and still hurt him.

Bai Zhi stood on the stool, and a pair of mechanical hands were as fast as afterimages.

Bailitian watched for a while, his wings shook, and he flew out of the spaceship.

The dumplings are still in the Palace of State, and he is going to watch some of them, so that no one can hurt them any more.

- This should be what Bai Zhi wants to see most.

Outside, the king and the others looked at each other in dismay.

They naturally saw the appearance of the dumpling just now, and Eliza Xiaobai didn't even care about them, and took the dumpling directly into the spaceship.

The person in charge of the dumplings darkened their faces and glared at those who checked the dumplings.

Everyone saw that the dumpling was seriously injured, and they even thought that the dumpling would not survive...

If this happened before, it would be fine. After all, dumplings are low-level creatures to them, and they don't need to worry about them. If the meat of dumplings is delicious, they may even kill dumplings to eat meat.

But it's different now, Eliza? Xiaobai is not a good stubble!

The Federation's online also changed from discussing the royal family to discussing the group—

"Fuck it! It's too much to torture the dumplings like this!"

"Is that group still alive?"

"You can tell at a glance that you may not survive."

"I also think it's a bit too much..."

"What about torture? Eliza? Xiaobai bombed the laboratory before, and there were casualties, and after all, he was a dumpling, not a human..."

"Duanzi are also intelligent creatures. If they are stupid, it's fine. Eliza Xiaobai can speak human words. In this case, why bother with the dumplings?"

"Agreed, I think it's too much!"

"Speaking of which, Eliza? Will Xiaobai do something irrational because he is angry?!"

"If they leave and detonate the bombs, it's the end of it!"

"Although the Federal Empire can also attack her, the royal family will definitely not want to perish with her."

The king and they also have this concern.

He said with a sullen face: "We have to consider whether she will retaliate, is there any deal with her..."

Bailikun shook his head and lowered his voice: "It's not now, let alone this time. We can't guarantee whether she will want to die together if she is in a hurry."

"She is too dangerous. The spacecraft can avoid the radar and drive directly to the Federal Palace of State." Someone sighed.

Bai Likun: "So we still have to continue negotiating, focusing on peace, but we must also prevent her from being bad for us."

The king said something to the secretary, and soon, all the departments were ready.

That army also surrounded it firmly.

Bai Zhi didn't know what to do in the spaceship, and the outside fell into an anxious wait.

Time passed by, and it had been half an hour since she entered the spaceship, and the anxiety on the faces of the king and others was even more intense.

"What the **** is she doing? Could she still save the dumplings?" Zuo Xuan couldn't help muttering.

Bailikun looked at Bailitian again, and felt more and more familiar with him. His brows were tightly wrinkled, something flashed in his head, but he couldn't catch it.

At this time, the spaceship door opened again.

Bai Zhi stood on the shoulder of the robot and came out.

The robot is the bomb robot. They approached step by step, and the king and others took a step back subconsciously.

"Her Majesty Queen Eliza, what happened to that dumpling?" Bailikun asked.

Bai Zhi looked at him, expressionless: "Alive."

Bailikun breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "I'm really sorry, we don't know why this happened, but it's really our fault, we're willing to make amends, and I hope you can forgive us."

Since Tuanzi is still alive, the so-called compensation is probably just a word of mouth. If she really cares about what they want, they will definitely not give it.

Bai Zhi suddenly said: "Xiaotian, catch him."

Her finger is the king!

Everyone was surprised.

Almost everyone moved immediately, but Baili Tian's movements were the fastest, almost when Bai Zhi's voice fell, he grabbed the king to the side of Bai Zhi!

"what are you doing?!"

"Why don't you let go of the king?!"

Bai Likun's eyes were splitting, and he couldn't maintain the mask at all, and said angrily: "You dare to arrest our king, don't you want your compatriots?! I tell you, if the father is injured, I want you a hundred times more. repay!"

"I don't like others threatening me." Bai Zhi's gold silk-rimmed glasses flashed with indifference, "I am a person who keeps promises, I said I would take these dumplings back, and you, almost made me miss my appointment... Now, I very unhappy."

As she spoke, the robotic arm was close to the king's neck.

Only then did they notice that her robotic arm was holding a blade that looked very sharp!

The king trembled with fright and sweated profusely.

"Stop, hand! You, what do you want?" the king said in a trembling voice.

The blade on Bai Zhi's hand touched his skin, and there was a bloodstain on it, and the king froze immediately, not daring to move.

"What the **** are you doing?!" Bailikun was furious.

Bai Zhi looked at him: "I want to hurt the people of the dumplings. I said, killing my dumplings and hurting my dumplings will all die, and none of them can escape."

"Okay! We'll find someone right away, let go of the king!" Bailikun said immediately.

Bai Zhi's other hand pushed the gold-rimmed glasses: "No, I don't want you to find people, you just need to tell me his information, and he can be wherever he is."

Bailikun was startled, but the pale face of the king made him not hesitate.

"Go, hurry up to investigate! Hurry up!" Bai Likun said to the prime minister, secretary and others.

So, the prime minister and his secretary hurried to order his men.

Bailikun: "I've already gone to investigate, let go of the king first, or else the king will have good or bad, we will never let you go!"

Bai Zhi sneered, the mechanical arm left the king's neck, but did not instruct Bailitian.

So, he still held the king expressionlessly, the sickle arm resting on his neck.

Bailikun hated it.

Bai Zhi directed the robot to walk towards the hall. When the dumplings saw her coming in, they hurriedly asked, "Xiao Zhi, where is Xiao Gua? Is he still alive?"

"He's still alive, I won't let him die." Bai Zhi finished and opened all the cages one by one.

The group burst into tears when they heard that Xiaogua was alive.

Seeing the cage opened, they all jumped out and looked at her eagerly.

One of the little dumplings approached the robot and looked up at her with anticipation and apprehension: "Little Zhi... Where are we going next?"

Bai Zhi looked at them, her voice earnestly and firmly said the answer they most wanted to hear—

"Let's go back to Lexing."

"I said, I will take you back."