MTL - I Became A Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother in another Cultivation World-Chapter 10 Young and happy

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The man looks handsome and cold, the English sword, the cold phoenix, the tall nose, the thin lips, and the wide forehead made of black gems on the forehead, thus highlighting his Tall and extravagant.

Isn't this man the ancient beauty in his second brother's mobile phone portrait?

Rongyi was surprised to see that he could not return to God. How could the man in the painting appear here? Does he have a connection with this person when he crosses here? Then, can he also rely on this man to leave the world? Having said that, he has never seen such a good-looking man. He will not be as masculine as his second brother and the original owner, nor will he be as cool as other men, but like the ancient man in the hand-drawn picture on the Internet. Exudes the scent of the genius of the wind, and the glory of a man is reluctant to remove his eyes.

"Do you know me?" Yin Yin said in a whisper at the same time, and the young boy who looked more beautiful than the girl was very sure that he had never seen this person. Finally, his eyes stopped on his abdomen, and he narrowed up the narrow phoenix.

The low-pitched and beautiful voice makes Rongyi even more difficult to return to God. In the words of women, listening to the ear will make the ear pregnant.

The shopkeeper standing at the counter saw a staring at the other's stomach, and one looked at the other's face and turned back to God, and could not help but cough.

Rongyi returned to God and said, "Sorry, I admit the wrong person."

Fuck, I didn’t expect that one day, he would look at other men like his second brother.

Yin Yin Night: "..."

He didn't look like he was the wrong person.

Rong Yi saw that he had been staring at his abdomen, and he held his belly and smiled: "You are young and blessed, and you are young and blessed."

Yin Yin night heard, cold and good-looking mouth can not help but smack _ wipe the invisible arc, raise his eyelids to see him, ask 1 "What is enchanting?"

In order to obtain his goodwill towards himself, Rongyi also made a simple explanation with the man in order to let him stay with him to find his way back: "The enchantment is attached to the surface of the instrument or on the surface of the instrument. Engraving the pattern to increase its attack power or defensive power, making it power comparable to eight or nine or one or more spells."

The treasurer is like looking at a fool. Look at Rongyi. Since you want to add materials, why not add it when you are not playing the machine. Can you attach the material to the surface of the instrument? There is also the ability to sculpt the instrument on the top of the instrument once it is hit, and the higher the level of the instrument, the stronger it is. It is very difficult to engrave it, unless the method is used. The higher the instrument is to engrave, it is not bad to reduce the power of the implement. How can it be better than the eighth or nine level?

If the young man can really say so easily, I don’t know how many people have tried it, and no one has succeeded until now, so this young man is simply whimsical.

However, in order to sell the instrument, he is also not good at saying that Rongyi is not. If the instrument is sold out, if it is broken, it will not be his business.

Yin Yi’s thoughts are similar to those of the shopkeeper: “The method you said was tried, not.” He also tried it himself, and many methods have been used in failure.

Rongyi smiled confidently: "That's because they used the wrong method."

The method is wrong? Yin Yin night looked at his pure eyes, not like lying, it seems to really improve the instrument

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Rongyi quickly introduced himself to the relationship: "My name is Rongyi, the glory of glory, the righteousness of righteousness, what is your name?"

"Rongyi?" Yin Yan night glanced at his abdomen, and whispered: "Yin night."

"If we don't dislike, let's make a friend, I live, I live..." Rongyi was depressed, let alone he didn't have a place to live now, even if he returned to his former residence, he didn't know what the original place was. In the streets, however, he did not directly ask where Yin stayed in the night.

Yin Yin night saw that he could not remember where he lived. He said a long way: "Tonggu Street, Yinfu."

Rongyi glanced and smiled: "Well, I am free to go to your house to teach you about enchanting."

Yin Yin nodded at night, and then let the guards around him pay to leave.

Rongyi looked at other monks and planned to find another person to make money. He could think about it. Yin Yin Night is probably the only clue he wears back. He can't lose people, even though the other party gave him the address. But what if it is fake, what should I do to lie to him?

Thinking of this possibility, he quickly took the big belly and went downstairs, carefully following them behind Yin Ye night, but unfortunately he is now low in spiritual power, and there is no help to cover up his whereabouts, so he was soon Yin Yin The night guardian satellite river noticed that he was following: "The Lord, the young man has been following us."

Yin Yin night does not speak.

Xinghe stayed with him for many years, and when he saw him not talking, he knew that he would ignore the people behind him.

Rongyi came to Tonggu Street with them and found that the street was a bit familiar. It seemed that when he left the original main house, he walked this street. When he saw Yinfu, which Yin Yin night said, he became more familiar and felt. It is very similar to the door of the big house where the original owner lives.

However, when he left, he was in a hurry and thought that he would not come back again. He did not read what the big house had written.

The Star River knocked on the door and the door was opened.

Rongyi saw the person who opened the door, and could not help but open his eyes: "I am going, isn't this slow?"

□ author gossip I

[Thank you, Wang Wang, Angel, a nameless gift, what?] Seeking a collection, seeking a ticket.

This book is published exclusively by Liancheng Reading. Please do not reprint it!