MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-Chapter 18 It can't be such a coincidence, can it?

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After Xi Hongshi left, Liu Lin returned to calm.

Xiang Ye was manipulating Xiaocheng, holding a hoe, centering on the big willow tree, and was working hard to clear the surrounding weeds.

I don't know how this weed grows, and it has been cleaned up one crop after another, and the endless stream is endless.

Xiang Ye doesn't care if it grows farther away, but Xiang Ye is not happy if it grows at the foot of the big willow tree and steals the willow's nutrition.

So as long as there are signs of weeds emerging, Xiang Ye will **** them all, without showing any mercy.

"Hey, does that count as me hoeing myself? Lightly, lightly, it doesn't hurt."

Looking at the pear-peared land on the ground, he said sarcastically.

Wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, he threw the **** away.

The weeds that grew quietly in the middle of the night have been cleared away, and he looked up at the more lush willow trees in front of him, feeling very satisfied.

The branches of the willow tree had already hung down to less than a foot from the ground. With the willow tree as the center, the dense willow branches formed an outer ring. Xiang Ye gently pushed aside the willow branches blocking him, and went directly under the shade of the tree. , found a suitable place, and sat down with one buttock.

There was a breeze blowing, blowing the emerald green willows, and the whole willow tree made a "squeaky" sound. The shade under the trees was much cooler than the scorching sun outside, and Xiang Ye liked staying here more and more.

"Ding dong!" There was a warning sound, and Ye Chao looked at the source of the sound, and the phone vibrated and stopped.

"Short message?"

"Let me see what happened again?"

Going straight, Xiang Ye took off the phone that was charging.

"Oh, by the way, no one has charged my power bank after Xi Hongshi left, so save it."

Xiang Ye was too lazy to worry about the source of the mobile phone power bank. If nothing else, it should be bought with money. After all, the plastic buckets for fetching water, pots and pans, hoes and some daily utensils were all brought by Xi Hongshi.

The 200 yuan that was originally confiscated from him was returned to him long ago. This thing is of no use to Xiang Ye.

As for living utensils, you can have them or you can’t.

After becoming a piece of land, he has almost forgotten some of the daily behaviors of human life.

"Gong Xi Fa Cai, friend + younger sister/: 855******** will give you ⑥ Heli's precise and good material. It has won 8 rounds in a row. Don't miss this chance (must win), you will know if you add it!"


"It really is this!"

Xiang Ye quickly pressed the delete button.

"Ding dong!"

There was another sound, and with the vibration of the phone, another message was sent.

"Busy? I'm Mr. Li. If you're not busy, come and help me with things. You don't need to pay any fees. You can do tasks for 2 hours a day at any time. You can use your mobile phone at home and earn 100,000 yuan a month. I'm Wei tc******" "Is it annoying, why are there spam messages every day?"

Xiang Ye looked angrily at these text messages that affected his battery, and wanted to stop them from sending spam text messages but didn't know what to do.

I don't know what's going on these few days, these messages are sent to his mobile phone openly, and it takes a while to delete the messages every day.

"Deleted, deleted, all deleted! Out of sight, out of mind!"

Looking at the more than 100 unclicked spam messages in the information bar, Xiang Ye felt a burst of anger.

It's time for the revival of all spirit qi, can these things still exist? Why can't those powerful supernatural beings arrest all these people?

Jewelry discounts, XX finance, and spa clubs have all been deleted, leaving none.

Holding the phone in his arms, Xiang Ye selected the information in the information bar one by one in batches, and then pressed the confirm button...

"Huh? There is a normal message here, from the Jiangnan City Ability Bureau?"

When selecting in batches, a normal message was hidden in it, and if Xiang Ye hadn't reacted quickly, it might not have been seen.

"Orange Alert: Jiangnan Forest Park has been officially closed due to the appearance of giant crocodiles. Residents around the forest park are advised not to go there during holidays. Citizens in the surrounding areas of the Forest Park are advised to reduce going out in the near future, and at the same time be prepared to fight crocodiles. ""Crocodiles? Beasts?"

Xiang Ye looked at the time when the message was sent, and it showed that it was already ten days ago.

"How could there be a crocodile in the forest park? And it's a beast?"

After staying on the message for a while, Xiang Ye memorized the message, and then looked carefully to see if there was any other important information. This time, he directly pressed the confirmation button.

"Deleted, deleted, after deleting, search Baidu for information about the beast."

Watching the junk messages in the phone quickly disappear one by one, Xiang Ye felt a sense of lightness as if the cleaning was over. If these messages were not deleted regularly, the phone would soon be full.

Not to mention affecting the smoothness of the mobile phone, it also consumes electricity!

"Ding dong~!"

"Activities are coming. Baccarat, yaoi, qiqi, yuyu,! Please send 88+*****"



Looking at another spam message, Xiang Ye's anger began to rise at this time. He stared at the phone in his hand, wishing he could beat the person who sent the spam message to death.

"Forbearance...forbearance...I still need to keep my mobile take pictures of Xiaoliushu..."

"Don't be angry...don't be angry..."

"Life is like..."

After spending a long time reciting the mantra of not being angry, Xiang Ye finally calmed down.

"Ding dong... ding dong... ding dong..."


"I can go to Nima!"

"Don't let me catch you, if I catch you, I will dig up your horse's ancestral grave!"

Xiang Ye was furious at this moment, and he decided to immediately add the WeChat ID in the text message.

"Let me see how many WeChat IDs you have. It's best not to locate your Moments. Otherwise, if I find out the address, I will ask Xi Hongshi to dig up your horse's ancestral grave. I will do what I say!"

After speaking, he clicked on the text message.

"Red alert! Red alert! A giant crocodile beast in Jiangnan City Forest Park has escaped the control of people from the Ability Bureau, and has now fled to the west. Citizens who live on XX Road,...XX Street, and...Attention, please Avoid the escape route of the giant beast as soon as possible, please avoid the escape route of the giant beast as soon as possible. Citizens on this route, please leave immediately, please leave immediately. This is not a drill... This is not a drill... The giant beast that is out of control is hard to resist... Don't try to hide It's safe under the house... Please leave as soon as possible, leave as soon as possible." There are three messages in a row with the same message, which seems to be unusual.

"You're lucky!"

After carefully looking at the message received this time, it was finally no longer a spam message this time.

"Hoho~ The crocodile ran out? Didn't control it well? Is the Jiangnan City Ability Bureau eating dry food?"

Seeing that it was none of his business, Xiang Ye directly switched to gloating mode.

"Even a crocodile can't handle it. The strength of Jiangnan City's supernatural powers is worrying."

"Hahaha, I don't know where the crocodiles have gone. It seems that they have some skills to be able to escape from their hands."

Of course, Xiang Ye didn't know the level of the supernatural beings in Jiangnan City, but he also had a general understanding through Xi Hongshi's explanation.

In short, I don't know how many times stronger than the supernatural beings in Xiangxi, otherwise Xihongshi wouldn't go to Jiangnan City to seek help.

"Wait? Flee west?"

"Why do I feel so familiar?"

"That's right, Xi Hongshi seems to have said that my land is the western suburb of Jiangnan City."


"Fuck, it can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

As if responding to him, Xiang Ye immediately felt the earthquake coming from not far away, and he was rushing towards his willow forest.