MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-Chapter 19 You moved from Jiangnan City to rescue soldiers, but I am also blessed

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"Captain, the rebellion is gone. Shall we take this opportunity..."

Long Yan, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, looked at the two people who were already standing still in the open space, and asked aloud.

Right now is a good time to arrest Xi Hongshi, if you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to say next time.


Xiao Luming did not reply to Long Yan, but made a standby gesture, then turned his head to look at Wu Daxiong, and asked.

Tianyantong is a secret method of Buddhism, and it is difficult for ordinary disciples to get in touch with. He never thought that such a number one person would appear in a team that followed him to make soy sauce.

His potential question is not just about the secret method.

"Yes, it's Celestial Eye."

"Liu Haotian is one of Qianye's important disciples who presided over the revival of the Eight Dragons. Although he is only familiar with the strength at present, his future is limitless."

Wu Daxiong didn't answer yet, but a person walked out from the crowd, he nodded slightly to Xiao Luming as a greeting, and then spoke.

"Eight Dragons? What a big tone!"

Xiao Luming frowned and said coldly.

"Which one of the eight parts is Liu Haotian?"


"Oh... no wonder, no wonder. It's just that if this Liu Haotian only has this ability, he can't win Xi Hongshi."

As if responding to him, the two people who were standing still suddenly moved again.

The rapid ringing sounded suddenly, and Xi Hongshi suppressed his red eyes, glaring at Liu Haotian who had affected him just now.

Under the control of the ringtone, brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu suddenly exerted their strength and rushed towards Liu Haotian.

"I didn't expect it to come out so soon." Liu Haotian licked his lips, looking a little excited.

"But I know more than that."

"Evil monster, it should go back to where it stayed."

Seeing the brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu rushing straight over, Liu Haotian was not surprised but delighted.

He held up his right hand, and with his left hand, he took out the Buddhist beads that had been hidden around his neck. Turning the beads around, he immediately glared at Brother Tang Long and Tang Hu.

"Xu Mi's holy words, Buddha's light cleanses sins!"


One Sanskrit word after another was spat out from Liu Haotian's mouth, and then it turned into a gleaming golden mark of mantra, and threw it directly at Brother Tang Long and Tang Hu.


Brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu, who had no time to dodge, took this heavy blow abruptly, and repelled back at a faster speed than before.

For a moment, the earth shook and dust filled the air.

"Huh? It didn't work?"

Looking at the repelled brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu, Liu Haotian frowned, feeling a little surprised.

After being hit by the mantra according to the principle, zombies, heretical demons, will either be enveloped by the Buddha's light, and the body will disintegrate by itself, or the bones will be broken and separated.

How could it only be repulsed.

Seeing brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu who staggered back to their feet not far away, it was obvious that the blow just now did not fail, but, is this the only result?

"Yunze, Long Yan, hurry up. That kid is going to be in danger!"

Xiao Luming, who was staring at the situation on the battlefield, could see clearly that the sacred words of Buddha's light did not cause any harm to Brother Tanglong and Tanghu. Although the blow passed, and the senses were truly ferocious, it didn't even break through the resentment lingering on them.

"Something has happened. Brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu not only got rid of the heavenly thunder righteousness on their bodies, but even improved their cultivation."

"Chase the wind, run the thunder. Start your plan."

After quickly giving the order, Xiao Luming turned around and looked at Wu Daxiong and said, "This time, we have to make a quick decision. I know that it will take a long time to prepare for your spell to be used. But don't worry, we will protect you from the sidelines. This time, we are going to give Xi Hongshi a thunderous blow and solve all the troubles directly. Do you understand?"

"Now? Good!"

Wu Daxiong, who received the order, stood up quickly at this time.

He knew it was time for him to come on stage.

"Everyone else, follow me and restrain him."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luming rushed forward first.

"The Dharma comprehends the world, Kanli borrows the Dharma!"

"The bright moon shines on the water, open!"

"There is fire in the flames, open!"

Looking at the crowd surrounding him, Xi Hongshi did not hide at this time, and directly released the seals on the two brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu.

"Xiao Luming, take your life!"

The two brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu rushed towards Xiao Luming with a wisp of corpse king hostility.

For a while, bells rang loudly, and sand and rocks flew in the wasteland.

A dark cloud floated from the sky, and there was a flash of lightning within the dark cloud, followed by "rumbling" thunder.

There was only silent anxiety in the air, and Xiao Luming's team plus a group of Jiangnan City's supernatural beings could only compete with Xi Hongshi evenly.

This was something Xiao Luming never expected.

The poisonous fire and yin water of Tanglong and Tanghu brothers surrounded their bodies, forcing them to dare not approach easily.

This left them with nothing to do with Xi Hongshi for a while.

"Hahaha, didn't expect that? Xiao Luming!"

"You moved from Jiangnan City to rescue soldiers, but I also have a lucky fate."

"If you still only have this level this time, then I will send you on your way!"

"Tang Long and Tang Hu's grievances, Brother Wang and Sister Sun's death in vain, I will take it back from you!"

Seeing Tang Long and Tang Hu fighting against the crowd without losing the wind, Xi Hongshi also looked excited, and his flushed face was full of ferocious eyes.

"Hmph, it's just bad luck, it's nothing."

"As for the grievances... You, the weakest member of the original team, how would you know the decision of the higher-ups?"

"Under the military order, there is no injustice!"

"Hehehe, is that so? You still refuse to admit that it was your decision that led to the destruction of our entire team? You still use the ridiculous reason of the superior decision to prevaricate me?"

"Go to **** and explain to Big Brother Wang and Sixth Sister Sun."

Speaking of this, Xi Hongshi took out two paper talismans, scratched his fingers, quickly wrote the word "Qian Kun" on the paper talismans, then jumped directly behind Tang Long and Tang Hu, and stuck them on their backs.

"Faxiang heaven and earth, the universe is reversed!"

"Not good, back off!"

During the fight, Xiao Luming was shocked when he saw Xi Hongshi's actions, and hurriedly shouted at everyone to retreat.

"what happened?"

"team leader?"

"Back, back, back!"

Xiao Luming didn't have the time to explain to others, his body retreated in vain, without the slightest nostalgia.


Tang Long, with the word "dry" printed on his back, took the lead and walked over.


Immediately afterwards, Tang Hu also followed.


Xi Hongshi entered the last position.


A majestic momentum rushed out, centered on the three of Xi Hongshi, and began to sweep the surrounding area.

The violent airflow blew the gravel on the ground into the air, and the weeds everywhere were also uprooted.

"Formation! Heaven, earth and man, three talents transform into life!"