MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-v2 Chapter 276 Free gift

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"Why are you here again?"

At the Twin Star Chamber of Commerce in Mora City, Li Lang was carefully wiping a smooth disc with a clean silk scarf.

He raised his head when he heard footsteps.

The few people who entered the door were very familiar. They were the mercenaries who sold the noble disc to him last time.

But, it's only been a few days, and this group of people is here again?

Could it be that he found out that he had tricked them and came to trouble him?

Li Lang put down the plate calmly, then reached out to a switch under the counter.

If these people dare to make trouble for their Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce, he doesn't mind letting them know what it means that a strong dragon can't suppress a local snake.

"Uh... That's right, the noble utensils we sold last time were only a part, and this time we brought in another part. Do you still accept it?"

Chasing the wind dragged out a few bulging cloth bags from behind, carried them directly to Li Lang, and said with a smile.

The dirty cloth bag was untied by several guards, and the contents inside were quickly revealed.

It was full, all kinds of high-quality noble discs.

Under the illumination of the night pearls in the store, these discs reflect a dazzling brilliance.

Li Lang was startled and almost pressed the alarm device.

But soon, he calmed down, let go of the guard in his heart, and showed what he thought was the most kind smile.

"When...Of course...I've said it before, the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce wants as many noble utensils as it has."

Li Lang lowered his head, first took out a disk from the cloth bag, and observed it carefully.

Obviously, it is the craftsmanship of the same master, and the logo of the master is painted on the bottom of the disc, which is very uniform and cannot be faked.

It's just that last time only two cloth bags were delivered, this time four cloth bags were delivered directly, which is a bit too much.

After thinking about it several times, Li Lang always felt that something was wrong.

It's just that he couldn't feel what was wrong.

"Did you break into a nobleman's manor? How could there be so many?"

After finding no problem, Li Lang put down the disc in his hand and asked casually.

The last time he only ate what they provided, it had already put some pressure on the liquidity of the Gemini Chamber of Commerce. This time it doubled directly. No matter what, he had to treat it with caution.

Zhuifeng was about to say something, but the people at the side pulled him nervously, and then said something into Zhuifeng's ear, and he stopped.

And all of this can be seen in Li Lang's eyes.

"Where do you care? Do you accept it? No? I sold it to the Canglan Oath Chamber of Commerce, and they also accept these."

Zhuifeng looked cautious, as if he would sell it to other chambers of commerce if he didn't accept it.

Li Lang smiled lightly. He asked this to know if there were any mercenaries left.

After all, such high-value items can only be sold at a better price if they are monopolized.

They had already sold part of the utensils they bought before, and he originally planned to suppress them. After this part was digested, they raised the price again to grab more profits.

But now...

Obviously, there are still people in this group, whether it is the bulging cloth bag or the plan of the person in front of him to sell it to others, it has already explained the situation.

Li Lang has been in the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce for so long, from an ordinary waiter to the manager of the store in Mora City of the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce, his vision has already been sharpened.

As long as you try a little bit, you can basically figure out the situation of these people.

"Accept, of course accept..."

Li Lang smiled lightly, he decided to have a big one.

After learning that these mercenaries might still have these items, he decided to take a risk.

"You should have more, right? Why don't you just tell me how much you have, our Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce will take them all."

"Not only did we accept all of them, but if you sold them to the Gemini Chamber of Commerce individually, we would be willing to pay a price that was 10% higher than before."

Li Lang put down the porcelain in his hand, then raised his head, stared at Zhuifeng closely and said.

The previous batch of porcelain has produced good results in the aristocratic circle of Mora City. Porcelain from the kingdom of the gods, even though they are rare, can be distinguished just by looking at the color.

The nobles in the border cities are not like the nobles with a long history in the kingdom of the gods. Even the most common teacup has to show off the origin of this cup to the guests, which master it came from, and who made the cup? What's the story and so on.

Although the name of the production master is extremely unfamiliar, in the eyes of the nobles, whether it is very important.

"You want it all?"

Zhuifeng seemed startled by Li Lang's tone in front of him, and asked with some uncertainty.

Li Lang could tell that the rude mercenary in front of him didn't seem to believe that their Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce could eat their inventory.

"What? You don't believe in the strength of the Gemini Chamber of Commerce?"

Li Lang smiled sarcastically, but didn't say anything.

These mercenaries who only use brute force to solve problems will never know how powerful a chamber of commerce with stores in more than a dozen cities is behind it.

The Gemini shop they saw was just the most insignificant shop in Mora City.

Compared with the main cities of the gods with more population and richer resources, each of the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce there is the most well-known business tycoon.

Behind the scenes, the huge noble group is hidden.

"The Gemini Chamber of Commerce is backed by Black Rose members. As a mercenary, you should know what this means, right?"

As if to show off their strength to Zhuifeng and his group, Li Lang inadvertently uttered an important message.

Black Rose is a descendant of an ancient kingship. When the gods appeared in reality, the weak kingship was completely controlled by the gods. The gods did not kill the royal family members, but confiscated their rights and made them one of the many nobles. members.

But how could the descendants of the royal power whose rights have been confiscated be willing to be enslaved by the gods.

In the invisible dark corner, the members of the royal family who were not willing to fail have been trying to get back what belongs to them.

The gods are powerful, but it doesn't mean they have no weaknesses.

The gods who rely on their faith to ignite the fire have always been hungry for believers, the more the better.

At the same time, the gods are not a piece of iron buckets, taking advantage of the differences between the gods on missions, they even play the role of disruptors in it.

They can't cause trouble to the gods themselves, but they can still effectively weaken the pace of the expansion of the gods' believers by virtue of their status as transcending civilians.

"What does it mean?"

Chasing Feng looked at Li Lang strangely.

What is a Black Rose member? Is it great?

For them, they don't even know much about Mora City, let alone the forces in other places.

What they are most familiar with now is the current Mora City, and the person they are most familiar with is the shrewd store manager in front of them.

" don't even know about black roses?"

Li Lang choked, almost speechless.

The Black Rose Organization, which is well-known in the underground world, can be said to be one of the most clear existences of most mercenaries.

The arrest warrants are posted all over the walls of the churches of this organization in various cities. As long as members of the Black Rose organization are found, the church will definitely send priests or priests to arrest them.

And the mercenaries in cities all over the world are proud to be black roses. Mercenaries who are not afraid these days will not give their beliefs to those gods who are hard to see.

"I don't know, let's talk about the purchase price of these exquisite porcelain."

"Before you said that as long as you sell these porcelains to you, you are willing to buy them at a price 10% higher than before."

"We did bring a lot this time, otherwise we wouldn't have sold it to you at a price several times lower than the market price."

"The value of these porcelains has already been preliminarily predicted before we got them."

"So, I will confirm with you again now, are you sure you can accept them all?"

Chasing the wind directly changed the topic to what he cared about.

It can be said that as long as there are raw materials for these porcelains produced in the factory in Qilin District, they can be continuously produced. The source of raw materials is the land in the Silent Black Forest. There are huge resources. As long as they are willing, the mechanized production of the factory can 24 hours production.

Of course, in order not to completely screw up the prices of these items, Qilin District has always been producing them on a small scale.

This batch, plus the remaining ones, is less than tens of thousands of pieces, a total of more than a hundred bags. As for the cost, the electricity for one hour of factory operation and dozens of tons of soil dug from the Silent Black Forest.

This is still the case of electricity and supply restrictions in Qilin District.

If you really want to produce at full capacity...

Zhuifeng will definitely not say these things. What he needs to do now is to rely on these cheap, um, exquisite porcelain plates, the average cost of which is only a few cents, to replace them with effective resources to supplement the Qilin District .

"Let's put it this way, you may not know how many we have, we still have this number..."

Zhuifeng stretched out a finger and waved it in front of Li Lang.

"There are still ten bags?"

Li Lang was startled, he didn't expect that there were so many of these mercenaries?

Where the **** did they come from? How to get so many fine porcelain? Did they directly kidnap several masters?

No... According to this number, they should have kidnapped more than a dozen masters, and by the way, they should have kidnapped a large number of assistants.

Otherwise, at the speed of those masters, it would be impossible to produce such a large output.

Aren't they afraid of being traced by the temple? The disappearance of so many well-known masters was easily noticed by the temple priests.

"No... there are such bags... a hundred bags..."

Chase the wind and tell the truth.

"You still have so many!"

Li Lang was completely startled, and stared wide-eyed at Zhuifeng in front of him.

He couldn't believe that these rude soldiers would get so much porcelain. When would the things used by these noble priests become so cheap?

"Too much? Can't eat?"

At this time, Zhuifeng laughed. He looked at the startled Li Lang in front of him, and suddenly felt that dealing with these natives was really interesting.

Those imitation aristocratic porcelains, as long as Qilin District is willing, they can continuously produce them.

And it is exactly the same as that of the real masters. Even if those master sculptors and production masters distinguish themselves, it is difficult for them to distinguish which one is from their hands.

"Too much...too much..."

Li Lang murmured that he had underestimated this group of guys before, and he never expected that these guys could come up with so much.

He thought that after they took out the present few bags, there wouldn't be much left.

But now...more than one hundred bags, this amount cannot be digested by the entire city of Mora. This is not something ordinary civilians can use, that is, wealthy businessmen and nobles and above have the financial resources to purchase it.

so much…

"As a businessman, you have to be trustworthy. Are you right? If you say you will accept it, you will accept it. The price is still so high..."

"However, we are not people who don't know how to adapt..."

"If the money is not enough, you can exchange something..."

When he got here, Zhuifeng finally articulated his purpose. He looked at the dazed Li Lang, and said persuasively.

The situation of the Gemini Star Chamber of Commerce has been clearly understood in the past few days. Compared with the official store opened by the Moon Yin Temple, this store is not large in scale.

This is the territory of the Moon Goddess, so trade is naturally prioritized over her own side.

The scattered businessmen outside will develop by themselves.

For the time being, Zhuifeng and his group dare not contact the merchants in the Temple of the Moon Hermit, and can only choose smaller people who are not even believers of the Moon Hermit Goddess to make transactions.

In addition to selling the products of the Qilin District, the most important point is to make connections, get together with these people, and try to find the required resources for the Qilin District as much as possible.

"Exchange? What exchange? What do you mercenaries need? Weapons? Food..."

Li Lang said angrily, so many porcelains will directly make the originally expensive porcelains extremely cheap. If he really wants to eat them all, it is estimated that the entire nobles of Mora City will have one set, and at that time, they can How much will the value of porcelain depreciate if it is sold for one gold? Fifty silver? Twenty silver? Even ten silver, they are businessmen, but they never do business at a loss.

"Yes, that's it..."

"You can exchange these...forget about weapons. I believe you are in Mora City. If you smuggle weapons privately, there is a high possibility that you will be discovered by the priests."

"So, for your safety, you can directly send us raw materials, such as..."

"for example?"

Li Lang raised his head, it seemed that this method aroused his great curiosity.

"For example, the mined ores can be iron ore, copper ore, gold and silver ore, coal or other ores, even if they have not been processed, and we have no objection to the rubble."

An inexplicable look flashed in Zhuifeng's eyes, and he said softly.

"Are you sure? If so, I can have a good talk with you."

Li Lang felt that he had taken the initiative again. He looked at the rude mercenary in front of him, and his originally tangled expression disappeared instantly.

Ore needs to go through many processes of screening and smelting before it becomes a finished product. The value of the finished product is still not high enough. Only after it is forged again and made into various weapons and tools can the value be maximized.

As for the purchase of ore, no one needs it except for the blacksmith's large-scale purchase.

This market is fixed, and it is difficult to have any major fluctuations.

Therefore, in such a market environment, most businessmen will not intervene.

And the more valuable ores, gold mines... you have gold mines, what trade do you do?

If these people are willing to exchange the precious porcelain for the least valuable ore and rough stone, it is like exchanging the processed finished product with extremely high added value for the least valuable rough.

The value of the goods here has been greatly reduced, and at this time, even if he exchanged porcelain worth 20 silver coins for the same value of wool ore, he would make a lot of money.

Oh, don't call it a big profit, these mercenaries are just giving them money.

Raw ore will only show value when there is demand, especially for the most common iron ore and copper ore, because the value is not high, it is difficult to generate great benefits.

This is why many people who work in mining farms are prisoners.

Prisoners do not need to cost, even if they are slaves, as a slave owner, they will cherish their property very much.

Exchange fine ore for fine porcelain, and we will exchange as much as we have!

"Are you sure you plan to exchange these things for rough stones? Although our Gemini Star Merchant Guild is no match for the Silver Moon Merchant Guild of the Moon Hidden Temple, there are still several mines. If you are willing to exchange them, we can still negotiate the price."

Li Lang felt that these mercenaries were out of their minds, so he still took the initiative to say it because he couldn't bear it.

These people don't know the value of these porcelain at all, do they? Exchange the best-selling treasures for the least-selling rubble, even if both commodities have value, but no one buys the rubble, so they can only lie quietly in the ground.

Porcelain is different, even if Mora City is difficult to digest, he can still sell it to other merchants at a suitable price, even if it is down-sell, he can make a lot of money.

At this time, Li Lang looked at Zhuifeng and his group, as if he was looking at a group of retarded people.

"Really? Can we still talk?"

Zhuifeng was very excited, but his expression fell into Li Lang's eyes, and he believed more and more that Zhuifeng and the others were the best among mercenaries.

But that's good too, there is no more profitable business in the world than exchanging rough stones for fine porcelain.

"Well, if it's wool, whether it's iron ore or copper ore, I can offer you thirty silver coins to buy it. I want as much as I want."

"However, do you have a way to take these ores away? There are dozens of carts of ores worth thirty silver coins."

One silver coin is enough to fill a carriage. So much porcelain, all converted into ore, even if it can be dug out, it is extremely troublesome to transport it.

As a trading partner, he decided to show his cheap compassion again. There is no doubt that this group of mercenaries are too generous. If possible, Li Lang would like to hug the thighs of these people directly.

He has been in business for so long, and he has never seen such a trader.

"Don't worry about this, as long as you send it to the right place, we will naturally receive it."

By now, the deal has been fully concluded.

Because he was worried that Li Lang would break the contract, Zhuifeng directly handed over the four bags of porcelain to Li Lang, as if he was not worried that he would run away at all.

The red-faced Li Lang was not pretentious, and took it with peace of mind.

This is just the beginning, behind those mercenaries, there are still a whole hundred bags of porcelain.

It doesn't matter if the market in Mora City is disrupted, as long as there are benefits, he will not care about the market's reaction.

If it is not possible, he can sell these porcelains to merchants in other cities. The world is so big, and there are many cities bigger than Mora City.

There is money to be made, so why not do it.

"By the way, Your Excellency Li Lang... Do you have... Do you have that kind of black, oil-like liquid, like water, which can burn for a long time once it is ignited, or have you seen a flame that burns forever, forever won't go out..."

When Li Lang was thinking about his future life, Zhuifeng suddenly interrupted his thoughts with a word.

Li Lang didn't take it seriously, and after listening, he blurted out: "Isn't this the black water of the Burning Land? There are many in the desert of death at the western end of the kingdom of the gods, and you need it too?"

The western end of the kingdom of the gods is a desert, and the long-burning flames will never go out, directly illuminating the entire sky.

Because of this, that area is called the Burning Land.

It's just, what do these mercenaries ask this for? Burning there all day long, it is not suitable for human survival at all, and even the gods will not set their sights there.