MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 72

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Nagaki Sora hurriedly looked at Jingle Shunsui, wanting the latter to say something.

But Jing Le just watched the field quietly, and had no intention of taking over at all.

Nagaki Sokong could only sigh and said nothing more.

Seeing Liu Chequanxi talking endlessly, showing all his abilities, Mikami Yu showed admiration.

"Since the deputy captain of the sixth car is so upright, it's not easy for me to hide it."

"My Zanpakuto has the ability to control my own shadow, materialize the shadow for a short time, and turn it into a weapon to attack the opponent."

"It can be said to be a very useful ability in a scene where one enemy is many!"

Hearing this, Liu Chequan raised the corners of his mouth.

This guy named Mikami Yu is more and more to his liking.

He dared to introduce his Zanpakuto ability in such a large audience, he is a real man!

On the high platform, Kuchiki Yinling nodded.

"Both of them are very straightforward, not bad."

Yamamoto: "..."

Hearing Kuchiki Yinling's words, he couldn't help but have the urge to roll his eyes.

Mikami Yu's few words didn't even introduce one-third of his Zanpakuto's ability.


This kid can't touch a single radical!


For the sake of the author being upright, please give me a monthly ticket~~

Chapter 86 Captain-level Reiatsu? I also have (80/114)

On the martial arts arena, Mikami Yuu and Liuche Quanxi had already fought fiercely.

Liu Chequanxi clenched his fist blade, like a boxer in a ring, constantly blasting his fists from all directions.

Mikami Yu, on the other hand, used Shunpo to move with his body to avoid the attack of Liuche.

"What happened!"

"Are you only able to hide? You won't win if you just hide!"

Liuche Quanxi shouted loudly and punched hard.

The moment the fist full of spiritual pressure was thrown forward, the surrounding air twisted.

Every punch seems to drain the surrounding space dry!

If it was an ordinary Reaper, under this distortion, Shunpo might not even be able to use it, and the whole person would be sucked in directly, as if he was voluntarily going to meet the fist.

Outside the barrier, many Reapers who were sitting in the front row had already started to move back.

Even through the barrier, Liuche Kenxi's powerful captain-level spiritual pressure still brought heavy pressure to them.

If they didn't retreat, they would fall before the two on the battlefield.

Aizen sat outside the barrier, with tea in his hand, his brain was working fast.

A hit to the body is a one-hit kill.

With such an ability, what should I do if I replace it with myself?

The easiest, of course, is to use the mirror directly.

However, Hua Jinghua Shuiyue's ability is special, and it is often not suitable for being seen by others.

If you want to fight head-on, how should you fight?

While he was watching, Liuche Kenxi suddenly thrust out a punch.

This punch, originally hidden in the waist, did not move for several seconds.

As long as Yu Mikami reacts a little slower, this will be the decisive blow!

A thought flashed through Aizen's mind—

You have to hide to the right!

Almost at the same time when he came up with an idea, Yu Mikami's body moved slightly to the right.

Liuche originally planned to hit the fist to the right, so he had to change direction temporarily, and hit Yu Mikami's chin with an uppercut!

A normal person would definitely back away from this punch.

And his jab just now has been withdrawn again, and he is ready.

As long as Mikami Yu hides back, he will charge forward with all his strength!

Even if I use Shunpo to dodge, I will definitely be able to catch up!

Can win!

A gleam flashed in Liuche Quanxi's eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised.

Aizen's pupils quickly swept past the position of Liuche Quanxi's two punches.

You can't go back, you have to hide sideways!

His heart lifted up.

Mikami Yu on the field seemed to have heard his thoughts, and turned to the left side.

The strength of Liu Che's boxing was too weak, and his body jumped forward.

Binding is used here!

Aizen's eyes brightened.

And Mikami Yu moved even faster than he thought.

Facing Liuche Quanxi who was facing him sideways, he put his **** together, as if smoothing something, and waved sideways in front of him—

"The sixty-three of the way of binding, lock and lock!"

Whoosh whoosh!

A few golden chains flew from all directions, binding Liuche Quanxi layer by layer!

Aizen felt a little emotional.

I thought that Mikami Yu could only catch up with him in Reiatsu, but he was still behind him in actual combat.

Now it seems that this guy's combat intuition is much higher than he thought.

Nature is really fair, and reckless people have their own way of life...

On the high platform, Jingle Shunsui almost couldn't help shouting hello to Yu Mikami.

Damn, what kind of talent is this kid?

How much practical experience can I gain from only studying in Mao for half a year?

Talent alone can reach this level, so if you learn from old man Shan for a hundred or two hundred years, wouldn't the sky be turned upside down?

Kuchiki Yinling stroked his beard:

Seeing now, he finally understood what Yamamoto was doing.

As expected of the former sword ghost...Although he usually seems to have become an old man who doesn't care about world affairs, but when he is really ruthless, he is no worse than anyone else.

After today, Mikami Yu's name will definitely be heard throughout Seireitei.

Everyone will know that Yamamoto Genryuzai has an extra handy knife in his hand.

If you want to use the aristocratic network to make small moves, you have to be careful of Yamamoto's retaliation.

I have to say that Yamamoto played this trick well.

The only regret is that the knife is not sharp enough.

Defeat Yadomaru Risa without releasing Zanpakutō.

Facing the Liuche Quanxi after the **** solution, he can still gain an advantage.

At Yu Mikami's age, it's really unimaginable and surprising to be able to do this.

But... Speaking of God, it can't change a reality.

Yu Mikami is not a captain.

The gap between Lingwei level 4 and Lingwei level 3 is the difference between heaven and earth!

Level 5 spirit power, perhaps relying on skills, moves, Zanpakuto ability, etc., can surpass level 4 by leapfrogging.

But level 4, it is absolutely impossible to beat level 3!

As if to confirm Kuchimu Yinling's thoughts, Liuche Quanxi suddenly roared angrily on the martial arts arena.

"Uh uh uh, ah ah ah!!"

He opened his arms to both sides vigorously, and his chest muscles swelled up in the neckline of the dead bully suit, almost pushing the clothes away!

With the explosive power of his body, Liuche Quanxi's spiritual pressure also began to increase layer by layer—


Several large defensive barriers burst open suddenly.

The turbulent spiritual pressure surged out from the barrier, and more than twenty gods of death who were close to him flew out uncontrollably!

Several officers rose into the air, caught the flying **** of death, and directed everyone to retreat.

On the high platform, Sparrow Minister Jiro flashed and came to the side of the ghosts.

He commanded the ghosts to open the top of the barrier and let Liuche Quanxi's spiritual pressure out.

As the barrier opened, the entire Martial Arts Field suddenly seemed to be sucked into the deep sea.

The heavy spiritual pressure made it difficult for many gods of death to breathe!

After the real spiritual pressure erupted, Liuche Quanxi exerted all his strength and directly broke the binding path on his body.

Looking at Yu Mikami standing not far away, he raised his fists and made an offensive posture.

"Mikami, declare that I pass."

"I admit that you are very strong. It is difficult for me to cause you harm without using spiritual pressure to suppress you."

"But... under the absolute advantage of spiritual pressure, your speed and reflexes will no longer be advantages!"

"It's just a discussion, I don't want to leave you with irreparable injuries."

"When you break through to the captain level, we will fight again!"

On the high platform, Yamamoto watched quietly.

Is this the end...

Although it is a pity, I have to admit that it is already very good to be able to achieve this step.

Whether it's Yu Mikami's double bone, or Liuche Quanxi's iron fist Duanfeng, they are all skills with too much damage.

If the fight continues, it will only cause the Goutei 13th team to lose talent.

That's all, about Liwei, let's take it easy.

Thinking of this, he was ready to speak and end the assessment.

But at this moment, Mikami Yu suddenly said—

"The third-class Lingwei is indeed very strong."

"But, as it happens, so do I."

Under Liuche Kenxi's astonished gaze, Mikami Yu's body, the spiritual pressure soared into the sky!