MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 199 Shocked Blue Star

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Lin Mo's legs burst out violently under the mobilization of the "late sixth stage" fighting skills. He stepped heavily into a deep pit on the ground, and his figure instantly turned into a cannonball.

"What!?" The remaining eleven sixth-order masters were not ready at all, and Lin Mo would suddenly counterattack.

When the master who bore the brunt reacted, Lin Mo was already very close to him.

Boom! !

Lin Mo's "phantom killing technique" directly and violently impacted his mind!

This sixth-order master who bears the brunt of the stun is immediately stunned, standing in front of Lin Mo is completely dumbfounded - in such a state, facing Lin Mo in the late sixth-order, naturally there is nothing to give away the difference.


The dagger in Lin Mo's hand slashed lightly a few times and shot her head directly.


Ten left!

And Lin Mo didn't pause at all, and then rushed to the nearest master, and the "phantom killing technique" was also performed simultaneously!


This master is no different from the previous sixth-order masters. Under the impact of "phantom killing", he is completely unable to maintain his ability to think, let alone resist.

Lin Mo's dagger slashed several times and shot his head directly, easily taking another one away!


Lin Mo, who broke out completely, is a wolf entering the flock!

Which of the sixth-order masters is not as powerful as a wolf like a tiger in the usual game of the king of chicken eating? But in front of Lin Mo, he completely turned into a little sheep!

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they did not get special weapons. If they also have special weapons, even if Lin Mo can win, it will never be so easy!

Because these sixth-order masters do not have special weapons, so Lin Mo doesn't even need to think about defense, just let go and kill!

I have to say, Lin Mo is really cool!

This is also the first time in his history that he has encountered so many powerful opponents, allowing him to fight a hearty battle!


All the sixth-order masters who chased and killed Lin Mo were all emptied!

"Phew..." Lin Mo let out a long breath.

This battle has almost exhausted all his energy! Whether it is boxing power, mind power, or illusion, they are all close to overdraft!

"The black soil boss is really against the sky!" Gao Haoran, who witnessed the whole process, was full of admiration in his squinting eyes.

Swept fifty "sixth-order" masters and nearly fifty "fifth-order extremes" with one enemy against one hundred... I ask, who can achieve such a record?

Don't say it, before this battle started, no one even dared to think about it!

Not to mention, the black soil boss who accomplished this feat is only 18 years old!


Only 18!

In Gao Haoran's view, the outcome of this round is undoubtedly clear!

Although there are still more than ten fifth-order masters on the map, how can these "wastes" pose any threat to the black soil boss?

"Hi! Can you let me go first?" Gao Haoran suddenly said to Jiang Mu who had been holding him beside him.

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Mu asked, then shook his head and let go of Gao Haoran - anyway, there is no suspense about the result of this game, is it to let go of Gao Haoran, kill or not kill Gao Haoran, there is no difference.

In this case, Jiang Mu naturally let go of Gao Haoran to see what he wanted to do.

"I want to thank you!" After Gao Haoran was released, he stepped back and said sincerely.

"Thank you?" Jiang Mu was a little puzzled.

"Isn't it? I wanted to commit suicide by skydiving! If you hadn't caught me and prevented me from committing suicide, I would never have seen such a wonderful match!" Said, "If I didn't see such a wonderful battle, wouldn't I have regrets for the rest of my life? So..."

Gao Haoran's squinting eyes flashed a sly color, and then he sang and danced directly on the spot: "Listen to me, thank you, because of you, the four seasons have been warmed! Thank you, thank you You, the world is more beautiful..."

"Eh..." Jiang Mu couldn't help but be stunned for a while, but it took him a while to realize that Gao Haoran was killing people!

"Damn it! Shrimp and pig heart! You deceive people too much!" Jiang Mu was furious.

His dignified fifth-order genius and master was actually humiliated by Gao Haoran with a song "Thank You"!

"Give me death!" Jiang Mu who reacted, immediately slapped Gao Haoran to death.

But just before he slapped it, a "phantom killing technique" arrived! Almost at the same time as the impact of "phantom killing", there was also a dagger controlled by mind power.


Only Jiang Mu, who was "the fifth-order extreme", was instantly killed.

Lin Mo controlled the dagger with his mind power, and flew back - although he was exhausted, the skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and it was easy to kill a fifth-order master in seconds.

"Follow me!" Lin Mo was also a little surprised that Gao Haoran was still alive. He originally thought that Gao Haoran would fall to the ground into a box; even before it fell to the ground, it would directly form a box.

"Okay, black soil boss!" Gao Haoran ran over.

This battle of "hunting the black soil" naturally has no suspense.

And the remaining ten or so "fifth-order masters", although they have found a lot of special weapons, but they also know... In the face of the absolute strength of black soil, there is no point in dragging it down !

A dozen or so fifth-order extreme masters, each carrying a special weapon, launched a final attack directly at Lin Mo!

As a result, there is no need to say more, it was easily crushed by Lin Mo.

The official forum of the Chicken Eating Contest and the Metaverse are all paying attention to this battle of "hunting the black soil".

When Lin Mo first started matching, there were thousands of fifth- and sixth-order masters who clicked "Double Row Matching" at almost the same time.

Of course, in the end, only less than a hundred people were successfully matched with Lin Mo.

Those masters who did not match the "black soil" had no intention to enter the game, and they all chose to cancel the game after the match failed.

"What a pity!"

"I didn't match it either! Although I'm also in the early stage of the sixth stage, but I'm already close to the middle stage of the sixth stage, definitely much stronger than the eighteen-year-old black soil... If I can match him , I will definitely teach him to be a man in minutes!"

"Although I only have the fifth-order extreme! But if I mix in the crowd, I can definitely beat the black soil!"

"What a pity! The chance to make a name was just missed!"

"If I can beat the black soil, I can definitely become an internet celebrity in minutes! I missed an opportunity to be an internet celebrity!"

Although most martial arts masters are indifferent to fame and fortune, there are also a few who value their own fame.

However, even if you are a Sun Warrior, if there is nothing special, you can usually only make a small fire, and it is difficult to make a big fire - after all, no matter how strong your Sun Warrior is, you will not be able to eat melons. Crowd shit?

Only those more interesting Sunshine warriors, or martial arts masters who can seize some opportunities to become famous, can become popular Internet celebrities!

Obviously, hunting and beating black soil is such an opportunity to become famous!

It's no wonder that so many martial arts masters will regret there after the match fails - they not only failed the match, but also lost a chance to become a big net red!

"If you miss it, you miss it! Don't think about it! Watch the live broadcast first and see how this hunt will develop!"

Some of those martial arts masters who have successfully matched have also started live broadcasts from the first perspective. Therefore, these masters who failed to match can now watch the live broadcast directly.

"How did it develop? Needless to say? It must have been the black soil that was caught every minute, and then was held down by a group of people, pressed on the ground and rubbed frantically!"

"Indeed... 98 hits him one, there is no suspense at all!" As for Gao Haoran, he was directly ignored.

"I guess, as soon as the black soil jumped off the spaceship, it was directly surrounded from all sides!"

"Black soil is also a sixth-order combat skill! But at this time, the higher the combat skills, the more miserable it is - because the sixth-order masters are in the game of King of Chicken, the vitality is extremely strong! The vitality is extremely high Strong means that after the black soil is caught, it will take a lot of beatings to die!"

"The stronger the strength, the harder the beating!"

The experts in these discussions were not wrong at all. As soon as the black soil jumped off the spaceship, it was surrounded by people, which was all they expected.

"Huh? The black soil actually got a special weapon as soon as it came up, so lucky!"

"It's not luck. I guess he saw the special weapon when he jumped out of the spaceship! So he dived in that direction!"

"What if you get a special weapon? What's more, it's just a dagger!"

"The dagger...too short! It should be the most **** among special weapons! Dogs don't need it!"

"Look! Black soil is about to be entangled by the first sixth-order master!"

However, immediately afterward, these martial arts masters who were talking about it were dumbfounded!

They saw that at a speed of ten knives per second, the black soil killed an opponent who was also a sixth-order in the blink of an eye!

"What? A sixth-order master is so vulnerable in front of black soil?"

"No! Even if the black soil has a special weapon, it is only a dagger after all! If the fighting skills of the two sides are not much different, logically it can be entangled for a while, it should not be It was so easy to be killed in seconds!"

"Didn't you find it? Black soil's combat skills are completely beyond this sixth-order opponent! Black soil completely grasps the opponent's every move! - This is the grinding of combat skills. Press it!"

"I discovered... the combat skills of the black soil are not only in the early stage of the sixth order? Not even in the middle stage of the sixth order?"

"It looks like it should be in the late sixth stage!"

As soon as they came up, the martial arts masters were shocked by the fighting skills of the black soil.

But they soon recovered!

"What about the late sixth stage?"

"That's right! Two fists can't beat four hands! What's more, the black soil has to face more than a hundred hands!"

"A lot of ants can kill an elephant! As long as the black soil is entangled a little, it will be submerged!"

"Yeah! If it is one against ten, the black soil may still have a chance! Unfortunately, this is a round of hunting against the black soil, not one against ten, but ... one against one hundred !"

"Yeah! Among the nearly 100 masters, half of them are the fifth-order extreme, and half of them are sixth-order! I am afraid that only the masters of martial arts are able to defeat a hundred with one?"

“Not even a master of martial arts can do it!”

"Yeah! Everyone's boxing power is limited to the same level, even the martial arts master... may be beaten there! Not to mention black soil!"

However, these martial arts masters were dumbfounded!

They saw that the black soil first broke out from the siege and interception of nearly fifty "sixth-order" masters, and then faced the interception of dozens of "fifth-order extreme" masters. , the black soil actually threw the dagger directly...

A dagger instantly killed about forty "fifth-order extreme" masters!

"Fuck! What's going on here?"

Everyone was dumbfounded!

"The Psychic Master! The Black Earth is still the Psychic!?"

"It's really a psychic! And it's a 'late sixth-order' psychic!"

"Damn it! I thought the fighting skills of the 'late sixth stage' were already exaggerated! I didn't expect that the black soil actually hides a pair of king bombs!"

"It is indeed Wang Zha! After all, no one thought that the black soil is actually a psychic!"

"What about the Psychic? There are too many enemies, don't they want to be beaten?"

"During the entire round of gamers' siege and interception, I seized the opportunity to kill forty people! Even if the black soil is beaten badly later, this wave of counter-kill operations is enough for him Blow for a lifetime!"


Just when everyone was shocked that the black soil was still a psychic, an even more incredible scene appeared—

"Damn it! Isn't that a sixth-order master? Why stand there stupidly and get headshots by black soil?"

"It's an illusion! It's an illusion!"

"What is it? Isn't the black soil a psychic, why can he cast illusions?"

"Aren't psychic power and illusion in conflict with each other? I have never heard of anyone who is both a psychic and an illusionist!"

"What's the situation? Who can explain it to me?"

When Lin Mo threw the "Double King Bomb", and after using his psychic power, he used the illusion... Everyone was dumbfounded!

At this time, no one cares about the final outcome of this round of "hunting"! They are more concerned about why mind power and illusion appear in the same person?

This is not scientific!

This is totally unscientific!

Unheard of!

Not only the martial arts masters who watched the "hunting", but also many martial arts masters and even God of War-level bosses were alerted overnight!

Some bigwigs just fell asleep, and they were woken up by force, making them think that there was a very urgent war!

This night, the only thing left for Xia Guo’s martial arts circle is dumbfounded!

It's not just Xia Guo!

Psychic power and illusion are clearly supposed to be opposites. They are two completely "repel" use methods of spiritual power, and they appeared on the black soil at the same time!

The whole Blue Star was shocked!

What does this mean?

At least it means... As long as the black soil can become a martial arts master, I am afraid that he can directly leapfrog the "God of War"!