MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 413 Freaky Annabelle (final)

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  Chapter 413 The deformed Annabelle (final)

  After Yan Junze landed on the island, Morrison, who was sitting on a soft leather sofa in a room on the first floor of the manor, slowly opened his eyes.

His field has long since spread out. Although it is impossible to cover the entire island, at this moment Morrison used the Turner shock wave launcher placed in three different directions on the island to place his field on the side of the launcher. The densely woven invisible net, through the Tena net, controls the magnetic field fluctuations of the entire island.

  So after Yan Junze came, he sensed it.

  A moment later, Morrison locked his field on Yan Junze who had sneaked into the building.

  After entering, Yan Junze crept up the stairs, instead of staying on the first and second floors, he went directly to the third floor.

   This scene made Morrison feel puzzled. He didn't know why Yan Junze could lock the position of Annabelle so accurately.

   But from the fact that this person can appear on the island out of thin air, it is not difficult for Morrison to guess that this guy has some kind of special method that he can't discover for the time being, and it is like his projection clone.

   It's just that what Yan Junze put in was his own body.

   Fortunately, after the last dead bride incident, Morrison was prepared and prepared the Turner shock wave launcher and this plan, otherwise it would be impossible to prevent this person from coming and going freely.

  With these guesses, it is not surprising that the other party can know exactly where Annabelle's room is.

  After noticing that Yan Junze went upstairs, Morrison snapped his fingers lightly, and the hidden silk thread trembled slightly in the space inside the building.

  All the sleeping George family members in the room tilted their heads and fell into a coma.

   Only Yan Junze and the hidden filaments around Anlabelle didn't move, and Yan Junze didn't notice anything unusual.

   Immediately, he came outside Annabelle's room, opened the door directly, walked in lightly, and saw Annabelle crawling on the ground.

   This time because of his experience, he vaguely saw the other person's big belly, and then Annabelle climbed into bed.

  Except for not breaking in through the window, the development of the next thing is almost the same as last time.

   Not long after, Annabelle asked Yan Junze to feed him medicine, and then Yan Junze found a corpse under the bed, but he didn't choose to drill down on the bed, nor was the maid's corpse grabbing his hand.

  Watched that Annabelle climbed out of the bed and climbed into the big wardrobe.

  The subsequent situation was experienced again. After seeing the dilapidated corpses piled up in the big wardrobe, Yan Junze once again felt the churning from his stomach.

   When everything calmed down, Annabelle filled the medicine again and went back to lie down on the bed, holding his hand, and after falling asleep peacefully, Yan Junze sat by the bed, carefully staring at her swollen belly.

   This time, he had already made a decision, and he was waiting for the moment when Ann Labelle gave birth.

   Not long after, the swollen belly began to move, and Annabelle became uneasy.

   Then she woke up fully and started crying out in pain.

  However, Yan Junze didn't prepare anything for delivery, but stood aside and said, "You may be about to give birth. Now, I don't know what to do..."

  Now he is sure that this woman's birth method is definitely different from that of ordinary humans. The fetal movement is so strong, so the bones are fully grown. I am afraid that this kid will be able to run around after birth.

   And, after waiting for half an hour, I didn't see any signs of amniotic fluid rupture.

At this time, Annabelle's yelling became more and more intense. She was desperately grabbing the bed sheet, twisting her head. Because of her deformity, there were only a few sparse black long hairs on her scalp, which stuck to the back of her head, and the sound she made was also Indistinct.

   Sounds, even scary.

  Those slender and twisted legs aside, it seemed that she was really about to give birth!

Yan Junze turned on all the lights in the room, but he still didn't prepare any hot water, basins, towels, etc., because he knew very well that if he was going to go out, as soon as he opened the door of this room, Morrison, the **** of death, would stand The door was waiting for him.

   That is to say, I can't leave, otherwise Morrison will definitely appear.

   "It's all up to you!" He muttered to himself.

  Looking at Annabelle who gave birth, the strange thoughts in my heart became more and more strange. I don’t know how this 100-year-old deformed woman could conceive a child and give birth at the 100-year-old mark?

   If it weren't for being weird, I really wouldn't be able to do this.

  Yan Junze took two steps back again. Now that the room is well lit, he can see the situation of Annabelle from a little further away.

  However, he didn't realize that the door of the room behind him had opened silently. Morrison appeared, walked into the room like a ghost, stood two meters away from Yan Junze, and looked at all this indifferently.

  Anlabelle did not cry out in pain at this time, but her body as dry as a tree trunk suddenly tensed up, and her towering belly no longer had any weird and violent fetal movements.

  Something started squirming out!

   Come on, a small stick-like hand stretched out, with five slender fingers spread out, the surface was full of suspension, dripping on the bed sheet.

Then the other hand stretched out immediately, and the suspension was also dripping everywhere. Both hands grabbed the mattress, and a small head and thin body came out. Because of the suspension, the eyes did not open, just opened. Open that small mouth and let out a cry.

  At this time, Yan Junze took two steps forward, and was about to wrap the weird little guy in a blanket. The kid looked weird, but his limbs were intact, not deformed like Annabelle.

  However, he wasn't sure if the little guy would attack him, because looking at it now, the other party was obviously hostile to this strange world.

   It's just that if I don't do this, I may not get more favor from An Labelle.

  Just as he was about to go up, Yan Junze froze for a moment and froze on the spot, only to see that Anlabelle's screams of pain began to intensify again, his hands were still tightly grasping the bed sheet, and his body was shaking because of the pain.

   "There is... another one! It's twins!?"

   No wonder Annabelle's belly is so big just now!

  Yan Junze stared wide-eyed, looking at the second head and the same pair of skinny arms, not only that, he noticed that neither of the two children had an umbilical cord at all.

  At this time, the first little guy who came out was able to support himself with his limbs, and his eyes stuck together by the suspension began to slowly open, and he kept shaking his little head, trying to see the world clearly.

   Not long after, the second little guy got out completely. Just like his brother, he opened his mouth and screamed, his eyelids were glued together, but soon he used his limbs to prop up his body.

  This special and weird child is really not ordinary.

  Yan Junze couldn't help being amazed, and took a look again. There was no third one, and it should be twins.

   At this time, Ann Labelle had stopped screaming in pain and was lying quietly on the bed.

  Yan Junze stepped forward immediately, wanting to wrap the two weird children in a blanket first.

  But just took a step forward, a black figure passed by his right side, with a black windbreaker and blond hair, it was Morrison who was waiting behind him.

  Morrison moved as fast as lightning, but instead of attacking Yan Junze immediately, he picked up the two children at Anlabelle's feet and clamped them directly to his side.

   Immediately, he wiped the child's body with his right hand, flicked his fingers, and Yan Junze took a step back immediately, but he couldn't feel anything.

   At this time, Morrison had come to the door, and still left as silently as a ghost.

  He didn't kill Yan Junze directly!

  Anlabelle, who was lying on the bed and taking a breath, finally realized something was wrong. When she raised her head, she didn't see her child. Her eyes immediately turned to Yan Junze, and her nose twitched.

  The next second, Annabelle fell into madness, her body jumped up suddenly, lying on the bed, staring fiercely at Yan Junze, her twisted legs bounced, and rushed towards him.

  Yan Junze only felt the fierce wind blowing towards his face, he did not choose to release the black spirit umbrella to fight with it, but directly chose to go back.

   Time goes back to the moment when Ann Labelle is about to give birth.

  Yan Junze stood aside, exhaled lightly, and shifted his attention partly behind him.

  Looking at it like this, it seemed that Morrison had tricked him, and even borrowed a knife to kill someone.

  In the last replay, Morrison directly snatched away the two children after he appeared, obviously planting the blame on himself.

  The strangest thing is that not only did he not kill himself, he also didn't set his target on Annabel. Instead, he focused on the two newly born children.

   From this point of view, it seems that I made a mistake at the beginning, or the information about Anlabelle displayed in the materials of the Half Moon Association is wrong, or there are new changes in the information.

  Thinking about it carefully, Annabelle was born weird, and her child is also very likely to be born weird, and Yan Junze saw clearly the scene after the birth just now, the child is basically sure to be a weird body.

   Special weird bodies, and there are still two! And it was born from a mother who was originally a special and weird body!

  Thinking about it this way, it seems that these two children have already surpassed Annabelle, and have become special monsters that are more suitable for opening the altar.

   Well, it sure is.

  Morrison's wishful thinking was very good. After Annabelle gave birth to two children, he appeared immediately, took the children away, and then blamed himself.

  Ann Labelle lost her child and must have lost her head in anger. In addition, the guy Morrison didn't know what he had done to him, which would cause Ann Labelle to be at odds with him.

   At that time, no matter whether he killed Ann Labelle himself, or Ann Labelle killed himself in turn, it would not mean much to Morrison, because the more suitable weirdness they wanted had already been obtained.

I see! I see!

  Don't let yourself leave, once you leave, just kill me directly. Then force me to stay in this room until Annabelle gives birth to these two boys, and another one kills with a knife.

  Yan Junze connected everything together at this moment, and at the same time noticed the strangeness behind him.

  Because this time his attention was not on Anlabel at all, but while speculating, he paid attention to the movement behind him.

  Although he couldn't hear any sound behind him, he was sure that Morrison was already standing behind him.

   Taking advantage of the moment when the two children were born, suddenly turned around and killed Morrison with the black umbrella?

   No, with the strength of Reaper, the success rate of killing this guy is almost zero.

   This guy is also paying attention to himself. As long as there is any rash movement here, the opponent's attack may have already come first.

  Yan Junze quickly discarded this idea.

He believed that although the opponent had that kind of invisible silk thread attack, he could not instantly kill himself without any scruples in the covered space, otherwise he would not have touched the hall door and was about to go out, and was instantly killed by a similar electric shock .

  Maybe only when you disappear directly, the hidden thread will work, automatically stagnate in space, stop and kill yourself.

   Can't fight Morrison hard, but also can't wait until the moment when both children are taken away by him.

   At this time, the first child has been born, and he is struggling to support himself with his limbs, and the second child has come out with a head and hands.

  Yan Junze took two steps forward, showing a very nervous look, clenched his fists with both hands and hugged his chest, as if he was the father of the child.

   Not long after, the second child finally came out, lying on the bed and unable to support himself for a while.

  Yan Junze was even more nervous, and took two steps forward, asking questions with concern.

However, the moment he was about to speak, a magnetic knife behind him was ejected unexpectedly, the target was facing Morrison who was standing not far away, and at the same time he stepped forward, clamped a child with one hand, turned around twice He rushed to the window and jumped down.

   It is not without reason that I chose to jump out of the window, because it is far away from the door of the room, and jumping directly from the window after snatching the child is the closest.

  When Yan Junze was on a mission, Zhang Xiaomo applied for a magnetic knife for him and gave him a Turner Ball.

   These two things are locked in the nodes of the space-time map by him. At this moment, he releases the magnetic knife to catch Morrison off guard and buy himself time.

  He never thought that he could seriously injure the opponent.

  The moment he jumped out of the window, Yan Junze yelled: "Stop Anlabelle, I'll go first!"

  He can't control whether the operation is flirty or not. Since you want to **** the child, I'll do it first, and then I'll pull you as a backer.

  There was a brief energy gap behind him, and Morrison was still taken aback by the magnetic knife that suddenly attacked him.

  Yan Junze could feel the solidification of the magnetic field behind him, but it was only within the scope of the third floor, and it was half a second late. He had already jumped out of the window and fell to the ground.

  After landing on the ground, he immediately rolled forward to cushion the impact of the jump, but the height of the third floor was not small, and his right ankle twisted severely, and the pain seemed to penetrate into the bone marrow.

  Yan Junze grinned his teeth in pain, and Annabelle's angry roar came from upstairs, followed by the sound of collisions and slaps.

  Ann Labelle is at least a demi-ethereal. Although she is definitely not Morrison's opponent, she can still stop the opponent for a while.

   What's more, she just became a mother recently, and at this moment, Ann Labelle's anger intensified her attack virtually.

  Yan Junze didn't have time to listen to the movement upstairs. He held a child in one hand and didn't dare to let go. He limped back into the building from the concealed back door on the first floor.

It is impossible to escape far away with two guys, so he went the opposite way and went back to the manor building, enduring the pain in his right foot, while checking the information in his mind about the mission [Her name is Aunt Mei], While walking quickly to the stairs leading to the first floor.

   There are also reasons for doing this.

  Yan Junze guessed, [her name is Aunt Mei] Since the level of this task is so high, it is impossible for Morrison, the **** of death, not to find out.

  So if he finds out, he won't let this level of weirdness keep appearing in his plan, because after all, Aunt Mei is at least an ethereal, and maybe this will interfere with the perfect execution of the entire plan.

   Now it seems that the task of [her name is Aunt Mei] is still there, which means that Morrison may not have discovered that place.

   Perhaps the "invisible servant's room" on the first floor is really invisible to Morrison and his weird detection methods.

   There is at least a certain chance of being able to hide Yan Junze.

  (end of this chapter)