MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 412 The deformed Annabelle (5)

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  Chapter 412 The deformed Annabelle (5)

  Megali Dadu, the headquarters of the Banyue Association.

  The basement is on the fifth floor, the Reaper's restricted area.

  Time came to the moment after the Corpse Bride was completely destroyed by Morrison's indiscriminate attack.

   The Reaper's Restricted Area is an area dedicated to the work of the Reaper's exorcist, and no outsider below the Reaper is allowed to enter here.

  Actually, there is no need to prohibit it at all, because other spirit removers and ordinary humans simply cannot adapt to the magnetic field turbulence in the Reaper's restricted area, and even the occasional magnetic field storm.

  In a room labeled "No. III", Morrison, who was lying on a special metal bed, was slowly opening his eyes.

  He stared straight at the not-so-bright incandescent lamp on the ceiling, without any expression for a while.


  The "death blind spot" that I had planted on the mysterious Huaying man disappeared, and there was no trace of it anymore.

  Morrison quietly sensed and searched for any suspicious signs, but after half an hour, it was still in vain.

   Could it be that the man in Huaying is also a death-level spirit exorcist organized by Huaying Metropolitan Exorcist?

   Impossible, Morrison shook his head slightly, he could not sense strong magnetic field fluctuations on Yan Junze's body.

   You must know that the Grim Reaper already has its own magnetic field. Once other different magnetic fields approach, the reaction will be quite strong.

  And Morrison noticed that when he planted a "death blind spot" on the opponent, he didn't know anything until his body suddenly disappeared.

   "Disappeared? Why did it just disappear?" Morrison sat up from the cold metal bed, frowning.

   It's really gone.

  Because as the Grim Reaper who is extremely sensitive to the magnetic field, the disappearance of a person cannot be completely silent, and there will always be clues left behind.

  But judging from the scene where Hua Yingren suddenly disappeared, his avatar projection immediately sensed the surroundings, but did not find anything unusual.

   After analyzing for a moment, Morrison got up and walked to a wall where a green light spot was flashing rhythmically.

  He stretched out his hand and pressed the light spot, and immediately there was a connected sound from it. This is an external encrypted communicator.

  Because this is a basement, there is no normal mobile phone signal, so we can only communicate with the outside world through this special method.

   After a while, the other party connected the phone. It was the voice of a female operator. The voice was nice but mechanical: "Mr. Reaper, who do you want to call?"

   "Charles." Morrison said.

   "Okay, please wait a moment." The female operator pressed the transfer button.

  About ten seconds or so, the voice of Vice President Charles sounded: "Dear Mr. Morrison, are you 'wake up'?"

   "The special and weird dead corpse bride located in Ole Dadu was destroyed." Morrison said in a calm voice.

   "Ah!" Charles was not so calm after hearing the news, and almost dropped the phone on the ground, "This...this...what's going on?"

  Morrison described what he saw and heard, and asked, "Do you have any relevant impressions of the spirit eliminators at Huaying Metropolis?"

  Charles shook his head: "No, but I can check."

"Maybe, we don't have enough time to investigate clearly." Morrison rubbed his chin, and said in a calm manner: "The last action of that man seems to be to relieve the dead bride and free that woman, so that she is no longer a special and weird person. category."

   " could this be?" Charles couldn't think calmly at this moment.

   You must know that among the many special and weird corpse brides, the top three requirements for opening the altar, without her, I don’t know how long it will take to find a suitable substitute, and I don’t even know if I can find it.

   "I don't know who it is? But I have a hunch that that person may still act." Morrison said.

  Charles began to calm down slowly. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Mr. Morrison, tell me, what do you need me to do now?"

"Now I will personally go to Risen Island in Otlier State and set up a trap at Ann Labelle's house." Morrison said: "If that person appears again, I will make it impossible for him to leave again." .”

   "How can you be sure that person will go to Ann Labelle next? What if he chooses Jacob Johnson who is 'close to God'?" Charles asked worriedly.

   "He might choose Jacob, but please believe me, Jacob doesn't need me to make any preparations." Morrison smiled slightly, "Even, I don't need to come forward at all."

  After hearing what Morrison said, Charles suddenly felt flustered for no reason, and the black-and-white photo of Jacob in the folder suddenly appeared in front of him.

  The fear of Jacob, like a haze falling from the top of his head, completely enveloped Charles.

   "Still... the same sentence, Mr. Morrison, what do you need me to do?" Charles asked with some hesitation in his voice.

   "I want three Turner shock wave launchers." Morrison said.

"Ah!" Charles was taken aback, and asked hesitantly, "This... is this going to wipe out a city that has been invaded by weirdness? That thing will have an impact on human life that cannot be recovered in the short term. "

"No, the range of influence I use will be very small, believe me." Morrison didn't want to explain anything more, "Go and prepare, I will set off for Ruisen Island in two days and arrange everything, if that person really dares Come, Ruisen Island is his permanent home."


  After the near-death automatic rollback is triggered, the time automatically returns to ten seconds ago.

  After walking in front of the ghost gate, Yan Junze's consciousness gradually recovered, his head was in chaos, and his whole body was in a daze.

   At this time, the time has returned to the moment when I was standing at the corner of the stairs, and I was about to pass through the entrance hall and walk towards the gate.

   "Trap, after entering this building, I have already entered the trap!"

  There is only one thought in his mind at the moment, this place is simply designed by Morrison, the **** of death, and may be waiting for him to enter.

   That is to say, after he came in, he was destined to be unable to go out.

  Of course, this is just Morrison’s wishful thinking. Yan Junze can directly go back to before entering the building, so as to fundamentally eliminate this problem.

  However, he didn't expect that he would be instantly killed if he just wanted to go out of the building to take a look. What kind of means is this set up?

   That is, he can no longer leave at all, otherwise, he will die.

  【Automatic resetting at near-death】 consumes amazing energy, but after being triggered, it directly consumes 1,000 points of energy from Yan Junze after going back to ten seconds ago.

  Standing at the corner of the stairs, Yan Junze knew now that even not long after he entered, Morrison was secretly watching his every move somewhere, like a beast waiting for an opportunity.

  It seems that before this, this guy has already gone through careful deployment and planning for this place, and it is not as simple as setting up a clone projection as I first thought.

After thinking about it carefully, there is a big problem here. It is very likely that I have already made Morrison suspicious in the mission of the dead bride last time, making him guess that he may also be disadvantageous to the second key special weirdness, so I spent a lot of effort. The Shampel Manor was designed as a trap in advance.

   In this way, this deformed Annabelle's [Born Innocence] task may not be able to be completed by himself.

  If the time and space of the retracement is too long in the big retracement, the energy of the other dimension will be consumed too much, which is not enough at all. However, it can come before the trap is set this time, but the meaning of doing so is not great.

  But if the time-space span line is saved and the big retracement comes, it happens to fall into Morrison's trap, and it can't be completed no matter what.

   Or even if it could be done, the cost would be too high to be worth it.

  Balanced in his heart, Yan Junze sighed slightly. If he simply tried to complete the mission of "She is Aunt Mei" at the moment, Morrison might not agree.

  It is very likely that Morrison will intervene if he just has this intention.

   Now it seems that the task level of "Spiritual Disintegration (Low corresponds to the strangeness of the task is mostly ethereal, rather than the half-empty spirit of "Frightened (High.

   That is to say, that Aunt Melissa is very likely to be a real ethereal.

  However, for Morrison, a spirit remover who is as powerful as the **** of death, even if the opponent is a ghost, he is sure to get rid of it.

  Some powerful five-star spirit removers are enough to threaten or even eliminate Void Spirits, not to mention the even more powerful Reaper.

Therefore, if Yan Junze intends to complete the task of "She is Aunt Mei" at this moment, it may not be his turn. Once Morrison finds out, he will not only stop him, but even directly take that Aunt Melissa together Not sure about killing it.

  No matter how you think about it, it seems that there is no need to stay any longer.

With the trap set by the **** of death, this time it is no longer possible to solve the deformity of Anlabelle. Yan Junze is going to return to the void in the crack of time and space, and spend some money to see if he can try the boy who died of a strange disease. Each cloth task.

  Because in the materials of the Banyue Association, he saw that the boy's specialness, that is, the rarity, was rated higher in the materials, which stated that there is no substitute for weirdness.

It’s just that if he solves the first two special weirdnesses, he is not going to touch this task again, but if Ann Labelle doesn’t solve it, he might still try it, otherwise it’s just to solve a dead bride, and the Half Moon Association will cost a little more at most time, but there is still a great chance of finding a replacement.

  With the idea of ​​returning to the command, Yan Junze's body began to become unreal.

  But at this moment, a large number of glowing cobweb-like filaments suddenly appeared in the space in the entire building.

  These filaments appeared out of thin air, without any warning, as if they were invisible before they appeared, filling all the space in an instant, at this time the filaments emitted a light blue light.

  Yan Junze's fading figure solidified for a moment, he was startled suddenly, and found that he couldn't exit this space.

  It seems that the entire space is locked by some kind of strange energy, making the decomposition and reorganization of the body impossible.

  The filaments in front of my eyes seemed to become more and densely covered the surrounding space. At this moment, the space was not only locked, but the light blue light on the filaments rushed towards Yan Junze like an electric current.

  Unable to dodge at all, his body was touched by no less than a hundred filaments, and the huge impact came suddenly. Yan Junze's body trembled involuntarily, and his consciousness lost again.

  【It is detected that the host is dying, triggering "automatic rollback when dying", this time consumes 1000 points of different-dimensional energy】

  The time returns to 10 seconds ago again.

  Yan Junze stood on the spot without any movement, panting lightly.

  The memory of just now was still fresh, and he was very surprised. He didn't expect that not only the door, but even the space in the building had been arranged by Morrison.

  This method is a bit similar to the Turner sphere that can emit magnetic isolation. In the area covered by the Turner sphere, the ordinary weird magnetic fields disappear and can no longer function.

  After the luminous thread appeared just now, it was obvious that the entire space was frozen. This is a more advanced method than the Bitner Ball.

  Of course, the cost of arranging this method is definitely not low.

   But Yan Junze is also very clear that the Banyue Association is not short of money. If you really want to protect the special weirdness they need, it is not too difficult to spend the money to set up traps here to prevent yourself from being destroyed.

  Besides, he is just guessing now, and he still doesn't know what kind of means this arrangement is, and he can't find a way to break through it at all.

  Backing back to the previous time and space is not the same as returning to the space-time crack command. When returning to the time-space crack, Yan Junze’s body leaves in the form of the body disappearing directly in the current time-space.

   This is fundamentally different from the time and space going backwards directly when rewinding.

   It is precisely this difference that made Yan Junze's body restricted by the blockade of this space when he returned to the space-time crack. This should be a blockage method of solidifying molecules.

   This time, Yan Junze didn't plan to move any more, and he didn't activate the command to return to the space-time crack here, but activated the backtracking again!

   Time went backwards to the moment when he just appeared on this island.

  Standing outside the open field, I could vaguely see the outline of the manor building. I didn't expect that there was such a big danger hidden there.

  At this moment, in Yan Junze's view, the row of buildings are opening their mouths wide open, waiting for him to come to the door.

  He didn't think too much, gave up this big retracement, and activated the return command.

  The body blurred instantly, but at the same moment of blurring, abnormalities suddenly appeared around the body, and then the body trembled violently.

  【It is detected that the host is dying, triggering "automatic rollback when dying", this time consumes 1000 points of different-dimensional energy】


  Consciousness returns, and everything in front of me becomes clear again.

  Yan Junze breathed heavily, and turned his head to look around him in shock. He couldn't understand why he had already retraced to when he had just landed on Ruisen Island, but how could he still trigger the opponent's instant kill trap.

  Could it be...

  Suddenly, a thought arose, and he couldn't help shivering. He stepped onto a pile of stones on the right and took a deep breath.

   No, I have to try again.

  The command to return rises again, and the body immediately disappears.

  Yan Junze opened his eyes wide, staring at the quiet and eerie night sky.

   Right at this moment, a huge and densely woven web of filaments with no end in sight appeared in front of my eyes in an instant.

  It turned out that the situation encountered just now was exactly the same as that in that building, the difference is that this time the scale of the filaments was larger and the area covered was wider.

  Even under Yan Junze's rapid thought at this time, this small island may have been completely covered by this strange filament.

  The whole body trembled violently again, completely unconscious.

  【It is detected that the host is dying, triggering "automatic rollback when dying", this time consumes 1000 points of different-dimensional energy】

  The time returned to ten seconds ago again.


  Yan Junze stood at the spot where he landed on Ruisen Island for the first time, feeling cold sweat breaking out from the palms of his hands.

  He never expected that after he appeared here from the beginning, he would never be able to leave again.

   I don't know how long I stood there, but I obviously couldn't make Morrison, who was already staring at him, suspicious.

  Yan Junze cast his gaze in the direction of the row of buildings, and walked over.

  If you can’t go, then go to Annabelle to experience it again.

  Can't leave now, but at least, he has learned a lot of details about the manor and Ann Labelle, and there is a back file to save his life, so that he won't be completely passive.

In any case, there are still more than 7300 energy points left in his hand. As long as he is careful and does not trigger the [automatic rollback when dying] that consumes a lot of energy, he believes that he can deal with Morrison's next attack. trap.

  Of course, what you are facing now is the God of Reaper, and the chance of counter-killing the opponent is very small.

  But as long as there is a gap in the opponent's trap, it only takes a second to activate the command to return to the space-time crack.

   Ask for votes! How many tickets will come in the new week! By the way, I recommend Jian Wuyun's "The Demon Player of the Heavens". This guy has gone to science fiction, and the book is currently being promoted. Just to let you know, Ann Labelle will end tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)