MTL - I Can Turn into a Fish-v3 Chapter 517 Grabbing as a pet

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Chu Xian looked at the two faces with a smile, he did not expect that there were two pandas here, and two very pandas.

Watching them rushing and rushing over, Chu Xian’s heart moved, and the shape of the Kui fish in his hand became a six-meter-long monster standing there, with a horrible atmosphere.

The two pandas who had escaped again saw this situation, suddenly scared the urine, stared at the eyes for a second, then fled in the direction of the left.

The speed of the first panda is very fast, at least much faster than the two cows.

Chu Xian looked at the two guys in the direction of turning, could not help but feel a little fun, want to tease them, so the body shape, appeared in front of the beginning of the panda.

This time, the two first pandas almost cried, seeing the shape of the Kui fish, which is more than six meters, and then look at their small size, they are anxiously turned and ran.

But when I ran for about two hundred meters, I came across with two cows.

"Wang Wang." The two little pandas were anxious, rubbing their teeth and licking their mouths, but if they didn't see them, they kept going back to the side, thinking they were going to fight with the two cows.

Chu Xian smirked and looked at him. He wondered why the pandas in the underground space were so embarrassing.

Logically speaking, this **** thing, they should be fierce.

The panda's attacks are actually not weak at all. Their teeth and strength are second only to the brown bears. These two pandas don't want to say anything.

Two creatures called yak open their mouths, revealing sharp teeth, and have two half-meter long horns on their heads, which look unusually sharp.

"Oh." The two pandas had two grievances and patted their chests.

Chu Xian looked at the two pandas with a smile.

"Hey!" The yak made a low-pitched voice, and some red eyes stared at the two beginning pandas, slowly approaching with their hooves.

The two pandas continued to retreat for more than a dozen meters. Finally, one of them stood up, pointed out one of the claws, pointed at one of them, and pointed to the other, and screamed twice.

Another panda nodded, and the two little guys opened their mouths to reveal sharp teeth.

"Hey!" The two yaks screamed and then slashed the ground with their hooves and rushed straight.

The two pandas looked at each other and had a feeling of going to Huangquan. They saw the yak that rushed over and stood up directly.

"Wang Wang."

The two pandas stood up directly and then greeted them.

The yak has a talent, a rhinoceros impact, and after they speed up, they can directly hit the creature in front.

The two first pandas have two talents, one is a bear pounce, and they are directly greeted.


The giant panda and the yak collide together with two asymmetrical bodies.

As a result, the two little pandas did not step back, but the yak retreated four or five meters toward the rear.

Immediately, the two first pandas used the same action and jumped directly to the yak's body, and the little bear's paw patted it down.


The sound of broken bones came, and the position of the two calves under the head directly suffered a heavy blow.


Immediately, the two little pandas started the attack very synchronously, just a moment.

"Oh." The screams of the yak came and they swayed wildly.

However, the two little pandas were riding on their bodies. After five or six strokes, the yak fell to the ground, making more and less air intake.

After the two little pandas took another two shots, they sat on the yak and gasped.

A little panda stood up, and some of the angry patted the head of a yak, then looked around nervously.

Chu Xian stood in their place more than three hundred meters without moving, and the shape of the Kui fish once again became the armor attached to him.

The two little pandas saw the huge monster disappear and the face was relieved again.

The little pandas who had rested for a while stood up again, and they used their teeth to bite the body of the calf and headed in one direction.

Chu Xian was curious to follow, watching them drag the yak there.

After walking for about four or five kilometers, the two little pandas came to a rocky place, looked around, and then walked to the front of a stone, moving the stone away to reveal a cave.

"Hey? It’s really a secret cave. These two little pandas are so smart." Chu Xian watched them drag the yak into it, and then a little panda moved the stone next to the cave again, blocking the entrance, hidden very good.

"Go in and see." Chu Xian smiled on his face, speeded up, and crossed the distance of a few kilometers in a few seconds, came to the side of the nest and moved the stone at the entrance to the nest.

In the heart of the movement, scanning towards the inside, the two first pandas are lying on two stones, next to them, the yak's body is making a sizzling sound.

Chu Xian looked down and found that there was a red stone below, and it was still a very large red stone.

This redstone is at least two or three meters in size, much larger than the red rocks in the water monkey and the big lizard nest.

Chu Xian’s face showed an unexpected look. He did not think that these two guys actually occupied such a big red stone.

On this road, Chu Xian encountered a lot of races, some races wandered around, there is no fixed place of residence.

Obviously they don't have a nest with redstone.

This red stone is like a life fire for the creatures in this space.

Only with this red stone can you have a strong strength.

He did not expect that two timid first pandas with only 15,000 attacks would occupy such a good place.


The two little pandas lying on the stone saw a figure coming to their hole, suddenly stiffened, and immediately climbed up and made a weird sound.

The panda's voice is very rich, and Chu Xian does not know what they express. He walks toward them with a smile.

The two pandas saw him approaching and immediately clawed their claws as if they were threatening him.

Chu Xian smiled and gave off a strong momentum. The pressure of the rule covered the two pandas.

However, what he did not think was that the two pandas felt his pressure, and the hair on his body immediately exploded, and did not hesitate to escape into the cave.

Chu Xian wrong, under his induction, suddenly found that this nest has not only one entrance, there are three entrances.

"The three caves of the Rex Rabbit!" Chu Xian's face showed a speechless look, these two pandas are really smart.

However, this is a bit of fun for Chu Xian.

With a physique, Chu Xian directly surpassed the two beginning pandas at a horrible speed, looking at them with a smirk.

The two directly fell down and looked at him with horror.

In their memory, it seems that this creature has encountered it several times.

The two pandas slowly receded toward the rear and turned to the other exit.

"Want to run, come over as my pet." Chu Xian smiled and reached out, deformed the squid into a rope and quickly wrapped around the neck of the two pandas.

The squid squid turns into a dog chain and wraps around their neck.

The two pandas had a look of horror on their faces, and they ran hard toward the front, only to find that the power from behind made it impossible to escape.

One panda is close to the other panda, and the sharp mouth opens to bite the rope that the deformed squid turns into.

However, it has already found a sizzling voice and still can't bite.

When the two pandas saw this situation, they immediately turned their heads and rushed toward Chuxian.

Talent bear pounce.

Chu Xian looked at them, a whip appeared in his hand and went straight to the two pandas.

"Oh." Two loud voices, the pandas that the bears rushed in immediately exploded, the hair erected and jumped there.

The attack of Chu Xian Whip is not very heavy, but the voltage is attached to it, which makes the two pandas jump in pain.

"Don't think about running, follow me." Chu Xian licked the rope.

The two pandas looked at each other and were a little restless.

Chu Xian walked over, the two pandas looked and immediately retreated.

He smiled and licked the rope and walked over to touch their heads.

"Oh." The two pandas bowed their heads in horror.

"Go." Chu Xian smiled on the face, this pet is good, the national treasure does not say, but also has a terrifying attack power, and it seems very good.

Ability to swim in the water.

Chu Xian carefully looked at it and found that it has an organ like a fish.

After taking them to a red stone position, the yak's body has been completely refining into a thumb-sized piece of meat.

"This is the essence of the whole body of the yak." Chu Xian picked up the meat on the top and reached for the eyes of the two pandas.

"In the future, you are called the big bear, you are called the two bears." Chu Xian said with a smile.

The two pandas screamed twice, and some looked at him timidly. They looked at the yak in his hand and opened their mouths.

Panda: Energy 12499

Talent: bear paw, bear pounce

Attack power: 15745

"The attack power has directly increased by one hundred ~ ~ Chu Xian to see their increase in attack power, his face with a shocked look.

"Is it true that the energy contained in the meat is also related to the size of the red stone. The more the red stone is condensed, the more energy it has?" Chu Xian is very surprised.

If a creature can increase a hundred attacks, then he has to get some more of this meat to go back.

"However, this may also be due to the lower energy of the panda. If I eat it, it will be a good idea to increase the attack power by ten points." Chu Xian heart secretly.

"Walk away, take you to kill the wild monsters and then upgrade." Chu Xian's face showed an excited look.

It may not be possible to take the red stone here, but it is also good to breed two super giant pandas. It is also a very powerful assistant on the land.

Taking advantage of the two pandas, Chu Xian walked outside.

The poor two little guys were behind the grievances and didn't know how the creature in front of them would treat them.

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