MTL - I Can Turn into a Fish-v3 Chapter 518 Domination of pandas, target white eagle

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"The yak yak, a total of five, just happened."

Chu Xian took the bear big bear two long time, they met two yaks.

The yak's attack power is not very strong, so this causes very few yak groups to occupy a geocentric magnet (the first two have some bugs, the red stone is called the geocentric magnet, can be explored, and the natural heart is concise, No attack power.)

There is no geocentric magnet, which is at the lowest end of the biological chain in this world.

Chu Xian looked at the five geocentric magnets, looked at the bear big bear two with a smile, and then directly threw it in front of the five yaks.

Five yaks, according to the attack power of Xiong Da Xiong 2, they can be defeated, even if the bear big bear two looks smaller.

The bear big bear, who was thrown by Chu Xian unscrupulously, suddenly stunned his whole body hair and his face looked terrified.

However, this is their horrific discovery that the black weird ropes around their necks prevented them from escaping.

Clever, they quickly thought that this is the weird creature that made a ghost.

However, they did not have the slightest way to cry and sullenly look at the five pairs of blood red eyes, tears are flowing out.

The big chest refers to three of them, and then refers to the bear II.

Xiong Er quickly shook his head and pointed to two of them.

Xiong Da did not agree and referred to three of them again.

Following the bear two, he hurriedly shook his head.


Just when the two stocks are discussing that you are dealing with three, when I deal with two, five yaks rushed over, they lined up in a row, the hard horns were aimed at them, and they slammed on the ground. Come over.

The bear big bear suddenly panicked and wanted to go backwards, only to find that the rope on his neck immediately stopped them.

The two of them were only able to bite the scalp and greet the yak that rushed over.

"Bear pounce."

Still their talent, the bear pounces directly to the top, and the two disproportionate figures form a stark contrast.

However, Xiong Daxiong II; immediately stopped two yaks that rushed over.

At this time, the yak on the side turned to hit them again.

The bear bear jumped up to the body of Chu Xian, and the palm of his hand fell on the body of the yak.

"Hey!" The two yaks were screaming with anger and swaying.

The bear bears are caught on their bodies, and the little bear's paw slaps.


The screams came, and the two yaks fell to the ground at the same time. On their backs, there appeared a bear paw mark.

The three yaks on both sides can only look at the red eyes, and they dare not attack.

When the two yaks fell, the three yaks continued to attack, and the sturdy horns ran again.

The bear big bear once again turned a heel, and fell on the body of two yaks. A bear paw began to attack very skillfully.

One palm and one palm, don't look at their bear's paw is very small, but each attack makes a dull collision.

Bear's body is very flexible, like the Kung Fu Panda in the movie. It doesn't matter if the legs are short, but the attack is agile.

Soon, the two yaks were knocked down again on the ground. The bear patted the chest and pointed to the last yak, pointing to the bear II to let it attack.

Xiong Er waved his hand and gestured to let it deal with it.

At this time, the red-eyed yak showed fear in his eyes, and quickly turned and fled toward the distance.

This made the bear big bear stunned and stared at the yak to escape.

Chu Xian has been watching their battles for hundreds of meters. When they saw the last scene, they couldn’t help but pump.

It’s really awkward.

"Smart is very smart, it is too embarrassing, this should be well tuned to them." Chu Xian's face showed a smile.

The two pandas are very cute, and the most important thing is that they are very smart. Their IQ is like a child of seven or eight years old.

This little cute is the best pet.

The only downside is that these two guys are too embarrassing to make a good change.

When the two guys looked around, Chu Xian came over and claped at them.

Xiong Daxiong looked at him with a sullen look, and some did not know what the creature was doing.

"Mobil the yak's body into your nest." Chu Xian pointed to the corpse on the ground.

When Xiong Daxiong saw his movements, he clearly understood his thoughts, so he walked over to the body and bit it with his mouth.

They bit a body and looked up at him.

Chu Xian frowned and pointed at them to the bodies of the other two yaks.

Xiong Daxiong blinked and looked at the two bodies, some helpless.

Chu Xian has been pointing at it all the time, watching them intently.

Eventually, the body of the bear smashed to the side of the other body and then bit the tails of the two yaks.

The bear two followed the action, and the two guys bit their tails and looked at Chu Xian.

"Be smart enough." Chu Xian nodded with satisfaction, then took them back to the nest.

When the four bodies were thrown onto the geocentric magnet, they quickly condensed into four yak extracts.

After handing the four pieces of meat to them, Xiong Da Xiong II swallowed his belly and his face showed a happy look.

"Oh, then go ahead." Chu Xian saw them, then, holding the black rope, went outside.

This time, Xiong Daxiong II got honest and followed him to the outside.

"How many yaks this time."

After the essence of the four yak was eaten by them, their attack power increased by two hundred. This growth rate is still very fast.

Chu Xian walked out of their nest, and the heart moved, and the sound waves scanned around.

"Hey, what kind of creature is this?" At this time, Chu Xian sensed that there was a battle in a position not far away.

A ten-meter-sized creature with wings flies in the sky. Below is a yak herd with more than two hundred yaks.

The most powerful yak is seven or eight meters in size, with lightning on the horns.

"Go, we are in the past." Chu Xian took the bear big bear two quickly toward the battlefield, his eyes locked in the creature flying in the sky.

This is the first flying creature that Chu Xian came to this space. The body shape of about two meters exudes a powerful momentum.

In this space, the gravity of the earth is very strong, and in addition to being in the water, there are few creatures that can fly.

But the huge bird can fly, and its strength must be very strong.

"I don't know if the bird is strong or not, and if the IQ is online, if it can, it will be received as a pet." Chu Xian's face showed excitement.

This creature is not found in the sea on land.

The speed of Chu Xian is very fast, and Xiong Da Xiong 2 can't catch up.

In the end, what made Chu Xian feel speechless was that the two guys stood there motionless.

Chu Xian’s face was black, and the two lying guys walked toward the 20-kilometre position.

"Hey!" From a distance of a few kilometers, Chu Xian heard the powerful sound of the bird's penetration. This call is very harsh and makes the ear hurt.

Xiong Daxiong quickly squinted his ears with the bear's paw, and some fear looked toward the front.

The shape of the Kui fish quickly spread to the back of Chu Xian, and turned a pair of wings behind.

The wings are moving, and Chu Xian also flies into the sky.

Part of the shape of the Kui fish still became a rope tied with the bear big bear two, they saw Chu Xian flew up, suddenly frightened to grasp the rope at the neck, a pair of black and white eyes clearly won the boss.

Chu Xian flew into the sky with the help of the shape of the Kui fish, looking at the distance.

There, a two-meter-sized pet like a white eagle, with lightning speed, swooped down from time to time to attack the yak below.

More than two hundred yaks eagerly stared at the white eagle in the sky, his eyes showing an angry look.

Chu Xian found that this white eagle is not very powerful, the only advantage is the ability to fly and speed.

Its speed is similar to the speed at which the current Chu Xian is full.

But the attack power is much weaker, but it should have reached 20,000.

"Great, a white eagle with more than 20,000 attacks, challenged more than two hundred yaks, and some of them have at least 20,000 attacks." Chu Xian looked over and looked at the trembling bear big bear II. , flew directly and kicked two feet.

Look at the people, the more you fight, the more you look at you, the slap in the face, and run away when you are older than you.

"Hey!" At this moment, the sharp eyes of the white eagle glanced at the bottom, and the unparalleled speed directly attacked a yak on the edge.

"Hey!" The attacked yak raised the horn and retaliated, but the white eagle's keen action directly escaped, and the sharp claws caught directly on its back, and then slammed it into the sky.


The white eagle seemed to celebrate the general two calls, flying to the high altitude of the kilometer, then loosening the yak, followed by direct dive, the full 20 cm mouth directly penetrated the yak's body, and it was body A piece of meat was bitten down and placed on a 20-meter-high tree.

Chu Xian discovered that there are twelve such **** meat pieces in the tree.

"It seems that this white eagle should be like the water know the essence of the creature, and it has slaughtered more than a dozen yaks, very powerful."

Chu Xiang looked at it, and after the white eagle put down the meat, he flew over the yak.


At this time, below, a seven or eight-meter-sized yak, lightning flashing on the horns, directly attacked the white eagle in the sky.

"Hey." The White Eagle quickly flew toward the side, and the speed of agility made it avoid lightning attacks.


The White Eagle screamed twice again and hovered over the yak.

Xiong Daxiong II looked at the white eagle in the sky and looked at it.

This is so handsome, this speed, what powerful enemies can escape?

"Be sure to catch this guy as a pet." Chu Xian looked at the white eagle, and immediately decided.