MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 54 . The fifty-fourth performance

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It was the first time that Liu Qingqing rode in the spaceship of Cosmos Maxthon, and spent nearly two days resting on the spaceship.

do nothing.

Just lie down comfortably by the transparent glass ship window and watch the unique vision of the starry sky outside the window.

Most of the time, outside the window is rambling black.

Occasionally passing by a certain planet, the starlight is drawn into a long strip, with a bluish tone, vast but cool.

Liu Qingqing had a good time watching it, and took a sip of the celery juice from the smart waiter.

"What's so good about it? Look?"

Li Mo commanded intelligence and brought dinner.

"We will enter the crew as soon as we land, can you read the script?"

Liu Qingqing stretched her neck and waved her hand, "Tomorrow? Let's see?"

Li Mo: "…"

Before boarding the spaceship, she was still a workaholic.

In the crew of "Meeting You", were they filming in front of the camera, watching outside the camera, filming by other actors, or quietly watching the already rotten paper script.

But after getting on the spaceship, she changed!

Only a three-year-old child will be watching from the edge of the ship's window for two full days at noon!

The process of flying between planets is very boring.

Except for the occasional passing of a few planets, most of the time it is endless darkness.

Cosmic poster photos are better than this!

As long as you have flown a few times, you will get tired of watching it!

"I did, I said before, let you not this time? You have to be sharp and suppress all the intelligence of the military area, because this is a collective group drama, and this work reflects the power of all human beings..."

Li Mo pressed his temples.

"But I didn't let you… completely relax."

Now she's so loose!

Have you memorized all the script lines?

Before? No? Did you still write small compositions for characters?

When I came out of the "Meet? You" crew, I didn't see her working!

"No hurry." Liu Qingqing waved her hand.

But Shui Mu noticed? Fingers, just paused,

"I heard that there is a free beauty service on the spacecraft. Can you book a hand treatment for me?"

Li Mo: "…"

He turned his head and commanded wisdom.

But soon turned back worriedly.

This doomsday script is a group portrait work.

Although there are male protagonists and female protagonists, they are not individual heroes who fight alone. They are just a record perspective to observe the whole army united with the people and strive to survive in the apocalypse.

In the whole work, there are 50 main roles.

As many as 150,000 smart artists and military intelligence participated in the group performance shooting.

"In this work, the scale of the group performances involved is very large, and it pays more attention to the shooting efficiency. Once NG comes back, it may affect thousands of group performances, and make the follow-up tens of thousands of actors enter the timeout waiting period."

Li Mo read through the script.

Before he was in charge of the annual draft, and also dealt with thousands of artists and developers.

But he has never participated in such a super masterpiece involving 150,000 people.

Thinking of the previous golden shots, if a player drags down the progress of the game, he will not give a good face.

Li Mo felt that Liu Qingqing was taking it too lightly now.

"How many scenes are there, I think the script involves the interior of the military area?..."

Li Mo couldn't help but diverge when Liu Qingqing was using salad.

"If you enter the military area to shoot, you need to apply layer by layer. After approval, you must strictly abide by the prescribed shooting time. If you repeatedly NG and slow down the progress, you will be scolded by the scheduling AI!"

"Is your role important? It's possible to be cut or replaced."

This is where the role of the broker comes into play.

He has the duty to supervise the artist.

Liu Qingqing could only lazily get up from the reclining chair, but in a second she pulled out a yoga mat.

Facing the window of the spaceship, a lift.

Li Mo: "…"

He said it all in vain, right?

"Then you sit down and I read the script to you?"

Just as Liu Qingqing was about to do the moon worship ceremony, she couldn't help but chuckle and could only straighten up.

"Brother Li, do you know what an experiential actor is?"


"I need to experience the core emotions of the characters. You know what the core of this? Doomsday work is?"

"Huh? Human unity?"

Liu Qingqing turned her head and shook her head.


Liu Qingqing shook her head, stretched out her index finger, and slowly pointed to the long black outside the spaceship window.

The spacecraft landed three days later.

There was nothing wrong with Liu Qingqing, but Yinxi's face was pale, obviously seasick.

Li Mo asked Yinxi to go to the resting place first, and then accompanied Liu Qingqing into the shooting base of "Doomsday 4831" for a visit.

In mid-air, there is a whole 495,995 square meter shooting building complex, there are human residential areas full of damaged streets and broken high-rise buildings, there are primitive desert areas with depleted energy, and there are even battles with unknown creatures in the universe. District, Military District…

"Buildings 1 to 100 East are the resting areas for actors."

As soon as they arrived, there was the pilot AI of the crew to introduce them to their various areas.

"There are supermarkets, restaurants, and leisure supply stations for department stores, as well as R&D stores for smart repairs. If you don't have a shooting session on that day, don't leave the living area and enter the shooting venue at will."

"If you want to leave the base, go to the Imperial City for activities, or go to other planets to take part in other jobs, you need to apply to me three days in advance. You can only leave after getting approval, otherwise I will be with you. In this work record, a negative score for poor performance is given."

Linghang AI introduced a circle, and sent Liu Qingqing and Li Mo the "Code of Conduct for Participating Actors" and "Code for Staff" respectively.

When it left?, Li Mo whispered.

"You get the first place in the Golden Lens, and you officially debut, and your name will automatically enter the Star Alliance Actors Guild."

"For each of your works, the co-director and AI will rate you."

"Of course, after the work is broadcast, the audience's response will also form a comprehensive score for your work."

"For investors and AI analysis, this score is a very important reference when considering whether to let an actor participate."

Liu Qingqing understood, "Where? Can I view it??"

"Ah, you should have 0 points now. After all, after your golden shot, "Meet? You" just finished filming, and the director's score must have not been uploaded yet."

Li Mo's voice just fell.

See? Liu Qingqing opened the personal smart panel.

In the light screen, a dense list popped up instantly.

#Star Alliance Actors Scoreboard#

#NO1 Su Jiang 4.93 million points (Queen *3)

NO2 Luo Heng 3.49 million points (actor *2)

NO3 Xue Shufei 2.39 million points (actor *2)

NO100 rice sauce 430,000 points#

#刘青青, isn't it in the top 100 of Star Alliance actors, and is currently ranked 19394354? #

#Currently? Points: 100#

#The source of the latest credit: The director of "Meet? You" scored. #

#Director's comment: perfect~#

"How come!? The score will be reviewed by AI, and the review period will be one week."

Also with dashes...

Li Mo stared!

The director gave her 100 points before she was finished?

"100 is a perfect score?"

Liu Qingqing raised her eyebrows.

The tone is obviously not a question, but an infinite affirmation.

Li Mo: "...Yes."

"The first place? How did you get four million points?"

Isn't it? Are you going to shoot tens of thousands of works?

Liu Qingqing rested her chin with one hand.

Li Mo: "...Don't you want to underestimate the influence of an excellent actress on the crew."

What does it mean to directly target the first place?

Not even 100 people? Don't take it seriously? Is it?

Are you still on the 19th millionth?!

"Understood, no? Not only the director, but the lighting, photography, recording, and even the actors in the opposite scenes can rate me."

Liu Qingqing turned her face sideways.

"Can AI do it too?"

Li Mo nodded, "Yes, AI has its own set of scoring logic, and each type of intelligent work is different. For example, if you often damage props in the crew, you are likely to get it."

Liu Qingqing blinked, "Didn't you tell me earlier?"

Li Mo sighed, "Don't you? You keep saying, what kind of experience do you have in acting? Let me tell you, can you still concentrate on acting all day long? Worrying about props being damaged?"

"Also, I don't know the AI's scoring standards, which are formulated by the Alliance Actors Association and are kept secret from the outside world."

"As for the non-intelligent staff, the points are more subjective. There was once a newcomer actor who won the Best Newcomer Award for her work, but the filming director gave her -100 points."

Li Mo spread his hands.

"Even if I tell you it's useless, it will only increase your psychological pressure."

Liu Qingqing nodded, "ok, so be it, points or not? Just leave it alone."

"Cough," Li Mo touched his nose, "I may have forgotten to say it, but it's not completely useless. In addition to investors' reference, the points can also be exchanged for rewards at the Actors Association. For example, 100 points should be OK. Redeem a travel U-shaped neck pillow."

Liu Qingqing: "..."

Thank you.

Li Mo comforted, "In short, let's go with the flow. Yes, of course I'm happy, and I'm happy if I don't."

As a result, that afternoon, Liu Qingqing swiped 20,000 points, which arrived in the account a week later.

Li Mo almost dropped his chin!

On the first day? Entering the crew, Liu Qingqing went to the actor training in the afternoon.

This is generally the case with regular production crews. The actors will be called up in advance, and they will do intensive training before the start of the film. Some are ancient manners, and some are physical training, which are different from each other.

And this "Doomsday" crew is divided into actor roles.

Actors who play soldiers all go to military training to experience life in the military.

Non-military actors, for example, Liu Qingqing plays a female supermarket boss. When the doomsday is turbulent, she joins the human volunteer team, and finally uses her wisdom to deliver a batch of important living materials and medicines to the military...

The crew training she received this time was a one-week simulation experience of supermarket operation, as well as interspersed acting training.

"You need to learn how to stock up, organize the shelves, and how to use the cash register this week."

"Forget that you have an intelligent robot to help with this! Because it's the end of the day, everything is on your own? You can save the next energy battery in a week, understand?"

The training intelligence stood by the cash register, "I'll show you a demonstration, you'd better? Record a video..."

Five minutes later, Liu Qingqing skillfully tapped the cash register keyboard, opened the change cabinet, and took out a piece of five yuan and two coins, with a smile on her face that made you feel at home and the customer is God.

"Your change."

Training Intelligence: "…"

In the mechanical eyes, red lights flickered one by one.

Eventually flashes green.

"The steps are correct and the posture is standard."

"Learning hours - record breaking."

"+100 points."

Don't worry, Li Mo, who is watching next to you: "???"

"Can you still use the cash register in the last days? It also uses electricity, can it continue to be used in the apocalypse?" Liu Qingqing frowned and muttered.

In the eyes of the training intelligent light, a series of codes flashed.

Eventually flashes yellow.

"Found a possible script bug and uploaded it to the screenwriter AI."

"BUG is established, reward 100 points."

Li Mo: "???"

Half an hour later, Liu Qingqing painstakingly stepped on the tricycle, crossed the two streets, squeaked, and stopped at the entrance of the supermarket skillfully, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Get out of the car and pull out a cart from the supermarket, and carry out boxes of mineral water and bread.

Familiarly read the production date, and put them on the shelf efficiently and neatly according to the principle of the sooner the expiration date and the outer layer of the shelf.

The training intelligence flashes green continuously.

"In line with the wretched behavior of the owner of the small supermarket on the earth, 100 points."

Li Mo: "..."

The training intelligence of the supermarket will soon announce that the get out of class will be dismissed in advance.

"Thank you Miss Liu Qingqing for your cooperation. Your efficiency has provided a lot of convenience for my work."

"You can choose to rest now, or go to the next training location to check in - acting comprehensive training."

For acting training, the crew will hold three performances in the morning, noon and evening every day, and the participating actors can take classes at any time in their spare time.

For a rookie actor like Liu Qingqing, the crew stipulated that she must attend 80 hours of acting training.

Eight hours a day can take ten days.

Liu Qingqing decided not to rest first, and finished the training in a hurry.

"After the acting class, can I go back to the supermarket? I still want to feel like a supermarket owner."

Train an intelligent optical eye and instantly become two stars.


At the same time, on the big screen of the director's room in the director's room, a record was circled in color along with the five-star evaluation.

#Liu Qingqing supermarket training overtime completed, evaluation +100 points (high efficiency)#

#Liu Qingqing is good at thinking, finds bugs, evaluates +100 points (high wisdom)#

#Liu Qingqing requests overtraining, evaluation +100 points (high self-demand)#

#刘青青不? Take a break, go to the acting class, and evaluate +100 points (high tenacity)#

[Single training, accumulative 500 points, trigger five-star evaluation! 】

【excellent. 】

[She has the same tenacious character and intelligent brain as the character. In today's flood of intelligent AI?, she still maintains an independent and calm attitude towards things, and pursues a higher degree of self-improvement. 】

[Suggestion: Absorb into the military arts. 】

[Suggestion: For future military-themed film and television works, priority will be given to hiring. 】

Director's room.

A pair of long legs in military trousers, folded on the sofa.

There was a burst of snoring.

On the man's left shoulder was a gold-silver-edged star badge, which was faintly illuminated by the subtitles that jumped out of the light screen.

"Director Mu, the afternoon's acting training has begun." AI prompted for a while.

The man on the sofa turned over and sat up with his eyes closed.

"No? Let people sleep."

"Just finished a 34-hour shooting mission, and I was asked to get up and work again."

"Anyone who can do better than me—"

Standing up, she yawned, her neat military uniform wrinkled slightly.

The lights on the screen had already gone out.

"Let's start first. I'll go back to the Propaganda Department and ask them to contact Marshal Lu Dingzhen. I'll come back to the Training Department in an hour."


"It seems that this filming team has a military background. I heard before that a military-themed movie was directed by a lieutenant colonel last year."

"I'm afraid the director of this apocalyptic work is at the level of a lieutenant colonel or above."

Li Mo accompanied Liu Qingqing out of the small supermarket and lowered his voice.

He found that the shooting bases were all managed by militarization.

They walked in the training area, no one spoke aloud, and the discipline was clear.

Every road, intersection, and building door has guard intelligence standing in military posture.

Styling Reuters, script leakage issues that other crews may be worried, not at all? It may happen.

Not to mention the paparazzi candid photos, even if a drone flew in, I am afraid it would be shot down immediately!

"Today? Go back, let's? Okay? Read the two shooting rules."

Li Mo wiped his sweat.

Who would have thought? It would be so stressful to make a doomsday drama.

He is a good citizen, his heart is pounding!

Liu Qingqing patted him with a smile, "How are we? Okay? Filming, no? What will happen to you."

There are many troop works on earth, some employ military actors, and many use ordinary artists.

She also communicated with some seniors with military backgrounds, and they more or less retain the living habits that they had been trained in the army.

When they are at work, they are more focused and persistent than ordinary people, and they value collective honor more.

She has cooperated several times and learned from them.

While they were talking, they arrived at the acting training ground.

"Today, what I'm going to talk about is not a simple crying scene, but a multi-level crying scene expression!"

On the podium, the AI ​​instructor held a teaching stick.

He waved towards the R&D divisions who followed the intelligence one by one.

"Remember three times."

"First, five seconds. You need to look at the red flag for five seconds, and your eyes will gradually turn red as the Volunteer March sings."

"Second, 7 seconds. In the seventh second, I want to see that the tears condensed into a ball of water in your left eye, filling your entire eye socket, and are not allowed to fall."

"Third, 12 seconds. I want the tear in your left eye, pay attention? It's the drop, no? Show me? Tears the size of sesame seeds! No one? Want the audience to take a microscope to see? Yours Tears! I want a big ball, like the weight of tears condensed, more than the maximum limit your eyes can bear, slap and fall."

"Remember, only the left eye can shed tears. It must be neat and beautiful at the moment of falling. Don't give me half a day, only half of it."

"Also, there should be tears in the right eye, but don't let it fall!"

The AI ​​instructor tapped the light screen.

"Now, give you ten minutes! Which one can't do it? R&D division, adjust your smart artist logic immediately for me!"

"Ten minutes later, who can't do it? 10 points will be deducted!"

Li Mo: "…"

Good? Guys.

Is this training?

It is a topic of tears programming at all!

Accurate to how many seconds to shed tears...and only allow the left eye to shed tears, and the right eye to contain only tears.

Have you considered the feelings of live actors?

All are precision instruments!

"It's alright, you just got 50 points, just deduct it..."

Li Mo comforted Liu Qingqing.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw her fair-skinned face under the lights of the training room, faintly showing a hint of confidence.

Liu Qingqing was neither angry nor surprised at all.

Unsurprisingly, he walked into the training room and stood in the last corner.

Raise your jaw line and raise your hands.


The AI ​​trainers were stunned.

Li Mo's heart skipped a beat.

The scalp is numb!

"Liu Qingqing, don't collide with the instructor, it's all military skills..."

He lowered his voice.

"What's the problem, say." But the AI ​​trainer? Already heard? She called the report.

Li Mo nodded.

"Is there a countdown broadcast at the scene, or am I? Look at the brain clock?" Liu Qingqing asked.

Li Mo was stunned.

Indeed, she is not intelligent, the precise seconds need to look at the time.

Sure enough, the AI ​​trainer has no objection.

"Follow my orders later."

"The original intention of the training is to simulate the shooting scene. When the director asks you, you must stop it!"

Liu Qingqing nodded.

Li Mo had a particularly bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, all the four walls of the training room turned dark.

There is a huge and incomparable countdown seconds in the middle.

At the same time, there were very noisy machine sounds and human voices in the room.

Some of the conversations are so clear that you can even hear them? Talk about what to eat for lunch.

Some are blurry, but can you hear? Someone is laughing.

There is even a call ringing, which is a very cheerful ringtone.

The whole training room swept away the solemn and quiet atmosphere just now, and it became like a vegetable market.

If just now, accurate crying scenes were difficult for many intelligences, then now, this is not conducive to a noisy environment where emotions are brewing, and it is very bad for Liu Qingqing.

"Start!" The AI ​​instructor gave an order.

Li Mo clasped his hands together in panic.

12 seconds of crying, just a moment.

No ordinary person would notice the passage of 12 seconds.

But it was just a few short breaths.

But at this moment?

"1 second…"

"2 seconds..."

The cold and severe voice of the AI ​​instructor was like a big mountain, pressing on Li Mo's chest.

The pressure of the countdown is overwhelming.

Li Mo wanted to walk out of the training room to breathe.

However, he heard a slight electronic sound in the very close area.

Looking sideways, it was a miniature camera floating in front of Liu Qingqing.

latest model.

It was making a brisk broadcast sound.




As if playing a game of rhythm masters, the camera announces, praising her for every hit that lands on the timbre of the drums.

2 hits, 3 hits, ... 7 hits... Continuously.

Li Mo: "…"

Who made this little program?

Are you so fond of playing antique games?

He pricked up his ears and listened to the other smart actors in the front row.


Good? Guys, this rhythm master plays like a dog.

Li Mo turned his attention back to Liu Qingqing.



Li Mo: "..."

Difficulty turning his head, he looked at Liu Qingqing.

I saw that her profile was shrouded in fog, and her whole body exuded a high-level temperament, just like the all-black hoodie on her body.

Otherwise, if her chest was still panting, he would have suspected that this was the intelligence developed by the Liu family!

In front of the camera that precisely reads the frame? Accurately 12 seconds?

"Congratulations, tears training, perfect pass!"

"Evaluation: Excellent, give 100 points."

Li Mo: "!"

"It's easy to get points~"

Liu Qingqing wiped away her tears and played in a second.


The author has something to say: see you tomorrow! There is always the illusion that tomorrow is the weekend, but today is Tuesday, what, shocked me.

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts