MTL - I Conquered the Universe With Acting-Chapter 81 . 81st performance

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Emotional observation room.

"Talk about a virtual romance?"

Zhang Zhida couldn't help but repeat.

He is a producer and has done several films.

Even if the male and female lead actors are smart artists, they will generally market a sense of CP.

This sense of CP will make the audience more engaged in watching the drama, following the emotional fluctuations of the protagonist; it will also make the audience love the characters and empathize with the two actors.

This kind of marketing, which has been around for a long time, is especially popular on earth.

It was very common for live-action artists at that time to do CP business during the business period of the play, without breaking the audience's role fantasy.

And this kind of CP marketing method that drives dramas and actors requires a core basic point:

- The actor is single.

Zhang Zhida knew this very well, so when he heard Liu Qingqing say that he wanted to fall in love, he felt a thump in his heart.

If she is in love, then? Her sense of CP in the future will be greatly weakened!

"Virtual means, you're not going to be really? in love?"

Zhang Zhida asked the question to the end.

Obviously, he needs Liu Qingqing to clarify this issue to all the audience, otherwise it will affect her future!

【The queen's thoughts, you don't care. 】

[Mortals cannot understand her thinking. 】

[No matter what Zero Zero does, I support it. What's wrong with my sister wanting to fall in love? The only thing my brother can do is to take good care of her. 】

[What's wrong with the female goose wanting to fall in love? 19 years old, you should feel love! 】

[It's okay, falling in love doesn't mean getting married. According to my experience, you have to fall in love a few times before you know what a spouse is worth entrusting. If you can't find someone worthy of your trust, don't get married. 】

[The Qing Dynasty is dead, the host doesn't want to think old-fashioned. The younger sister falls in love earlier, and it will not be easy to be deceived in the future. After the divorce cooling-off period, I understand that it is better to be deceived now than to be deceived at that time and unable to get a divorce. 】

Most of the Queen's Guard, Liu Qingqing's fan base, have this attitude.

The barrage was so harmonious that no one accused her, but they all agreed.

They also felt that Zhang Zhida's questioning was very rude and embarrassed Liu Qingqing.

Fans protect the short to the extreme!

The camera circled around the observation room, and found that everyone's eyes were on Liu Qingqing, but their expressions were different.

Professor Liao and Gao Zhenbei were curious, and they couldn't hide their gossip.

Zhang Zhida was in a hurry, eager to let her answer the question.

Only Lu Dingzhen had a cold face, but his black eyes looked at her, as if jumping on fire.

There is an interest in seeing prey and a strong sense of purpose.

This kind of strong eyes is incompatible with other people's expressions!

This one shot made the sensitive audience realize that something was wrong.

[Marshal, what are you looking at my sister? 】

[emmm, this look is not simple. Let me first predict that if the marshal wants to end his singleness, he may be with this lady Liu. After waiting for three or five years, everyone will come to dig me. 】

【? ? ? Marshal, you dare to spread rumors. If you forward 500 articles, you can be prosecuted, you know? 】

[Take away my queen and send away the marshal. 】

[Respectfully pull away the marshal and send away Miss Liu. 】

[Don't mess with CP! They are observers, not cabin pairing guests! Wake up! 】

There was a quarrel in the barrage.

Lu Dingzhen has a high national standing. Although he rarely shows up, there are many young people who like him.

He and Liu Qingqing both have their own fan base.

Fans are all looking at their own baby, and it is a grievance to match anyone.

Fans don't want to pay attention to this kind of Lalang match because of one look.

And Liu Qingqing, who made this farce, also smiled decently at the camera.

"My way of acting is experiential."

"If you want to interpret strong love, the best way is to experience it for yourself."

【! 】

【? What? 】

【Sister, you are so fierce! experience? ? Then? You play the killer? 】

"If reality doesn't allow it, then? Take the next step, study cases, figure out psychology, and rely on imagination."

Liu Qingqing answered with a smile.

"So I came to the observation room just to observe the male and female guests in the cabin."

After she finished speaking, the camera gave the other guests another panoramic view.

Zhang Zhida was obviously relieved.

Liao Xianji and Gao Zhenbei nodded again and again, apparently discovering the methodology of her performance.

Lu Dingzhen raised his eyebrows and twisted slightly.

This expression is worth pondering.

[Marshal, are you serious when you look disappointed? 】

[Marshal: I don't understand, but frowning to show respect? 】

[hhhh talent in front! 】

[Don't interpret the expressions indiscriminately, everyone's mind is different! The marshal has a lot of troubles every day, has troublesome military work, and frowns is normal! 】

[Marshal S+ mental power, he probably only spent one-third of his time concentrating on the studio, and the other two-thirds were thinking about work. Stop feeling good about yourself and think he's following her! 】

[Yes, the marshal is not an ordinary person. 】

[Although, hot knowledge, Marshal Lu in the doomsday film? A real person starred in and awarded honors to the actors. Miss Liu is one of them? There is a close-up of him face to face. They know! 】

[Marshal Lu obviously has a crush on Miss Liu. Did you know that "Planet" has the highest box office of a decade doomsday film? She is talented and has helped the military region promote the doomsday crisis, the national response propaganda. 】

[Cold knowledge: Miss Liu has been absorbed into military art (I have some connections)]

【! ah? 】

【true and false? 】

[So that's the case, is it your own person? 】

[No wonder, there are people who don't know about the short guard in the military region? 】

[I don’t know, my female goose is a military artist? ! 】

A barrage of bombing.

So that Zhang Zhida later communicated with the guests, and some of the audience did not hear it.

#Warning, audience attention shift#

#Warning, the audience focuses on hot spots: Liu Qingqing 51%, Lu Dingzhen 49%#

#Warning, the host please do it with these two as soon as possible? Q&A#

Zhang Zhida, who was just chatting with Gao Zhenbei about his daughter Gao Yueru's personality, heard AI prompts in his ears continuously.

#Core question reference: 'Is this love between the two', 'Does joining the military arts have anything to do with the marshal', 'The feeling of the two face-to-face', 'Are you heartbroken'#


Zhang Zhida almost fainted.

Really speechless!

Is this dog AI serious?

Are you going to frame him!

What's all this about?

Let him introduce the commoners and publicize the story of the marshal and the female artist in front of hundreds of millions of viewers!

Isn't this courting death!

Will he continue to develop in the industry in the future?

Zhang Zhida was sweating profusely.

AI is really not easy to use!

He only cares about the performance of the show, the degree of discussion, and whether he lives or dies personally!

"Cough, Miss Liu Qingqing," Zhang Zhida pretended to be calm, "Marshal Lu Dingxuan...cough, you are all single..."

When he finished speaking, he felt two gazes.

One is hot and one is cold.

From the right, from the left, attacked respectively.

Flanking from both sides, he was in the double torture of ice and fire.

Zhang Zhida touched the sweat on his forehead.

"What do you think... what love looks like?"

After asking, he felt two lines of sight drifting away from him.

One hot and one cold, most of them disappeared.

Zhang Zhida admires his wit so much!

But as soon as he turned his head, he was sweating again.

Both sides of the round table.

Liu Qingqing raised her eyes and looked at Lu Dingjia's black eyes.

The two looked at each other across the round table.

Zhang Zhida: "...!"

This tacit understanding.

Also ask, does this have a leg?


Professor Liao and Mr. Gao obviously never looked at each other like this!

"Then? I'll answer first?"

Liu Qingqing raised her red lips and blinked.

She looked at Lu Dingzhen, just to confirm whether he wanted to say it first.

But seeing that the other party didn't move, those deep and stern black eyes just looked at her and didn't say anything, she just nodded and opened her mouth first.

Leaders are always the last to speak.

No problem.

Liu Qingqing smiled, "I think the most important thing in love is sincerity."

Zhang Zhida also smiled.

I believe in your evil.

The most important thing is not the marshal!

"Where's Marshal Lu?"

Zhang Zhida turned his head sideways, and was startled again!

Lu Dingzhen's eyes always fell on Liu Qingqing's face.

She didn't leave after she answered.

It was not until Zhang Zhida asked a question that he spat out two words from his thin lips.


Zhang Zhida was stunned.

I always wonder where is this answer? Not quite right, weird.

【Sincere, loyal? 】

[Marshal, do you like my queen so much? Answering questions must be imitated in pairs? 】

[Good guy, are you competing for synonyms? 】

[These two are really nothing? Calm down, I want to calm down! 】

【Is it a coincidence? A soldier is a loyal character, and an actor must be sincere to the audience! 】

[Speaking of being tired, you just think too much! 】

[Liu Qingqing, Lu Dingzhen... Engagement CP, comrades, I have a good name! 】

【Shut up! Continue to watch the show, do you feel sad if you don't pull CP? ! 】

The barrage is going to be noisy again.

Usually, even if the two intelligences interact, the audience can make up a big CP drama.

Not to mention today, there is a couple of young talents and beauties on the show together.

Every time the two looked at each other and had a conversation, the audience of eating melons excitedly wanted to croak.

This experience is a hundred times more intense than they look smart!

The interaction of real people is that there is a strong hormone flowing on the screen!

"Did you two know each other before?"

Zhang Zhida was forced to ask questions by AI again.

"Yes," Liu Qingqing looked down at the notebook and smiled, "I am honored to have learned a lot of perseverance and leadership qualities from the marshal. That shooting is my precious memory."

The business level of the front and rear is professional level.

Flattering leaders is also a professional level

As soon as Lu Dingzhen heard this, his black eyes sparkled a little more.

A kind of pride that a man is affirmed by a woman.

In an instant? It rushed out of his chest.

The surging temperature made his stern and stern face even more handsome, and the eyes that looked at her were softer.

"Miss Liu's professional ability is very high, which has infected me, many people in the army, and many interstellar viewers."

"I hope to see more wonderful performances by Miss Liu in the future."

The two looked at each other.

With a smile in his eyes.

One is glamorous, the other is stern.

One soft, one masculine.

A pearl dress and a dark green military uniform.

very different.


【If...this is not love~】

[Pfft, why can you make a voice in front of you! 】

[It's really a bit of a match. I kind of want to defect. 】

【Who said that just now? Engagement CP? 】

[Emmmm, can I say it directly, these two people together in the same frame is very eye-catching, complementary in temperament, and full of tension. I went to the cinema to watch it twice, and the award ceremony was so beautiful! I was a little hopeful that they were together! But I know it's not possible...the result today?! ! 】

【shake hands! The award kills me too much, I dare not say it, but myself? I have read the cycle seventeen or eight times! 】

[Domestic CP... Good guy, do the two names match so well? If true, I bless. 】

[As long as the Queen likes it and is happy, I agree to this marriage. 】

[At least her appearance is worthy of a marshal, and her conversation is not bad at present. 】

The two fans actually started to defect!

Most people, from "do not take the initiative to pull CP" to "if it is true, also support" mentality.

"This guy! What are you thinking!"

Imperial Star Military Region Sanatorium.

Lu Xingyuan looked at the big screen and patted the table vigorously.

"I don't agree with this? Marriage!"

"My family, Qingqing, is obviously still so young, so it's a good thing to match an uninteresting old man in his thirties!"

As soon as he said these words, the anger on the faces of the dozen or so old chiefs around him froze, and then disappeared.

They originally wanted to scold, but he was the first to scold them.

Lu Dingzhen is young and promising.

But it's 30, with a little girl under 20, just kidding!

Old cows eat young grass!

They absolutely disagree!

How can you let that? girl? suffer from this grievance!

Even if you want to find a marshal, you can also find a younger one!

The grandson of the old Li family is now a colonel. It's only twenty-five now!

Besides, the old Liu family is also the successor of the Minister of Information, not worse than the marshal! Very few business trips!

"Old Lu, what you said is fair."

A group of old chiefs, one after another, echoed earnestly and earnestly.

"Yes, let him give up. My family has a bright future, what kind of man does not have?"

"He has an ice cube face, and I don't agree with him either. Little girl, you have to find someone who knows how to care for her, not the chief!"

"Yes, you persuade your grandson to let him give up."

Giving up is impossible.

Lu Xingyuan nodded outwardly, but hehehe inwardly.

The Lu family are all one-strands, and do not give up easily.

This stinky boy, his eyes are as poisonous as his!

Otherwise, don't look for it, just look for the best one!

This grandson is indeed more like him than his son!

But Lu Xingyuan gritted his teeth.

Although the grandson is good, but because of the granddaughter, the grandson can also be thrown away.

That little girl is good at everything, but she wants to be loved by thousands of people.

It is too aggrieved to match myself, a grandson who stands in his thirties, travels in several military regions all day, and is too busy to go home.

"Don't worry, I'll call his father today and introduce him to a blind date immediately! If you don't go, go there, or I'll run away from home!"

"Old Lu is mighty!"

"As expected of Chief Lu, his consciousness is high!"

Lu Dingjiao in the emotional observation room is mentally sharp.

Felt something was wrong.

But he had no more room to think, and the chat in the emotional observation room came to an end.

Soon, the picture cuts to the six male and female guests in the cabin.

As an observer, he must also watch carefully.

The hut first introduced itself, then selected a man and a woman for the first hut lunch.

Among the six people, apart from two smart people, only Xiao Yiyi and Zhuang Zhuo can cook, while Cheng Xiangyu and Gao Yueru have no cooking skills.

Cooking can only be smart enough.

Xiao Yiyi is paired with Cheng Xiangyu, and Zhuang Zhuo is paired with Gao Yueru.

This is how the three pairs of cooperation were formed.

This combination is interesting.

[The real person completely ignored the choice of cooperation with intelligence. 】

[Nonsense, love show, are you in love with Smart? 】

A bumpy end to lunch.

The camera quickly returned to the studio, and Zhang Zhida said with a smile, "In the evening, it's time for the six guests to send text messages to the 'favorites'. They must send it, and only one person can send it."

"Our four observers, whoever can guess who they are texting will get a big gift from us today."

This part is the same as all love dramas.

The observer will analyze a wave of everyone's behavior, psychology, and guess who they have a crush on.

The observer's guessing is the highlight of the show.

[Hey, this game is really not difficult. 】

But this time, the barrage is almost one-sided.

[Double intelligence is tied to each other, and the four real people cast each other, there is no suspense. 】

[Yes, even a fool can see it. The pairing of cooking cooperation has proved that real people do not want to choose intelligence, intelligence can only choose each other. 】

[Cheng Xiangyu voted for Xiao Yiyi. After all, he is a partner. He has European blood and is very gentleman. Zhuang Zhuo will definitely be with Gao Yueru, brother Bing is simple and honest, and they will definitely choose cooking objects. The two girls voted in the same way. 】

Liao Xianji and Gao Zhenbei's guesses were consistent with the barrage.

They were very careful.

"They have very little contact with other people, except their own partners. So on the first day, out of respect for their partners and the principle of having the most contact, they will vote for their cooking partners. "

[Heroes see the same thing. 】

The barrage floated over a line of words, highly recognized them.

But soon a melodious and elegant female voice sounded in the observation room, breaking the harmony and unity.

"I have a somewhat different opinion."

【! 】

【Queen? 】

【You say. 】

[Hahaha, no, you are single, do you remember? 】

"Mr. Cheng, I will send a message to GIGI. Xiao Yiyi will send a message to Mu Qingyun."

"They don't send each other."

"Zhuang Zhuo, it should be sent to GIGI, or to Xiao Yiyi. Well, the former is more likely."

"Miss Gao, it should be sent to Zhuang Zhuo."

After Liu Qingqing finished speaking, she nodded affirmatively.

【! ! 】

【What? 】

[Cheng Xiangyu didn't even look at GIGI? 】

[How is it possible, Xiao Yiyi blushed when he talked to Cheng Xiangyu! 】

[Wait, brother Bing may send it to Xiao Yiyi, and not to Miss Gao who is cooking together? ? ? 】

[No, did you write the Queen's question by drawing lots? 】

[The Queen's thinking is really not something that mortals like me understand! 】

[Laughing to death, Ling Ling, you are so cute, a serious nonsense, and I like you even more! 】

The barrage burst into flames.

#The discussion of the program has increased, it is recommended to have more discussions with Liu Qingqing? Q&A#


Zhang Zhida's mouth twitched!

Random answers, random connections, more popular?

No day? Reason ah!

"I refer to Miss Liu's ideas."

On the left side of the round table, Lu Dingzhen was expressionless and followed the answer.

【! ? 】

【If...this is not love~】

[Pfft, enough, stop singing! Marshal wake up, use your S+ mental power to feel the next six guests, okay? 】

Zhang Zhida was speechless for a while.

Almost didn't know how to proceed.

Reluctantly he smiled, "You must know Zhuang Zhuoyi very well?"

Lu Dingzhen lowered her eyes, "The human heart is the most unpredictable. Zhuang Zhuo sent a text message to GIGI, and I chose to trust Miss Liu's judgment."

Zhang Zhida: "!!"

It's too hard for him to hide a leg from them, isn't it?

"Miss Liu is an excellent actor. I believe that she has professional observation and judgment on a person's expressions."

Lu Dingzhen paused for a while and spoke.

"There is a specialization in the surgery industry, and I also trust my intuition."

【! 】

[5555, I don't have a marshal yet, do you believe in my queen? 】

[Queen: Actually, I was just talking nonsense. 】

[Perhaps Zero is naughty once in a while, but the marshal took it seriously. 】

[Tsk, this wonderful sense of CP. She said nonsense, but he still believed her! 】

[Mom, you have a sense of the picture, do you just love it so much? 】

Zhang Zhida didn't know what the barrage was talking about, otherwise he would jump up.

But now he can only bite the bullet and continue the process.

"Then Miss Liu and Marshal Lu's guesses are consistent, and I agree with Professor Liao and General Manager Gao's judgments."

"In the end, did any of us guess right?"

"Let's cut the shot? Back to the cabin!"

The six guests in the screen began to send text messages.

Some are tangled, some are fast.

Soon everyone also received a text message, and their brains shook. They checked it separately.

[Sure enough, it's the same as what I guessed? Xiao Yiyi only received one message, which Zhuang Zhuo couldn't have sent her, it was sent by Cheng Xiangyu! Wait a minute... Why didn't Gao Yueru receive the news! Come on, Zhuang Zhuo! ! 】

[Mom, why did Cheng Xiangyu receive no news, Xiao Yiyi, what are you doing? Did you make a mistake? ! SMS bug! 】

[I go, how many times did GIGI read the information? ? three times? ? ? Xiao Yiyi bowed his head just now? Didn't he receive a text message? 】

In a burst of suffocation and amazement.

Shots? Back in the studio.

The big picture cuts to Liu Qingqing's smiling red lips, her watery eyes shining brightly, and a close-up of her confidence.

【mom! Is this prosperous world as the Queen expected? 】

[Fuck f*ck, GIGI received three text messages, both Cheng Xiangyu and Zhuang Zhuo sent them to her! Just as she expected! 】

【Is it a script! 】

"Miss Liu, how did you... guess?"

Zhang Zhida couldn't help but ask.

Liu Qingqing blinked and thought for a while.

Answer in a language that doesn't hurt them as much as possible.

"It was observed."

Zhang Zhida: "…"

A man chuckled in the observation room.

As soon as the camera turned, Lu Dingjiao clenched his fist and pressed it against his lips, the corners of his mouth rose, and the end of his cold eyes were stained with a smile.

"Happy cooperation, Miss Liu."

"Thank you for your trust, Marshal Lu."

【! ! 】

【Is this all right?? ! 】

【Get married! 】

【I don't believe it! Can this be observed! 】

[Fuck, the chemical reaction of these two! The same frame is the climax! 】

The barrage is crazy.

Zhang Zhida is going crazy too.

Finally, Liu Qingqing was willing to explain in detail, "Actually, I knew Zhuang Zhuo and Xiao Yiyi when I was shooting a movie before, and I also had a relationship with Miss Gao, and I worked with a photographer twice."

【! 】

【What kind of network is this! 】

[Queen: I have mastered the password. 】

[Originally known. 】

"Zhuang Zhuo has the advantages of being a soldier. He takes good care of girls, or in other words, he takes good care of everyone."

Liu Qingqing smiled.

"He was very tangled. In the cabin, his eyes stayed on the two female guests repeatedly."

"Whoever votes for will hurt the other. His hesitation is written on his face."

"So I guess, when he didn't clearly like someone on the first day, he would send a message to GIGI, no one would hurt, or to Xiao Yiyi who had a movie shooting cooperation."

【! 】

【It turned out to be this idea! 】

【It makes sense. 】

"The photographer Cheng is very gentleman, but his actions have a strong sense of boundaries. If it is not for the program requirements, he has no willingness to take the initiative to contact the female guests."

"On the sofa, he chose to sit in the corner."

"His eyes don't stay on anyone, and there is a strong feeling of 'don't choose me, I don't want to choose you'."

"So, I guess, he will vote for GIGI. Because the other two female guests are real girls, they may have mood swings when they receive his text messages, this is a person with a high sense of boundaries like him, and he is not willing to meet correct."

Liu Qingqing explained carefully.

The scene in the observation room immediately replayed the body language of Cheng Xiang Yu this whole day.

【Ah, sure enough! 】

[Then? Why did he come to this show? ? ? 】

Soon after a personal interview with the hut, Cheng Xiang Yu looked at the camera aggressively and sharply.

"I'm here for a female guest."

He looked at the camera?.

Eyes like torches.

【? ? 】

[Then? Why don't you text the female guests? 】

【Fuck it is not! He wasn't talking about the cabin! You look at his eyes, he is looking at the camera? Outside, he is talking about the female guests outside the hut! 】

【Outside the hut? Come on, it's not my queen! ? 】

【Mom! 】

The screen cuts back to the studio in a second.

Liu Qingqing's face was astonished, and she was very surprised.

And Lu Dingzhen looked at Cheng Xiangyu on the screen and frowned.

[Woc, what a big picture of the century! 】

[Two males and one female... The show team is playing a lot! 】

The author has something to say: Lu Xingxing: The villain has appeared.

See you tomorrow~

Read Chaplain!