MTL - I Copy Under One Punch-Chapter 16 Fight against hungry wolves (for collection)

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  Chapter 16 Fighting the Hungry Wolf (for collection)

   "Have you heard? Brother Hungry Wolf is going to practice against Brother Aomori again."

   "Really? Go for a walk, go to the theater."

  The disciples who heard the news formed a large circle, Hungry Wolf and Aomori stood facing each other, looking at each other, and they both saw each other's firmness.

   Don't want to lose!

"Ahem, you have to watch carefully, don't just watch the excitement, I will let you replay this battle later." Banggu first warned the disciples who were watching, and then said to Hungry Wolf and Aomori: "The key point is to find your own flaws in the battle, and winning or losing is only secondary. In addition, the point is the end."

  The first sentence is mainly for Aomori, and the latter sentence is mainly for Hungry Wolf.

   "Mr. Banggu, I will make good use of this opportunity."

   "Don't worry, old man, I will teach him well."

  Bang Gu glanced around, nodded and said: "Then, the battle begins!"

   Hungry wolf and Aomori put on the same posture, confronted each other for a few seconds, and Hungry wolf attacked first.

  He jumped in front of Aomori like a wolf, turned his fist into a wolf kiss, and bit straight at Aomori's neck, Aomori also punched, bent like a crane, and pecked at the wolf's waist.

  The hungry wolf frowned, the wolf kissed and turned to chase the crane, and Aomori also turned to confront the enemy.

  In just a short moment, the two confronted each other many times, but they all returned without success.

   Hungry Wolf, who has fought against Aomori many times, of course knew that this was beyond him, snorted, and joined the fight with the other hand, attacking fiercely with both hands, fist shadows appearing from various tricky angles.

   "It's appeared! It's Flowing Rock Breaking Fist!" A disciple shouted.

  Aomori before, without exception, was defeated by Hungry Wolf's Liushuiyanshatter fist.

   But today is different.

  'I can see it! ’ Aomori took a deep breath, and also used Liushuiyanshaken Fist, and used the unloading technique to defuse the attacks of the hungry wolf one by one.

  The onlookers were stunned.

   "So fast! So strong!"

   "Brother Hungry Wolf is worthy of being a big brother, I can't stop such an attack."

   "Brother Aomori is not bad, he can block all the attacks."

   "Hey, I remember that Brother Aomori has only been here for less than three months, and Brother Hungry has been practicing for several years."

   "Senior Brother Aomori may be a rare martial arts prodigy, it seems that he will soon surpass Senior Brother Hungry Wolf."

   "Idiot, don't say it, you will be killed..."

  Banggu nodded lightly with his hands behind his back. Aomori's progress was beyond his expectation. In more than two months, he has grown from a newcomer with no foundation to the current one. It seems that he is another peerless genius.

  ‘By God’s favor, let me, an old man, meet two geniuses. In this way, my martial arts mantle should be passed on in its entirety. If only they could live in harmony. '

  Hungry Wolf's hostility towards Aomori is obvious, and Banggu agrees to fight between the two because he wants to let Hungry Wolf understand Aomori through this method.

   As for whether something will happen? Banggu said that nothing would happen if he was present.

'asshole! ’ Hungry Wolf also didn’t expect that Aomori’s progress was so great that he could block all his attacks, ‘and, what’s the matter with this guy’s strength? '

  Every time the fists and feet meet, the force from the opposite side makes his hands numb. It is obvious that he was just a big punching bag in the last fight.

  The comments from the onlookers made Hungry Wolf even more irritable and resentful. He kicked Aomori away with a whip, his hanging arms trembling slightly.

   "It's interesting, it's so interesting, that's what makes it interesting." Hungry Wolf bowed his body, his expression became even more terrifying, "I'm going to get serious, don't die, Junior Brother Aomori."

   "Then I'll use all my strength." Sensing the danger, Aomori quickly adjusted his breathing rhythm, opened the breath of thunder, and the electric light visible to the naked eye surrounded his body.

   This is the first time Aomori has used Thunder Breath in Liushuiyan Shattering Fist Dojo.

'what is that? electricity? superpower? ’ The hungry wolf was vigilant and stopped preparing to attack.

  Bang Gu was also taken aback: "That, could it be..."

  Someone in the crowd exclaimed in surprise: "It finally came out, Brother Aomori's signature lightning!"

   "What? That." Most people looked puzzled.

"Don't you know? Brother Aomori, like Teacher Banggu, always fights against evil monsters. He is a revered hero. He can not only control thunder, but also has angelic healing ability, so people call him 'Thunder' Angel'."


  ‘Evil weirdo? A revered hero? What a joke! ’ The hungry wolf who was accurately stepped on the thunder point shot angrily.

  Fighting against each other, this time it was Hungry Wolf who was at a disadvantage.

   "Senior Brother Aomori should have won this battle, I really didn't expect it."

  Others have similar views.

  However, the pressure on Aomori in the battle is getting bigger and bigger.

  ‘It’s faster. ’ The hungry wolf’s movements became faster and faster, and Aomori felt overwhelmed, ‘This guy seems to be completely unaffected by the paralysis effect of the electric light, and it really has a protagonist who is strong when he meets the strong. '

  Unloading, blocking, and attacking like flowing water, Hungry Wolf has brought into full play the skill of Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist to the extreme.

  If Bangu's skill value is 10, then Aomori's is only 3, and the current Hungry Wolf should be 5. The gap is obvious.

  ‘If this continues, we will lose. ’ Aomori gritted his teeth, threw off the hungry wolf, and concentrated all his strength on one blow.

  'All in one! The breath of thunder, the shape of a thunderbolt, a flash! '

   Use your body as your sword, your fist as your tip!

   "Damn it, don't underestimate me!" Hungry Wolf saw the power of this blow, roared, and also used all his strength to punch Aomori from the angle.

   When they collided, two hands were inserted between the two. It seemed to be a gentle grip, but it had unstoppable power, easily defusing the two's offensive.

   "Mr. Banggu."

   "Old man!"

  Banggu let go of his hands, put his back behind his back again, and said, "That's it, this match is a draw."

   "Okay." Aomori said decisively.

   "Tch!" Hungry Wolf was dissatisfied, but he knew it was impossible to fight again, so he acquiesced to the result.

   "You two, go to the rest room and apply the medicine first." Banggu said.

  Although the two didn't really hit each other, there were some bruises where the fists collided.

   "Actually, I know some healing methods, Brother Hungry Wolf, why don't I help you heal your wounds." In front of Bangu, Aomori didn't mind behaving better.

   "No need, this little injury is not a problem at all." Hungry Wolf said indifferently, and left on his own.

  He returned to his room, closed the door, his expression couldn't hold back, and he bandaged his hands and feet while baring his teeth.

   "Aomori, **** it! You can hide it from others but not from me. One day, I will tear off your hypocritical mask." Hungry Wolf's eyes were deep, "Huh, hero?"

   On the other side, Aomori followed Banggu back to the lounge.

   Seeing the healing technique Aomori used, Banggu exclaimed amazingly.

  After the treatment was completed, Banggu's expression became serious: "Aomori, when you fought against Hungry Wolf just now, you shouldn't be using superpowers, but breathing techniques, right?"

   "Breathing method?" Aomori said half-truthfully: "I don't know, I got the cultivation method by accident. Mr. Banggu, what is breathing method?"

"Breathing method is to use a special breathing method to inhale a large amount of oxygen in a short period of time to exert the human body's functions to the limit. But at the same time, it will also cause damage to the body. Your breathing method seems to be different from what I know. There are some slight differences, which are biased towards other aspects and weaken the strengthening of the body, and the harm caused is also relatively small." Bang Gu said.

  The breathing method in Ghost Slayer is weak. It should be because the body of the people in Ghost Slayer World is not strong enough. If you choose the breathing method of Mr. Banggu, your body will collapse as soon as you open it.

  It is the same as the pattern in the later period.

"Ahem, that." Banggu was a little embarrassed, "As a martial artist, I always have some curiosity about different martial arts. I wonder if you, Aomori, would like to show me your breathing method? Of course, as In return, I will pass on my lifelong martial arts experience to you."

In fact, Banggu's body is too strong, and he has a strong control over his body. It is easy to stop bleeding and set bones. The ghost-killing breathing method has little effect on him, or he has already entered the "Complete Concentration-Changzhong" The realm - this realm Aomori has not fully grasped.

  The breathing method of killing ghosts can only inspire him.

  So Bangu had already planned to accept Aomori as a true disciple and impart his lifelong martial arts experience to Aomori, but he just took this opportunity to propose it.

   "Of course." Banggu is indeed a first-class good teacher, and Aomori, who knows his character well, agreed without hesitation.

   "Hahahaha, good, good." Banggu laughed heartily.

  After that, the two had a deeper discussion on the two aspects of breathing method and flowing water and rock breaking fist.

   Ah, the battle description is hard work, I can't always write that feeling.



  (end of this chapter)