MTL - I Copy Under One Punch-Chapter 288 trap and reach

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  Chapter 288 Trap and Arrival

  In the sky above the island of gods, fierce battles continue.

  Enel, who chose close combat, relied on his excellent knowledge and domineering, and suppressed Ace and Luffy with one hit and two.

  Splitting the empty seat regardless of whether it is the enemy or the enemy and launching the [destroying light] also helped Enel, making the two of Ace too busy to take care of it.

  ‘The fire player is indeed a natural ability user like me, and normal attacks are ineffective against him, which is really troublesome. That being the case, let's get rid of the kid wearing the straw hat first. ’ Enel was full of jealousy towards Ace, and attacked Luffy fiercely during the battle, and the golden rod that was heated by electric energy made Luffy scream all the time.

  However, with the passage of time, the two seemed to have adapted to the rhythm of Anel, and cooperated with each other tacitly, but suppressed Anel again.

  Ace's armed domineering and Luffy's rubber can both cause effective damage to Enilo, but the damage he caused to the two of them was negligible. Such an "unfair" battle made Enilo feel reluctant to retreat.

   "You two who are playing with fire and wearing straw hats, wait for me, I will come back!" After throwing this sentence, Enilu turned into a thunder and disappeared into the air.

   "Bastard, don't run away, come and fight me for another 300 rounds!" Luffy jumped up and down angrily.

   "Calling himself a **** but fleeing in battle is a shame." Ace also looked down on such people.

  Nami and the others below didn’t think so much. Being able to repel the gods is already something worthy of celebration, so don’t expect too much.

  Looking at Luffy who still looked unhappy, Ace comforted: "Don't worry, we'll go to his lair to stop him, if you don't believe he will run away."


  Back to the ground, Ace looked around, but did not see Aomori, and asked strangely: "Where are the others?"

   "Go to God's lair to stop him." Robin said with a smile.

   "Ah, **** it, why didn't you take us with you?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes wildly, looked up at the empty seat in the sky, and shouted: "Hey, can you take us there?"

  Kongzao flew away without even raising his eyelids.

   "." Luffy said angrily, "Can you eat it?"


   "No way, we will set off to find them after dawn. Everyone is tired, let's take a rest first."

"It can only be the."

   "Damn, hate, hate!"

   Eneru, who was forced to shift tactics, felt that his dignity had a black spot, and the only way to wash away this black spot was to kill everyone who witnessed this scene!

  He returned to the bedroom where he lived, and turned the two magic soldiers into coke, and his mood barely calmed down.

  “Whoever plays with fire must be restrained with water, and whoever wears a straw hat should seal him in gold and let him suffocate to death!”

   "Not a bad way." Aomori said clapping his hands in front of him.

   Enel narrowed his eyes, stared at Aomori who suddenly appeared, and said, "Are you one of the group of people just now? How dare you come to me alone?"

   "I heard that you can read minds, so why don't you see what I'm thinking?"

   "You let me watch it, don't I lose face?" Even though he said so, Enil still subconsciously used [Heart Net].

'Blank? what happened? ’ Enilu was surprised in his heart, but he didn’t show it on the surface, ‘Fortunately, he didn’t promise him, otherwise he would lose face again. '

  Aomori felt a strange spiritual force mixed with a weak current wanting to penetrate into his body, but was blocked by his spiritual force.

  He was relieved, and told Enilo his purpose of coming: "Fight me, unfortunately, I am also the one who uses the power of thunder and lightning."

  Surging thunder-type energy gushed out of his body, surrounded Aomori's side, illuminating Enilu's slightly astonished face.

   "You also use thunder?"

  After being surprised, there was deep contempt, and Enilo said disdainfully: "I don't know where you got the low-level stuff, but my power of thunder and lightning is the strongest existence!"

   "Really? Who was beaten and fled by the rubber man just now?"

   "Bastard! Go to hell!"

  Einil couldn't help but move, he casually summoned a Thunder Beast, roaring and biting towards Aomori.

   Aomori smiled and spread his hands, allowing the Thunder Beast to pounce on him.

  Under Enilo's shocked eyes, the Thunder Beast turned into a thunderbolt and was absorbed into Aomori's body.

   "Why, my Raiden will?!"

  ‘Heh, Lei Family and LV7 are not made up. ’ Ordinary thunder can’t do anything to Aomori, but will instead become his supply.

   "So, what are you going to do next, Enel?"

   "Naturally tear you to pieces!"


  A pitch-black thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and countless thunderbolts fell towards the palace, razing it to the ground.

   Since then, the roar of thunder has never stopped.

the next day.

  When the sky just dawned, Luffy woke up energetically and woke everyone up.

  After breakfast, they set off for the temple in the center of the Island of Gods.

  Pass five levels and kill six generals. With such a luxurious lineup, the priests suffered a crushing defeat.

   On the way, Robin also saw a piece of historical text, and happily took the above information into his mind.

  At the same time, they ran into the aborigines of this island of gods.

  Faced with great strength, the leader of the war ghost Weber had no choice but to join them with his men, forming a large force.

  After this simple episode, they came to the temple soon.

  However, what appeared in front of them was a ruin and Aomori with a smile on his face.

   "Uncle Aomori, where's the big-eared boy?" Lu Fei looked around and asked excitedly.

   "He, after being defeated by me, drove his spaceship to the infinite land." Aomori replied.

   "What?! He ran away again?!" Luffy suddenly fell to the ground in frustration.

   "He was defeated by you?" Ace didn't doubt the authenticity of the news, but wondered why Aomori didn't arrest Enilu like he did with them.

  Aomori originally wanted to keep him, but he didn't expect Enilo to be so decisive. After knowing that he would lose, he immediately drove the ark to the sky.

   Under desperate defense, Aomori didn't have the ability to beat him unconscious in a short time, so he let him go.

   There is no need to waste time on him,

   After all, he is not an important role.

  Moreover, Aomori's goal has also been mostly completed. Under the bombardment of Enilo's thunderbolt, his thunder affinity has been inexplicably raised to LV8, and his ability to manipulate thunder and lightning has been further strengthened.

  He seems to have the illusion that he is Thunder, but there is still a layer of membrane.

  Pierce this membrane, and he will be able to master elementalization and become a thunder fruit capable user who is not afraid of sea water.

  The cruel Enel was expelled from the sky island, and Gamfur regained his throne.

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Luffy rang the golden bell that was intercepted by Aomori.

  The clear bells resounded throughout the world, bringing long-lost peace to Sky Island.

  After a two-day grand banquet, it was time for them to say goodbye.

   "Luffy, the next time we meet, I'm afraid we will become rivals. You need to work harder." Ace said.

   "Well, I will, I am the man who will become the One Piece!" Luffy grinned.

  "One Piece" Crocodile narrowed his eyes.

   "One Piece, you really dare to say it." Aokiji's face was expressionless.

   "Come on, I think you can do it too." After encouraging Luffy, Aomori said, "Let Rikakuza take you along."

   "Mr. Aomori, thank you very much!" Nami was worried about how to return to the sea, and she was overjoyed.

  Waving goodbye to Luffy and others, after watching the Golden Meri sink into the sea of ​​clouds under the support of the Rift Seat, Aomori said to his friends: "We should go back too."

   After spending half a day, Aomori and others returned to the Chambord Islands.

  However, when he was about to fall into the island, Aomori stopped.

  'Admiral Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters, Admiral Kizaru, Admiral Akainu, and many lieutenant generals, such a luxurious lineup, could it be that they are here to block me? '

  Under the detection of [Mind Eyes], what he saw made Aomori secretly speechless.

  ‘It doesn’t make sense, I don’t seem to have done anything out of the ordinary. '

   Aomori frowned, unable to think of a reason why he would be targeted.

   It would be great if Absol was here, and I could use [Future Foretelling] to see what the consequences would be.

   "What's wrong?" Robin asked.

   "It's okay, let's not go from below, let's go directly to the red earth continent from high altitude."

   Now a big fight is not in line with his plan, and there is a hint of weirdness in this matter, which makes Aomori treat it with caution, and he decides to be on the safe side.

   "Tch, capricious guy." Ace said dissatisfiedly after being put on Shanghai Loushi again.

  However, his protest had no effect at all. The crowd returned to an altitude of 10,000 meters and successfully crossed the Red Earth Continent from above.

  After leaving the Red Earth Continent, Aomori took other people down to the sea, and temporarily requisitioned a pirate ship that was related to them.

   Aomori glanced at the Red Earth Continent in the shadows, turned around and said, "Let's go and find Whitebeard."

  Chambord Islands, next to island 43.

  The blood flag of Aomori has been coated and is quietly docked on the shore.

  In the cabin, the current Admiral of the Navy Headquarters "Buddhist Sengoku" and generals Akainu and Kizaru sat on chairs, with their legs raised, motionless.

  Suddenly, the phone bug in Zhan Guo's hand rang, and he calmly picked up the receiver.

   "Warring States, the operation failed, please come back."

   "The operation failed?" Sengoku frowned, "We haven't even seen the shadow of the enemy yet."

   "Your whereabouts have been exposed. The enemy has excellent detection skills. The next operation needs to be considered in the long run."

"All right."

   After hanging up the phone, Sengoku stood up slowly.

  'Suddenly called us to deploy all our combat power, and then suddenly asked us to withdraw, these five old stars are really.' Zhan Guo said with a straight face, "The mission is aborted, let's go back to the headquarters."

   "Kizaru, call Karp back."

   "Okay." Huang Yuan nodded, turned into a beam of light, and dissipated in the cabin in the blink of an eye.

   "Marshal, don't you arrest Pluto Rayleigh?" Akainu asked.

   "No need, that old man has been eliminated by the times, and there is no need to entangle him." Warring States said: "Besides, fighting here will destroy the Chambord Islands."

  Akaken nodded sullenly and said, "Okay."

  In the extortion bar, Karp and Rayleigh were having a face-to-face conversation. One drank and the other drank tea. They had a very happy conversation.

   "You old bastard, you have fallen to this point now."

   "I'm not going to be a pirate anymore, I have to make money. One coating can make me drink wine for a week."

   "Hahahaha, why don't you follow me back to the Naval Headquarters as an instructor, and the Warring States Period will definitely give you a lot of money."

   "No need, save your money for yourself, you won't spend a few years at your age."


  The two old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time greeted each other in a mocking tone. After a verbal battle, the shameless Garp was slightly better.

   "Garp, do you know Fire Fist Ace?" Raleigh asked, shaking his glass.

   "Ace? He's my grandson."

   "Sure enough." Lei Li said in the tone he expected: "Ace has been here before, and I know his true identity."

   "Oh, is that right? Hahahaha, is that brat okay? After going to sea two years ago, he didn't know how to go home, really." Garp's expression didn't change much.

   "For whatever reason, thank you, Cap."

   "What is there to thank, Ace is my grandson." Garp said loudly.

   "Oh, you still haven't changed."

   At this time, Kizaru suddenly appeared and told Garp about his return.

   "The mission failed, it seems that the guy who met you is very powerful." Garp laughed and stood up.

   "Well, he is the most outstanding young man I have ever seen. I am afraid that the next era will be opened by him. It is an unstoppable wave of young people." Raleigh said pointedly.

   "Then I really look forward to meeting him."

   Garp left the bar with Kizaru, leaving Rayleigh drinking alone.

  "In the face of the new era, we old people have no chance to appear on the stage."

  Relying on the permanent pointer carried by Ace, Aomori and others took a boat and headed quickly towards the place where Whitebeard was.

  After more than ten days, they finally saw the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Moby Dick, and at the same time found a huge ship sailing towards the Moby Dick just like them.

   "The pirate logo is the red-haired pirates!" Aokiji, who was no stranger to them, immediately told the origin of the ship.

   "Red-haired Shanks? A great pirate who is also ranked among the Four Emperors with Whitebeard." Crocodile clenched his fists involuntarily.

   "The meeting of the two emperors? What are they talking about? It can't be an alliance." Out of the professional habits of the navy, Aokiji couldn't help evaluating the impact that the meeting of the two would have on the world.

   "Is this also within your calculations?" Ace recalled that Aomori suddenly chose to quickly cross the red soil continent from above, maybe it was to catch up with this scene.

   Aomori didn't know what Ace was thinking, and he was also surprised by the appearance of the red hair: "What a coincidence? I thought it would take a few days to see the red hair. But that's fine, let's deal with it together."

   Save him from having to waste time looking for it.

  As one of the four emperors, the decision of the red-haired Shanks also affects Aomori's subsequent plans, although it does not play a decisive role.

   "Let's go, Ace, I'll take you to see your father." Aomori waved his hand and steered the boat towards the two "sea emperors" without any timidity.

  (end of this chapter)