MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 12 Mr. Shen is allergic to alcohol

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  Chapter 12 Mr. Shen is allergic to alcohol

  Among the four people in the dormitory, Nan Ge is the youngest.

  Everyone knows her temperament best, a typical silly one. On weekdays, everyone treats her like a little sister.

  That's why Su Hui was worried that she would be cheated when she went out.

  Under Su Hui's serial bombing, Nan Ge struggled to find a gap, and interjected: "Actually, that person isn't old and bald, he's still pretty good..."

  Let's not talk about anything else, Shen Yanqing's figure is still very good at fighting.

   Inverted triangle figure, typical broad shoulders and narrow waist. When she saw it in the rain for the first time, she swallowed hopelessly, and there was only one thought in her mind—to see if he had abs, and to touch hehehe.

  She also attended some entertainment circle dinner parties with her family before, and met many male stars of all kinds.

  Her evaluation: not as good as Shen Yanqing.

   "Eight years older than you, what kind of a good man can he be? He's almost three years old!"

  Su Hui only felt that Nan Ge was not clear-headed, this brat had no idea how sinister this society was!

  Nan Ge snorted, "You didn't say that last time."

   "What last time?"

   "Just when Shen Yanqing gave a lecture last time, you still praised him for being handsome."

   "Can it be the same?" Su Hui rolled her eyes, "As everyone knows, Shen Yanqing is Shen Yanqing, and the others are other people."

  Nan Ge: "..." There is actually someone with double standards than her.

   "Let's put it this way, if you go to deliver food to Shen Yanqing, I'm sure I won't fart."


   "There is no difference between throwing you to Shen Yanqing and handing you over to the police uncle."

  Su Hui concluded: "It's just as reliable."

  Nan Ge: "I don't know if he's reliable, but it's true that you are outrageous."

   "But having said that, I am indeed delivering food to Shen Yanqing."

   "Are you kidding me?" Su Hui didn't believe it, "I'll take Shen Yanqing as an example, why do you still take it seriously?"

   "The company has a cafeteria, how about some takeaway?"

  Nan Ge snapped his fingers, "Ge just likes a woman like you who doesn't cry when she sees the coffin."

   As she spoke, she took out the delivery receipt in her pocket, pointed to the address on it, and said word for word: "Come on, read 'Mr. Shen, President Office of Huasheng Group' together with the song."


   "Damn!" After realizing it, Su Hui exploded, "It's really Shen Yanqing?!"

   "Why did I lie to you?"

   "No, isn't it embarrassing to see him?"

   "It was a bit awkward at first, but...he's not bad."

  Su Hui knew there was a story between the two as soon as she heard it, "Tell me quickly!"

   "Hey, I went to review."

   "Don't go, Nan Ge!"


   For the next three days, Nan Ge showed up at the President's Office of Huasheng Group on time at noon every day.

  From the security guard to the front desk to the assistant secretary, everyone basically knows her. Moreover, Nan Ge has a good personality, and is also a small talker, so he gets along with everyone in a few words.

   "Nan Ge! You are finally here!"

   "Our group is waiting for food, and we are waiting for you!"

  As soon as she entered the CEO's office, a secretary came up to help her get a meal and greeted her warmly.

   "Nan Ge, would you like a cup of coffee?"

   "Okay, thank you Miao Miao sister!"

   "You're welcome." Secretary Miao Miao blinked at her and helped her make coffee.

   "Oh, what is this?" The others were unpacking the takeaway, looking at the extra drinks, a little puzzled, "Nan Ge, did we order this?"

  Hearing the sound, Nan Ge leaned over to take a look, and said, "This is a new product in our restaurant. The manager told me to bring it to you to try. Everyone has a share."

   "It's the fruit wine made by our restaurant itself. The degree is just a little bit, and it won't affect everyone's subsequent work."

   "Thank you, baby Nange!"

   "What are you talking about?" Special Assistant Yuan heard everyone's cheers when he came out of the office, and he walked over curiously.

  Seeing Nan Ge, he nodded slightly, "Good afternoon, Miss Nan Ge."

   "Good noon." Nan Ge picked up a meal and fruit wine, "This is the fruit wine made by our restaurant, Yuan Tezhu, remember to try it."

   "I'll go deliver food to Mr. Shen first."

   "Oh yes... eh, that's not right!" Yuan Tezhu subconsciously responded, but in the next second he turned his head quickly and stopped the person. "etc!"

   Nan Ge was puzzled and was forced to stop, "What's wrong?"

   "I'm sorry, Miss Nan Ge, give me this glass of fruit wine."

   Special Assistant Yuan took the cup from her hand, and under her puzzled eyes, he explained: "President Shen is allergic to alcohol, so he can't drink it."

   "..." Nan Ge froze in place.

  She glanced at the cup in Yuan Te's assistant, her big eyes fluttered a few times, as if she was remembering something.

   A few seconds later, her red lips twitched slightly, and she said, "But, in the bar that day, he drank."

   "Bar?" Yuan Tezhu responded very quickly, "Is it the OC bar that just opened not long ago?"

   "Yes. I bought him a drink, and he drank half of it."

   Special Assistant Yuan's eyes widened, and finally found the culprit:

   "So you made Mr. Shen drink it!"

  Facing his shocked eyes, Nan Ge took a step back subconsciously, swallowing nervously, "He, he's really allergic..."

  At this moment, Nan Ge almost knelt down to Tezhu Yuan and shouted, "Your Excellency, you are wronged!"


   After Yuan Tezhu nodded, he realized that he seemed to have frightened Nan Ge, and quickly explained:

   "I didn't mean to blame you, you must be ignorant of this matter."

   "I'm just a little too surprised, because Mr. Shen usually doesn't touch alcohol when socializing because of his allergies."

  Even if the opponent is an extremely difficult person, Shen Yanqing can handle it with ease, and will still insist on not touching alcohol.

  After the car accident that day, the driver rushed over and took Shen Yanqing to the bar first. Leave him at the scene to deal with the follow-up.

  So when he arrived, Shen Yanqing was about to leave.

  The only variable in the middle is to ask him to help deliver the little floral umbrella.

  He knew that Shen Yanqing was going to have a face-to-face meeting, and he didn't know how to drink or stay for a long time.

  So it didn't take long before the other party came out.

  But as soon as he got in the car, Shen Yanqing said he was going to the hospital.

  It was only when he arrived at the hospital that he discovered that his skin had begun to become red and swollen, a typical symptom of alcohol allergy.

  He also asked at the time, why did he drink alcohol?

  Shen Yanqing shook his head and didn't say much.

  Although he was curious, he didn't dare to continue asking.

  Now, the mystery is finally revealed—

  In the office, Shen Yanqing waited left and right, checking the time from time to time.

   Seeing that Nan Ge hadn't come yet, he was a little worried, afraid that something might happen to her on the way.

   "Nan Ge?"

  As soon as he opened the door, Shen Yanqing saw his long-awaited figure.

  The little girl turned her back to him.

  I don't know why, but it's just this back view, but he can feel that Nan Ge is not particularly happy now—

  (end of this chapter)

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