MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 247 used to him

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  At the end of June and the beginning of July, Nan Ge experienced two major events in his life.

  One is undergraduate graduation, and the other is certificate registration.

  The night before receiving the certificate, Nan Ge went out to drink with his roommates and Lao Yu.

  Old Yu is especially good at adjusting the atmosphere. Under the banner of helping her "say goodbye to being single", he spent two million yuan from Nan Zhe just for drinking in one night.

  Because there was business to do early the next morning, Nan Ge was picked up by Shen Yanqing after not playing for too long.

  By the way, Fang Yuanyuan and Cheng Xia were also sent back.

  As for Su Hui, with Lao Yu around, Nan Ge wasn't too worried about her.

  No matter how blind she is, she can tell when she is playing that Lao Yu's eyes are almost glued to Su Hui.

   Nan Ge was still conscious after drinking until he was slightly tipsy.

  But her body is limp now, and she can only let the other party pinch and round herself.

   After being served by Shen Yanqing, she took a simple bath, then was put on pajamas and thrown into the quilt, wrapped into a caterpillar.

   "You go to bed first, I'll take a shower." After helping her tidy up, Shen Yanqing was free to wash up.

  Nan Ge let out a cry, and obediently closed his eyes.

  After hearing the sound of footsteps going away, she quietly opened one eye to make sure that the person was really gone, so she turned over and sat up.

When Shen Yanqing left, she thoughtfully turned off the ceiling lamp, leaving a warm yellow night light in the shape of a bear, which was found by Nan Ge when she was shopping in the capital. Such a cute object is a bit different from this simple bedroom. Neither match.

   Looking around, the bedroom now seems to be completely different from what she first saw.

  The cold atmosphere seems to have a little more life. There are traces of her everywhere.

  For example, she likes the small light gray sofa in the master bedroom very much. Every time she doesn't go to the study, she just likes to lie here and read a book, so she bought a floral blanket to put it on.

   And a few unpacked packets of candy on the bedside table.

  When Shen Yanqing came out, he immediately noticed Nan Ge who was sitting on the bed in a daze.

   "Are you still sleepy?" He put the towel aside, walked to the bed and turned on the night light.

  As the lights changed, Nan Ge's eyes became clearer, she nodded, "I don't want to sleep at all."

  At this time, she didn't feel sleepy at all.

  Usually, after drinking alcohol and reaching a slightly drunk state, the brain stops functioning, and I just want to plunge into the quilt and sleep until the sky is dark. But tonight, her brain was wildly excited.

  If she didn't know that there was business tomorrow, she wouldn't be back tonight.

  The atmosphere has been set in place, how can she sleep in it.

  Thinking that Shen Yanqing was about to start coaxing her to sleep, who knew that the other party sat on the side of the bed and laughed lightly, with a rather emotional tone: "Actually, I am too."

   "..." Nan Ge looked surprised, "Isn't your schedule very regular?"

  He didn't drink alcohol or attend parties, so he couldn't be excited, right?

   "Thinking about what to do tomorrow, I'm really excited and nervous, and a little..." Shen Yanqing pursed her lips, thought for a while, and found a suitable word: "Uneasy?"

  As soon as he said this, Nan Ge couldn't hold back, and let out a loud "ah".

   "Accurately speaking, today is almost the same state."

  From the past two days, he watched the days in his schedule getting closer and closer, with mixed emotions.

  Especially today, when I was working, I was lost in thought several times.

  During the meeting, he didn't listen to the content for a while. After the whole process, Special Assistant Yuan couldn't count how many times he called him.

  He rarely brings personal feelings into work, and rarely disrupts the rhythm of work because of personal affairs.

  Such a state made many people in the company puzzled.

   Someone even dared to ask him in the middle of the meeting: "Shen, Mr. Shen, are you feeling unwell today? Otherwise, the meeting will be suspended and you should take a rest first?"

   Some people, including the president's office, noticed that he was absent-minded today and cared about him frequently.

  He was not angry either, and replied with a smile: "Sorry, I'm in a trance again."

  He freely admitted that he was not serious about his work, which made everyone even more confused, "Mr. Shen, is there something urgent today? Or is it about the company..."

   Everyone couldn't help but wonder, is it possible that Huasheng is going to go bankrupt? ? ?

  Amid all the questions, he still looked calm: "It has nothing to do with work."

   After a short pause, he coughed lightly, "Don't worry, everyone. It's just that I'm going to register for marriage with my fiancee tomorrow, and I'm just a little nervous while looking forward to it."

   As if really guilty, "Sorry, I almost forgot, none of you have had such an experience, so you probably can't understand my mood."

   A crowd of singles: "..." How presumptuous are you.

  So just like that, the news that he was going to get the certificate tomorrow quickly spread throughout Huasheng, including the capital branch and overseas branches.

  After listening to his words, Nan Ge suddenly realized, "I said why did my uncle suddenly ask me about obtaining the certificate in the evening. I haven't talked to him about the day, so it was you who spread the word."

  However, the news spread too fast, right?

   Closer to home, Nan Ge sized him up carefully, but still couldn't believe that someone like Shen Yanqing would be distracted while working.

  She has been following him during this period of time, before and after the saddle, but she has seen his working state up close.

   On second thought, it was true. Shen Yanqing had never been married before, so it was normal to be nervous.

  Thinking of this, she hurriedly explained: "I'm not nervous. I'm just purely excited."

  She is about to have a graduation certificate and a marriage certificate in one hand, and the more she thinks about it, the more exciting she becomes.

"Before I was here, I never thought that I would get married so early... If I met my former self, I would definitely be asked if I had lost my mind. But—" Her voice faltered, and she tilted her head toward the He looked over, glanced across his brows and eyes, and finally his heart skipped a beat, "If it's with you, it won't be a loss."

   This night, the two of them did nothing and talked for a long time. Basically, it was Nan Ge who was saying that she was a small talker, and she couldn't stop her chatterbox after opening it. Shen Yanqing couldn't get in the conversation at all, so she had to agree.

  The two fell asleep near dawn, and the alarm clock rang after two hours of sleep.

  Shen Yanqing got up first and turned off the alarm clock. He was not in a hurry to wake Nan Ge up, and helped her tuck in the quilt and left the master bedroom lightly.

  In the study, he sat alone at the table in silk pajamas, repeatedly sorting out the documents and photos to be used later.

   When the two of them were taking wedding photos, they took a photo with a red background by the way.

  Nan Ge said that shooting outside is better.

  He doesn't understand this, she does whatever she says, and it's all according to her mind.

   In the photo, the two are standing side by side.

  He remembered that when this photo was taken, Nan Ge was not wearing high heels, and the height difference between the two was obvious. She said it was not good-looking, and she whimpered that she didn't want to take the photo.

  Nan Zhe was present at the time, saying that she did it, and that he was used to it.

  But he didn't think so, and while protecting her, he asked Special Assistant Yuan and the staff to find something for her to step on.

  In the end, fortunately, he stopped Nan Ge from stepping on a small bench, otherwise, he would have been shorter than her in the whole film.

  【The author's words: Do you have any content you want to see outside the fan? Let me see if there is anything outside of my plan. You can write together】

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